She has been released

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First question I would have yelled out to Casey as she was being escorted out of jail would be "Casey, can you tell us where you were on June 16, 2008 if you weren't at work?"

IMO, that is the single most important question she needs to answer.

I'm a journalist (not in Florida, not covering this story). It is absolutely ILLEGAL and UNETHICAL to trespass, especially after being asked to leave someone's property.

The property owner can take action to remove you (not kill or injure you), so she could turn her hose on. People turn their sprinklers on salesmen, reporters, annoying neighbors, etc. all the time. That would be legal. "Journalists" who cross the property line and/or restrict access to or from the property are blatantly breaking the law. They know it, too.

It's sloppy reporting, IMO. Some members of the media obviously are frenzied and are losing site of their ethics.
If they need to go under the bus - let 'em. Everyone involved should be outted, in my opinion.

Outed for what? Being one of the long list of people that Casey has victimized?
I am glad she is out. Now she has to go home to a house covered with pictures of that little girl. I think being at home and having to face reality is much worse than being locked away and not having to answer any questions. She will be wishing to go back to jail within 24 hours of cold hard reality thatthe world hates her and her lies will no longer fly...
"im going in there to get my girl out" That just made me puke in my mouth.

A reporter said thats what Baez said before he went in there. :yuck:
He can? Or Estes who signed the bond release? LP is a bounty hunter. I think the bail company has to revoke it. That entire agreement has not been clarified.

he has $50,000 invested in this...I think he should have some say as to what's what..if I'm mistaken I apologize! I can ask someone to clarify.
Tony P stated on his thread early this morning that he can revoke the bond at any time.
Watching the release video was hard. What a crazy thing, with that one reporter asking if she killed Caylee, and then Baez yelling at the reporters. Ugly scene.
Outed for what? Being one of the long list of people that Casey has victimized?

IF, notice the IF, anyone of them has been complicite in any way, they are NOT victims. If no one has aided in this fiasco, then all are innocent.

As far as I'm concerned, the only victim here is CAYLEE; the rest of the players are adults with the full mental capacity and rights one assumes adults have.

A baby is missing and anyone involved in this mess needs to answer for it - in my opinion.
"im going in there to get my girl out" That just made me puke in my mouth.

A reporter said thats what Baez said before he went in there. :yuck:

Yes, I heard that! Does he have a wife? I really hope he doesn't because i'm starting to feel really bad for her.
Really, after thinking about it for a few minutes....I'm surprised they haven't been inundated with pizza deliveries!
It looked like she tried to hide her face or either was trying to whisper (or blow ;)) in Jose's ear.

this is a train wreck! Does anyone know if Baez has a wife. If he does, I need her number. I gotta have a talk with her. :crazy:
Yes, I heard that! Does he have a wife? I really hope he doesn't because i'm starting to feel really bad for her.

Im not sure but I think it was said that he does. I could never be a lawyer, esp if he knows she is guilty how could he live with that??? I couldnt (not saying she is guilty just saying if she is)
Domino's may not be the only pizza Casey is getting today. :bang:

From the Dreamin Demon homepage:

Oh, and thanks to Peeperann, who ordered Casey a medium Pizza Hut Meat Lover’s pizza. The message on the box? “With love and decomp from the Dreamin’ Demon.” Heh.


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