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DNA Solves
Your rebuttals for the Ramseys not being guilty are not based on fact but rather speculations.

Facts are that JonBenet was both chronically and acutely molested. She died. She had a ligature around her neck with the tell-tale penpoint heamorrages associated with asphyxiation.

Her genitals were not the way they were via innocent means. Her hymen was virtually gone. Her genital opening was twice the size of normal little 6 years old girls.She had scarring. Whether people suspected anything before or not is irrelevant as she was abused. Simple as that.These unspecified people and their failure to recognise the abuse prior (depending how long it was going on for) does not mean she was not abused. Her body and the physical effects of abuse were self-explanatory.

Sadly, there isn't "many innocent explanations" for JonBenet's genital trauma.The truth is that a little innocent girl was taken advantage of and the person(s) who did it will be enjoying a life-sentence in hell if they are not already dead yet!

I personally think that we should try to uphold the truth whenever possible and if this case cannot be resolved in absolute terms via a conviction of the guilty party, the next best thing is to be truthful to the best of our ability -- that includes imo acknowledging that the little girl was abused.

You seem to want to dwell on the idea that some intruder did all this -- but no evidence implicates an intruder to this crime.

God bless the little JonBenet for she was a victim of a sick b*stard!

Nowhere have i EVER said the ramsays were Guilty or not Guilty, unlike you I dont see Any hard evidence for it. sorry.
You seem to take the Autopsy term "Chronic" and judge that this means something it doesnt, you cannot take one aspect of the case ie the fact that she had irritation of the Vaginal Vestibule and automaticallty say for DEIFINATE she was molested over a long period by one or other of the Ramsays. THAT is speculation.
If indeed as you believe JB was Molested prior to her Murder who is to say who it was? It could have been ANYONE.

Upholding the truth as you put it should be done in a non biased and Impartial way and only when there is HARD COLD EVIDENCE of guilt.

I have never stated i was CERTAIN an Intruder did this, i am not that arrogant i dont have all the facts, and neither do you by the way.

You state that NO evidence of an intruder was implicated. REALLY??????????
Maybe you can explain the DNA traces found NOT connected to any Ramsay family member, Dna is very subjective and i admit it may be cross contamination but untill we are sure this is FACT we must conclude that the possibility of an unknown party was present.
Also the as yet untraced wearer of the hi tech runner.
the broken window?
The suitcase under it?
All these are only possibilities, but nonetheless they ARE possibilities.
You state that NO evidence of an intruder was implicated. REALLY??????????
Maybe you can explain the DNA traces found NOT connected to any Ramsay family member,

not belonging to a Ramsey doesn't mean the owner has no connection to them

Dna is very subjective and i admit it may be cross contamination but untill we are sure this is FACT we must conclude that the possibility of an unknown party was present.

until we are sure this is FACT we can conclude ANYTHING,it's the other way around
until there is OTHER evidence of an intruder,that DNA can mean LOTS of OTHER things
Nowhere have i EVER said the ramsays were Guilty or not Guilty, unlike you I dont see Any hard evidence for it. sorry.
You seem to take the Autopsy term "Chronic" and judge that this means something it doesnt, you cannot take one aspect of the case ie the fact that she had irritation of the Vaginal Vestibule and automaticallty say for DEIFINATE she was molested over a long period by one or other of the Ramsays. THAT is speculation.
If indeed as you believe JB was Molested prior to her Murder who is to say who it was? It could have been ANYONE.

Upholding the truth as you put it should be done in a non biased and Impartial way and only when there is HARD COLD EVIDENCE of guilt.

I have never stated i was CERTAIN an Intruder did this, i am not that arrogant i dont have all the facts, and neither do you by the way.

You state that NO evidence of an intruder was implicated. REALLY??????????
Maybe you can explain the DNA traces found NOT connected to any Ramsay family member, Dna is very subjective and i admit it may be cross contamination but untill we are sure this is FACT we must conclude that the possibility of an unknown party was present.
Also the as yet untraced wearer of the hi tech runner.
the broken window?
The suitcase under it?
All these are only possibilities, but nonetheless they ARE possibilities.

Not me "taking" anything and misjudging it. It was coroners, pathologists and experts who agreed that the autopsy findings were indicative of chronic and acute sexual abuse.Chronic refers to injuries 48-72hours old. Acute injuries refer to new injuries.JonBenet had a virtually missing hymen, a vaginal opening twice the size of a normal 6 year old girl, scarring on the genitals, and bleeding aswell. Oh, and birefringent material was found there with clear molestation of her genitals in the 7 o'clock position.

Sorry, but I haven't invented anything. It's an objective fact JonBenet was both chronically and acutely molested.

If indeed as you believe JB was Molested prior to her Murder who is to say who it was? It could have been ANYONE.

You are trying to distort common sense here. The injuries that JonBenet sustained prior to death were in keeping with the chronic injuries i.e molestation of the 7 o'clock position.Trying to postulate that someone else did the chronic abuse and another did the acute abuse is not backed up by facts.There is NO EVIDENCE for an intruder. None. No sign of entry. No conclusive dna. No logic. Thus, the injuries which JonBneet sustained must have occurred by someone in the home since they happened prior to death (and no-one else broke in as no proof indicates such a thing thus no intruder did them). And since those acute injuries related to the chronic ones, we can assume with some certainty that it was the same person molesting. We can also rule out an intruder.

You state that NO evidence of an intruder was implicated. REALLY??????????
Maybe you can explain the DNA traces found NOT connected to any Ramsay family member

I'll gladly explain. The dna was not that of an intruder. Simple. Familiar with touch dna?-- people can carry other people's dna on their skin and thus leave traces of other people's dna.What if say Patsy had someone elses dna on her hands from the party she was at and then transferred that. Does that mean an intruder came in? Nope.

Have you ever wondered why none of the parents dna was on JonBneet's longjohns as they claimed to put them on Jonbenet? Weird that, huh.Why was their dna not on her clothing where it should have been? Was it because the longjohns were put on afterwards?

Guess what, when you buy clothes from a shop, there will be other people's dna on them. Yep, the people who manufactured them etc will have left their dna on your clothes. Thus, saying 'foreign' dna excludes the Ramseys as guilty is pure silliness.

Oh, and why was Patsy's red fibres from her top entangled within the duct tape again? Why were John's fibres from his shirt in JonBenet's brand new panties again which were for age 12s and were brand-new as in from a pack of underwear? Weird that.

Clearly, you want to promote the fairytale that an intruder did all the bad things to JonBenet. Although you claim you don't, your only line of questioning is related to dismissing facts pertaining to Ramsey guilt.
As far as JB being molested- that night or previously- NO, it couldn't have been
"anyone". For that to take place, it had to be "someone" with regular, private access to JB. Like a family member. Even close family friends do not have the kind of private access to other people's kids that is needed for repeated molestation to occur. Not at age 6. This was done by someone that little girl knew and trusted, and yes, loved.
not belonging to a Ramsey doesn't mean the owner has no connection to them

until we are sure this is FACT we can conclude ANYTHING,it's the other way around
until there is OTHER evidence of an intruder,that DNA can mean LOTS of OTHER things

Dear Dear:banghead::banghead:
not belonging to a Ramsey doesn't mean the owner has no connection to the


until we are sure this is FACT we can conclude ANYTHING,it's the other way around
until there is OTHER evidence of an intruder,that DNA can mean LOTS of OTHER things

So your point is you dont believe there is any chance of this murder having anything to do with anyone else exept the ramseys.
If this is such an obvious fact why hasnt there been any ARRESTS or PROSICUTIONS?

Why would BPD allow all your evidence to languish without making some sort of attempt to conclude this?:floorlaugh:
So your point is you dont believe there is any chance of this murder having anything to do with anyone else exept the ramseys.
If this is such an obvious fact why hasnt there been any ARRESTS or PROSICUTIONS?

Why would BPD allow all your evidence to languish without making some sort of attempt to conclude this?:floorlaugh:

So, because there was no arrest that means the Ramseys were innocent according to your logic. Well, until someone is convicted, people are certainly "innocent until PROVEN guilty" -- the key to that phrase is the "proven" part.

And I'm sure, what with you being a beacon of knowledge on this case, that you are aware that the Ramseys were more than protected. From the onset, they got lawyered up and the BDP were incompetent to say the least.These factors helped prevent a conviction.

Why was there no conviction? A multitude of reasons -- police incompetence, Ramsey defence lawyers yadda yadda yadda.

But since you think an intruder did this, when was this intruder arrested again tennison? Can't recall.Oh, that's right, an intruder has never been arrested because em, an intruder didn't do this crime.

Tennison, criminal convictions are not based on whatever story takes your fancy. You keep trying to push the intruder theory based upon speculations and not hard facts. It might make you feel better to have this case defined by an evil intruder but the facts do not corroborate such a position.

Deal in facts -- JonBenet was:
-killed via asphyxiation and a head-blow
-she was chronically and acutely molested (fact)
-She had a garrotte around her neck

JonBenet's injuries were not created by an intruder. Her acute molestation matched the chronic molestation meaning that the same person was engaged in the abuse. The nature of the abuse was that it wasn't meant to be found out -- JonBenet was never meant to die.Since no proof exists for an intruder but a plethora of proof exists for Ramsey guilt, we have to dismiss your intruder theory.
So your point is you dont believe there is any chance of this murder having anything to do with anyone else exept the ramseys.

dead wrong again.seems you have absolutely no clue whatsoever what my points are.
you really have to start paying more attention to what people are actually trying to say here.
So, because there was no arrest that means the Ramseys were innocent according to your logic.

But since you think an intruder did this, when was this intruder arrested again tennison? Can't recall.

So, because there was no arrest that means the Ramseys were innocent according to your logic. Well, until someone is convicted, people are certainly "innocent until PROVEN guilty" -- the key to that phrase is the "proven" part.

And I'm sure, what with you being a beacon of knowledge on this case, that you are aware that the Ramseys were more than protected. From the onset, they got lawyered up and the BDP were incompetent to say the least.These factors helped prevent a conviction.

Why was there no conviction? A multitude of reasons -- police incompetence, Ramsey defence lawyers yadda yadda yadda.

But since you think an intruder did this, when was this intruder arrested again tennison? Can't recall.Oh, that's right, an intruder has never been arrested because em, an intruder didn't do this crime.

Tennison, criminal convictions are not based on whatever story takes your fancy. You keep trying to push the intruder theory based upon speculations and not hard facts. It might make you feel better to have this case defined by an evil intruder but the facts do not corroborate such a position.

Deal in facts -- JonBenet was:
-killed via asphyxiation and a head-blow
-she was chronically and acutely molested (fact)
-She had a garrotte around her neck

JonBenet's injuries were not created by an intruder. Her acute molestation matched the chronic molestation meaning that the same person was engaged in the abuse. The nature of the abuse was that it wasn't meant to be found out -- JonBenet was never meant to die.Since no proof exists for an intruder but a plethora of proof exists for Ramsey guilt, we have to dismiss your intruder theory.

I am aware that many evil acts are perpetrated by loved ones so lets get that out of the way, i dont choose to believe in only strangers commit such crimes as these.

That said i also believe we MUST not rush to judgement, you take the fact that i dont agree with your positve certainty that the ramseys are quilty as a personal slight. its not.

You continue on about ramsys proven guilt, and while i see why you may have suspicion , you do NOT have proof of guilt.

And it is not FACT that jonbenet was molested by her parents, again to site the autopsy report, mayer was very ambivilent about it, why would that be?
dead wrong again.seems you have absolutely no clue whatsoever what my points are.
you really have to start paying more attention to what people are actually trying to say here.

so you admit that there are other possibilities then.?:great:
And it is not FACT that jonbenet was molested by her parents, again to site the autopsy report, mayer was very ambivilent about it, why would that be?

Meyer wasn't 'ambivalent' about anything. He is a coroner. His job is to record the EFFECTS primarily -- namely, what the body conditions are.That's what Meyer did -- recorded the state he found JonBenet's body in. At no point did he say that molestation was a lie. Indeed, the majority of people who have analysed his findings of the autopsy report have stated quite clearly that the findings indicate that JonBenet was both chronically and acutely molested. That's not speculation.

Have you actually read the autopsy? JonBenet's injuries could not have been accidental. They were deliberate injuries inflicted from a sick b*stard who was molesting her.

There's several options :
1. JonBenet was molested by an intruder who caused the acute injuries. This intruder, on a prior day also caused the chronic injuries.
2. JonBenet was molested by an intruder who caused the acute injuries but who did not cause the chronic ones.
3. A family member molested JonBenet causing both the chronic and acute injuries.
4.A family member molested JonBenet causing the chronic injuries but not the acute ones.

Apply occom's razor. There is no evidence for an intruder on the night of the 25th/26th. Thus, if no intruder was in the house, that means JonBenet's acute injuries could not have been caused by them. Thus, we can dismiss scenario 1 + 2. That leaves scenario's 3+4. Since we know that ONLY family members were in the house that night it means that it is probable that the injuries JonBenet sustained were caused by one of the people in the house. Since her injuries were related i.e the acute related to the chronic, we can also assume the same person did them.Thus, we can dismiss scenario 4.

That leaves scenario 3 -- the same person who caused the acute injuries also caused the chronic ones. Indeed, JonBenet was chronically and acutely abused.

When you can explain why a six year old girl has an eroded hymen, a vaginal opening twice the normal size, internal scarring, birefringent material in her genitals and clear signs of abuse in the 7 o'clock position -- whilst also explaining why fibres from her father's shirt were in her underwear, underwear applied AFTER she died, then your views will have some merit.
I see the fact that the ramseys have never been arrested means they must be guilty.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." : Arthur Conan Doyle

Since no proof exists for an intruder in any way, shape or form, then it is impossible that an intruder did the crime. No sign of entry, no conclusive dna. Nothing to implicate an intruder whatsoever.I'm sure you'll agree that if no evidence exists to support an intruder, it means that there was no intruder.

Thus, what remains is that on the night of the 25th/26th only family members were in the house. JohnBenet must have died due to one of them. Oh, and add in the FACT that evidence DOES IMPLICATE family members, then we are left wondering why people keep on postulating that some intruder did the crime. I guess the earth is still flat in their minds too..............

The duct tape which Patsy denied knowing about had her red fibres on it. John Ramsey's shirt fibres were in the underwear of JonBenet -- brand new underwear which actually wasn't even meant for Jonbenet but rather an age 12 girl. Weird that.
Meyer wasn't 'ambivalent' about anything. He is a coroner. His job is to record the EFFECTS primarily -- namely, what the body conditions are.That's what Meyer did -- recorded the state he found JonBenet's body in. At no point did he say that molestation was a lie. Indeed, the majority of people who have analysed his findings of the autopsy report have stated quite clearly that the findings indicate that JonBenet was both chronically and acutely molested. That's not speculation.

Have you actually read the autopsy? JonBenet's injuries could not have been accidental. They were deliberate injuries inflicted from a sick b*stard who was molesting her.

There's several options :
1. JonBenet was molested by an intruder who caused the acute injuries. This intruder, on a prior day also caused the chronic injuries.
2. JonBenet was molested by an intruder who caused the acute injuries but who did not cause the chronic ones.
3. A family member molested JonBenet causing both the chronic and acute injuries.
4.A family member molested JonBenet causing the chronic injuries but not the acute ones.

Apply occom's razor. There is no evidence for an intruder on the night of the 25th/26th. Thus, if no intruder was in the house, that means JonBenet's acute injuries could not have been caused by them. Thus, we can dismiss scenario 1 + 2. That leaves scenario's 3+4. Since we know that ONLY family members were in the house that night it means that it is probable that the injuries JonBenet sustained were caused by one of the people in the house. Since her injuries were related i.e the acute related to the chronic, we can also assume the same person did them.Thus, we can dismiss scenario 4.

That leaves scenario 3 -- the same person who caused the acute injuries also caused the chronic ones. Indeed, JonBenet was chronically and acutely abused.

When you can explain why a six year old girl has an eroded hymen, a vaginal opening twice the normal size, internal scarring, birefringent material in her genitals and clear signs of abuse in the 7 o'clock position -- whilst also explaining why fibres from her father's shirt were in her underwear, underwear applied AFTER she died, then your views will have some merit.

Again you talk about people analising mayers Autopsy, this is their opinion Not mayers, at no stage did mayers say in his opinion there was prolonged prior sexual abuse, certainly not any Autopsy I HAVE SEEN.

An ERODED HYMEN is not INDICITIVE OF SEXUAL ABUSE, it is merely one of several reasons, as stated before, please read : my previous post on this.

In regard to jb Vaginal size? where is your evidence for this, i see

the uterus are consistent with the prepubescent ages. The ovary is unremarkable

On the anterior aspect of the perineum, along the edges of closure of the labia majora, is a small amount of dried blood. A similar small amount of dried and semifluid blood is present on the skin of the fourchette and in the vestibule. Inside the vestibule of the vagina and along the distal vaginal wall is reddish hyperemia. This hyperemia is circumferential and perhaps more noticeable on the right side and posteriorly. The hyperemia also appears to extend just inside the vaginal orifice. A 1 cm red-purple area of abrasion is located on the right posterolateral area of the 1x1 cm hymenal orifice. The hymen itself is represented by a rim of mucosal tissue extending clockwise between the 2 and 10:00 positions. The area of abrasion is present at approximately the 7:00 position and appears to involve the hymen and distal right lateral vaginal wall and possibly the area anterior to the hymen. On the right labia majora is a very faint area of violet discoloration measuring approximately one inch by three-eighths of an inch. Incision into the underlying subcutaneous tissue discloses no hemorrhage. A minimal amount of semiliquid thin watery red fluid is present in the vaginal vault. No recent or remote anal or other perineal trauma is identified

Genitalia: The upper portions of the vaginal vault contain no abnormalities. The prepubescent uterus measures 3 x 1 x 0.8cm and is unremarkable. The cervial os contains no abnormalities. Both fallopian tubes and ovaries are prepubescent and unremarkable by gross examination.

Vaginal Mucosa: All of the sections contain vascular congestion and focal interstitial chronic inflammation. The smallest piece of tissue, from the 7:00 position of the vaginal wall/hymen, contains epithelial erosion with underlying capillary congestion. A small number of red blood cells is present on the eroded surface, as is birefringent foreign material. Acute inflammatory infiltrate is not seen

Now tell me where you see any positive actual evidence of Mayer suggesting Prior sexual abuse.

AS for fibre evidence, come on now you must know at least a little about fibre transfer, any fibres belonging to the ramseys had a perfectly legitimate reason for being on or around JB, she was in close contact with these people and there fibres were present everywhere as would yours in your house, or anybody's house you frequented.Where Found.
"a Caucasian "pubic or auxiliary" hair was found on the blanket covering JonBenet's body. (SMF P 179; PSMF P 179.) The hair does not match that of any Ramsey and has not been sourced. (SMF P 180; PSMF P 180.)" (Carnes 2003:22). Do you hear me saying HEY THEY FOUND A PUBIC HAIR UNMATCHED TO ANY RAMSEY?
No, because it is only a possibility, nothing is certain in this case, and unlike you i am not arrogant enough to believe this is a cut and dried case.
Again you talk about people analising mayers Autopsy, this is their opinion Not mayers, at no stage did mayers say in his opinion there was prolonged prior sexual abuse, certainly not any Autopsy I HAVE SEEN.

An ERODED HYMEN is not INDICITIVE OF SEXUAL ABUSE, it is merely one of several reasons, as stated before, please read : my previous post on this.

In regard to jb Vaginal size? where is your evidence for this, i see

Without being rude, but it is an objective fact that JonBenet's genital area was twice the size of a normal 6 yr old girl. Add in the eroded hymen, scarring, bleeding, birefringement material found, father's fibres in her underwear, clear molesting in the 7 o'clock position and it is manifestly obvious abuse was going on.

You are trying to take each of these things and either deny they happened or makes lame excuses for them.

Sorry, but on this issue, you are objectively wrong. An eroded hymen, when viewed within the totality of the evidence was the result of abuse. Not some 'innocent' thing as you are trying to state.

Oh, and 'random people' did not give little opinions regarding the autopsy. The people were world renowned experts in their field.

Meyer's job was to present the hard facts.These facts are then understood within the vicinity of the case.Meyer was a coroner -- not the man responsible for tying together the case and articulating who was guilty.

And Meyer DID NOT say there was no abuse.Nor is anyone claiming he said there was abuse thus your question asking people to say where he said that is a clear sign that you are not reading people's posts correctly. He presented facts in a clinical fashion as he was supposed to.Likewise, he didn't give a time of death either so by your logic, that means there was no death if we are to literally interpret that. Thought not.
AS for fibre evidence, come on now you must know at least a little about fibre transfer, any fibres belonging to the ramseys had a perfectly legitimate reason for being on or around JB, she was in close contact with these people and there fibres were present everywhere as would yours in your house, or anybody's house you frequented.Where Found.
"a Caucasian "pubic or auxiliary" hair was found on the blanket covering JonBenet's body. (SMF P 179; PSMF P 179.) The hair does not match that of any Ramsey and has not been sourced. (SMF P 180; PSMF P 180.)" (Carnes 2003:22). Do you hear me saying HEY THEY FOUND A PUBIC HAIR UNMATCHED TO ANY RAMSEY?
No, because it is only a possibility, nothing is certain in this case, and unlike you i am not arrogant enough to believe this is a cut and dried case.

You are talking complete nonsense here.

How does fibres from Patsy's red top get on the duct tape that was placed on JonBenet's mouth. Oh, and Patsy said she didn't know of such tape. So we're left with a case of tape displaying Paty's fibres from the clothes she was wearing the night JonBenet died but she is claiming she didn't know of such tape. Add in the fact that the tape was cut to fit on JonBenet's mouth meaning it was done when she was dead which in turn means the fibres were not on it from a prior time.

Why were John's fibres in JonBenet's underwear again? You know, the BRAND NEW, NEVER-WORN underwear NOT ACTUALLY meant for JonBenet which she was found in. How did John's fibres from his shirt get in there. Bear in mind, when he 'found' her, she had longjohns on and the underwear was under them thus he could not transfer them.To put simply -- the underwear JonBenet was found in was not her underwear. They were new. They were put on AFTER she died. How does John's fibres get into them? The underwear was out of a new pack thus how could 'innocent' fibre tranfser explain that? It can't!

nothing is certain in this case, and unlike you i am not arrogant enough to believe this is a cut and dried case

All I have done is state facts. That is not being arrogant. But what you have done is routinely deny facts and make-up speculative reasons for such findings. You have also tried to deny the objective fact that JonBenet was molested -- not based on fact, but rather through some assumption that all the MANY signs of abuse were all 'innocent' somehow even though they were, em, not............
Let me state again:

SOMETHING caused JB to bleed that night, from the vagina. Enough blood to require wiping down of the entire pubic area and thighs. This was noted by the coroner. There was also small amounts of blood in the vagina, as noted in the autopsy report. Blood does not belong in the vagina of a child that age. 6-year old girls do not menstruate. That blood came from penetration of some type, with enough force to cause this bleeding. NOT masturbation. NOT bubble baths. It was sexual assault. Period.
The erosion and healing bruises PROVE it had happened before that night.

Regardless of WHO, there definitely, absolutely was SOMEONE who did this to JB. And for it to occur more than once or at a previous time, it had to be someone she knew well enough to have had access to her privately.
This means it could not have been an intruder. If it wasn't a parent (and it is possible it wasn't) it was another family member. Patsy wrote the note, I am sure of it. To me, there is only one kind of person she would cover up for besides herself- another family member.
You are talking complete nonsense here.

How does fibres from Patsy's red top get on the duct tape that was placed on JonBenet's mouth. Oh, and Patsy said she didn't know of such tape. So we're left with a case of tape displaying Paty's fibres from the clothes she was wearing the night JonBenet died but she is claiming she didn't know of such tape. Add in the fact that the tape was cut to fit on JonBenet's mouth meaning it was done when she was dead which in turn means the fibres were not on it from a prior time.

How did John's fibres from his shirt get in there. Bear in mind, when he 'found' her, she had longjohns on and the underwear was under them thus he could not transfer them.To put simply -- the underwear JonBenet was found in was not her underwear. They were new. They were put on AFTER she died. How does John's fibres get into them? The underwear was out of a new pack thus how could 'innocent' fibre tranfser explain that? It can't!

All I have done is state facts. That is not being arrogant. But what you have done is routinely deny facts and make-up speculative reasons for such findings.
not based on fact, but rather through some assumption that all the MANY signs of abuse were all 'innocent' somehow even though they were, em, not............

Add in the fact that the tape was cut to fit on JonBenet's mouth meaning it was done when she was dead
THIS is utter speculation. The tape could have benn put on JB before she was dead, YOU DO NOT KNOW THESE "FACTS" for sure.

Why were John's fibres in JonBenet's underwear again? You know, the BRAND NEW, NEVER-WORN underwear NOT ACTUALLY meant for JonBenet which she was found in.

AGAIN your knowledge of fibre transfer is Acutely poor, Fibres can be carried on anything, john and patsy's fibres could have already been on JB, in her bedroom on the stairs bloody everywhere, and could have beeen transfered while retrieving underwear?

You have also tried to deny the objective fact that JonBenet was molested --
I do NOT deny JB was molested, i merely do not believe that the molestation was as extensive or OLD as you make out.

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