Shannan Gilbert's 23 Minute 911 Call #2

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Apr 14, 2011
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I remember discussing it but all of our posts are now buried in the long locked threads about the case. Thought we should have a thread that just specifically discusses and documents what we know (and speculate) about that call that we so desperately need to hear.

I will start off by pointing out some key quotes about the call. Here is the now legendary first interview with MP (Shannan's Driver). Remember, all of this took place back in May but nobody gave a damn until December when the bodies were found. No matter who you are, your memory is not going to be 100 percent accurate and able to quote words exactly seven months later.

The man who drove the missing 24-year-old Jersey City prostitute to her client in Oak Beach, Long Island on May 1 -- the day she went missing -- said today she was "delirious" and "irrational" when she made a 23-minute 911 call from the john's house...

Gilbert's client phoned him at about 5 a.m., saying Gilbert was refusing to leave the house.

The driver said he drove back to the client's house and found Gilbert, who was clothed, in the living room on the phone with a 911 operator, saying that a man was after her.

"I said 'Shannon, Get a grip. Let's go,' and she said, 'You guys are trying to kill me.' So I said, 'OK, I am leaving.' But then she said, 'Don't go.'"...

Suffolk police today refused to release the audio or transcripts of the 911 call and provide any information about their response to the call.

-The Jersey Journal December 15, 2010

Thread #1
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911 call

I have a new thought about the 911 call that LE refuses to release, even though one would think it could demonstrate how calm Shannan was, and how She wasn’t in fear for her life, as the good detective claimed in his letter to the editor years ago. (This is ridiculous, of course, people don't call 911 to report that everything is copacetic, and should I be found dead, it is probably misadventure. In addition, that letter to the editor is contradicted by Ray and Pak. Maybe Brewer; I don’t remember his statements.)

It occurred to me that LE, in spite of Pak’s name and Brewer’s name being “out,” never named them as the 2 male voices. I recall myself considering that they were not the only possibilities— but I don’t remember having the lightbulb go off that by not naming them, LE was possibly giving up that there was at least one unknown male person on the scene.

Am I the last one to that realization?


I can’t say I’m a person well acquainted with Burke, or even an expert on human behavior if I knew Burke well. But I don’t see him as being as in to the secret power —- I m the killer and nobody knows it— as known power. I can throw money at you in utter disrespect. I can beat the *advertiser censored* out of you in front of several LE witnesses as well as your mother. I can carry on affairs that are open secrets. My buddies know how I paid out of pocket to patch up a couple of cars I damaged while *advertiser censored* faced, including an official vehicle which I had had no authorization to get fixed an the auto body shops know it, with impunity. Maybe more than one person heard him say, “I could kill you and no one would miss you, just like those...”

I could even see Burke carrying out his threat to murder once or twice, but more likely because he felt disrespected. But my gut says, even though my brain knows he is strangely fascinated with snuff, he is not the serial killer.

He is the dude who knows very well who is, and made sure all of Suffolk kissed his butt, paid him off, “respected” him.

I can’t imagine anything other than murder

To explain Shannan’s death. I don’t think it went down as planned. But why else would Brewer an Pak be in such cahoots, why else would it seem that these murders (GB4 and Shannan) seem to be arranged through men even though the victims attempted to avoid the organized criminals by being independent contractors, which really pisses traffickers off, and explains group support for the murders, why would Coletti and Hack run interference by meeting police (who, like fire, probably had the gate code or another way in) and letting the security footage get destroyed? Assuming Coletti and Hack did not actually murder, they had had to know it was bigger than a freaked out “date” of Brewer’s going on to take all that trouble. It doesn’t even seem like many people even like Brewer, even if they share his taste in parties.

You can’t have so many people keeping a secret unless it is big, profitable, and dangerous. I think sex trafficking is at least part of profitable part. The danger comes when the money had to keep flowing.

And when the ring has SCPD on its side, watch out!

Edited to add

Shannan most likely was alive when Coletti was already inserting himself in “meeting the police at the gate,” [To tell them , you don’t want to know, IMO.]

Brewer, Hack, Pak and Coletti had to already know that Shannan must not stay alive" If the whole think could be spun as a freaked out card-game date (no money exchanged!) with her still alive, that is how they would have spun it.
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Interesting thoughts, Rumination. I should add that from my perspective, I am most curious about the period of time that Shannan and Brewer left Brewer's house early that evening. Supposedly they went to the CVS pharmacy and got a prescription filled, and bought some playing cards and lube.

If they did actually go to the CVS, there should have been a record, either a time stamped cash register receipt, a security video, and a record of the prescription. As well there would be a name of whom the prescription was for, and the doctor who issued the prescription. This could be important evidence. Especially if Hackett was the doctor named.

I wonder if the SCPD ever bothered to check the CVS records?
Interesting thoughts, Rumination. I should add that from my perspective, I am most curious about the period of time that Shannan and Brewer left Brewer's house early that evening. Supposedly they went to the CVS pharmacy and got a prescription filled, and bought some playing cards and lube.

If they did actually go to the CVS, there should have been a record, either a time stamped cash register receipt, a security video, and a record of the prescription. As well there would be a name of whom the prescription was for, and the doctor who issued the prescription. This could be important evidence. Especially if Hackett was the doctor named.

I wonder if the SCPD ever bothered to check the CVS records?
I am not sure where the information came from that they actually went to CVS. And how do we know about the lube and cards? From a time line that I read, sounds plausible that they just drove over to CPHs house and not all the way to CVS on the mainland. And yes, at the time, CVS was open 24/7 including the pharmacy counter, that is a fact. I can't really believe anything that MP or JB stated happened. I highly doubt SG was trying to NOT leave JBs house. I don't believe that she actually freaked out for any other reason that she saw something or they started doing something that scared her to run for her life. Obviously JB is a liar and a sleazebag. Obvious MP would do anything for money. The dollar amts he referred to in his EBT don't justify driving out to Oak Beach and staying that many hours. I believe he is being paid to stick to a narrative. Not sure if he was in on it from the beginning, but I would bet my life he knows what happened to SG. I believe they did catch her and did not dump her body until later because of the way the clothing and purse were found. I think it was staged to make it look like she ran that way. From what I recall reading, the last door she knocked on was BBs. Why not continue to other doors? Why wouldn't CG and BB and TC call John Brunkard, a long time SC Police officer, who lived RIGHT there? Too much does not add up with their story...I have been calling the area the Oak Beach mafia.
911 call

I have a new thought about the 911 call that LE refuses to release, even though one would think it could demonstrate how calm Shannan was, and how She wasn’t in fear for her life, as the good detective claimed in his letter to the editor years ago. (This is ridiculous, of course, people don't call 911 to report that everything is copacetic, and should I be found dead, it is probably misadventure. In addition, that letter to the editor is contradicted by Ray and Pak. Maybe Brewer; I don’t remember his statements.)

It occurred to me that LE, in spite of Pak’s name and Brewer’s name being “out,” never named them as the 2 male voices. I recall myself considering that they were not the only possibilities— but I don’t remember having the lightbulb go off that by not naming them, LE was possibly giving up that there was at least one unknown male person on the scene.

Am I the last one to that realization?


I can’t say I’m a person well acquainted with Burke, or even an expert on human behavior if I knew Burke well. But I don’t see him as being as in to the secret power —- I m the killer and nobody knows it— as known power. I can throw money at you in utter disrespect. I can beat the **** out of you in front of several LE witnesses as well as your mother. I can carry on affairs that are open secrets. My buddies know how I paid out of pocket to patch up a couple of cars I damaged while **** faced, including an official vehicle which I had had no authorization to get fixed an the auto body shops know it, with impunity. Maybe more than one person heard him say, “I could kill you and no one would miss you, just like those...”

I could even see Burke carrying out his threat to murder once or twice, but more likely because he felt disrespected. But my gut says, even though my brain knows he is strangely fascinated with snuff, he is not the serial killer.

He is the dude who knows very well who is, and made sure all of Suffolk kissed his butt, paid him off, “respected” him.

I can’t imagine anything other than murder

To explain Shannan’s death. I don’t think it went down as planned. But why else would Brewer an Pak be in such cahoots, why else would it seem that these murders (GB4 and Shannan) seem to be arranged through men even though the victims attempted to avoid the organized criminals by being independent contractors, which really pisses traffickers off, and explains group support for the murders, why would Coletti and Hack run interference by meeting police (who, like fire, probably had the gate code or another way in) and letting the security footage get destroyed? Assuming Coletti and Hack did not actually murder, they had had to know it was bigger than a freaked out “date” of Brewer’s going on to take all that trouble. It doesn’t even seem like many people even like Brewer, even if they share his taste in parties.

You can’t have so many people keeping a secret unless it is big, profitable, and dangerous. I think sex trafficking is at least part of profitable part. The danger comes when the money had to keep flowing.

And when the ring has SCPD on its side, watch out!

Edited to add

Shannan most likely was alive when Coletti was already inserting himself in “meeting the police at the gate,” [To tell them , you don’t want to know, IMO.]

Brewer, Hack, Pak and Coletti had to already know that Shannan must not stay alive" If the whole think could be spun as a freaked out card-game date (no money exchanged!) with her still alive, that is how they would have spun it.

I am replying to my own message because I don’t think I expressed my thoughts very clearly, and because I have another thought that I would like to add.

My thoughts, if they were not clear, were that the narrative that Shannan was hanging out for a perfectly legal visit were possible to give without making certain she wWould not contradict it, extraordinary measures would not have had to be taken to control her and the scene, and there would not be a reason for the narrative control to be a neighborhood (a later, it seems) a PD affair.

If all this was was a date gone awry, Shannan would not contradict the denials about money exchange. If Shannan were truly irrational for whatever reason, that would become clear if she were found.

I don’t believe that she ran into the reeds and died because their would be no reason for the whole neighborhood to become involved just because Brewer had a freaked out guest.

For whatever reason, Shannan was not to survive to tell her version.

I would have to check timelines very carefully, (and i don’t think the granular detail, such as the times of Coletti’s call and Brennan’s call are available to do this,) but I don’t think Shannan could have been murdered before Coletti had already decided to go meet the police at the gate. I think that by then it was just clear that she had had to be silenced. Maybe Coletti was in charge of delaying the police and minimizing the situation.

I have an additional thought. If Coletti did not know who Pak was, did not know if he was alone in the car, did not know who or what else was in the neighborhood, and did not know why Shannan was terrified, why would he go outside and hang out? Why would he leave his wife alone? It is scary enough to see a terrified small woman who reportedly was unsteady on her feet. But to go outside when you know that at the very least there is a stranger in an SUV seeming to chase her...who wants to find out what happens when you interfere with him while the police are on the way?

On my next new thought, for which I think I will start a thread, I am developing a theory that Craigslist was a red herring. It seems to me that these women all have stories that suggest the possibility that they were set up by men. I going to develop this more carefully. It makes perfect sense as to why this seems to be more than a serial killer who kills to kill. I am not saying there is not a serial killer who kills to kill in this story. But it is a pretty unusual proclivity, and this LISK story seems to be a far more complicated enterprise.
I am replying to my own message because I don’t think I expressed my thoughts very clearly, and because I have another thought that I would like to add.

My thoughts, if they were not clear, were that the narrative that Shannan was hanging out for a perfectly legal visit were possible to give without making certain she wWould not contradict it, extraordinary measures would not have had to be taken to control her and the scene, and there would not be a reason for the narrative control to be a neighborhood (a later, it seems) a PD affair.

If all this was was a date gone awry, Shannan would not contradict the denials about money exchange. If Shannan were truly irrational for whatever reason, that would become clear if she were found.

I don’t believe that she ran into the reeds and died because their would be no reason for the whole neighborhood to become involved just because Brewer had a freaked out guest.

For whatever reason, Shannan was not to survive to tell her version.

I would have to check timelines very carefully, (and i don’t think the granular detail, such as the times of Coletti’s call and Brennan’s call are available to do this,) but I don’t think Shannan could have been murdered before Coletti had already decided to go meet the police at the gate. I think that by then it was just clear that she had had to be silenced. Maybe Coletti was in charge of delaying the police and minimizing the situation.

I have an additional thought. If Coletti did not know who Pak was, did not know if he was alone in the car, did not know who or what else was in the neighborhood, and did not know why Shannan was terrified, why would he go outside and hang out? Why would he leave his wife alone? It is scary enough to see a terrified small woman who reportedly was unsteady on her feet. But to go outside when you know that at the very least there is a stranger in an SUV seeming to chase her...who wants to find out what happens when you interfere with him while the police are on the way?

On my next new thought, for which I think I will start a thread, I am developing a theory that Craigslist was a red herring. It seems to me that these women all have stories that suggest the possibility that they were set up by men. I going to develop this more carefully. It makes perfect sense as to why this seems to be more than a serial killer who kills to kill. I am not saying there is not a serial killer who kills to kill in this story. But it is a pretty unusual proclivity, and this LISK story seems to be a far more complicated enterprise.
According to retired SCPD Det. Varrone (from interview from LISK: Long Island Serial Killer podcast) SCPD arrived within approx. ten minutes of Brennan’s 911 call (arriving at approx. 5:40 am). By that time, both SG and Pak were not visibly present in Oak Beach. Most likely scenario is that Pak left Oak Beach—he either returned later after SCPD left or he never came back—and that Gilbert was either physically grabbed by Pak and forced into his SUV, and ‘left’ with him, or she knocked on the door of whatever house was in close enough proximity to Brennan’s (where the homeowner let her in), so that at the time when SCPD arrived, she was inside the residence, and thus unaccounted for when SCPD did a brief search of immediate area.
After years, facts and fiction can get intertwined confusing.
-The alleged visit to CVS, I believe was confirmed early on, by statements of both Pak and Brewer. Some one will have to go through the posts to confirm.
-Coletti, did not allow Shannan into his house, as he stated he was concerned with having her in his house. At the time Coletti was an elderly gentleman, to me this was prudent behavior. Regarding Coletti, a number of people have implied that he was somehow criminally involved. I believe this is an error in judgement. All his actions, appear correct and prudent towards Shannan. He called the Police, he told Shannan to stay at his home, and he waited at the gate to allow the police in, after she ran from his home.
After years, facts and fiction can get intertwined confusing.
-The alleged visit to CVS, I believe was confirmed early on, by statements of both Pak and Brewer. Some one will have to go through the posts to confirm.
-Coletti, did not allow Shannan into his house, as he stated he was concerned with having her in his house. At the time Coletti was an elderly gentleman, to me this was prudent behavior. Regarding Coletti, a number of people have implied that he was somehow criminally involved. I believe this is an error in judgement. All his actions, appear correct and prudent towards Shannan. He called the Police, he told Shannan to stay at his home, and he waited at the gate to allow the police in, after she ran from his home.
Thanks for your input! So if the only mention of CVS was from Pak and Brewer, it may not be true that they went there. I believe from Paks EBT he didn't allow for enough time of them being gone to make it that far. But, again, I can't believe anything they say. They may have thought SG would be found with drugs in her system, so perhaps they went to CPHs house and NOT CVS, yet they wanted to make it like the drugs were from CVS.

I agree it is hard to remember fact vs fiction since we have been reading about this case for so long.

I don't like Coletti's tone when he is interviewed. He laughs. When talking about deceased people. At first I thought he was honest, and as you describe. Has anyone been able to listen to HIS 911 call? And I have never heard his wife's version of events. SG must have still been on the phone with 911 because it would not have taken her longer than 23 minutes to run to GCs house. So did he say that she was on her phone when he saw her or that she just ran up banging on his door?

At this point, it sounds to me like they were all trying to get their story straight. But it just doesn't add up. Was Brunkard ever even questioned? Was he even home? Seems obvious that the police did not search Brewer's house right away because he is being protected. Mafia? SCPD? More and more it seems the 2 are one in the same. (And I do not believe that all of the SCPD is corrupt. I think they were given such an impressive contract/salary that those that are not sickos keep quiet for fear of losing their lucrative career, and they are intimidated and fear being framed, as many have been in the past.)
After years, facts and fiction can get intertwined confusing.
-The alleged visit to CVS, I believe was confirmed early on, by statements of both Pak and Brewer. Some one will have to go through the posts to confirm.
-Coletti, did not allow Shannan into his house, as he stated he was concerned with having her in his house. At the time Coletti was an elderly gentleman, to me this was prudent behavior. Regarding Coletti, a number of people have implied that he was somehow criminally involved. I believe this is an error in judgement. All his actions, appear correct and prudent towards Shannan. He called the Police, he told Shannan to stay at his home, and he waited at the gate to allow the police in, after she ran from his home.

The thing is, as an elderly gentleman, why put himself outside where Pak and who knows who else were prowling, and terrifying Shannan? See what I mean? Nobody needed to “meet the police” at the gate. There is always a way for emergency vehicles to enter gated communities. Going outside doesn’t strike me as prudent; it strikes me as a decision by a man who called 911, but was un-afraid and did not perceive danger to himself. I suspect he was aware of more specifics of a crime (itself not a crime, but could be unethical) and I would not be surprised if he were involved in some lookout type participation.
The thing is, as an elderly gentleman, why put himself outside where Pak and who knows who else were prowling, and terrifying Shannan? See what I mean? Nobody needed to “meet the police” at the gate. There is always a way for emergency vehicles to enter gated communities. Going outside doesn’t strike me as prudent; it strikes me as a decision by a man who called 911, but was un-afraid and did not perceive danger to himself. I suspect he was aware of more specifics of a crime (itself not a crime, but could be unethical) and I would not be surprised if he were involved in some lookout type participation.
According to the court docs, Coletti DID let her in, but she ran when he said he was calling the cops. Makes no sense because she wasnt too scared to call 911 herself. So why be afraid of him calling the cops?

I think they are all hiding information and tried to frame Hackett to take the entire blame. JS certainly tried to throw him under the bus before his arrest in PA.

Estate of Gilbert v Hackett (2018 NY Slip Op 28349) link to case against Hackett
Although I personally do not believe Shannon's death is linked to the GB4 it is unconscionable how all of these people have been treated. How can the police simply refuse to release this recording??? They ruled her death was an accident so there is no evidence to protect with the GB4. I highly doubt they are doing anything on the GB4 case anyway. How has this police department not come under intense pressure forcing them to release everything they have on the case?! Is there anything WS can do to bring about some pressure here? Under FOIA people have a right to this information.
(they) were making snuff films there....LISK is NOT one person, Shannon went to someone's home, called 911 and said (they) were trying to kill her. It has been found that the police were in on this group and that's how the homeowner passed the lie detector. The reason why (they) have not been arrested is because (they) have politicians and others that have money and supposed power....This case I know is easy to solve, Who has the balls to do it?
Could I ask you to elaborate on this? who is the "They" you speak of. When you say "It has been found...." By whom has it been found and where did you gain this information? Thanks
Count me in with the White Rabbit crew. Seems almost certain she had an accidental death which is likely the result of a drug interaction. The detectives recall of the 911 (would still like to hear it) seems to fit the timeline of events and makes sense. She goes to the meet and they do drugs, then fight which is not uncommon in those scenarios. Shannon is paranoid from the drugs and maybe the John did cross a big line and try's to hurt her over services/money. She calls 9/11 then she runs down the block knocking on doors, eventually ends up at Hackett's. He brings her in and treats her like a patient which is consistent with his weird behavior and history. Takes down her info (how he got her moms number) and he gives her a sedative which accidentally kills her. Hackett freaks and he dumps her body. Certainly Hackett should be held responsible if it can be proven but this basically feels closed to me now in reference to the GB4. Never thought it was connected personally. I give her mother credit for keeping her name connected and in the news. She clearly loved her.
SG death not connected to GB4? This still boggles my mind because we do KNOW the following:
SG and GB4 were ALL prostitutes who were white females between the ages of 20 and 26, petite builds, had been arrested previously for prostitution, advertised their services on Craigslist, and were also originally from out of state, or outside of NYC Metro area, and of course…
were ALL found within a stone’s throw of each other just outside Oak Beach (Ok, well
Gilbert’s body was found about a mile from the others, but that’s more than close enough for me considering all the other commonalities).
SG death not connected to GB4? This still boggles my mind because we do KNOW the following:
SG and GB4 were ALL prostitutes who were white females between the ages of 20 and 26, petite builds, had been arrested previously for prostitution, advertised their services on Craigslist, and were also originally from out of state, or outside of NYC Metro area, and of course…
were ALL found within a stone’s throw of each other just outside Oak Beach (Ok, well
Gilbert’s body was found about a mile from the others, but that’s more than close enough for me considering all the other commonalities).

To me, at least, what I think would be helpful in tying together the murders is knowing who picked up the GB4, and their destination. It's possible, in my mind, that they were picked up, offered a good amount of money for a party, which happened to be at Oak Beach. Would be interesting if Pak was the person who picked up any of the other girls to take them to a party. Maybe some of the other girls knew of him and trusted his reputation in some way? Just throwing another angle out there.
Count me in with the White Rabbit crew. Seems almost certain she had an accidental death which is likely the result of a drug interaction. The detectives recall of the 911 (would still like to hear it) seems to fit the timeline of events and makes sense. She goes to the meet and they do drugs, then fight which is not uncommon in those scenarios. Shannon is paranoid from the drugs and maybe the John did cross a big line and try's to hurt her over services/money. She calls 9/11 then she runs down the block knocking on doors, eventually ends up at Hackett's. He brings her in and treats her like a patient which is consistent with his weird behavior and history. Takes down her info (how he got her moms number) and he gives her a sedative which accidentally kills her. Hackett freaks and he dumps her body. Certainly Hackett should be held responsible if it can be proven but this basically feels closed to me now in reference to the GB4. Never thought it was connected personally. I give her mother credit for keeping her name connected and in the news. She clearly loved her.

When I started going through the documents in the court case, I did read the second autopsy report. No apparent drugs in her system, illicit, or otherwise. Now, I don't know enough about forensics to know how long a drug would stay or be viable in samples involved in decomposition, whether it's possible to find drugs taken immediately or soon before death when a body is decomposed. I don't know what the process and procedure is.
Although I personally do not believe Shannon's death is linked to the GB4 it is unconscionable how all of these people have been treated. How can the police simply refuse to release this recording??? They ruled her death was an accident so there is no evidence to protect with the GB4. I highly doubt they are doing anything on the GB4 case anyway. How has this police department not come under intense pressure forcing them to release everything they have on the case?! Is there anything WS can do to bring about some pressure here? Under FOIA people have a right to this information.

The pressure has to be political, from elected officials who care. The first effort of any sort has been by State Senator Phil Boyle.
Senator Boyle Calls For Answers On Long Island Serial Killer Case
Other elected officials in Suffolk County have to step forward. They have to be encouraged by voters in that community. Only when the citizens voice their concerns will anything happen. When the citizens make this an issue, the media will fall in step. IMO
According to the court docs, Coletti DID let her in, but she ran when he said he was calling the cops. Makes no sense because she wasnt too scared to call 911 herself. So why be afraid of him calling the cops?

I think they are all hiding information and tried to frame Hackett to take the entire blame. JS certainly tried to throw him under the bus before his arrest in PA.

Estate of Gilbert v Hackett (2018 NY Slip Op 28349) link to case against Hackett
Makes no sense because she wasn't too scared to call 911 herself. So why be afraid of him calling the cops?
Could it be that Shannan, did not believe Coletti was actually calling 911? If she thought Coletti was calling someone else, that could cause her to bolt. At this point I believe Shannan was so terrorized, and emotionally distraught that she was acting on pure fear.
When I started going through the documents in the court case, I did read the second autopsy report. No apparent drugs in her system, illicit, or otherwise. Now, I don't know enough about forensics to know how long a drug would stay or be viable in samples involved in decomposition, whether it's possible to find drugs taken immediately or soon before death when a body is decomposed. I don't know what the process and procedure is.
The more I think about this...the more I think they mentioned CVS to imply that SG was all wacked out on drugs. I don't think there has been any concrete evidence that she even took any drugs. She is the only one on the south side of the parkway. I spent a lot of time thinking and looking at the map. it looks like the GB4 were placed in equal distances from one another, and I believe they were all dropped there at the same time because of that. But why so close together?

Do we know at what point SGs 911 call started and when it ended? And WHY it ended? Perhaps whoever was chasing her caught up with her and ended the call? Seems ridiculous that their story is that she would NOT leave Brewer's house. And to find an earing right by his stairs? I'd assume that was from some sort of struggle. Not too common to just drop an earing. And I am curious as to why she would have run past placa's house and a few more before stopping at GCs. I am trying to find out what time SGs call was started and what time GCs call started. And what time BBs call came in. I believe they caught up to her. I don't think she was immediately killed.

So many unanswered questions. And I have mapped out the entire gated area and looked up property owners for every home. Keep in mind, you don't just buy a house and move into that community. You have to be approved by the board, and from the rumors, they don't like outsiders.

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