SIDEBAR #30- Arias/Alexander forum

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Well this is no good. Was hoping somebody was up. We had three dogs sprayed by a skunk that was in the garden running around spraying because the dogs on the outside of the fence, were being crazy bad dogs and not listening at all. And DH forgot to get peroxide ( five boxes of baking soda sitting on the bathroom shelf) the other day, so a mad dash to Walgreens and back (thought I lost my billfold at Walgreens) and the dogs get a bath.

So now everybody's up and wide awake (for now) , but not in the best of moods.

The up side is we've trapped four skunks, two raccoons, one possum and three cats this week. The cat collector keeps bring them home and she's up to five cats now, and she started feeding our dogs biscuits so they'll be quite when she over on that side of her house letting cats go. GRRRRRR So, I've been removing the bottom leaves of the bushes between us and you can see all the cat crates and containers of dry food.

Have you ever caught someone doing something there not supposed to do, and it felt so good to laugh about it?

Last summer she claimed a dying cat on our property with my husband telling her no, and animal control let her pick it up and go back to her house, and they followed her and went into her house. She told them the little kitty was under a vet's care for a leg injury and wanted to be with it when they put it down, because she loved it so much . barf gag gag, So anyway they gave her three hours to have it done, and since she claimed the cat as hers she got hit with a no tags, no vaccinations and the cat not in her yard. She can have up to three cats, city tagged , vaccinated, and in her yard or on a leash if outside their yard.

Animal control has been over to check on the number of cats, but if she'd hiding them around the neighborhood that doesn't help. They said she has a grudge against me. I told them I had one against her for coming into my house uninvited, twice, spat at me (my four year old grandson was standing next to me) called my a in front of a client and her two small children and that I wasn't fit to be around children, then she told my granddaughter when she was five to lie to me about the five inch cut over her ear, that it was from a rosebush and not their dog biting her.

So anyway, this happened on a Friday, and the next Wednesday night I round the corner and what do I see, but Marcia taking a cat crate out of the backseat of her car. Later that night/morning my grand daughter was here and she wanted to go have breakfast around three in the morning and what do I see, but Marcia on the other side of her house (The house was empty and up for sale, so she moved her operations. and all her crap over between the houses) letting cat go. She was shocked at being found out twice in a six hour period. Any way the house sold and shes trying to move all the cat's and crap back between our houses. So we've add a bright light, and I'm removing the dead leaves from the bottom of her bushes so I can take photo's for animal control, and I'm putting she'll have to take her habit somewhere else in the neighborhood. We're not against cats, we had to find a home for our cat because all that she brought home would fight and attack him,

This woman doesn't seem to care that every feral cat she brings back to our neighborhood brings fleas, and diseases, and rats, skunks, possums, and a coyote, and we don't want our animals fighting to be in there own yard without being attacked. There are parts of Dallas that have a very bad feral cat problem, up by the Katy Trail where they've caught and nurtured 42 cats so far.

Thanks for letting me rant and rave.

Be careful and watch her like a hawk. She could be trying to poison your dogs with those dog biscuits.
There is no telling what she put on them.

I have to win the award for getting stuck with neighbors that I end up in a war with. I swear I have tried to get off on the right foot with neighbors but the situation always turns into a war for one reason or another.

When my new neighbor bought the empty lot next door, I thought it would be fine until they go to the city to get special approval for something that they should not be doing. And of course the city lets them do it.
It always seems my neighbors end up doing something "special" that causes me grief.

Why cant I ever get NORMAL neighbors. That is all I ever wanted was a normal neighbor that does things normal and stays to themselves like I try to do. But no, there is always something special and upsetting that goes on.

Sounds like the "cat lady" is your unlucky form of "special". Good luck with her moving out. Maybe you will get some peace.
Vinnie Politan ‏@VinniePolitan 5h5 hours ago
#JodiArias attorney in Sacramento today interviewing a State's witness... Jury selection continues... openings Oct 21 10am #AtlantaAlive
Did I push the wrong button? Each post used to have the date and time, now it just says last post however many hours ago. I want the old way back.
Did I push the wrong button? Each post used to have the date and time, now it just says last post however many hours ago. I want the old way back.

You didn't push the wrong button- I have the "hours" and now "minutes" also. :scared:

What's with all theses "upgrades" anyway. Bah- said the old bag. :HHJP: :sigh:
OMG we have the exact same problem. Lady next door has fifteen or so feral cats. I don't mind cats but I have two grown dogs and now a new puppy, and he keeps finding cat poop and eating it. Two vet visits later, I am going crazy trying to find and dispose of this stuff before the turd burglar gets it. And I always have a terrible time with fleas, because of course this lady can't afford flea treatment for so many I am starting to not like cats at all and I am a full time animal lover in general.

Call your city's animal control and ask them to come over for a visit, and as show them the cats. Take photo's of the cats, and their food bowls (outside) etc and call or go to animal control and show them. I'm pretty sure city ordinance's are about the same on the number of cats or dogs, city tag, vaccinations, and in their own yard. Then hold her to it.

I understand the urine and feces, flea etc; I can't open my bedroom window on the side of the house because of the smell, and for some reason they've chosen the middle of my front yard to poop.

We use Revolution (?) on our dogs, but we still have fleas in the yard, because of the cats, rats, raccoons, possums, and a coyote. We wouldn't have them if she would stop bringing them home and feeding them. We wouldn't have to spray the yard with pesticides with kills of the other bug etc;s that the feed the birds and bees because of one person forcing her way on me and mine. ggrrrrr still po
Be careful and watch her like a hawk. She could be trying to poison your dogs with those dog biscuits.
There is no telling what she put on them.

I have to win the award for getting stuck with neighbors that I end up in a war with. I swear I have tried to get off on the right foot with neighbors but the situation always turns into a war for one reason or another.

When my new neighbor bought the empty lot next door, I thought it would be fine until they go to the city to get special approval for something that they should not be doing. And of course the city lets them do it.
It always seems my neighbors end up doing something "special" that causes me grief.

Why cant I ever get NORMAL neighbors. That is all I ever wanted was a normal neighbor that does things normal and stays to themselves like I try to do. But no, there is always something special and upsetting that goes on.

Sounds like the "cat lady" is your unlucky form of "special". Good luck with her moving out. Maybe you will get some peace.

Well I don't see her moving, they've been here nineteen years. They are new to the neighborhood. All the rest of us have been here , or moved here in the seventies, and we all get along. We have spare keys, we have one man that has bought three houses in our neighborhood and he's a landscaper, and he mows our yardss, it's just being kind helping each other.

She's seventy two so I guess we could get lucky.

Oh great they just reported that fleas on rats in New York City have tested for two unknown viruses, like Ebola.
OMG we have the exact same problem. Lady next door has fifteen or so feral cats. I don't mind cats but I have two grown dogs and now a new puppy, and he keeps finding cat poop and eating it. Two vet visits later, I am going crazy trying to find and dispose of this stuff before the turd burglar gets it. And I always have a terrible time with fleas, because of course this lady can't afford flea treatment for so many I am starting to not like cats at all and I am a full time animal lover in general.

Find a local spay and neuter program in your area and they might be able to help your neighbor.
Find a local spay and neuter program in your area and they might be able to help your neighbor.
And when they are finished with her, make sure sure they take care of all those cats too! :drumroll: :dance:
Hi everyone! :wave:

well - at least our "problem" neighbor doesn't have any cats; actually, I take that back - they did have a cat, but he's over here now, as they have about 5 to 6, maybe even 7 to 8 dogs over across the street, so the cat didn't feel welcome, which they got from the pound... that's the neighbor who has at LEAST 15 to 20 people living there... I mean they have at LEAST 8 cars that take up space in OUR driveway, which is the "problem" between us!! :scared: They get drunk almost EVERY Day... and yell and scream at night... not pleasant people at all!

We should be getting rain tomorrow here! :loveyou: we sure definitely need it!!

Second day of sentencing for Oscar... I'll just keep my mouth shut!! LOL!

CNN, HLN Layoffs Underway: Jane Velez-Mitchell Out, Entertainment Unit Disbanded

"Turner Broadcasting layoffs hit CNN and HLN on Tuesday, with HLN host Jane Velez-Mitchell as the first talent casualty...

Among other major losses, CNN's entertainment unit — which covers red carpet events and awards shows on both coasts –is being completely disbanded,..."

Jane Velez Mitchell Show Canceled

Guess we're stuck with more Forensic Files. :(

Bring back Court TV!!!!
I personally am glad to have JVM go away. I cannot tolerate her.

Hello everyone!
Kensie, Just wanted to say even though I am not a big Lady GaGa fan, I love your signature gif!

Ha, I did not realize it was Lady GaGa. I just liked the pic. I really do not know who lady gaga is.
LOL. Silly me.
I personally am glad to have JVM go away. I cannot tolerate her.

Hello everyone!

I like any crime related show although JVM + NG do get on my nerves. LOL

I put up with their screeching to get some of the crime related content out of them. :)
Geeze Louise, I'm off for a day and HLN goes bananas! :laughing: Our router did some sort of handstand so no internet til Johnny came home from work. I wish they would go back to court trials. I am certain they had a better rating then than they have now. Now I will also miss Mike Galanos. He and Vinnie were the backbone of the station..Like Anderson C. also. Now they have a prog ram on about (who else?) Jodi A..I usually watch TBS. but it is full of baseball!! Here we have just about another week of trial time wasted away. They should chjt them all a brick and put them on salary.:laughcry:
So...LinasK...did you get picked?
I was just wondering why the Jodi Arias episode was being shown on Jane Velez Mitchell and just saw on twitter that HLN had canceled her show as of yesterday.
:happydance: As usual I'm a day late and a dime short. I should have known that y'all already knew about Jane Valez Mitchell's show. I wish we could all vote on what we want in its place.
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