Should Public Petition Caylee a Guardian to make decisions once she's found?

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~~~Sin is the Cause of all Sorrow~~~For this Gal,
Aug 15, 2003
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Something that has been playing on my mind for weeks is:

What's going to happen with Caylee once she's found? Who is going to make the decisions? For burial? Location for burial? Who should she be given too? The Anthony's?

I say "No" emphatically. They have shown no normal loving caring feelings for her remains. I have hesitated in bringing this up as it's a big decision to say or involve yourself in another Families business and matters, especially concerning one of their own.

But this case and family are different by all accounts. All their actions since Caylee has been born has been to serve themselves as we have continued to learn facts. This family didn't just start being dysfunctional, it's been that way.

I watched a snippet video last night, the one many are talking about of the new video of Caylee and KC, where she's holding Caylee and it appears Caylee has ice cream, cake, something white. I don't know if others caught what I saw but it was a battle between KC and Cindy in that video. One is showing Caylee's hand with the food in one's face and vice a versa. It was an agressive in your face play between two people with Caylee being caught in the middle. Which I believe Caylee has been caught in the middle of this on going feud and power struggles between mom and daughter since the beginning of her young life.

I've held my peace concerning her photos. But in most, Caylee is gritting her teeth and mouth, or looking angered, somewhat un-happy, showing her constant embattled environment she's been forced to grow up in. I've only seen two photos of Caylee where she is happy and adult issues not burdening her mind in. Even the photo of her in the bed with her cutesy feet, stuffed animals all around, her nose looks reddened and puffed, eyes darkened as almost the eye on right, her left eye could almost have a faint bruise underneath.

I'm asking this after saying all that: Should we as a community demand and petition the courts to appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to represent the best interests of Caylee Marie Anthony? To make the legal and moral decisions concerning her as we know when she's found, will have to be made.

Are we as a caring Community of People going to allow her to be returned to this family? This family who hasn't given a dime to her search efforts, hasn't said one nice word about a soul who has helped and volunteered to be there for them day in and day out? I say "No". We need a child's advocate standing in for her.

I know one time around ehre years ago we had a petition to sign. I don't know who or what has to be done for said petition. I'm not necessarily saying it should be done here at Websleuths, for of course Tricia would have to give permission. I would sign such a petition, sadly and with great heartache, not out of vengance, but out of concern for justice for not only Caylee, but our Community as a Whole. Many people have been deeply affected by this case as we have witnessed live on tv and on these boards.

Any ideas? Anyone agree with me? I just can't for my heart mourns with the thoughts of her being given back to KC and Cindy at this point. For us to watch in disgust them go through the motions of a funeral and burial.

I'm not saying prohibit the family from all processions, for we must allow them their grief and mourning process. Healing if there's such a thing in their soul for we don't want to be held into account by causing them to stumble in anyway and err, we need to be spotless. Just someone to represent Caylee.

I really believe we need to fast forward a bit on Caylee's behalf, move the court to act. Should DCF be the ones to move the court, for they are the ones in so many others instances concerning children, elders, the helpless who can't speak up for themselves? Should we plant a seek in their ears, LE, the Padillas, TM with Equusearch, NG, those who have shown such care for Caylee?
Her own family shouldn't be trusted with her remains?? Despite anything you can say about the Anthonys, they are the ones who gave Caylee, life, care and love. They will be the ones to visit her grave and put flowers on it. They are the ones who will truly mourn the loss of Caylee and forever have her memory in their heart. I hope this thread gets deleted because it is in extremely poor taste to talk about robbing a victim of their rights to remains.
Her own family shouldn't be trusted with her remains?? Despite anything you can say about the Anthonys, they are the ones who gave Caylee, life, care and love. They will be the ones to visit her grave and put flowers on it. They are the ones who will truly mourn the loss of Caylee and forever have her memory in their heart. I hope this thread gets deleted because it is in extremely poor taste to talk about robbing a victim of their rights to remains.

Did you read my post? I didn't say rob the Anthony's of Caylees remains. I even stated they should be allowed all processionis, healing, grief etc... I'm saying appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to make the decisions based on what is best for Caylee and to follow through and see that it is done.

Sadly, the Anthony's haven't exhibited sound mind and judgement up to this point, and certainly not concerning what is best for Caylee or they would be out looking for her just as the Public has put up their time and monies too. Have you seen or know something concerning this family I don't as far as acting in the best interests of Caylee Marie Anthony?

With the wild un-sound things that have come from Cindy and Casey, for example all the lying and cover ups, I do not trust them to make good decisions. I have no problem with them being a part of all that will follow once she's found. I'm speaking of a legal Representative like so often the courts have to do concerning so many other children who's families don't do right by the child. This unfortunately isn't a first where a child is concerned.
Her own family shouldn't be trusted with her remains?? Despite anything you can say about the Anthonys, they are the ones who gave Caylee, life, care and love. They will be the ones to visit her grave and put flowers on it. They are the ones who will truly mourn the loss of Caylee and forever have her memory in their heart. I hope this thread gets deleted because it is in extremely poor taste to talk about robbing a victim of their rights to remains.

If Caylee was able to have her say, her mother and grandparents are probably who Caylee would want most at her graveside.

Whatever happened, I am very sure Caylee's love for her family was unconditional. That's the way kids are.

I'm speechless.... No offence but I can't think of a thing to say to that ... Do you know these people personally?
thats the family Caylee loved ....... Caylee ......
I'm speechless.... No offence but I can't think of a thing to say to that ... Do you know these people personally?
thats the family Caylee loved ....... Caylee ......

Do you? I know them publically and I've witnessed some of their ways and actions they have taken that has been aired over and over through videos, legal documents and their very own words throughout the internet with postings and personal interviews.

I can see the public outcry once she's found as to what will happen next for Caylee. Appointing a Guardian isn't a devlish hateful thing. It is a person that is legally appointed to assist the family and LE in making appropriate decisions with a child's best interest.

I would feel better IMO if there was that stand in person assisting those involved. Maybe appointing a Guardian would bring some balance and calmness to a situation that is clearly out of control in some instances. I think it would be a big help to LE and the Family to have this intermediate person to be a go between. Which would hopefully bring some peace to many.
Did you read my post? I didn't say rob the Anthony's of Caylees remains. I even stated they should be allowed all processionis, healing, grief etc... I'm saying appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to make the decisions based on what is best for Caylee and to follow through and see that it is done.

Sadly, the Anthony's haven't exhibited sound mind and judgement up to this point, and certainly not concerning what is best for Caylee or they would be out looking for her just as the Public has put up their time and monies too. Have you seen or know something concerning this family I don't as far as acting in the best interests of Caylee Marie Anthony?

With the wild un-sound things that have come from Cindy and Casey, for example all the lying and cover ups, I do not trust them to make good decisions. I have no problem with them being a part of all that will follow once she's found. I'm speaking of a legal Representative like so often the courts have to do concerning so many other children who's families don't do right by the child. This unfortunately isn't a first where a child is concerned.

What is the legal respresentative going to do with remains? Decide where they are buried? Choose cremation or burial? Choose the music that will be played and what the headstone should be? These are the rights of the loved ones to make, not that of public opinion. It will be disgusting to watch only in that it will be a little baby taken before her time. Do you doubt that Cindy, George, and Lee loved Caylee? You think they are going to put her in a shoe box and bury her in the backyard with a huge party? I don;t get what part you don't trust them with? Burial customs are usually tied to religion and cultural. We are in America, you can't take those rights from someone. Like me, in my religion we have very strict burial customs, the dress, the washing, the headstone and no cremation allowed if my husband murdered me, I would still want him to be able to speak up and say she needs to be buried like this.
There is absolutely nothing at this point to indicate that George and Cindy had any involvement in Caylee's disappearance. It's obvious from the videos and photos that the GPs love their granddaughter very much. We don't take away a person's right to make decisions about burying their only grandchild simply because we don't care for the way they're acting.

Of course, legally the decisions will be Casey's to make unless she's found guilty of murder before Caylee is found.
unfortunately i cannot agree with you and no i wouldn't sign a petition as such!!yeah i may not agree with what the family has done for finding her but i couldn't sign something taking her remains from the family!!
Did you read my post? I didn't say rob the Anthony's of Caylees remains. I even stated they should be allowed all processionis, healing, grief etc... Sadly, the Anthony's haven't exhibited sound mind and judgement up to this point, and certainly not concerning what is best for Caylee or they would be out looking for her just as the Public has put up their time and monies too. Have you seen or know something concerning this family I don't as far as acting in the best interests of Caylee Marie Anthony?

With the wild un-sound things that have come from Cindy and Casey, for example all the lying and cover ups, I do not trust them to make good decisions. I have no problem with them being a part of all that will follow once she's found. I'm speaking of a legal Representative like so often the courts have to do concerning so many other children who's families don't do right by the child. This unfortunately isn't a first where a child is concerned.

B]I'm saying appoint a Guardian Ad Litem to make the decisions based on what is best for Caylee and to follow through and see that it is done.
So we can watch another Anna Nicole circus? Caylee has a mother and grandparents to make those decision if and when they need to be made. You can't go into someones home and personal lives and take their rghts from them.

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