Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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I helped somebody move once. It started to get dark and we still had things to haul out to the U-haul truck. We had to move real fast because all the lamps were packed and gone. We used the single light in the kitchen to get everything done in time and get outta there.

Minus the pizza boxes, this is a typical pack-and-move story

exactly, all the neighbors had killer fever and everything seemed odd.
using a Uhaul to move out isn't odd, if he borrowed his friends fiat 500 to move out that would be odd. when you have a uhaul truck, it only takes 15 minutes.

I'm wondering why we are even anlyzing the daily news...."after a sex romp in a gated ..." great reporting daily brews, did you get that info from SG or JB? or right SG was dead and JB said they didn't have sex. That's mighty presumptous of these daily brews "reporters" to state that "sex romp" occurred.

Hey Big Daddy Kane (MG lawyer) sue the daily news for slander, your welcome.
exactly, all the neighbors had killer fever and everything seemed odd.
using a Uhaul to move out isn't odd, if he borrowed his friends fiat 500 to move out that would be odd. when you have a uhaul truck, it only takes 15 minutes.

I'm wondering why we are even anlyzing the daily news...."after a sex romp in a gated ..." great reporting daily brews, did you get that info from SG or JB? or right SG was dead and JB said they didn't have sex. That's mighty presumptous of these daily brews "reporters" to state that "sex romp" occurred.

Hey Big Daddy Kane (MG lawyer) sue the daily news for slander, your welcome.

He dies in a bed while holding a snow globe and utters "Rosebud

Big Daddy Kane hasn't sued ANYBODY on MG's behalf.
what gives?
why does she have an attorney if he's not going to SHAKE UM UP!!!! LEGALLY

My opinion is that as soon as SG and MP started running around the neighborhood......JB shut his door and tried to dissassociate himself with them.
I am still trying to figure out what was the "tip" the cops had that led them to SG's burial site? If someone knew where she was then it is a fair assumption they knew how she died. Was it a TIP or was it PD BS?

How on Earth could Dormer possibly come to the determination that SG died from an accidental drowning, even before the autopsy. I don't think God could make people that stupid, and, therefore I have to conclude he knows or thinks he knows something they are not telling us. I lean to STUPID.
that is not known to the public.
i am quite certain truth spider knows....what mari knows as he may have been there...... when "it was going down"

sorry to be evasive.

if you all had the information that the gilbert family has....
you'd be singing a different tune

eventually - it will come out. it will. as all things do.
its just a matter of time.

you will see some info on the 48 hours in june when Mari and Sherree are on it. that's all i'll say right now. mari could come on here and say a thing or two - for some reason she doesnt.
And you are claiming that you heard this "inside" information directly from Mari or from Sherree?
I am still trying to figure out what was the "tip" the cops had that led them to SG's burial site? If someone knew where she was then it is a fair assumption they knew how she died. Was it a TIP or was it PD BS?

How on Earth could Dormer possibly come to the determination that SG died from an accidental drowning, even before the autopsy. I don't think God could make people that stupid, and, therefore I have to conclude he knows or thinks he knows something they are not telling us. I lean to STUPID.

failed theatrics is all it was
please read the following article and see what you think
all you moms
all you dads...

the article points out
"Researchers are finding that there are two traps in particular that are absolutely destroying the next generation of young men in America. One is video game addiction and the other is *advertiser censored*."

that's right - video game addiction and *advertiser censored*!!!!!!

when will mari's attorney SUE the main players in this "play"

I am still trying to figure out what was the "tip" the cops had that led them to SG's burial site? If someone knew where she was then it is a fair assumption they knew how she died. Was it a TIP or was it PD BS?

How on Earth could Dormer possibly come to the determination that SG died from an accidental drowning, even before the autopsy. I don't think God could make people that stupid, and, therefore I have to conclude he knows or thinks he knows something they are not telling us. I lean to STUPID.

Aerial photo?
are two better words.

Gotcha. So you were at Oak Beach experiencing the same thing that you observed Mari Gilbert (and as you think Truthspider was there too) seeing and experiencing.

So this inside information that you know that the Gilberts possess is something that "went down" at Oak Beach.

So you and Truthspider were witness to some key information that was kept out of the news.
Gotcha. So you were at Oak Beach experiencing the same thing that you observed Mari Gilbert (and as you think Truthspider was there too) seeing and experiencing.

So this inside information that you know that the Gilberts possess is something that "went down" at Oak Beach.

So you and Truthspider were witness to some key information that was kept out of the news.

only i can speak for myself. I have never met MG nor seen her in person. I haven't been following this particular conversation, so I am not sure what it is you two are actually talking about.

I do believe that we will hear new information from the G fam in the 48 hrs special. I do believe that the G fam has new information regarding the 911 call, but I didn't witness anything. The grapevine (actual people, not on the net or web) has led me to believe there is new information that will be revealed to the public soon.

As far as I know, I don't know TKM in real life, perhaps he can tell me differently in a PM.
only i can speak for myself. I have never met MG nor seen her in person. I haven't been following this particular conversation, so I am not sure what it is you two are actually talking about.

I do believe that we will hear new information from the G fam in the 48 hrs special. I do believe that the G fam has new information regarding the 911 call, but I didn't witness anything. The grapevine (actual people, not on the net or web) has led me to believe there is new information that will be revealed to the public soon.

As far as I know, I don't know TKM in real life, perhaps he can tell me differently in a PM.

So Mocking Bird's claim, you, Jennie9 and Mocking Bird are privy to confidential inside information directly from Mari Gilbert is, as far as you are concerned, a blatant lie and you know nothing about such inside information? Interesting ...

So Mocking Bird's claim, you, Jennie9 and Mocking Bird are privy to confidential inside information directly from Mari Gilbert is, as far as you are concerned, a blatant lie and you know nothing about such inside information? Interesting ...


no, that is an incorrect interpretation. for all I know TKM is telling the complete truth, but mistakenly thought I was at some location in person with him.

also when he says witness or saw, maybe he means on tv. we are both probably privy to the same inside information, I just won't say that I heard it first hand from MG, but 2nd hand from the grapevine. I do know of inside info, but I know of it 2nd hand so I will wait to hear it confirmed or denied from the source before I accuse others of "blatant lies".
no, that is an incorrect interpretation. for all I know TKM is telling the complete truth, but mistakenly thought I was at some location in person with him.

also when he says witness or saw, maybe he means on tv. we are both probably privy to the same inside information, I just won't say that I heard it first hand from MG, but 2nd hand from the grapevine. I do know of inside info, but I know of it 2nd hand so I will wait to hear it confirmed or denied from the source before I accuse others of "blatant lies".

TKM clearly claimed, he, Jennie9 and you are privy to inside information from Mary Gilbert, indicating you are kind of a group, privy to this information. This was basically TKM's attempt to stop every discussion about certain details. But in the meantime, you denied to know TKM (to your best knwoledge), so the impression of a group with "inside" information stemming from MG, is either intentional wrongful created or your denial is not the truth. So, again, Truthspider: ARE YOU A MEMBER OF SOME KIND OF GROUP WITH INSIDE INFORMATION? IS TKM ALSO A MEMBER IN THIS GROUP?

The whole thing is very simple. Either the claim or your denial, one of it is wrong, since they are mutually exclusive. So ... what is wrong? TKM's claim or your denial?

"YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" lol court room drama love it. you make me feel like I am on the stand and under oath PB.

I would have to know who TKM is in real life to know if I am in a "group" with him.

I believe new information has been revealed to the G fam during the ME results etc. and that info is making the rounds between the people who actually speak (offline). I do speak to people off line, not MG, and have heard these things.

IMO you are trying too hard to prove people are lying and should just wait until the special airs to see if this info will be a part of it... that is what I am going to do even though I did hear things through the grapevine. It's prudent to wait to see it come from the source. Kind of like when rumors circulated that CPH did call the family, but they were rumors for 3 months until Dormer confirmed the calls in the 48 hrs special. In fact, it is EXACTLY like that. Which is why my expectation (prediction cough cough) is that some of these things will turn out to be true.

The onion analogy still applies to this case: there are people on different layers of this onion, peeling away trying to get to the center (truth) while there are other people(multiple) trying to add new layers and guide us away from the truth, then there are those people across the aisle hanging out with the bananas.

You wriggle like an eel. This isn't about the 48 Hours upcoming in June, this isn't about onions and bananas, even this is basically just a new claim to be deeper in the onion as others. But essentially it is about TKM's claim, TKM, Jennie9 and you are directly in connection with MG and MG gave you inside information. You denied that already. you denied already to your best knowledge to know TKM in real life. Those denials are in direct contradiction to TKM's claim which means, one of you two is telling something very incorrect. Either TKM, claiming, you are in the same circle privy to direct confidential information from MG ... or you, denying all of that. So stop wriggling and tell, is your denial a wrongful statement or is TKM's claim? Because they are mutual exclusive.

(I assume, I will get next time reported for asking who of you two told a wild story)

TKM clearly claimed, he, Jennie9 and you are privy to inside information from Mary Gilbert, indicating you are kind of a group, privy to this information. This was basically TKM's attempt to stop every discussion about certain details. But in the meantime, you denied to know TKM (to your best knwoledge), so the impression of a group with "inside" information stemming from MG, is either intentional wrongful created or your denial is not the truth. So, again, Truthspider: ARE YOU A MEMBER OF SOME KIND OF GROUP WITH INSIDE INFORMATION? IS TKM ALSO A MEMBER IN THIS GROUP?

The whole thing is very simple. Either the claim or your denial, one of it is wrong, since they are mutually exclusive. So ... what is wrong? TKM's claim or your denial?


"YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" lol court room drama love it. you make me feel like I am on the stand and under oath PB.

I would have to know who TKM is in real life to know if I am in a "group" with him.

I believe new information has been revealed to the G fam during the ME results etc. and that info is making the rounds between the people who actually speak (offline). I do speak to people off line, not MG, and have heard these things.

IMO you are trying too hard to prove people are lying and should just wait until the special airs to see if this info will be a part of it... that is what I am going to do even though I did hear things through the grapevine. It's prudent to wait to see it come from the source. Kind of like when rumors circulated that CPH did call the family, but they were rumors for 3 months until Dormer confirmed the calls in the 48 hrs special. In fact, it is EXACTLY like that. Which is why my expectation (prediction cough cough) is that some of these things will turn out to be true.

The onion analogy still applies to this case: there are people on different layers of this onion, peeling away trying to get to the center (truth) while there are other people(multiple) trying to add new layers and guide us away from the truth, then there are those people across the aisle hanging out with the bananas.


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You wriggle like an eel. This isn't about the 48 Hours upcoming in June, this isn't about onions and bananas, even this is basically just a new claim to be deeper in the onion as others. But essentially it is about TKM's claim, TKM, Jennie9 and you are directly in connection with MG and MG gave you inside information. You denied that already. you denied already to your best knowledge to know TKM in real life. Those denials are in direct contradiction to TKM's claim which means, one of you two is telling something very incorrect. Either TKM, claiming, you are in the same circle privy to direct confidential information from MG ... or you, denying all of that. So stop wriggling and tell, is your denial a wrongful statement or is TKM's claim? Because they are mutual exclusive.

(I assume, I will get next time reported for asking who of you two told a wild story)


please re-read my previous post, if you need help comprehending ask someone, your question has already been answered.


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please re-read my previous post, if you need help comprehending ask someone, your question has already been answered.

So, if that is your answer, then you claim, TKM's claim was wrongful, you aren't member of a circle which has direct access to MG and is privy to "insider" information. Then why so hesitant to speak it our loud and do this wriggling all the time. To insult me (the comprehending thing) doesn't solve your problem. TKM made a claim involving you and now you deny to clearly say, whether this involvement is true. So ... feel free to doubt my language skills, but the end result is the same: TKM lets you either look like you are in on the wrongful impression he/she/it created and you are hesitant to distance yourself. Which leaves me with the impression, you are in, at least as far as the claim goes and just try to keep a backdoor open. But then, it takes the credibility from your lukewarm half-denials, does it?

So, if that is your answer, then you claim, TKM's claim was wrongful, you aren't member of a circle which has direct access to MG and is privy to "insider" information. Then why so hesitant to speak it our loud and do this wriggling all the time. To insult me (the comprehending thing) doesn't solve your problem. TKM made a claim involving you and now you deny to clearly say, whether this involvement is true. So ... feel free to doubt my language skills, but the end result is the same: TKM lets you either look like you are in on the wrongful impression he/she/it created and you are hesitant to distance yourself. Which leaves me with the impression, you are in, at least as far as the claim goes and just try to keep a backdoor open. But then, it takes the credibility from your lukewarm half-denials, does it?


I have no idea what that all means. I haven't been reading TKM's posts.
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