SIDEBAR #47 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Good evening all on this twenty fourth day of March 2015.

1603 - Queen Elizabeth 1 died at age 69 after ruling England for more than 40 years.

1969 - John and Yoko stage a bed in in Amsterdam

and Jodi Arias is still a convicted murderer, and that won't change.

Do you know which movie this song was in? Beatrix has a showdown with Bill.


I Don't know but.. I LOVE it!! = )
There's supposed to be live streaming from one of the local channels, I'm thinking KPHO 5.

They are not Live Streaming anymore... The Judge changed her mind. I Guess its Trial by Tweet again.
The first storm of the season rolled in last night and we had wicked lighting. Stormed most of the night and when I woke up this am, almost stepped on my Little Bubby...he is scared of thunder and during the night he went under my bed and all that was sticking out was his butt!
Calling for a high of over 70 today and plenty of sunshine more storms coming in this afternoon. Hello Spring!!

Enjoy your day and drink plenty of coffee :coffeeup:
Good Morning,
It's been slow around here. I have been mainly in lurk mode. Wondering if there is any truth to where the money trail leads.
It's still darn chilly here. A bit of a warm up is to occur over the next few days. 50's, then another cold front coming through. I have only heard 1 weatherman say, that a cold front will be dipping way down to the south and sticking around until mid April. Seems like we will never be able to put the Winter coats away.
I saw that the Italian Appeals Court is suppose to come to a decision about Amanda Knox. I really did not watch that trial or even pay close attention to it, but I may go visit that thread this evening to see what happened.
Have any of you been sleuthing any other trials. I am not to sure if I really want to get involved in another to soon. Burnt out from JA's trial, but I am waiting to see what if anything happens on April 13th.
Where has YesorNo been? She is usually on at this time of day.
Good morning everyone :seeya:

Nothing much happening in the missy:behindbar story today, but lots about Milke :(


Honor Christopher Milke by ignoring his mother, Debra

"...His mother, Debra Milke, was convicted of his murder. But it was a botched prosecution and now her conviction has been thrown out. She wants to get paid for the 23 years prosecutors "robbed" from her....

Now, she's won.
Milke spent 22 years on death row. She wants compensation. She gets to hold press conferences...." PFTTTTTTTT

AZ Talk: Do we owe Debra Milke anything?

"AZ Talk brings you a cross-section of opinion from your fellow Arizonans, young and old, male and female, working class and white collar..."

Debra Milke speaks out after 23 years on death row

"..."I always believed this day would come I just didn't think it would take 25 years, 3 months and 14 days to rectify such a blatant miscarriage of justice," Milke said...

But Milke spent as much time talking about the false confession she said Saldate coerced her into making, and said her case should serve as a cautionary tale for anyone who finds themselves involved in the criminal-justice system.
"This could happen to any one of you," she said..."

Sorry, I'm shedding no tears for Debra Milke (with video of Milke's statement after her release)

Lawsuit contends Debra Milke robbed of 23 years of her life

Star witness in Debra Milke case accused of ongoing misconduct as constable (old video)
Phoenix woman claims Armando Saldate extorted her for sex to avoid eviction.

Oh wait. There's this for missy:behindbar (but we all know this already)


BTW: My BW is very high (my son needed to use the computer this past week for hi BW thingys), so I'm trying to save the BW
by mainly posting tweets for the Boston Bombing and not much else :sheesh:
Good Morning all. Another nice day in the neighborhood but bad weather will be moving in.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

One day closer!!!
OT: I'm not very familiar at all with the Milke case so please forgive my ignorance. But what I don't understand, is why the two men didn't admit that she was behind the murder they committed, if she is in fact guilty.
This is where I stop reading her manifest. I am surprised I read this far. I am done.

But I would suggest you do your homework prior to voicing unenlightened thoughts and opinion. The internet can offer a fair amount anonymity, but based on what I read so far of the content that has been posted, even Travis would say to some that you should be embarrassed for yourselves.

OMG. This Pedro letter sounds more like CMJA talking than TA. I have watched Travis in the You Tube videos where he is speaking and this doesn't even come close to what his phraseology is. It seems to have been written by someone else for the express purpose of helping CMJA. She will stop at nothing. What a heinous person she is. IMO
Checking in................brush hogging tomorrow.........ride 'em cowboy! Gah, spring property cleaning.:gaah:
Hi my Sidebar friends. Feeling sad this morning. Mom will probably come home with 24-hour care soon. She is very frail and weak. I cannot imagine she will be able to gain much strength any more. Uncertain when I will be going home. FIL is not doing well, either. Tough times.... so tired.
Hi my Sidebar friends. Feeling sad this morning. Mom will probably come home with 24-hour care soon. She is very frail and weak. I cannot imagine she will be able to gain much strength any more. Uncertain when I will be going home. FIL is not doing well, either. Tough times.... so tired.

Try not to feel so sad my friend. :therethere: This is just a part of life- a rough/hard one. :sigh:
Everyone goes thru it. We will go thru it now with you. :heartbeat:
Try to get some rest and don't forget to take care of yourself. :blowkiss:
Good morning everyone. :seeya:

Just a few things:

An Excerpt from MENDACITY: Jodi Arias: Secret Witness

“A Juror’s Perspective”
by Paul Sanders

Trying to separate emotion from doing my job

"I spent a lot of time photographing inside the courtroom during the murder trial of Jodi Arias...."

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 3h3 hours ago
Out of respect for the Alexander family I have removed the forged letter. We need no further proof of how evil & disgusting #JodiArias is.

Chris Hughes ‏@cshughes 9h9 hours ago
Convicted murderer #jodiarias #liarfesto "This year, I made a New Year's resolution to conquer 3 fears: public speaking, sky diving & guns."


Big Bird @BigBird · Mar 20
I get to share my birthday with my buddy, Mr. Rogers, and that might be the best gift of all! Happy birthday to us, Mr. Rogers! I miss you.

Happy (belated) Birthday Big Bird :party:

:bdsong: :cupcake:

I haven't read missy's :behindbar fake "manifesto" and I will not. (I'm certain it's fake as everything about her is fake, IMO)
and the pedo letter- Pfttt (another fake ).

Have a nice day everyone. :seeya:

My love to all of you my friends. :blowkiss:
One more thing:

Jodi Arias Perryville One-way Ticket CLOCK: (compliments of JM)

Time until Monday, April 13, 2015 (Phoenix time):


The clock is ticking and then..............gone
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