SIDEBAR #35 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23s24 seconds ago
Jodi is really active today in the case she's chatting it up with Maria right now #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 28s29 seconds ago
Finally a full chicken wing from Nurmi. Dr. F was not there and does not know what happened exactly. #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 22s23 seconds ago
Dr. Fonseca says Travis Alexander did not deserve to die at the hands of #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 41s41 seconds ago
Nurmi- You weren't there in that bathroom and in that bedroom at time of killing right?Fonseca- Correct I wasn't there #jodiarias #3tvarias

meganrcassidy ‏@meganrcassidy 36s36 seconds ago
Nurmi:...Based on your analysis of the relationship...are you in any way here to say TA deserved it? Fonseca: Absolutely not #jodiarias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 42s42 seconds ago
Nurmi- With everything they've been through are you saying Travis was deserving of this?Fonseca- No sir! #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 22s22 seconds ago
Nurmi pulls up an instant message convo ex 741. Jurors aren't taking many notes as of yet. #JodiArias

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 46s47 seconds ago
Nurmi is attempting to "rehabilitate" DrF and explain answers #JodiArias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 28s29 seconds ago
Nurmi has conversation between #JodiArias and #TravisAlexander up on screen.

meganrcassidy ‏@meganrcassidy 37s37 seconds ago
Nurmi's bringing up the infamous Gchat. Martinez had criticized Fonseca for characterizing TA's rant as longer than it was. #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 27s27 seconds ago
the Gmail chat bt #JodiArias and #TravisAlexander up on the big screen

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 34s35 seconds ago
Several jurors in the back row taking notes. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 49s49 seconds ago
Nurmi is getting evidence stapled but that stapler sounded like an inferior generic brand. Definitely not a swingline. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
Looking at the IM. Nurmi is trying to fix the pg length issue. He said it was a font issue as to why it was 16 but really 12 pgs #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 24s25 seconds ago
Nurmi tries to admit something to evidence. Martinez objects on relevance. Judge says come on up ... #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 43s44 seconds ago
Nurmi wants to introduce new exhibit, convo from may 26 2008. Juan looked it over and is like "relevance". Judge is all "proach" #JodiArias

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 59s59 seconds ago
Nurmi showing a conversation to Dr. Fonseca between #JodiArias and #TravisAlexander May 26, 2008 -- just before 10 p.m #JuanMartinez #abc15

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 54s54 seconds ago
Nurmi wants to admit an email but Juan objected to relevance #sidebar 4 #jodiarias #3tvarias

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 56s57 seconds ago
ICYMI: Before the holiday weekend, Court of Appeals overruled the court-clearing moved by Judge SS. Secret witness was #jodiarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 58s58 seconds ago
exhibit admitted. back from sidebar. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 52s53 seconds ago
Ex 758 is admitted with inferior stapling technology applied. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 35s35 seconds ago
Nurmi is comparing the times on ex 741 and 758 "Looks like a lot longer than 2 hours huh?" says Dr. F. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 31s31 seconds ago
Dr. F explains it was a 6 hour rant that TA had with #JodiArias, not the 2 hours as mentioned previously.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s49 seconds ago
Nurmi puts up an email around 10pm in evening between #jodiarias & Travis. Nurmi then puts up the GChat he says combined it's 6hrs #3tvarias
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 48s49 seconds ago
Dr. F: This 6 hour rant is building up steam, TA is more aggressive and #JodiArias is becoming more passive.

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 24s25 seconds ago
Dr. F goes over how in this 6 hour period both parties talked about killing themselves. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago
Fonseca says "SEEEE it's a lot longer than 2 hours!" as she faces the jury...very sarcastic #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 37s38 seconds ago
Dr. F hold ex 440, a 100+ page collection of messages between #JodiArias and TA. Juan jects "beyond the scope" eeeannnd they proach.

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 26s27 seconds ago
#Nurmi trying to move into evidence 132 pages of communications btw TA and #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 54s54 seconds ago
Now an email from #JodiArias to #TravisAlexander saying she sent a message to him on MySpace. And we go to sidebar. Again.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 47s48 seconds ago
In this email #jodiarias is telling Travis she sent him a message on Myspace. Nurmi tries to get something else in Juan objects Sidebar #5

Thanks for tweets Bernina!

need updates and pix of baby Zuri when you get time (((HUGS)))
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 48s49 seconds ago
Dr. F: This 6 hour rant is building up steam, TA is more aggressive and #JodiArias is becoming more passive.

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 24s25 seconds ago
Dr. F goes over how in this 6 hour period both parties talked about killing themselves. #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago
Fonseca says "SEEEE it's a lot longer than 2 hours!" as she faces the jury...very sarcastic #jodiarias #3tvarias

Oooooo....keep it up, lady. That will really win friends and influence people on the jury....lolz.

P.S. Thanks so much for the tweets! Very much appreciated.
Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 35s36 seconds ago
For some reason the sizzular noise today sounds like chicken on a hot pan and not steak. Who tweaked the setting? #JodiArias

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 24s25 seconds ago
Sidebar after Nurmi tries to move into evidence 132 pages of communication between TA and #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 44s45 seconds ago
Juan is up at the bench with counsel, he licks his fingers and flips through the pages. Hands it to judge and is shaking head. #JodiArias

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 38s39 seconds ago
Approximately 30 min into the trial and we have had more sidebars than testimony I do believe #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s50 seconds ago
Jury is taking notes...hope we get to questions soon but it is...Nurmi #jodiarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 49s50 seconds ago
Could it be that Juan is upset with the stapling on said exhibit? Or is it the content in the exhibit? We wait to find out! #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 40s41 seconds ago
Just saw a juror do a left arm chicken wing move to get the length of sleeve just right. It's catching on. Still in sizzle. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 55s56 seconds ago
Judge calls for a 10 min recess. Hit the pit/swings. #JodiArias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 59s60 seconds ago
Now we're taking a 10 minute recess. Court's been in session less than 30 mins. #JodiArias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m2 minutes ago
#JodiArias packs up her pencils and crayons and looks around to her mom.

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 2m2 minutes ago
#jodiArias smiles at her mother as she stands up and walks out during a break

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 2m2 minutes ago
#JodiArias lookinng back to her mom. Now talking to mitigation expert.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago
Jodi half smiled at the jurors as they shuffled out. #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 2m2 minutes ago
Maria darts over to #JodiArias and starts whispering in her ear. Apparently the cheap stapler is causing serious issues today.

Oooooo....keep it up, lady. That will really win friends and influence people on the jury....lolz.

P.S. Thanks so much for the tweets! Very much appreciated.

And of course Bobby tried to kill himself AFTER JA broke up with him...she's such a LIAR. And now Travis....
Everyone that's around her wants to kill themselves...hmmmm
Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom 58s58 seconds ago
#JodiArias slides over and starts talking to #Nurmi during the break, you don't see that very often

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 54s54 seconds ago
#JodiArias jumps over to the seat beside Nurmi to ask him something. Wonder what? She looked excited.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 51s51 seconds ago
Jodi is all over Jen and Maria today....even Nurmi is getting attention! #jodiarias #3tvarias

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 52s52 seconds ago
#JodiArias has noow left the courtroom with the baliff. Uh...huh.

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 58s59 seconds ago
They just took #JodiArias to her VIP room. Not sure why, jury still isn't in courtroom. We wait.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 33s34 seconds ago
another sidebar w/o #JodiArias in the room.

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 35s36 seconds ago
Jury has been seated. #jodiarias looks over each juor as they enter.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s50 seconds ago
We are looking at a text message between TA and #jodiarias. TA says "I sent you a response to your dire converstation" #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
Dr. F reads out a text that #JodiArias sent TA. It's just like up in here.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 50s50 seconds ago
Dr. F reading a text from #TravisAlexander to #JodiArias . "your pic comment...makes you look like a pure *advertiser censored*."

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 36s37 seconds ago
Dr. Fonseca reading a message from #TravisAlexander to #JodiArias where he calls her a pure *advertiser censored*.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 26s26 seconds ago
According to Dr. F that goes with the pattern of #TravisAlexander "debasing" #JodiArias and Arias going alog with it.

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago
TA- "I hope you read because you need to read it and maybe it will spark human emotion in you..." #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 42s42 seconds ago
Dr. F uses these txt messages to link the "rant" into a 6 hour rant. 6 hours is a lonnnng time to rant she explains. #JodiArias

Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 58s59 seconds ago
Nurmi submits into evidence: text message correspondence between #jodiarias and TA.

William Pitts ‏@william_pitts 1m1 minute ago
Dr F says most people rant for an hour or two. Not 6. #JodiArias

Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 54s55 seconds ago
Dr. Fonseca once again says she is not trying to make Travis Alexander look bad, just to put relationship w/#jodiarias in perspective.

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 53s54 seconds ago
Message from #TravisAlexander to #JodiArias: "...I have never never in my life been hurt so bad by someone...." #abc15

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
TA- "But every1 else is just a part of ur sick agenda. By the way, ur pic comment 2 Danny Jones makes u look like a pure *advertiser censored*." #jodiarias

Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago
Dr. Fonseca says this 6 hour rant takes a lot of energy and stamina. #JodiArias

Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 1m1 minute ago
Message continued...."But why do I even say it because you don’t care. It doesn’t serve your evilness." From #TravisAlexander to #JodiArias

Jen's Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
Fonseca says this rant is demeaning and TA had a lot of energy at all times #jodiarias #3tvarias

Wild About Trial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m1 minute ago
Dr. F didn't come here to make anyone look good or bad. She is here to examine the "dynamics" of what was going on with #JodiArias and TA.

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