SIDEBAR #47 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Thanks Bernina , :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: I cant rememeber!!
Thanks Kensie and all. I went out for coffee with a friend I worked with for years.
(her husband had the meningitis)..had dutch apple pie!! So good to see Carol again,
it's been a long time..
I remember seeing it over and over again in the discussion thread last night. Lot's of people that read that evil nonsense fake letter "replied with quote" so it still showed up even though the original was removed.

Thank you Dmacky. = ) I'll go see if I can piece it together~ tehe

ETA~ I found it. You were right. Someone copied and posted it on the other thread!
All I can say is WOW!!! Arias really thinks she can fool the world doesn't she? It was so Obvious it was Her who wrote it! She's so pathetic!!!
Poor Travis!!!
Thanks Kensie and all. I went out for coffee with a friend I worked with for years.
(her husband had the meningitis)..had dutch apple pie!! So good to see Carol again,
it's been a long time..

Happy Birthday... Hope your day was Wonderful!!! Glad you had a nice time with your friend.
I keep forgetting!!!!
A documentary that my lil' bro and his friends put together finally hit Netflix! "K2: Siren of the Himalayas".



I've been a climbing nut since I was 23, and this is by far, the best well put together documentary I've seen on K2 , and that's not being biased. It goes from the original black and white footage of the original explorer and to full HD "present" day 2009. And no one gets smooshed by an avalanche or froze to death!!!
My lil' bro got credit for the titles, but he helped develop and mix the music score, and finessed the film editing.

Now that he's gone back to private contracting, the producers are looking to snag him into another film. (If he has time). He just finished working on a project with medical micro robotics from a corporation in San Francisco. He was flown there 3 times, one time was to watch the procedures being done on pigs, he was totally blown away.
He made the "motion" in the code "fluid"....he does some outstanding stuff!

That's his profile from the corporation he's worked for the last 3 years (yes, ladies, that's him on his racing bike), now he's contracting with them off site so he can spend more time with his pup, all his artistic passions, and outdoor sports. He's going back into triathlons again, dude is tuff! BTW: Artifact's main motion piece on their home page he did.

I will quit gushing, love my lil' bro!

Nice! He's you brother, you have every right being proud of him!! :) I'm impressed by his talent and he is nice looking too.
Thanks Kensie and all. I went out for coffee with a friend I worked with for years.
(her husband had the meningitis)..had dutch apple pie!! So good to see Carol again,
it's been a long time..

Happy Birthday Nore :confetti: I hope your day was filled with laughter, love and many blessing...
So, what's new? I've been busy with the Amanda Knox case. Verdict due 27Mar2015 TODAY!
On the other thread, someone said yes, it is for the appeal, but why is it a secret...again?

Here we go again....:shush: its for Missy Jodi and we all know she loves her secrets!

I hear that she will be in her strips at her sentencing, I won't believe it till I see it! haha Seems what Missy Jodi wants she gets. She doesn't want anyone seeing her in her strips. Bet she wears her court outfit.


“A Juror’s Perspective”
by PAUL Sanders

“A Juror’s Perspective”
by PAUL Sanders

Italy high court deciding fate of 'very worried' Amanda Knox

Why the death penalty in America is sexist

These Are The Only 13 Women Executed In America In The Past 40 Years (2013)

Cathy ‏@courtchatter 4h4 hours ago
Re #JodiArias motion on docket to change counsel: Not likely anything to do with appellate atty/take over post sentence, no need for motion.

Time until Monday, April 13, 2015 (Phoenix time)

Good Morning,
Nore, I hope your birthday was as special as you are.

Bernina, you should be proud of your lil brother! Talent must run in your family, because I don't believe there is anything you can't do!

YoN, thanks again for all the good reading you find for us.

Coffeej, Thanks for our morning cup of java.

Spell, Thinking of you. I hope your doing ok...get some rest when you can.

Hugs to all SB posters
:gaah:The JAII site has KCL's writings of going to TA's house looking for the gun with some peeps...........JAII don't have a clue who she is and I don't like what they said about her. :stormingmad:
Good Morning all. Thanks Coffeejunkie for the coffee because I ran out of coffee.

Bernina, you and your family are full of talent.

Yes/No as usual thanks for keeping us informed.

Another day closer!!
Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret is on LMN today (Friday) at 4:00PM (EDT).
Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret is on LMN today (Friday) at 4:00PM (EDT).

That movie was inaccurate on sooooo many levels. I was grumbling at the TV, "no, that's not what happened", "you've got to be kidding", "fer realz?", "epic theatrical license", "oh, puleaze", "where's my TV bricks?", "I don't THINK so"............"g-ma sure has a nice house, yeah, right", "what's with the dark court room?", "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz".
Happy Birthday Nore! Hope you have a wonderful day- you deserve it- the world is a better place because you are here! XO
Hi Frigga, well it's about 30 out , snowing and going down to 15 tonight. This is scary. We should have crocus' coming up. To top it off a tree next door is being cut down. Wood chipper going full force. I am thinking of Zahra Baker the beautiful little 9yr.old cut down by an ugly step mother. Poor little one had a artificial leg from cancer. A beautiful child. I would have taken little Zahra, cancer days are over..
Here we go again....:shush: its for Missy Jodi and we all know she loves her secrets!

I hear that she will be in her strips at her sentencing, I won't believe it till I see it! haha Seems what Missy Jodi wants she gets. She doesn't want anyone seeing her in her strips. Bet she wears her court outfit.
I think she will be in stripes. That is what she deserves. In Ohio they wear stripes. She has a lot to learn. Dress clothes, not any more. after the 13th she wont really have Nurmi and Wilmott anymore. State is finished! I read a while back Garagos visited Scott once in 3 years. I don't blame him!! :jail: :jail:
Just for the heck of it, I checked this out to see the writing differences between the "Pedo letter" and other TA writings:

The capital "I"s stand out. TA's is 3 strokes, the PL is 2, almost like a cursive "L".

Yep, bored, waiting for the vet..........

the **** is "************************", not trying to subvert the rules, it's a direct PDF without getting on the JAII site.
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