Share Your Theory: What happened to Hailey?

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This is more of a theory about what led up to this. I think the suspect is so addicted to horror, gore, & crime, that he planned this out, in an effort to live out his own crime fantasy. His speech about loving Hailey with all his heart, was a dead ringer, for Misty Croslin's 'that little girl' speech. I think he studied true crime shows, read the blogs, etc...until he had it planned out, even down to what he'd say to reporters. & I think the cheerleader thing, plays into that real life, horror movie fantasy.I don't see one original aspect, in this case, & I think the whole thing was premeditated & an ellaborate copy cat crime...probably a murder. MOO.

Thanks for posting this theory. And how did you get in my head ?? This scenario is exactly the one I am leaning toward. What really gave me the extra push toward this theory was SA's recent MSM interview. He stated that they watched NG all the time before HD disappeared. Then holy coinky-dinky, he and BD are ON NG. They are living out their fantasy here as far as I'm concerned.

JMO/MOO & all that stuff.
CD is not DD's bio dad, so he has no claim to him, other than love.
HD is CD and BD's child, so the custody battle would be between them.
SA has no criminal history, so even though HD feared him, if BD had "custody" and I think she does, she had control.
Both CD and his mom have tried to get HD from BD with no success, even after the threats to CD and BD's lives by SA.

CD moved right across the field so he could be there for Hailey.
It was coming to a head. imo, neither SA nor BD would have liked CD moving so close.
SA has such a "catch me if you can" attitude.
He's scary, and BD is only concerned with being with SA, reguardless of what he does or say to whomever. moo

otoh, what if BD doesn't have "legal" custody, only temp custody, that has to be renewed, and she let it lapse like her nursing liciense, and there is no crime in Hailey moving in with gm, so the FBI, after diiscovering she was ok, simply left, and local LE want to jerk SA around a little bit.....
ok, still dreaming.....

My *guess* is there is no official "custody" as they aren't legally divorced. Not that it matters either way really but technically BD and CD are still married. Wonder if they were ever planning on actually divorcing since they have both said at some point to be engaged to new significant others. So I suppose this is why Hailey was free to go as she pleased. No court ordered custody.

I don't have an exact theory to propose. I do believe SA was directly involved in events which led up to Hailey going missing. Originally, I didn't believe BD was really guilty of anything but having bad judgment & questionable parenting skills.

I've followed the threads, watched videos, read articles & read transcripts. I now believe BD is guilty of more than just loving the wrong guy. Her words & actions tell the story. I can't say BD was the one who caused harm to Hailey but she is, in my opinion, guilty of knowing what happened, when it happened and helping to cover it up after it happened.

Legally, I don't know what charges could be brought against her. But I don't understand how a mother could stand by, her daughter missing, and seem to do everything possible to mis-direct the investigation if she was not very much involved.

I think SA was trying out his new Christmas mask on Sunday evening--I read on the Michael Meyers forum where he posted that it was a mask from a horror movie called "The Collector." After reading in wiki the details of that movie--(yikes!--I hate that kind of movie)--it made me think he was trying to emulate that movie. And since BD is admittedly into that kind of horror stuff as well, I do believe she was a party to it completely. In "The Collector." the fiend collected victims and put them (alive) into a box--but he also killed some people with horrid traps. I think SA and BD conspired to play another one of their "practical jokes" against Hailey, this time taken to the extreme. The "joke" went wrong in some way that they didn't expect, and they knew that Hailey would be telling her dad . . . they were going to get in trouble . . . so an "alive" Hailey (in some sort of box) was taken away when SA went to work.

I do believe SA was wearing those coveralls along with the mask when the "prank" was being played on Hailey--and I do believe they had to use the work story as a coverup to account for the coveralls being missing, but I don't believe those coveralls were never actually "turned in." (I have never heard of a job where you had to turn in your coveralls when you quit!!) I think initially SA stored Hailey somewhere along the way to or from work or at his grandmothers or mothers. What ultimately happened to her--I don't know how to guess. I think it's possible she's being held as a prisoner for someone that SA and BD know . . . I don't believe an alive Hailey will ever be seen again.

I do hope the truth is something less sinister and that she really is safe and sound somewhere with loving people--but I don't have faith that could be true in this situation.
First things first: :welcome4:

Okay, I agree with most everything in your theory post. However he could not have been breaking in his new mask because it supposedly was not sent out until dec 27th. So he must have used an older one if he wore a mask at all.
CD is not DD's bio dad, so he has no claim to him, other than love.
HD is CD and BD's child, so the custody battle would be between them.
SA has no criminal history, so even though HD feared him, if BD had "custody" and I think she does, she had control.
Both CD and his mom have tried to get HD from BD with no success, even after the threats to CD and BD's lives by SA.

CD moved right across the field so he could be there for Hailey.
It was coming to a head. imo, neither SA nor BD would have liked CD moving so close.
SA has such a "catch me if you can" attitude.
He's scary, and BD is only concerned with being with SA, reguardless of what he does or say to whomever. moo

otoh, what if BD doesn't have "legal" custody, only temp custody, that has to be renewed, and she let it lapse like her nursing liciense, and there is no crime in Hailey moving in with gm, so the FBI, after diiscovering she was ok, simply left, and local LE want to jerk SA around a little bit.....
ok, still dreaming.....

I didn't know that DD wasn't CD's child...that would crystallize some things if makes the scenario(s) I'm considering a lot cleaner (allthough, they have the same surname so if DD was born into the marriage, or was adopted by CD, CD would still have parental rights).

Anyhow, the more I think about it the more convinced I'm becoming that the heart of this case is a custody dispute, not SA being a homicidal maniac. Which of course would mean that HD is unlikely to be deceased if the theory is true (and would turn this into a really unusual case). The big issue is that the details would be speculative, but perhaps more information will come out in the next few weeks that could resolve things one way or the other.
I didn't know that DD wasn't CD's child...that would crystallize some things if makes the scenario(s) I'm considering a lot cleaner (allthough, they have the same surname so if DD was born into the marriage, or was adopted by CD, CD would still have parental rights).

Actually, they don't have the same surname. I've seen his name in the CCity Record (newspaper) and he goes by his birth name (DDG).

A custody dispute over HD would be the best-case scenario, assuming she's alive and well. Although if that's the case, someone is going to be in a heap of trouble for filing false reports, putting so many people in harm's way looking for a non-missing child, not to mention the cost of searching and investigating.

There's also that annoying habit of Billie's where she constantly talking about Hailey in past tense. Extremely disconcerting. I know from first-hand experience, it's not an easy thing to do, to speak of one's child, living or deceased, in past tense. It's something that only comes with time and surety the child is dead.
I didn't know that DD wasn't CD's child...that would crystallize some things if makes the scenario(s) I'm considering a lot cleaner (allthough, they have the same surname so if DD was born into the marriage, or was adopted by CD, CD would still have parental rights).

Anyhow, the more I think about it the more convinced I'm becoming that the heart of this case is a custody dispute, not SA being a homicidal maniac. Which of course would mean that HD is unlikely to be deceased if the theory is true (and would turn this into a really unusual case). The big issue is that the details would be speculative, but perhaps more information will come out in the next few weeks that could resolve things one way or the other.

Nice Post! How old does a child have to be in Texas before they can choose the parent they want to live with?
Also if SA is a homicidal maniac... he is very neat and clean. OCD clean even. Not one drop left to indicate any injury took place, can't imagine drugging the victim first if he was. Just seems to not be in keeping with a slasher type murderer.
Actually, they don't have the same surname. I've seen his name in the CCity Record (newspaper) and he goes by his birth name (DDG).

A custody dispute over HD would be the best-case scenario, assuming she's alive and well. Although if that's the case, someone is going to be in a heap of trouble for filing false reports, putting so many people in harm's way looking for a non-missing child, not to mention the cost of searching and investigating.

There's also that annoying habit of Billie's where she constantly talking about Hailey in past tense. Extremely disconcerting. I know from first-hand experience, it's not an easy thing to do, to speak of one's child, living or deceased, in past tense. It's something that only comes with time and surety the child is dead.

If my child was missing and I was sure she had not run away, if I had not heard from her/was unable to find her within a days, I would hope she was alive and being held captive, but deep down, I would think she was probably dead.
I don't know if I would speak of her with past tense, but I just think deep down, a mom knows when their baby is gone.
Putting this over here because it got posted on wrong thread...:crazy:

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Do you think SA harmed Hailey? ***POLL***[/ame]

Originally Posted by yllek [ame=""]
I'm in a similar place. I feel confident about two parties involved in what happened to Hailey, pretty sure about where and when Hailey was last seen, but on the fence about what actually happened. If I'm right about the who, I keep wondering how they expected Clint to react to a runway or abduction scenario. Was Clint's desperate reaction anticipated or did they expect him to accept whatever he was told and be less engaged? I think possibly Clint's strong reaction and insistence that Hailey would never run away was not expected and threw a wrench into the original plan (whatever that was)...:crazy:


Au contraire... I believe someone close to CD. Knew well that he would be devastated by this, And maybe wanted that...

However if you spin the story of her missing, just right that LE would truly think it was a run away,

But that is where I get very confused was it to hurt CD,

Or get Fame and Notoriety, money and pity?

Or a thrill?

Or an Accident?

What always struck me odd was when a reporter asked her about those story's of true gory crime she ran off she state;

"they aren't original"

Putting this over here because it got posted on wrong thread...:crazy:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Do you think SA harmed Hailey? ***POLL***

Originally Posted by yllek
I'm in a similar place. I feel confident about two parties involved in what happened to Hailey, pretty sure about where and when Hailey was last seen, but on the fence about what actually happened. If I'm right about the who, I keep wondering how they expected Clint to react to a runway or abduction scenario. Was Clint's desperate reaction anticipated or did they expect him to accept whatever he was told and be less engaged? I think possibly Clint's strong reaction and insistence that Hailey would never run away was not expected and threw a wrench into the original plan (whatever that was)...:crazy:


Au contraire... I believe someone close to CD. Knew well that he would be devastated by this, And maybe wanted that...

However if you spin the story of her missing, just right that LE would truly think it was a run away,

But that is where I get very confused was it to hurt CD,

Or get Fame and Notoriety, money and pity?

Or a thrill?

Or an Accident?

What always struck me odd was when a reporter asked her about those story's of true gory crime she ran off she state;

"they aren't original"


RBBM. LE did think she was a runaway at first, though BD kept saying she wouldn't have run away. If BD was trying to hide anything SA or she did, wouldn't she just go along with the runaway theory?
RBBM. LE did think she was a runaway at first, though BD kept saying she wouldn't have run away. If BD was trying to hide anything SA or she did, wouldn't she just go along with the runaway theory?

I thought that it was said CD and Friends were the ones telling her to go in front of the Media and pushing that she was not a run away...
She wasn't at first...

I will look for the Link,
If my child was missing and I was sure she had not run away, if I had not heard from her/was unable to find her within a days, I would hope she was alive and being held captive, but deep down, I would think she was probably dead.
I don't know if I would speak of her with past tense, but I just think deep down, a mom knows when their baby is gone.

Yes, that is true, something inside the mother would tell her the child is gone. What I was saying is, even though the mother knows deep inside that her child is gone, it's still very difficult to speak of the child in past tense. Speaking of a child in past tense makes it so final. See what I mean?
Yes, that is true, something inside the mother would tell her the child is gone. What I was saying is, even though the mother knows deep inside that her child is gone, it's still very difficult to speak of the child in past tense. Speaking of a child in past tense makes it so final. See what I mean?

Very Well said Zoe Bogart...

This is very True, I have seen Clients that even 20 years after their child had gone missing or died, still speaking of their child in present tense.
They also often will never touch their child's room and leave everything exactly like it was when they last saw their child...
RBBM. LE did think she was a runaway at first, though BD kept saying she wouldn't have run away. If BD was trying to hide anything SA or she did, wouldn't she just go along with the runaway theory?

JMO but in the begining of this case LE was thinking runaway and although BD said she didn't think Hailey ran away, I think BD didn't protest LE's theory as much as CD, BD's own friends and the folks here at WS. BD and SA might have hoped that everyone would think she just ran off but the more information that came out, it was obvious that Hailey didn't just run away.
As a grandmother myself, if I knew that my dgd was fearful of the man that her mama brought into her home, and gm gave the advice to dgd to tell if he does anything inappropiate, but she says no, he hasn't done anything.

I believe, especially from the Christmas pic, that Hailey was an abused child, that her gm suspected it, and when the tv was bought for the room, there is hope that gm conspired with HD to escape. I surely hope so.
Now HD begs gm to not say anything even though daddy is so sad and looking for her everywhere.
She's just too scared to come forward.

With my whole being I hope this is true.
She is smart, and scared.
She knows he is capable of murder.
I hope she is with gm, where the trailor has been placed for daddy to live in.
Yay, even if she has to schooled at home and hide until she is 18, it is so worth it to not have to be afraid anymore.

They tried the custody battle route.
BD had told LE that SA threatened both BD and CD's lives.

This is a good plan.
I hope they did this....
But can't tell anyone.
Maybe FBI found out after the landfill search?
Maybe they found out and are allowing it, out of safety for HD, and CD.

Sometimes things do turn out well.

If grandma and CD and family move away in a few months, we could be encouraged...
We can dream, can't we?

and now CD is serving his time sooo maybe he can leave the state? hmm

IMO he needs to move to CA and get a medical marajuana card to avoid addl trouble! If he has had knowledge this entire time he is a VERY GOOD actor!
Soo maybe HD did go to dad's then to MB's for a quick goodbye and perhaps a handoff to a relative that drove in from out of town that stayed at the hotel???

Which means man's best friend CORRECT! dogs have no ulterior motives and no reason to lie!
Maybe CD got the couch to take to her!

and now CD is serving his time sooo maybe he can leave the state? hmm

IMO he needs to move to CA and get a medical marajuana card to avoid addl trouble! If he has had knowledge this entire time he is a VERY GOOD actor!
Soo maybe HD did go to dad's then to MB's for a quick goodbye and perhaps a handoff to a relative that drove in from out of town that stayed at the hotel???

Which means man's best friend CORRECT! dogs have no ulterior motives and no reason to lie!
Maybe CD got the couch to take to her!


I see no evidence CD is planning any such thing. I highly doubt Hailey is alive, and if she were, it would be beyond dumb for anyone to try to get over on the FBI in the way hypothesized.
*if* someone who had her best interests in mind did stash her, they would have come forward/been found out by now.
If she is stashed and alive, it is (imo) not by someone who is looking out for her best interests in any way shape or form.
The odds are though, this innocent child is gone.
JMO but in the begining of this case LE was thinking runaway and although BD said she didn't think Hailey ran away, I think BD didn't protest LE's theory as much as CD, BD's own friends and the folks here at WS. BD and SA might have hoped that everyone would think she just ran off but the more information that came out, it was obvious that Hailey didn't just run away.

I think this is highly likely. Then, when Clint himself and Billie's friends pushed to get Billie on Nancy Grace, Nancy and Marc Klaas further debunked the runaway theory and Billie went with it and let LE take the heat. I know some others don't agree, but JMO that Clint surprised a few people by having a major fire lit under him. Yes, those involved would anticipate he would be devastated, but it seems to me that he had learned to avoid the arguing and drama at Billie's house, didn't want to hear it, bit his tongue, and just wanted to be mellow and do his thing with his new family (with Hailey having an open door to his house). He may not have been such a bundle of energy in a very long time; he initially searched high and low and insisted that Hailey had never uttered a word about running away. Clint seems to go back and forth between wanting to believe that Billie and SA are not involved and having to accept that they may be, imo. I hope he doesn't lose the fire and keeps fighting for Hailey (and cleaning up his act for the sake of his children).

If Clint, Naomi or anyone in Clint's family is involved in Hailey's disappearance, I will be very surprised (wouldn't be the first time). They are not always consistent in what they say, but just not getting any vibe that there is deception when it comes to Hailey. MOO.
I was kind of creeped out at two cases that recently caused me to immediately think of Shawn & Billie & Hailey. I have to wonder if LE's theory isn't something along these lines. That Hailey was in the way... causing too much interference in the relationship?

We've seen Mom's murdering kids because the boyfriend didn't like them. We don't usually see it with older kids.

Karissa reminded me, it has happened... The mother in this case reminds me of Billie. She did make a plea for her daughter's return. The boyfriend had NO involvement but was initially suspected. Karissa had a Dad and stepmother who loved her that she could go back to live with again.

When I re-read this I suddenly got this sick feeling that this could be exactly what happened to Hailey. I actually had a nightmare about it.

[ame=""]Found Deceased Canada - Karissa Paige Boudreau, 12, Bridgewater Nova Scotia, 27 Jan 2008 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Boudreau told the undercover operator that she and Macumber were having issues, and that Macumber had gave her an ultimatum to pick either him or Karissa.

For several days she thought about it before taking the life of her daughter.


“Boudreau said she ‘did what she had to do,’”
said Scovil.


Boudreau then returned to the car, put the groceries in the trunk, grabbing a piece of beige twine and putting it in her pocket.


“Boudreau said she couldn’t let her go back and tell people what a horrible mom she was.”

Both mother and daughter got out of the car into the dark, snowy night. Boudreau went to grab her daughter but it was slippery so she tackled her backwards to the ground, pinning Karissa down with her knees on her chest. With her hands underneath her Karissa couldn’t move.

" 'Mommy don’t,’ was the only thing Karissa said,”
said Scovil.

Face to face with her daughter, Boudreau took the twine and strangled Karissa until she felt her life drain away.

My first thought with this was "That is how a mother reacts when her boyfriend is the suspect in her daughter's disappearance or murder." I know that the situation is totally different. But even if Hailey was found in Shawn's basement tomorrow... I have a hard time believing this would be the reaction from Billie.

[ame=""]Found Deceased OH - Tiffany Brown, 26, Bellefontaine, 11 Feb 2011, #2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Tiffany’s parents, Larry Brown and Deb Neeley convey their utter disgust for Sam Littleton.. Deb’s longtime boyfriend and prime suspect in Tiffany’s murder.

"It’s just unreal said Larry Brown, Tiffany's dad. "Everybody knows she’s my baby, daddy’s girl.”

"He had us all fooled, all fooled," said Neeley. "He let us worry for 5 days and we hunted and we searched, we never gave up on her."

"He laid down beside me for 5 nights, and he knew it,"
Neeley said.

"God help him. They better catch him before we do."
There have been 3 different sightings on Monday, but they are not the same so they do not corroborate each others.

1. She was supposedly seen outside talking on her cell for about 30 minutes on monday around noonish.

I think that is pretty easy to verify with the cell records. The fact that LE is not verifying it speaks volumes imo.

2. She was supposedly seen twice walking with a little boy past the hairdressers front window on Monday.

I think LE believes everything about that sighting--except the day it happened. There is video evidence which says it is more likely that she walked past that window on Sunday. There are other witnesses, the parents of that boy, who also say that she walked with him on Sunday, but did not take a walk with him on Monday.

I think the video evidence trumps witness's memory.

3. The 3rd witness makes a claim that flies in the face of several others witnesses who have already been interrogated for hours by the FBI and the Texas Rangers. I do not believe for a minute that a 13 yr old girl was able to fool the FBI and lie to them about her whereabouts on Monday night.

Do you really believe that MB could have been out walking around the town with Hailey on Monday night and nobody else would have flipped on her?

I have teens, and I KNOW that they know the truth behind things like this. IF MB HAD been with Hailey and had been out in public there would be way more sightings thatn one lady with a video receipt. IMO

This witness saw these kids at night walking down the street. I don't have a lot of faith in her ability to recognize them in those conditions.

Besides that., MB surely had to make her whereabouts known to the FBI to their satisfaction. She and her family were initial suspects in this missing persons case.


It's a 10 for each sighting that you clearly showed the most likely reason that these sightings are NOT valid..therefor IMO would be moot as far as being put into a Timeline of Hailey's disappearance.. IMO they are put into Billie Jena Dunn's Timeline for one clear and precise reason.. They take Shawn Adkins out of the hotseat as being the last person to see Hailey therefor making it all the more less likely for him to be responsible for Hailey's "disappearance"..

There is a very good as well as logical reason that LE is not using these sightings as valid evidence and katydid you did an excellent job describing and detailing those logical reasons!

Again Excellent Post katydid23!
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