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I would like to thank the idiot on the backhoe several miles down the road who cut a TRUNK LINE for phone and internet service!!!! GAH!!!!! So checking in and now I'mma gonna read my silly head off!!!!

Pic courtesy of down time with Photoshop!!!

Bernina ! We have all been worried about you. So happy to see you back and well. :happydance:
Well, we have finally arrived ! I could never in a million years think of a finer bunch of people to go through this with...during the time span of this trial, I have become single after a 27 yr marriage...against my better judgement gotten involved with another damn man house burned down, I became single again and my "brother " from another mother passed away this weekend..oh yeah my sister disowned me as well.....whew ! I've been here all the time, many times just keeping tabs and not posting, but felt the need to tell y'all how much I value yall and how glad I am that it was y'all I have taken this journey with !
Let's get ' er done jury !
I have had enough of Ms Arias !
Yesterday my cat stayed outside more than inside on a miserable rainy day, then came in and has been asleep in his litter box (clean litter in it) for 12 hours or more. What does that mean? Is he sick?

I wish I knew, my knowledge on cat behavior is limited unfortunately. Maybe he's such a tired kitty he just can't get up, poor baby. But at least it's clean litter :)

We've had unusual weather here for Texas , late winter w/ ice & snow, but now it's starting to warm down a little so now we have this fog engulfing the entire area where we live. Kind of spooky but with a certain beauty to it, all I can see are little lights peeping through the mist. Reminds me a little of old movies I've seen, well, mainly the scary horror type. Problem is my DH is out of town, so I have to be careful with my imagination, just hope I can sleep tonight, lol.
Oh, and speaking of old movies, I'm watching "Julie" with Doris Day and Louis Jourdan. He's playing an overly possessive, psychotic jealous type, reminds me a lot of the killer CMJA. :scared:
Oh Spellbound, hopes and prayers your FIL is going to recover and be well. :hug:

Hi Spellbound , hope he will be feeling better soon . No broken bones. This has been a day!! This is my bad 3 days of Feb.
and all is going wrong. My Buffy was sick , went to Vet. He could hardly breathe. Congestive heart failure so he is on meds , like
a new dog. computer broke (bought used never again). My grandson lent me his for the trial.. Let us know about your F I L..
I've never seen him asleep in the litter box. He does have favorite places to sleep but this time he chose the closet and box. Looks like he spit up a little in there. No, not new kind of litter.

He spit up, AND lying in his litter box ? Oh, he must be feeling sick, hopefully it's just something he ate and will get over it quickly. Probably want to keep an eye on him then 'til tomorrow just to see. Poor baby. I love, love cats and dogs. Good to see you daisy,hope your baby is ok. :seeya:
Was there a lot of thunder right before he went in there?
If you have some obvious symptoms of "something", use this link and type it in with "cat" or "feline" before or after the symptom.

Spellbound: I got glasses for the first time back in November, still not used to them!!!!! Hope all goes well for FIL!

YorN, Chelly, and the rest of the crew: Sorry about skeerin' ya guys!!!!! Finished reading and looks like no verdict yet, I didn't want to "peek" just in case! LOL!

Johunt: Thanks for picking up the tweets, you jumped right in without anyone even saying a thing! (are you psychic? lol!)

Atthelake: SAFE JOURNEY!!!!

I'm never going to live this down with YorN!!!!:truce:

You're right on that one, you're never going to live it down with YorN! Good that you're waving that white flag, still, good luck as I'm sure she'll give you the :princes: bash. Knowing you though, I think you can take it . :seeya:
Daisymae , hope he does better soon or see a Vet. Mine was so sick too.
Between Buffy and thoughts of my son (bad days now) I was a wreck.
Buffy feels much better wtfh meds. Trial helped keep my mind a bit busy.
Take care..
Hi Spellbound , hope he will be feeling better soon . No broken bones. This has been a day!! This is my bad 3 days of Feb.
and all is going wrong. My Buffy was sick , went to Vet. He could hardly breathe. Congestive heart failure so he is on meds , like
a new dog. computer broke (bought used never again). My grandson lent me his for the trial.. Let us know about your F I L..

Hope your baby Buffy stays well Nore, it's so hard on us dog and cat lovers when our babies get sick. Thinking of you and your baby :hug:
Thanks everybody! Yesterday he wanted to stay outside, even in the rain, so i left him out until I saw him sleeping in the drizzling rain. Since he's been inside he's been sleeping. I'll try to wake him up shortly and take it from there. He's actually a stray I let come and go as he wishes when it's cold or wet, or too hot in the summer.
Daisy, how is your cat doing???

Spellbound, I was born with glasses. Hope you get use to them soon.
Wondering how atthelake is doing. She may have snow in Atlanta, and she's on the north side which gets more. Check in with us! Atlanta comes to a halt with that kind of weather. :)

There is snow in Atlanta ~~sister lives in Alpharetta Georgia
My son lives in Boston and they have gotten 108 inches of snow this winter.
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