Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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Im bringing my scuba equipment and some safety lines because the current RIPS when the tide is incoming/outgoing. Also something to hang my clothes on. I also hear the marsh wont let you in unless you take your pants and shirt off and run through the thorn bushes.

the INPENETRABLE MARSH can only handle naked bodies and does not accept lip gloss, blue jeans, shoes, purses, identification or cell phones.

the INPENETRABLE MARSH only accepts amphibious tractors because its so inpenetrable - otherwise - how could you get thru that inpenetrable marsh?
Hello everybody... I am new here... Just reading through different cases. I have read here that people mention they saw the skull or remains of SG... I thought no pictures or results of the autopsy results have not been maade public - did I miss something, have there been any of those been made public?
Im bringing my scuba equipment and some safety lines because the current RIPS when the tide is incoming/outgoing. Also something to hang my clothes on. I also hear the marsh wont let you in unless you take your pants and shirt off and run through the thorn bushes.

Bring your board, i hear there is a rideable tidal bore back there.
I'm also going to bring a shark cage with a male mannequin inside dressed in women's clothing, see if I can't trap me a serial rapist to take back to my lab for interrogations.
In Mari's attorney's presser where he discusses Gilbert's 911 call, he states Shannan can be heard screaming several times in the call. That's weird that his statements totally conflict with Det. Vincent Stephan's January assessment of the call:

I've emailed Mr Stephan to see if he can elaborate on the discrepancy.

THANX FOR THE VERY INFORMATIVE ARTICLE AND LINK. The detective took the time to write a letter to Newsday defending his police department? Those kind of things are not supposed to happen.

Why did this experienced detective find the need to defend a position that is not of his own doing? He has been in the police department long enough to know families of murder victims often complain the police aren't doing enough. It goes with the territory. IMO, the cops did a pretty good job considering the circumstances......that is if you want to be realistic.

The letter said the detective listened to the 22 minute tape and could find no indications SG was in distress. He said he heard two male voices in the background. I assume it was Brewer and Pak. What doesn't change is she made a call to 911 and was on for 23 mins. No indication of fear and hysteria? Was SG and the PD Dispatcher exchanging recipes?

We do know SG ran from that house to the house down the road. Mr.Colletti said he heard banging on his door and a female voice screaming HELP ME, HELP ME. He let her in and she was incoherent. So much so that HE called 911. Colletti called the cops. She seemed to be afraid. Was she afraid of the cops, if so, why?

The detective took exception to the family complaining the SCPD didn't ask the FBI for help. Personally, I wouldn't ask them for help. But the detective wrote they did ask the FBI for help - they used a helicopter and a pysch profile and other non investigative stuff. But they didn't go out and do an independent or joing investigation. Maybe SCPD didn't want them poking around to find things they would rather keep quiet.

Tom Spota jumped in feet first. I have spent half my career working with district attorneys. They DON'T really have much to say until you bring someone in with handcuffs. Why is Spota involving himself so early into an investigation when there is no one charged with the crimes?

The detective writing the letter is very odd in its own right. A few things that come to mind with the letter are:

1. The detective and his command have no idea of the chain of command because there is no one to control them. Far as I am concerned it was entirely inappropriate for a detective to write a letter at this stage of the investigation.

2. He had someone higher up the 'food' chain that told him to do this for whatever reason we will never know about.

My information on this detective is he is highly regarded with good reputation. He may be one of the better ones in Homicide.

He seemed to be disturbed that anyone could accuse his office of giving the investigation short shrift. They even made personal sacrifices. Did they waive the considerable overtime? This is the same unit that refused to pick up the phone when the Lucero fellow was killed. They had their 2 hour stand-by OT taken away by the police commissioner. They stood home and waited for the phone to ring. One detective per night was on stand-by. At after 1am, I would guess they were snug and sound asleep in their beds earning about $90.00 just for the chance to make another $500 or so if they are called in for a late homicide.
As you all know, it pains me to say this but the Burlap Boy rumor is confirmed!
I penetrated the the family's wireless network and found video evidence!
On the drive there is a sex tape showing burlap boy strangling a prostitute while jamie lee curtis flexes her hermaphrodite muscle towards richard gere who is stuffing a gerbil up his rumor :p
As you all know, it pains me to say this but the Burlap Boy rumor is confirmed!
I penetrated the the family's wireless network and found video evidence!
On the drive there is a sex tape showing burlap boy strangling a prostitute while jamie lee curtis flexes her hermaphrodite muscle towards richard gere who is stuffing a gerbil up his rumor :p

oh truth spider
say it isnt so....
it wasn't richard gere, no no
it was tom cruise.

no wait - it was mel gibson - while he was ranting all sorts of
racist remarks......
I can't imagine an animal scurrying in, removing two bones from the victim's neck, then leaving with no trace. Doesn't make sense.

I agree, they are grasping for straws...maybe they are getting time & a half today....Isn't it nurses day????
I uploaded some photos of the location where SG was found to support the fact that her remains were found in the "highlands" of this freshwater wetlands. This area is dense with hardwood trees & shrubs (making it difficult to determine from the air if her remains were at this location).

For starters, here is a look at her resting place as viewed from Google maps You can see the access trail that LE created to enter the site from Ocean Parkway. You can even see the memorial that her family left for her at the site.

Link to original photobucket upload

Now here is that same site in relation to the rest of the wetlands. Notice how far away from the mosquito ditches her remains were found. Also notice the lack of any water in this area. Despite what some people, the police and media are posting, this area NEVER, EVER, EVER floods under 2 or 3+ feet of water. Those claims are simply false. Even during the height of hurricane last Summer at the peak of high tide there was barely a drop of ground water at this stretch of land that runs along Ocean Parkway. These are HIGHLANDS (as the hardwood trees are evidence of).

Link to Original Photobucket upload
Here are some closeup shots of SG's final resting place taken from the air back on 3/31/11. Her remains may or may not be down there at that time. It simply is impossible to determine that due to the dense foliage and the canopy of the hardwood trees.

View from above 3/31/11.

Link to original Photobucket uploaded image

View from the East 3/31/11

Link to original photobucket image

View from the West 3/31/11

Link to original Photbucket image

View from the South 3/31/11

Link to original photobucket upload
I agree, they are grasping for straws...maybe they are getting time & a half today....Isn't it nurses day????

IT is not Nurse's Day. It WILL be Nurse's Day, if and when the 10 Filipino nurses that were arrested by Tom Spota win their case in Federal Court for suing Spota and company for their illegal arrest when they worked for Avalon/Sentosa.

The best part of the lawsuit is that Spota has very limited immunity for this charge as the appellate court ruled he had no authority to arrest them. If he wasn't in fact authorized to prosecute he is not protected by immunity from being sued.
Just want to say that I am NEVER going to leave my turkey load at home, and that I SO LOVE our WS posters like Seaslug with his pictures (probably taken from his personal plane). I also want to say that SG did NOT drown in that area.... it is ridiculous to think so. She also did not run naked from behind the home of CPH into that thick brush, only to drown within mere steps to the road. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.
Just want to say that I am NEVER going to leave my turkey load at home, and that I SO LOVE our WS posters like Seaslug with his pictures (probably taken from his personal plane). I also want to say that SG did NOT drown in that area.... it is ridiculous to think so. She also did not run naked from behind the home of CPH into that thick brush, only to drown within mere steps to the road. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.

everyone keeps saying that she ran from brewer's to coletti's to (???) to brennan's.

who said anything about her running away from cph's house?
is that something i missed?
i LIKE that one.
and YES
NICE PIX slug.

everyone keeps saying that she ran from brewer's to coletti's to (???) to brennan's.

who said anything about her running away from cph's house?
is that something i missed?
i LIKE that one.
and YES
NICE PIX slug.

Sorry, TKM - that was my interpretation of CPH calling her Mother and the evidence of her purse, cell phone, and jeans found behind his home... my bad - not a fact, just conjecture. :twocents:
HIGHLY DOUBT IT......not surprised by the comment, pretty predictable.

What do you think JB is guilty of?

Why are there So Many Tortured ypung woman there?

Don't you think JB messed up BIG TIME?

Thats how SK get caught like JB IMO

Did you quote the wrong person? What on earth does JB have to do with what I posted.
I can't imagine an animal scurrying in, removing two bones from the victim's neck, then leaving with no trace. Doesn't make sense.

Did the ME say there was no trace of animals? I hadn't heard that before.
Did the ME say there was no trace of animals? I hadn't heard that before.
I should have said "I can't imagine an animal scurrying in, removing two bones from the victim's neck, then leaving." If Shannan had been in that location for all that time, that just doesn't make sense.
Have we ascertained whether it was low or high tide the night they claim Shannan rain into the water? Does anyone have access to the 2010 tide charts for Oak Beach area? I believe it was low tide at 3am on May 1st, but I can't find the link.
Did the ME say there was no trace of animals? I hadn't heard that before.

I'm no expert on this at all but I would imagine they can determine if animals had done damage to the skeletal structure, right?
I am putting an end to this nonsense that tides and currents were a factor.

For starters, this is a LANDLOCKED freshwater wetland. There is not any sort of inlet where water from the bay can rush in or out!! The water in this area is GROUND WATER that drains from the streets (there are not sewers in Oak Beach). The claim that the high tide "rushes" is simply false.

However, even if you want to argue that the water in the wetlands rise and fall with the water table as the tides come in and out, (which I am not saying is not possible) it is still IMPOSSIBLE that the depth of the water fluctates more than a foot (unless there is a hurricane or storm surge).

How do I know this?

Very simple. Take a look at this tide chart for the Great South Bay at Oak Beach. This is with a FULL MOON during this first week in May when tides fluctuate the most out of almost any other time in the year. If you read the explanation above the chart you can see how it explains that during high tide the water rises a whopping ONE FOOT!!!!


Truthspider and others who have frequented this area can confirm that the water usually sits in those mosquito ditches will be over two feet from the top of the banks of the ditches. So even if 12" of water seeps into this area from under the sand and muck during high tides, it still would not be enough water to fill and overflow the top of the ditches.

The claim that the entire area has been under two feet or more of water is simply false!!!

And the further North in the wetlands towards Ocean Parkway you travel, the higher the elevation. So a claim that SG's remains were under 2 feet of water among all those hardwood trees in the highlands portion of the wetlands would mean that the water within these wetlands defy the laws of physics.
Can you tell me why the government information I sent you says this is a saltwater marsh? I'm just curious why you think everyone is wrong but you? Obviously everyone is lying then?

Are you an oak beach resident...just curious as I see you are in boston...was wondering about your relationship to the area and if you have walked the area yourself?
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