SIDEBAR #47 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Can someone give me the link to the Jerice Hunter thread? Been looking for it since yesterday. TIA*Jerice-Arrested*-6

About 10 days from opening statements, and another Arizona case that's had delays. I don't know if I'll jump into it, but at least it's NOT trial by tweet!
I didn't like it that "grandma" pulled the race card on what she claimed was a lack of LE conducting their search for Jhessye, but damn skippy, lady, they spent MONTHS digging through the land fill and you can thank your daughter for Jhessye's body never being found. And grandma should have spent time in prison for her own drug and child abuse. (Jerice HAS mitigators.)
It's really sick that MSM puts these "heartbroken moms" on television who are, in fact, the killers of their own children. How many times do we see this and something tells us, "eh, something's kinda wonky with that woman." But MSM just keeps them in our face.

Mind you, this is before I swore off regular TV! :facepalm: Locally, it was Jhessye almost every night for months on local news. LE had a pretty good idea what was going on after checking Jhessye's school attendance and her other siblings were removed from the home and started talking in the first few days of the search/investigation.
I'm sorry to ask something that has probably been written many times already. But I haven't been able to read for awhile.

What did Jodi do to get these consequences of the sheriff?

It was publicly released yesterday by MSCO, but I think it became effective the night before.

Video chatting with minors. (2-15 year old girls) Parents notified MSCO.
False id's used to get access to the chat system.
International chat visitors, more false ID's, one Greek visitor in particular.
Video Chats with a Felon.
I *think* it's also a violation for chat visitors to take pictures of the felon on the screen. Which was done and plastered on Twitter and the FB support page.

Than ol' CMJA thought it was a great idea to instruct the 15 year olds on how to get someone else's ID to circumvent the "over 18" rule, and told another chatter how to send money which sounded like it was by some nefarious method, sounded like out of country funds. She really is stupid. Those chats are downloaded and archived for 60 days.

The MSCO release is back just a few pages on this thread. 42 day restriction, no commissary, no visitors other than lawyers, no video chats, no phone calls. Still in isolation.

Mcso1.jpg Mcso2.jpg
Brother of man executed by Utah firing squad calls it brutal


([AP Photo/Trent Nelson, Pool, File]. FILE - This June 18, 2010, file photo shows the firing squad execution chamber at the Utah State Prison in Draper, Utah. Utah's Gov. Gary Herbert will not say if he'll sign a bill to bring back the firing squad)

"Ronnie Lee Gardner was the last person to die by firing squad in Utah - a method state lawmakers voted this week to reinstate, illustrating frustrations across the U.S. over bungled executions and shortages of lethal-injection drugs...

..he said the firing squad is brutal.

"When you take somebody and you tie them to a chair, put a hood over their head, and you shoot them from 25 feet with four rifles pointed at their heart, that's pretty barbaric."

Firing Squad may be brutal but so is the murder committed by a felon.
It was publicly released yesterday by MSCO, but I think it became effective the night before.

Video chatting with minors. (2-15 year old girls) Parents notified MSCO.
False id's used to get access to the chat system.
International chat visitors, more false ID's, one Greek visitor in particular.
Video Chats with a Felon.
I *think* it's also a violation for chat visitors to take pictures of the felon on the screen. Which was done and plastered on Twitter and the FB support page.

Than ol' CMJA thought it was a great idea to instruct the 15 year olds on how to get someone else's ID to circumvent the "over 18" rule, and told another chatter how to send money which sounded like it was by some nefarious method, sounded like out of country funds. She really is stupid. Those chats are downloaded and archived for 60 days.

The MSCO release is back just a few pages on this thread. 42 day restriction, no commissary, no visitors other than lawyers, no video chats, no phone calls. Still in isolation.

View attachment 71031 View attachment 71032

The video chat with a felon, was the felons name ever released or can it be? I was wondering if it was the one that was always in court with FJA's family? and what happens to this other felon? Do they get told to stop, are they thrown back in jail or what?
The video chat with a felon, was the felons name ever released or can it be? I was wondering if it was the one that was always in court with FJA's family? and what happens to this other felon? Do they get told to stop, are they thrown back in jail or what?

Here's some info posted by Dmacky on the CMJA Discussion Thread:
Awww her fans from other Countries will not be able to send the "Goddess" a care package :giggle:

PAYMENT: We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover credit / debit cards and prepaid cards (that have a verifiable United States address). When paying by credit card be sure
to include the card number, expiration date, card verification number (3 digit card verification number found on the back of the card), card member’s name, address and phone
number. We do not accept prepaid credit cards that lack the ability to assign a valid United States address to the card holder.

Felon's name was NOT released. I don't think MCSO would be obliged or legally bond to release it. (Felons on parole or probation can NOT associate with other felons, but if they've completed their parole, probation, they have no restrictions, CMJA DOES.)
Charges? I think the only thing MCSO would pursue is violations by the inmate, NOT the callers (and no one can chat or visit with her at this point anyway, except lawyers), but who knows if the parents of the 15 year olds might not want to have CMJA charged with "contributing to the delinquency of a minor"? The irony would be rich, they are out of State, but if we go by the standards set by the CMJA fans, kind of sounds like an attraction to "children", because there's no difference between a "child" and a "teen". dontcha know?

Would the "Video Chat Service" pursue charges on the false id's and out of country callers? I doubt it, the service got their money, they just might be more diligent in screening the people who apply for the service, or MSCO might just drop their company as a provider.

Chat service provider:
Mrs G Norris said:
Why don't you set it out in the way you want it using a graphics program, or even word or photoshop, then take a screen shot and use that as your signature .. could work

hmmm... don't "know" what a graphics program is ? :waitasec: Like I said not too internet savvy...

Steve44 said:
I think she has to type all three quotes straight across line by line as if they were one quote. If she types one complete quote and hits return, the next quote will appear below it, no matter how it's centered.

I actually tried this, but it didn't work. :( I've done right, center, and left thingys, and that didn't work either - as it comes out like I have it below. Thought maybe just to do each one, one after the other.

Thanks for the suggestions though! I appreciate it. Maybe I'll go to the issues/problems Bernina mentioned on the other thread!!

YESorNO hope you feel better!!

Off to read other cases! :seeya:
So sorry you're feeling punky, YESorNO...
sending you my mother's cure-all for everything (colds, flu, broken bones, leprosy...)

cream of tomato.jpg

If chicken soup is Jewish penicillin, then cream of tomato soup
with Ritz crackers is definitely Episcopalian penicillin...lolz
(It was in our house, at any rate)
(Cream of Can o' Worms?? Tasty!)

There were waving red flags with this juror just based on the things she did disclose, and yet the state let her on the panel. It appears there was enough info to excuse her without the state having to use any of their limited peremptory challenges. This was the state's mistake.

<mod snip> The state tried twice.
Curious!!! I have missed seeing you here lately. I was getting ready to send out the SOS posse.

I still don't know what to make of JSS, but I am a believer that she was not prepared to handle a death penalty case in the least.

Thanks spellbound....I am back to reading. I give up on posting. Some people will blame anyone except a judge whose duty it is to judge the case fairly. Problem is, she has DP case experience. I firmly believe she was/is a friend to JW and enemy of JM. She denied, in the end, the defense mistrial requests because she had to. But her favor of them was strong. JM tried twice to get juror 17 off the case. In the end, Jodi is not a priority in my life. She will do just fine at Perryville, just like all psychopaths do. She will face God some day as He is real.
Linas, you are back to blaming the jury. This has nothing in common with Casey Anthony. You are refusing to consider all the missteps the judge made along the way. I do believe when JM asked TWICE to replace this juror and JSS said NO, this was the final misstep and I do hope AZ does not reelect her. I am still angry and that's why I stopped posting. I cannot believe you are still defending this crap of a judge!!!
No, I'm pissed that she didn't allow Juan to remove Juror #17 when he tried twice. Despite everything else the judge did, they still would have gotten a Death Penalty conviction if not for Juror #17. Even the alternates said they would have voted for Death. Juror #17 made all the difference.
Jeffrey Evan Gold &#8207;@jeffgoldesq 32m32 minutes ago

#FOLLOWTHEMONEY "@juanstie: So that's how MDLR does it ... SS sent to the IRS... #JodiArias in trouble. MDLR too. "

please! The state tried twice.

Yeah, but that was after she was empaneled. Juan should have had her struck before she got on. The very fact that he prosecuted her ex-husband was reason enough to disqualify her. He needed a jury consultant.
I have thought about Juror 17, JSS and all the controversy about this case. Bottom line IMO, is that Juror 17 voted what she voted, JSS handled the case the way she did, and CMJA will serve LWOP rather than Death. It just is what it is.

I personally just want CMJA to go away. Should Juror 17 have disclosed that JM prosecuted Her ex husband? Yes. The jury system is based on honor, honesty, truthfulness and integrity. 11 out of 12 seem to have been all the aforementioned. The first jury was 8-4. The foreman on that jury had an agenda. There doesn't seem to be much mention about the other 3 in that hung jury. Unfortunately, we can't go back and undo. If Juror 17 had voted DP, and all the info about her ex husband came out, that would be grounds for a mistrial due to juror misconduct. I agree Juror 17 had a duty to be honest and forthcoming. The fact that she wasn't, speaks volumes about her character. IMO*Jerice-Arrested*-6

About 10 days from opening statements, and another Arizona case that's had delays. I don't know if I'll jump into it, but at least it's NOT trial by tweet!
I didn't like it that "grandma" pulled the race card on what she claimed was a lack of LE conducting their search for Jhessye, but damn skippy, lady, they spent MONTHS digging through the land fill and you can thank your daughter for Jhessye's body never being found. And grandma should have spent time in prison for her own drug and child abuse. (Jerice HAS mitigators.)
It's really sick that MSM puts these "heartbroken moms" on television who are, in fact, the killers of their own children. How many times do we see this and something tells us, "eh, something's kinda wonky with that woman." But MSM just keeps them in our face.

Mind you, this is before I swore off regular TV! :facepalm: Locally, it was Jhessye almost every night for months on local news. LE had a pretty good idea what was going on after checking Jhessye's school attendance and her other siblings were removed from the home and started talking in the first few days of the search/investigation.
^ ^
Bernina ~
What's up with all the crazies lately in Arizona :giggle: that case you were just talking about plus I just saw on my local news station about this happening in Glendale:
No, I'm pissed that she didn't allow Juan to remove Juror #17 when he tried twice. Despite everything else the judge did, they still would have gotten a Death Penalty conviction if not for Juror #17. Even the alternates said they would have voted for Death. Juror #17 made all the difference.

I'm still holding out for ALL the information to come forward.
Did Juan actually KNOW as the retrial progressed that he had prosecuted J17's husband? Or was it "this juror just isn't playing well with others?"
^ ^
Bernina ~
What's up with all the crazies lately in Arizona :giggle: that case you were just talking about plus I just saw on my local news station about this happening in Glendale:

Eh.......they're NOT Natives? :floorlaugh:

We have a TON of people in Prescott who have moved here for the Addiction, Halfway Houses, Rehab, and Sober Living houses. (thanks, A & E's "Intervention" :gaah:) The city and outlying county areas have been in the process of passing new zoning ordinances to reduce a LOT of them. Out in the boonies, we've been fortunate, ordinances were already passed 20+ years ago to keep those situations out of here. One just recently was shut down, they thought they could operate under the radar, get established and THEN get a zoning clearance. 30 day cease and desist.

Many people started moving into Arizona in the late 70's because Air Conditioning was AFFORDABLE. Then you have to watch the economy, cheap houses, building booms............and people move here and bring their problems with them. It's called "Progress", but I think it's "Regression".

"Welcome to Arizona, a suburb of California".

Honestly, I don't know why people move here. I always make sure I point out to potential residents that we have earth quakes, tornadoes, wildfires, dust storms, flash floods, mud slides, random snow storms, Valley temps that can go to 124, lows in the mountains that can go -20, rattle snakes, scorpions, coyotes (here I'll say "they're kinda like dingos, and they LOVE cats and small dogs") and everybody you meet just might be carrying a gun.

Hey, I try.:laughing:
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