She has been released

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Holly just said the first thing she did was go take a shower---not sure about any of you but the first thing I would have done is gone to my child's room and collapsed on the floor bawling...I'm just saying...

Right b/c this is and was ALL about Casey...point proven once again.
Hi All,0,3248279.story

"Attorney Jose Baez later told reporters that the Anthony family would be left in the home alone, with a representative from Padilla's bounty hunter team, to spend some time together.

"They're in there hugging," Baez said, shortly after Casey Anthony arrived at the home. "They're just enjoying their time as a family together."

"Just enjoying time as a family", as if it's an everyday birthday celebration or family get together, wonder if they have champagne and nibbles.

A very IMPORTANT FAMILY MEMBER was missing and yet they are CELEBRATING!!!!
"She is going to help find Caylee," said Baez. "There are certain things that the police haven't pursued. We're going to pursue that."

BS!!! If she wanted to help find Caylee, she would have done that two and a half months ago!! :furious:
My, we are sinking low today.

It is my opinion, nothing would surprise me with this fiasco.
From everything I have seen and heard of Casey, sinking
low is a compliment for her. :tsktsk:
A very IMPORTANT FAMILY MEMBER was missing and yet they are CELEBRATING!!!!

Truly sad...poor Caylee.

This family is longer interested in Caylee or her whereabouts, they all took a hard right awhile back and now it is all about saving casey and nothing else. I thoroughly believe that they will not be out with that bulletin board driving around, nor will they be asking for any help in looking for Caylee.

It's over for Caylee and now it's onto propping up casey's story and making her out to be some poor pathetic woman who's baby has been kidnapped.

You'll see, I doubt we will ever hear another word from this family about Caylee.:mad:
To the family, yes, I believe it can really make a difference. I'm 100% with you in that if she is indeed gone, God is taking care of Caylee no matter what and no, physically and spiritually it does not make a difference where her physical remains are located. But her family deserves to know what happened and have some kind of closure in this situation. If this were any member of my family, I would want the opportunity for a proper funeral or memorial service of some kind. As much as they want to believe she is alive now, someday they will realize she is not. And at that point, not knowing where she is or ever having a service for her could be so devastating. At least to me.

You know, I'm not so sure that the Anthony's will ever admit that Caylee is dead. I can easily see them defeated by Casey's refusal to own up to her part in Caylee's disappearance and forever telling people they meet about how they once had a granddaughter, but she was 'kidnapped' and the 'police' never found her. Tsk-tsk-tsk. Unsuspecting people would say, "Oh you poor people. How very tragic." And they can live their lives never admitting to themselves the truth as it really was.
I agree she was probably lost without her hair gel, blow dryer and flattening She didn't look scared to me. She looked like she just didn't have the tools to beautify herself..poor thing. Well now she will be privy to all of that while her child isn't privy to a thing. Poor Casey.

:::Gasp::: poor dear, no product? Maybe all she needs is a good volumizer to help her remember where Caylee is.
I sure wouldn't put it past Casey to tote around dead strangers either. Especially if they had money in their pockets or something else she might want to steal. lol

I know... I bet she had a job working for a morgue & she used daddy's car instead of the official transportation. That's as likely as any of the lies SHE came up with so far. She really needs to fire up her imagination because her stories are stoopid AND getting soooo boring. :crazy:

On another site I belong too, one of the posters has become personally connected to the Anthony family, and has begun believing their "spin." She is suggesting that Casey and Jesse were responsible for the Blanchard Park killing of a jogger (Nicole?) which I believe happened during the questionable timeframe of June 16-18--a "thrill kill" of sorts?!?! Of course this doesn't explain what happened to Caylee!
On another site I belong too, one of the posters has become personally connected to the Anthony family, and has begun believing their "spin." She is suggesting that Casey and Jesse were responsible for the Blanchard Park killing of a jogger (Nicole?) which I believe happened during the questionable timeframe of June 16-18--a "thrill kill" of sorts?!?! Of course this doesn't explain what happened to Caylee!

That seems a little far fetched to me. We were researching Orlando because we had planned to move there, and every local I talked to told me there is a lot of crime. I think the dates are just coincidental. I did see someone else here suggest that before though. I guess it's not impossible.
Hi All,0,3248279.story

"Attorney Jose Baez later told reporters that the Anthony family would be left in the home alone, with a representative from Padilla's bounty hunter team, to spend some time together.

"They're in there hugging," Baez said, shortly after Casey Anthony arrived at the home. "They're just enjoying their time as a family together."

"Just enjoying time as a family", as if it's an everyday birthday celebration or family get together, wonder if they have champagne and nibbles.


Unbelievable is right. Atten: Anthony's. This still isn't a joyous occasion. YOU'RE STILL MISSING A 3 YEAR OLD!
Truly sad...poor Caylee.

This family is longer interested in Caylee or her whereabouts, they all took a hard right awhile back and now it is all about saving casey and nothing else. I thoroughly believe that they will not be out with that bulletin board driving around, nor will they be asking for any help in looking for Caylee.

It's over for Caylee and now it's onto propping up casey's story and making her out to be some poor pathetic woman who's baby has been kidnapped.

You'll see, I doubt we will ever hear another word from this family about Caylee.:mad:

It's as if they've come to terms that she's "gone". Whether that be dead or just never coming home.
This I can say. If I messed up and it affected ANYONE but me.. I know exactly how I would handle it. Firstly I would FESS up to the mistake and be an upstanding citizen and MOTHER. Why should YOUR actions and YOUR mistakes affect anyone elses LIFE to that extreme? Why believe me I don't pretend to know what she was "feeling" I rightly don't care honestly. It's not about what she was feeling. It was and is about her ACTIONS. To me she put herself, her life and HER mistake ahead of a child that SHE conceived. This child didn't ask to be born and certainly didn't ask for HER as a mother..that was in greater hands than Casey. I'm sorry and I don't mean to be rude or offensive but your post hit me right in the gut.

As a mother Casey did the unfathomable...she wasn't looking out for the welfare and BEST for her child but rather for herself. As a mother that is what YOUR job protect your children not CYA.

What you're saying makes sense to most everyone. The problem is, in fessing up, it would cost Casey something - her freedom, admitting she lost the "game", etc. - and she's not going to let that happen. She's went her whole life telling one lie to cover another to keep from getting caught. She won't change anything now.
On another site I belong too, one of the posters has become personally connected to the Anthony family, and has begun believing their "spin." She is suggesting that Casey and Jesse were responsible for the Blanchard Park killing of a jogger (Nicole?) which I believe happened during the questionable timeframe of June 16-18--a "thrill kill" of sorts?!?! Of course this doesn't explain what happened to Caylee!

Interesting. I don't see Casey as a "thrill kill" type person but I do see her as a vengeful one.
If there are any forensics that can show that Caylee is no longer alive, I believe they'll rearrest her/charge her with homicide. The question is: what are the results of what was found in the trunk, if anything, and is it 'enough' to prove a death occurred and that it's Caylee's death? This is like watching a chess match!
Who was the guy telling the press to back up? Was it Cindys other brother? Where was Garrison - the self-proclaimed family spokesperson.

Whoa - Garrison just issued a statement on Foxnews - "there are people in authority that are watching people that they think maybe involved".

They believe that Caylee is alive and has been kidnapped.

The statement made it sound like Casey is already talking. So much for a long hot shower.

George and Cindy want their granddaughter back. How long do you think they will tolerate leads that go nowhere before they've had enough? Any bets?

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