This implies to me that Chris was avoiding eye contact with family members. And to call to inform of funeral arrangements after avoiding them is more suspect. Maybe I'm abnormal in my thinking, but those would be the folks I'd be leaning on for comfort and support. My mom would throw a hissy fit if she were excluded from assisting in arrangements for my funeral!:furious:
You are so right, but have we heard about the family dynamics. Since my mom died, my dad went off and married the town alcholoic/*advertiser censored*/addict. I've pretty much cut my ties with that side of the family.
My husband specifically knows that I don't want a funeral (cremation instead) and to NOT even call my family. My brother is the only person who will know (and my dear husbands family of course). My side has just turned into trash. My ashes will be tossed in our family estate in Coughton Court, in England (yah, I'm a Throckmorton from the Gunpowder Plot). That's the only place I want to be.
It's also close to his folks home - so a simple ceremony with his side of the family would be just fine.
In short, many families are so f'n dysfunctional, that I can't take into account they were called 2 days later, when my family probably won't be called at all!