SIDEBAR #30- Arias/Alexander forum

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I should check more thoroughly for other answers to the same post, before posting my own - you said it perfectly! I will excuse myself with the fact that I've only had one coffee so far this morning. Two's the firing up stage.

I think it's kind of funny that we said basically the exact same thing though, lol. That says all it needs to say.

And ya know, if you're playing for righteous incredulousness, don't bring up ridiculous things like a copyright on a test booklet. Really? Really? You are so right, all that does is make you look desperate and it insults the jurors' intelligence.
Watching the trial live last year made us all laugh during questioning by Wilmott and Nurmi. I just keep saying they had nothing to work with. And can you imagine how Nurmi felt having to give the closing argument during the penalty phase without ONE true mitigating factor nor ONE witness for her? How that jury ever came back without a decision is just beyond my imagination. Of course, we know we can all thank the foreman and his couple of minions. I have no words for him.

Maybe after this phase is over with a reporter should sit down with Nurmi and ask him "How did it make you feeeel having to work with a sociopath as a client for all these years?" :lol:

I am so angry that I won't get to see Juan Martinez' opening statement live. Ugh.
I also wonder about all the people that will be testifying. I wonder if JA will testify again.
And here's one good for a belly laugh: Seems the esteemed prosecutor was trying to give examples of how a person might say they want to kill themselves and not actually be suicidal but rather it is just a figure of speech. His example hypothesized if he and Willmott were married he "would certainly want to kill myself."

LOL...Jen was in a snit over that and tried to get the judge to verbally slap him, and now has filed a motion to have the Death Penalty taken off the table for, in part, prosecutor misconduct---because of that hypothetical! Claims he was trying to insult her. Yet, she refers to a witness as a b**** right there in open court. Not many here on WS missed it, so no doubt many people in the courtroom heard her clearly.

Oh wow...I am truly getting old and I watched the whole trial but I missed Wilmott calling DeMarte that!! Can someone point me to the time on tape where that happened? That's just unprofessional and childish and yet she whined when JM joked that he would kill himself if married to her? JM, being the professional that he is, probably was in no way making a joke. Can you imagine going home to someone that dumb every night, that unprofessional? Heck, I want to see this penalty phase! I would love to see DeMarte come back and smear JW's face in it. If anyone can point me to the time she said that, I would be grateful. Thanks.
Maybe after this phase is over with a reporter should sit down with Nurmi and ask him "How did it make you feeeel having to work with a sociopath as a client for all these years?" :lol:


If only he could answer truthfully. He would likely pull a Baez, and say she is innocent.
Oh wow...I am truly getting old and I watched the whole trial but I missed Wilmott calling DeMarte that!! Can someone point me to the time on tape where that happened? That's just unprofessional and childish and yet she whined when JM joked that he would kill himself if married to her? JM, being the professional that he is, probably was in no way making a joke. Can you imagine going home to someone that dumb every night, that unprofessional? Heck, I want to see this penalty phase! I would love to see DeMarte come back and smear JW's face in it. If anyone can point me to the time she said that, I would be grateful. Thanks.

It's not clear exactly what she said. But here's a link.
Hi All, truth is my heart is not in this trial anymore. I do hope to see the Bi6ch swing from the rafters or something b ut to me it is a fiasco. I've never in my life seen one like it. They go out of State to question~ what the he(( is wrong with usng Skype as other trials have? They constantly prolong things in favor of the GUILTY!! I Quit spending money on idiot miss priss and hire more help. Priss has taken them for a ride. I know it, you know it ,JM. knows it. Something is wrong. She goes around like she owns AZ.!! For Gods sake , think of the poor man she bludgeoned to death!!! He didn't deserve this, he has rights too. Give him peace, side track the rest for awhile. Put her *advertiser censored* where it belongs! IN HELL...God: forgive me. You know I do not think like this normally, you are always with me. I am not cruel, I just want justice and I want it now..xox Noreen.......

P.s. sometimes I think the law is afraid of her..IMO..:stormingmad: :gaah: :tantrum::blushing:
I am so angry that I won't get to see Juan Martinez' opening statement live. Ugh.
I also wonder about all the people that will be testifying. I wonder if JA will testify again.[/QUOTT Defense attorneys may have told the court Jodis witnesses are to afraid to testify in this phase of the trial if its on live television, This may be why the request for no cameras was granted.
Defense attorneys may have told the court Jodis witnesses are to afraid to testify in this phase of the trial if its on live television, This may be why the request for no cameras was granted.

That's what they did.
But Neesaki, it won't just be you! It will be me...and

gajonka, Hatfield, ILikeToBendPages, Spellbound, thefragile7393, YESorNO, Zuri

in a row doing it!

Walking dead, NOT! :floorlaugh:

in that case, be forewarned . I will be laughing my head off and probably pee my pants! I am envisioning all of us prancing down the path, laughing and wiggling and an embarassing (but oh-so-funny) video shows up on U-Tube. ATL-- that vision is now stuck in my head -- I owe you one! :laughing:
I agree to a point but unfortunately, Willmott didn't get the memo that you plant a seed of doubt then move on, leaving it lingering in jurors' minds. She pressed and pressed for certainty so that in the end, it was the witnesses who looked incredulous, as if they couldn't believe what she was asking. And as a result, they were pressed into giving answers which made it quite clear that what she was suggesting was impossible, completely destroying any doubt she was trying to create. And quite possibly insulting the jurors' intelligence in the process, and making them think that she was either desperate or stupid, or both, to press on with certain lines of questioning. For instance, in her overzealous attempt to create doubt about Janeen Demarte's conclusions, by suggesting her work wasn't wasn't thorough, she pressed Demarte to the point where she had to explain three times that the reason she didn't investigate why Travis said certain things was because "he's not alive", ending in this grand finale:

Willmott: So when somebody is not alive, you can't get any information from them. Is that what you mean?
Demarte: From them directly, that's correct, because they're not alive

That has to be the quoted phrase that sticks in my mind the most from this witness/defense counsel!
evening all

286 days brings us to Saturday October 11, 2014 . And 79 more days will bring us to the last day of this year.

1939 - Albert Einstein sends letter to President Franklin Roosevelt about the scientific feasibility of atomic weapons and urging the rapid development of a U.S. atomic program.

1965 - The Beatles record "This Bird has Flown" later know as Norwegian Wood at their Abbey Road Studio’s London,

1968 - Wally Schirra Jr, Donn Eisele, and Walter Cunningham ride Appollo 7 into 163 orbits in 260 hours

1975 - Saturday Night Live premiers on NBC, and has been for thirty nine years.

1982 - The Mary Rose, flagship of King Henry VIII, was raised to the surface after 437 years at the bottom of the Solent.

1997 - John Denver was killed when the handmade, experimental airplane he was flying ran out of gas and crashed off the coast of Monterey Bay, California.


2000 - America Online becomes the biggest, richest and most successful Internet company with nearly 30 million subscribers world wide paying the monthly fee to connect to the Internet.
But Neesaki, it won't just be you! It will be me...and

gajonka, Hatfield, ILikeToBendPages, Spellbound, thefragile7393, YESorNO, Zuri

in a row doing it!

Walking dead, NOT! :floorlaugh:

Oh what fun that would be ! Would't that be a blast ?! :floorlaugh:
Omg. Just watched the video of the verdict. Tears streaming down my face. Even though I knew the verdict I just felt so emotional. The people who came to the court to see justice served for Travis. How humbling. And his families reaction to the verdict, the emotional relief was palpable. His sisters especially just looked like a massive weight had been taken from them. But what struck me the most was CMJA's reaction. It seemed to have a delayed reaction, as if it took several seconds for it to hit her. I truly think she believed that she would be found "not guilty" and she looked completely shocked when the guilty verdict was returned. Well done Detective Flores and Juan Martinez. You guys rock!
Omg. Just watched the video of the verdict. Tears streaming down my face. Even though I knew the verdict I just felt so emotional. The people who came to the court to see justice served for Travis. How humbling. And his families reaction to the verdict, the emotional relief was palpable. His sisters especially just looked like a massive weight had been taken from them. But what struck me the most was CMJA's reaction. It seemed to have a delayed reaction, as if it took several seconds for it to hit her. I truly think she believed that she would be found "not guilty" and she looked completely shocked when the guilty verdict was returned. Well done Detective Flores and Juan Martinez. You guys rock!

She looked completely shocked because she did not expect the jury to betray her. How dare they!
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