Shannan Gilbert Found, death declared an accident. What do you think?

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tkm's posts have no effect on the statements I made today.

So you don't confirm TKM's claim, you are part of a circle privy to confidential inside information directly coming from Mari Gilbert? But you also don't deny said claim? Now, that's interesting.

By the way, where is Jenny9? TKM made the same claim about Jenny being part of the very same circle privy to the very same information from the very same source ... I would like to hear what she has to say about it as well.

Whoa! Mr. B,
It is quite possible Truth IS privy to some inside info, without knowing MG and/or without being a member to some secret websleuth subclan. No?

I agree with all who say, "if it is going to hurt the investigation, keep it off the board" but I also think that the advocates for justice have the extreme challenge of walking that fine line (or tightrope? - if anyone can screw up the english language, it's me, and it is my native tongue.)
Whoa! Mr. B,
It is quite possible Truth IS privy to some inside info, without knowing MG and/or without being a member to some secret websleuth subclan. No?

I agree with all who say, "if it is going to hurt the investigation, keep it off the board" but I also think that the advocates for justice have the extreme challenge of walking that fine line (or tightrope? - if anyone can screw up the english language, it's me, and it is my native tongue.)

It's quite impossible to be a member of any kind of circle claiming to get DIRECTLY information from someone without knowing it. And since someone else made that claim in Truthspider's name, the question is, did Truthspider even know about that claim. In other words, it's about giving Truthspider opportunity to distance himself from the claim Mocking Bird made or lose his credibility due to something Mocking Bird did. Which then would also influence the credibility from any further information coming from him. So, it's not about Truthspider having access to local rumors. He hangs out so much in OB, that it's a miracle, he didn't get a house there. It would make me wonder if he hasn't the one or other rumor and doesn't talk about it. But the claim to be in direct contact with Mari Gilbert and getting insider information from there, as Mocking Bird made in his name, that's an entirely different story. So please, don't try to distract from the subject.

It's quite impossible to be a member of any kind of circle claiming to get DIRECTLY information from someone without knowing it. And since someone else made that claim in Truthspider's name, the question is, did Truthspider even know about that claim. In other words, it's about giving Truthspider opportunity to distance himself from the claim Mocking Bird made or lose his credibility due to something Mocking Bird did. Which then would also influence the credibility from any further information coming from him. So, it's not about Truthspider having access to local rumors. He hangs out so much in OB, that it's a miracle, he didn't get a house there. It would make me wonder if he hasn't the one or other rumor and doesn't talk about it. But the claim to be in direct contact with Mari Gilbert and getting insider information from there, as Mocking Bird made in his name, that's an entirely different story. So please, don't try to distract from the subject.


Uhhhhh... I really thought TS answered this in post #1214.
Mr. B,
To me, Mockingbird's post sounded like she was ASSUMING how Truthspider obtained his info. Truth never has been shy about making it known he knows more of what has been going on behind the scenes. Just like your post to me sounded like you were assuming I was intentionally trying to distract you. Which I wasn't. You came off very accusatory and aggressive in your post to Truth (not that he can't handle it. that man can spar with the best of em) but it just seemed overly aggressive to me, and I still cannot understand why. Maybe I just missed something, so I will reread the thread.
So Mocking Bird's claim, you, Jennie9 and Mocking Bird are privy to confidential inside information directly from Mari Gilbert is, as far as you are concerned, a blatant lie and you know nothing about such inside information? Interesting ...


who backup buddy,i never "claimed anything"your no differnet then our local news 12 reporters.whole lota nothin to build a story on
peter what we were discussing on an earlier thread is what could have been paper id,i never insinuated that i knew anything,so really back off
On this topic of new info: For six months, it has been publicized (MSM) that LE found SG's purse. It cannot jeopardize the "investigation" to assume that their was paper in her purse and that there was indeed some item/items that pointed to the purse belonging to SG.

To surmise that those items would have been weather beaten if they had been lying there for nearly 18 months is only logical. If any member here saw any paper item, in good or excellent condition, then it is worth discussing the merits of such evidence. Anything, in SG's jeans, jacket, or purse that was not weather beaten is EXTREMELY important to the theory that she and/or her belongings were not in the brambles, off of Anchor way and behind the homes on Larbord (sp?), for the length of time that she was missing.
i've been hearing that those items were in good condition as well.....
hopefully we get real confirmation soon.
Mr. B,
To me, Mockingbird's post sounded like she was ASSUMING how Truthspider obtained his info. Truth never has been shy about making it known he knows more of what has been going on behind the scenes. Just like your post to me sounded like you were assuming I was intentionally trying to distract you. Which I wasn't. You came off very accusatory and aggressive in your post to Truth (not that he can't handle it. that man can spar with the best of em) but it just seemed overly aggressive to me, and I still cannot understand why. Maybe I just missed something, so I will reread the thread.

TKM wrote in post #1164:
and yes, I am in permanent contact with the family. I will tell you, as Jenny9 will tell you
and Truth spider will tell you - Mr. Brendt - there is information that the public has not found out
(yet) and if you had this'd be singing a different tune....

So it was TKM who made the claim in the name of Jenny9 and Truthspider. All I want to know is, do Jenny9 and Truthspider support TKM's claim they are part of a circle getting inside information directly from MG as TKM's post #1164 indicates. Or are they denying it. I just want a clear simple statement about that. No wriggling around, just a clear answer.

peter what we were discussing on an earlier thread is what could have been paper id,i never insinuated that i knew anything,so really back off

I don't need to. I wasn't the one writing, you are in a circle above discussion because you would have inside information. That was TKM in post #1164.
So I can interpret your response as denial of TKM's post #1164? You claim, you are not part of a circle with direct access to inside information from MG?

On this topic of new info: For six months, it has been publicized (MSM) that LE found SG's purse. It cannot jeopardize the "investigation" to assume that their was paper in her purse and that there was indeed some item/items that pointed to the purse belonging to SG.

To surmise that those items would have been weather beaten if they had been lying there for nearly 18 months is only logical. If any member here saw any paper item, in good or excellent condition, then it is worth discussing the merits of such evidence. Anything, in SG's jeans, jacket, or purse that was not weather beaten is EXTREMELY important to the theory that she and/or her belongings were not in the brambles, off of Anchor way and behind the homes on Larbord (sp?), for the length of time that she was missing.

True. On the other hand, just saying the ID was paper and just saying there was only paper and just saying the paper was in pristine state doesn't make it a fact. So maybe we get more from LE one day and can talk facts instead just constructing there was paper in pristine state. I know, the rumor is everywhere, but then, I can prove for almost everyone, I heard that rumor from, there was no chance at all, the person telling the rumor actually saw any of the contents of the purse. So ... even if there was paper and it wasn't in pristine state, the ID could be, like IDs are normally made, from plastic. No nbeed to create pristine paper because it fits some theories better, who are unlikely already by looking at other details.

i'm real.

Oh, no doubt, you are real. But you also claimed, you are together with Jenny9 and Truthspider in a small circle privy to direct insider information from MG and in the meantime, even it is hard to get the clear word out of them, it appears, both denied this claim for themselves. Which means, the credibility of anything coming from you is at least in my eyes currently extreme low.

TKM wrote in post #1164:
and yes, I am in permanent contact with the family. I will tell you, as Jenny9 will tell you
and Truth spider will tell you - Mr. Brendt - there is information that the public has not found out
(yet) and if you had this'd be singing a different tune....

So it was TKM who made the claim in the name of Jenny9 and Truthspider. All I want to know is, do Jenny9 and Truthspider support TKM's claim they aredefinitely part of a circle getting inside information directly from MG as TKM's post #1164 indicates. Or are they denying it. I just want a clear simple statement about that. No wriggling around, just a clear answer.


To me, this does not definitely indicate what you conclude ---- that TkM is stating "they are definitely part of a circle getting inside information DIRECTLY FROM MG"

I read it as TKM knows by reading truths posts that he too knows there is info that hasnt been reported by the media yet.
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