Shootin' from the Lip--Part One

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Jun 28, 2006
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I'm sure some of you have been wondering where I've been. You might even be glad to see me back. Well, there's some people who will NOT be so glad to hear from me again. And this "Shootin' from the Lip" series is dedicated to just those people.

People like...Lin Wood. I'm sorry, Woody, but you know you're a slime-bag AND a liar. Folks, this guy's own mother slapped the stork that delivered him.

This man is not content to express his own rights under the First Amendment. He wants to make sure that YOU can't. And to that end, he bullies people, he threatens the livelihood of anyone who speaks against him. For years, this man has run a one-man crusade, under the guise of fairness, to shut down anyone who disagrees with his view of society. Worse, he uses his law degree the way a hooker uses her body: as a consistent revenue stream. And believe me, if there was a hooker HERE, I'd apologize for making the comparison right now. I don't care how much money he has, or how many thoroughbred horses and cherry-red Jaguars he owns; that's no substitute for having a soul.

Remember when the Carnes decision came down? That was his moment in the sun. It didn't matter that none of the real evidence was provided. He, and his followers on the Internet boards (you know who you are) repeated it as fact that his clients were proven innocent.

Speaking of real evidence, it's revealing to note that even notorious shysters like Hal Haddon and his merry band of rats hate this guy.

Well, Mr. Wood, let me tell you this: I think I speak for the majority when I say that we don't want a greedy, unprincipled, self-righteous, pompous jerk with an ax to grind looking down his nose at us from Mount Olympus, campaigning to strip away the Constitutional rights that every American is guaranteed concerning freedom of speech, freedom of choice and freedom of peaceable assembly. Those are facts, Mr. Wood. Not rumors, not assumptions, not suppositions, but FACTS. You ought to try dealing with them sometime.

But if all of this has going on for so long, why am I so mad now? I'll tell you why. Because not so long ago, I was threatened gleefully by Lin Wood's proxies. Well, folks, I'm not a man you want to threaten, especially with lawsuits. Because, as the saying goes, "the higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his *advertiser censored*."

Go ahead, Lin Wood: SUE MY *advertiser censored*! And kiss it while you're down there! Because I've looked scarier things in the face and laughed. But you won't be laughing long when you see my witness list. I will summon and call everyone involved in this case who is not DEAD! Because, win, lose or draw, I will use the power of deposition to put them all through the wringer! And, brother, the things that I will squeeze out.

In closing, Lin Wood, the way you have used the body of a murdered angel to enrich your own personal finances and to force your beliefs on the rest of us is more VULGAR and more VILE and more OBSCENE than anything you've ever falsely accused any of your opponents of being guilty of. And on behalf of all the murdered children whose killers got away with it, and on behalf of all the people who are sick of you and people like you, you go to HELL, Lin Wood! And try to reform things down there. Because w'll get along just fine without you.

That's my opinion.

Do what you like with it.
WOW!!!! Looks like you did something RIGHT (or should I say, you expose the dirty SECRETS?!) if Lin Wood is after you:).....

....regardless, we feel your passion...just keep your rifle aimed!!!!
I was researching something the other day, and noticed how many peripferal players had been arrested, for selling information, etc...which is really disheartening, considering that somebody is getting away with murder, and covering for a murderer, lying to LE...It's like none of this matters. MOO
Perhaps we need to start one of those online fundraising ventures for SuperDave.
Perhaps we need to start one of those online fundraising ventures for SuperDave.

I appreciate the notion, llama, but it's not quite at that point yet. When I said "Wood's proxies," I was not referring to anyone on his staff or anyone officially connected with him. I was actually referring to some IDIs who are trying to scare me away from publishing my book. They taunt me with things like, "you're going to meet Lin Wood in person," not realizing that's what I WANT. Like I've said a few times now, that would give me the chance I've been after.

After it's released, who can say?
I appreciate the notion, llama, but it's not quite at that point yet. When I said "Wood's proxies," I was not referring to anyone on his staff or anyone officially connected with him. I was actually referring to some IDIs who are trying to scare me away from publishing my book. They taunt me with things like, "you're going to meet Lin Wood in person," not realizing that's what I WANT. Like I've said a few times now, that would give me the chance I've been after.

After it's released, who can say?

O shoot...too bad...I was preparing to see the firework:)....
I don't know who any of these people are...why the rant?

Especially, why the rant on WS?

I can't see anything wrong with using your law degree to make a "consistent revenue stream"...isn't that the point of qualifications?

Maybe a link would've helped...
I don't know who any of these people are...why the rant?

Especially, why the rant on WS?

Main reason is I think the people who screwed up this case deserve to be chewed out. Ask anybody here: I'm a man who is very vocal in his feelings.

And this is just for starters.

I can't see anything wrong with using your law degree to make a "consistent revenue stream"...isn't that the point of qualifications?

There's a difference between doing that and what Wood does. Using litigation to enrich one's personal wealth is called barratry, and it's a disbarring offense. He brags about it.

Maybe a link would've helped...

What would you like to know?

Like I said: it's my opinion. Do whatever you want with it.
Main reason is I think the people who screwed up this case deserve to be chewed out. Ask anybody here: I'm a man who is very vocal in his feelings.

And this is just for starters.

There's a difference between doing that and what Wood does. Using litigation to enrich one's personal wealth is called barratry, and it's a disbarring offense. He brags about it.

What would you like to know?

Like I said: it's my opinion. Do whatever you want with it.

A reply without the snark is an option. I am genuinely confused by your thread.

You're entitled to an opinion, but I have absolutely no idea who/what/when/how/where/why it was formulated, let alone posted as a new thread...nor will any other person who happens across your post.

To understand and appreciate any opinion you at least have to know the basis of that opinion...which I do not!

Any background information at all would help really, even if it is another WS link.

Re-read your post putting yourself in my shoes...I have absolutely no idea who these people are, what they are supposed to have done, nor why you are attacking them on JonBenets thread.

It has kind of come out of left field...unless you've been on WS for years maybe, and know all these characters and whatever issues you've had with them personally.


ETA - totally with you on the screw ups, if I lived in Colorado I would be picketing the govt for some transparency on the whole damn mess.
A reply without the snark is an option. I am genuinely confused by your thread.

You're entitled to an opinion, but I have absolutely no idea who/what/when/how/where/why it was formulated, let alone posted as a new thread...nor will any other person who happens across your post.

To understand and appreciate any opinion you at least have to know the basis of that opinion...which I do not!

Any background information at all would help really, even if it is another WS link.

Re-read your post putting yourself in my shoes...I have absolutely no idea who these people are, what they are supposed to have done, nor why you are attacking them on JonBenets thread.

It has kind of come out of left field...unless you've been on WS for years maybe, and know all these characters and whatever issues you've had with them personally.


ETA - totally with you on the screw ups, if I lived in Colorado I would be picketing the govt for some transparency on the whole damn mess.

Let me explain a little on SD's comments. I may be the house IDI but I am all for Kolar and SD writing a book. In a way, I wish SD wouldn't but that is because I wish him no harm.

Anyhow if Kolar or SD gets sued by whomever that means they also open themself up to deposition and the works. So an attorney deposes Dave, Lin Wood, A Ramsey or whomever is getting deposed as well.

As long as people get off their fat cans and do something about this case, I am up for anything. Kolar's book keeps this in the spotlight so that is great.
I love you Super Dave!!! Seeing you back and reading this post....I'm all hot & bothered now....:)

I'm sure some of you have been wondering where I've been. You might even be glad to see me back. Well, there's some people who will NOT be so glad to hear from me again. And this "Shootin' from the Lip" series is dedicated to just those people.

People like...Lin Wood. I'm sorry, Woody, but you know you're a slime-bag AND a liar. Folks, this guy's own mother slapped the stork that delivered him.

This man is not content to express his own rights under the First Amendment. He wants to make sure that YOU can't. And to that end, he bullies people, he threatens the livelihood of anyone who speaks against him. For years, this man has run a one-man crusade, under the guise of fairness, to shut down anyone who disagrees with his view of society. Worse, he uses his law degree the way a hooker uses her body: as a consistent revenue stream. And believe me, if there was a hooker HERE, I'd apologize for making the comparison right now. I don't care how much money he has, or how many thoroughbred horses and cherry-red Jaguars he owns; that's no substitute for having a soul.

Remember when the Carnes decision came down? That was his moment in the sun. It didn't matter that none of the real evidence was provided. He, and his followers on the Internet boards (you know who you are) repeated it as fact that his clients were proven innocent.

Speaking of real evidence, it's revealing to note that even notorious shysters like Hal Haddon and his merry band of rats hate this guy.

Well, Mr. Wood, let me tell you this: I think I speak for the majority when I say that we don't want a greedy, unprincipled, self-righteous, pompous jerk with an ax to grind looking down his nose at us from Mount Olympus, campaigning to strip away the Constitutional rights that every American is guaranteed concerning freedom of speech, freedom of choice and freedom of peaceable assembly. Those are facts, Mr. Wood. Not rumors, not assumptions, not suppositions, but FACTS. You ought to try dealing with them sometime.

But if all of this has going on for so long, why am I so mad now? I'll tell you why. Because not so long ago, I was threatened gleefully by Lin Wood's proxies. Well, folks, I'm not a man you want to threaten, especially with lawsuits. Because, as the saying goes, "the higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his *advertiser censored*."

Go ahead, Lin Wood: SUE MY *advertiser censored*! And kiss it while you're down there! Because I've looked scarier things in the face and laughed. But you won't be laughing long when you see my witness list. I will summon and call everyone involved in this case who is not DEAD! Because, win, lose or draw, I will use the power of deposition to put them all through the wringer! And, brother, the things that I will squeeze out.

In closing, Lin Wood, the way you have used the body of a murdered angel to enrich your own personal finances and to force your beliefs on the rest of us is more VULGAR and more VILE and more OBSCENE than anything you've ever falsely accused any of your opponents of being guilty of. And on behalf of all the murdered children whose killers got away with it, and on behalf of all the people who are sick of you and people like you, you go to HELL, Lin Wood! And try to reform things down there. Because w'll get along just fine without you.

That's my opinion.

Do what you like with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sapphire --

"Any background information at all would help really, even if it is another WS link"...

Lin Wood is the Ramseys' attorney. He sued and threatens to sue anyone saying anything about his clients.

Link for all you need to know:

Please read there; it's extremely helpful.
From ACandyRose - Lin Wood, Ramsey Attorney lawsuits...

"....That was the Ramsey attorney, Lin Wood. He's the guy who filed five lawsuits on behalf of JonBenet's brother, Burke. In March, the Ramseys settled a $25 million lawsuit against the Star magazine tabloid. Now they're suing the New York Post and Time-Warner for $4 million a pop. In addition, they're also seeking $35 million from the company that owns the Globe supermarket weekly.

But that's not all. Attorney Wood now says that he plans another lawsuit or two on Burke's behalf, after which he will start suing people who have allegedly libeled John and Patsy. Now, the defamation suits would target the couple's fiercest critics. The Governor has been mentioned, Governor William Owens, and of course the Denver radio talk show host, Peter Boyles..."
I'm sure some of you have been wondering where I've been. You might even be glad to see me back. Well, there's some people who will NOT be so glad to hear from me again. And this "Shootin' from the Lip" series is dedicated to just those people.

Dave, you ROCK dude!
A reply without the snark is an option. I am genuinely confused by your thread.

You're entitled to an opinion, but I have absolutely no idea who/what/when/how/where/why it was formulated, let alone posted as a new thread...nor will any other person who happens across your post.

To understand and appreciate any opinion you at least have to know the basis of that opinion...which I do not!

Then here it is, straight. Right after the Grand Jury wrapped up (or was shut down, depending on which source you talk to), the Ramseys hired this bottom-feeder Wood as basically their attack dog. They were going on the offense, and believe me, they chose the most offensive person they could get! So much so, that--as I mentioned at the kick-off--even their defense attorneys from the Haddon law firm--who were no prizes when it comes to ethics (and I'll be glad to tell you a few things about that sometime)--hated him. Back in June of 2000, H. Ellis Armistead, the head private investigator under retainer from Haddon, quit, and among the reasons he gave (which were all interesting) was that he couldn't stand Wood and believed he was doing all the wrong things.

For my part, Lin Wood resembles the Mouth of Sauron from Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Or, to use a more real-life example, picture John Edwards (the slime-bag politician, not the psychic) with a gigantic mean streak and less charm.

I first became fully aware of what an insufferable s**t-bag Lin Wood is on the evening of July 31, 2002. Nancy Grace was guest-hosting for Larry King on this particular evening, and Wood was on the panel. Opposite him was one of my favorite people, child advocate and all-around super guy Marc Klaas. They were discussing the seeming epidemic of child-kidnappings and/or slayings that seemed to be happening that year. Among those victims were Danielle Van Dam and Samantha Runnion.

I watched as Lin Wood tried to co-opt the grief of the loved ones of these victims and transplant it on to his clients, the Ramseys, going so far as to paint them (the Rs, I mean) as some kind of Cassandras whose warnings were ignored to the peril of these other victims. What made this shameless (and shameFUL) attempt all the more striking was that not ONE of the cases in the news at that time even REMOTELY resembled what happened to JonBenet.

Well, Wood didn't get away with it. Nancy pointed out to him exactly what I just said. Then Klaas let him have it as well. Klaas pointed out:

a) what an insult Wood was committing to the memories of the victims' families

b) the tendency the Ramseys and Wood have for threatening lawsuits against anyone who questions their version of what happened

and c) how different JonBenet's killing was from those other cases.

Well, Wood didn't like that one bit. Like so many other people who imbibe too completely of their own bulls**t, he does not take being challenged very well. So, he sat there with his trademark "don't-******-with-me-punk" grin and said that if you don't know about the case, don't talk about it. The heated sibilance in his voice made his seemingly-polite words poisonous with very thinly-veiled threats. As a lawyer, he knows how to phrase his statements and vocal timber so threaten people without opening himself up for censure by using overtly-threatening language. I couldn't believe it. This man, supposedly an advocate for his "victim" clients, had just threatened a genuine victim's advocate.

Any background information at all would help really, even if it is another WS link.

How's that for starters?

Re-read your post putting yourself in my shoes...I have absolutely no idea who these people are, what they are supposed to have done, nor why you are attacking them on JonBenet's thread.

All shall become clear in time.

It has kind of come out of left field...unless you've been on WS for years maybe, and know all these characters and whatever issues you've had with them personally.

Yeah, I've been around for a while, now.

ETA - totally with you on the screw ups, if I lived in Colorado I would be picketing the govt for some transparency on the whole damn mess.

Now you're talking my language.
Let me explain a little on SD's comments. I may be the house IDI but I am all for Kolar and SD writing a book. In a way, I wish SD wouldn't but that is because I wish him no harm.

Your concern is greatly valued, Roy. It's not like I went into this with my eyes closed. Not too long ago, another poster (whose name does not merit a mention) pointed out that, if the lawyers and politicians I rip on are as powerful and as unscrupulous as I make them out to be, it might be dangerous for me to attract their attention. I have to admit, I hadn't thought of it quite that way before. It makes sense: if what I've said up to now is true, if the power-brokers in Boulder are willing to let a little girl's murder slide to protect whatever dirty secrets they may have (and I believe they do), they would think NOTHING of trying to ruin my life, up to and including trying to railroad me into jail on a bogus charge, like they tried to do to Tom Miller, lest any of us forget.

But as I said, I'm not a man to threaten.

Anyhow if Kolar or SD gets sued by whomever that means they also open themself up to deposition and the works. So an attorney deposes Dave, Lin Wood, A Ramsey or whomever is getting deposed as well.

Roy, you just nailed it. As I'm sure you well know, I've been saying for some time now, a Grand Jury should be called to investigate the Boulder DA's office, the Haddon Law Firm, and Lin Wood. (I'd include Lou Smit in there, but he dead.) That's not likely to happen, but, as you are aware, a deposition would be the next best thing.

As long as people get off their fat cans and do something about this case, I am up for anything. Kolar's book keeps this in the spotlight so that is great.

Glad to hear it.
Here's the transcript for the 07/31/02 LKL show that SD referenced above:

Here's a quote from Marc Klaas: "But since these folks (the Ramseys) basically threatened litigation to anybody that doesn't totally agree with their version of the facts, I'm afraid I can't say any more."

Lin Wood: "I could I could sit down and ask Mr. Klaas 100 factual questions about the JonBenet Ramsey case, and I bet you he wouldn't get 10 of them correct." Wow.
The Ramsey's innocence would technically make any suggestion to the otherwise Libellous/ slanderous though - unless it was suggested as a possibility and not as fact.

In a way I hate the theories thread for this reason because it asks to point the finger at a potentially innocent party which is one of the worst things you can ever do - ever - especially over such a hideous and heinous set of crimes.

Just about every single act action movement word behaviour of the Ramseys has been used to speculate guilt and I find that a quite terrible because none of it is evidence - though human behaviour does of course need to be measured and considered TO AN EXTENT but when wearing makeup or getting dressed quickly is considered to form patterns of guilt I find it frustrating - if Patsy had met the police in her pjs then it would have been - look she didn't have time to dress cos she has been busy clearing up and staging a crime scene - it look she has no make up on - clearly has lost all sense of self through guilt - behavioural profiling can be very relevant but the truth is there is no real dirt on these people - no history of assault battery impropriety - just a regular family with their regular ups and downs which lots of people are also coping with. :/

I have a question for you - is it true that Chris Wolf has been murdered? You got any detail on that?

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