SIDEBAR #21- Arias/Alexander forum

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If he was so so bad and he has his staff hang up on her I love that BTW I have to change my mind about KN He IS smarter than he Looks! I do not think I could of been in the same room with her 5 minutes after she spoke the first time! I do not see JSS granting this It way to late in the game I know she is pushing this re-trial into 2014 & will do anything to get her way. She will never change and it is just delay delay delay game!
M ~

I so much feel for you! I missed a lot of work due to hospitalization and recovery from pneumonia. Back at work, it truly took over a month of nothing but work-sleep, work-sleep, week after week, to get back to feeling healthy.

Something's very wrong with how you've been treated. Despite what Simon Legree says, I suspect your message did go through. If it didn't, you could easily be excused for somehow fumbling it, sick as you were.

I hope you can put on pressure enough to go back to work there, then find another, better job - and QUIT!
JA is miserable in prison. I hope she gets a sentence of 'natural life'. Living in a teeny, loud, smelly cage the rest of her life. A VERY LONG life.
The entire letter is a Blame Game. It's not her fault. What's a girl to do.

We have JA complaining about everything and anything from the start of the trial to the finish, even putting the blame on Nurmi for adversely affecting her testimony at trial. Page 6

Complaining about the secretary hanging up on her 2.65 cent calls. I bet they were numerous, to the point of stalking, something we found out she does well.

The relations ship between her and Nurmi was destroyed before I STOPPED TALKING TO HIM. pg 2 And the brattyness continues

She is yaking about not investigating meaningful mitigation witnesses....and who might they be? She has none that will stand up for her and she knows it.

She is admitting she is tiched in the head, only because she thinks now it will be beneficial, where as before, she was fine, in her mind.

JA was very proud of the statement that Nurmi does't like her 9 out of 10 days, the time it was said. She even exposed a great big smile and giggle. What happened JA?

This whole letter seems to be, as usual it is not JA's fault. She seems to be getting some of these ideas to pen from her supporters. Who else would try to help?

Where is the Juan song that was recorded, it's not her fault?
Another interesting thing is the letter is, she tried to get books out to her friends with notes in the margin. She claims they were to explain the simularities between Christianity and Buddhism. I bet those books were riddled with instructions to follow but disguised as scripture.

Then she wanted all that supported her guilt, impeached.

No, it's not her fault,in her mind anyway. She is trying to coverup for all her short comings in this 12 page letter. Good luck Jodi.
the only nice thing i can say about the murderer is that her handwriting is better than mine
Hey all. Been a wild week here, trying to get caught up. Mollyandme, i hope you're feeling better and things are ok with you and your hubby.

Daisy, I'm totally watching the WS and wth was that all about last night? ;) Go Boston!

I'm not doing so hot. Feeling a little better physically but i got fired from my job today. Overwhelmed and trying to wrap my head around it all. Ugh, I'm a weepy mess tonight.


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When you file for unemployment they may ask you if you want your job back if he was wrong to fire you. Make sure he gives you a pink slip with the reason. It's the law. He has to provide you with one so you can collect. In the meantime take this opportunity to rest up. Did you get a return to work slip from your doctor because he has to go by what the doctor's recommendations are?

Strange that if you did not show up for work on Wednesday that he did not touch base with you knowing you had just been released from the hospital. Being hospitalized for pneumonia is not just a mild case, it was serious.
In the letter, JA is complaining Nurmi did not do sufficient or adequate investigation? JA did it, admitted to doing it and the evidence proves she did it. Witnesses were called by the defense who confirmed she was a psycho stalker. Nobody even wanted to speak for Jodi in the penalty phase.

WHAT other investigation should Nurmi have done?
the only nice thing i can say about the murderer is that her handwriting is better than mine

The killer's handwriting is 100 times better than mine!!!

M, so sorry about your job. You never really know why you get fired, IMO.
I have never been fired but I have friends that have been fired. Only one
time was the firing because of poor work skills. I worked at a company that fired older people mainly because they were having to pay them more than
younger ones. It was really sad. I left that place.

Don't take it personnally. Loyalty from a business to their employees, I don't think exists anymore.

I am so sorry about your job loss. that is complete bullcrap. please makesure you have all text messages etc saved that the boss claims he didn't get. maybe you can send him copies and see how he responds? if not, file for unemployment and present this to the judge, you will definitely win.
M, I'm so sorry you were fired for such a minor glitch. I agree with him your text!
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