SIDEBAR #47 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I think I missed out on the topic, lol. But just to chime in on Texas, it is a HUGE immigration state. And, is one of the largest economies in the world. Is that what you guys are talking about? :dunno:

We're just helping your State's economy by "persuading" potential residents of Az and NM to head East, LOL!:happydance:
Two things.
i am not invested in her death. Just hell on earth while she lives. That said,
1). The DP would ensure she is alone in a cell 23 out of 24 hours every day and no contact with others.
2). Life for Jodi is not what it would be for us. We shudder to think of life in prison. Jodi's a Psycopath. After a few bumps and scrapes, she will have a following in prison. She will adjust. For a psychopath who easily manipulates in a world of people just like her, it will be a cake walk.

Until after millions and millions of tax payer dollars win her a new trial, or commutation LWP. As just as her living conditions may be with a DP conviction, it also gives her a far greater chance of parole or a new trial with a conviction of a lesser charge, and therefore parole. Like it or not, those chances actually exist with a DP conviction and they practically don't with LWOP. So, I respect your opinion, but those are the things I can't ignore.
I'm still feeling sick (it's just a cold :( )

I was shopping and the cashier had one of those paper mask thingys over her nose and mouth.
I thought she was probably worried about germs from all the customers, but maybe she was sick?
And now I'm sick. :( I feel achy and fuzzy, drippy nose, throat sore, and runny eyes- feel as if someone beat me. Rest is what I need. :eek:fftobed:
and that's what I've been doing.
I'll be fine in a couple of days.
Meanwhile, I rest, so don't worry about me.
Thanks for all your concern. :blowkiss:

Good to see you here this morning YorN, hope you're feeling better soon. :getwell:
Thank you, Yes & No. I am happy you are feeling better and hope you know how much you are appreciated for your witt and humor. Those last few Donavan pearls were uplifting.
Can't wait until our evil selfish narcissistic murderer begins to fade into obscurity.
The murderess even throws her own Aunt under the bus when she no longer suits her.
The second DUI by Ben makes me hope he will get his driving privileges suspended before he kills someone else or himself.
And BTW, I agree with Bernina and put the blame squarely on JSS shoulders. Travis Alexander deserved better than Judge Sherry. That judge gave incomplete jury instructions to the jury in the guilt phase, and should have respected Juans input in trying to remove #17

BBM: No, it wasn't me, I'm still holding out and giving JSS the benefit of a doubt. I'm just hoping there was a "method to her madness", whether it was future appellate issues, not enough solid info on J17, I'm still waffling.
It really got to the point where JSS was more like the playground monitor, Juan's playing dodge ball, Wilmont's always getting smacked and starts whining, while Nurmi's under a tree eating his moonpie and picking his nose, occasionally saying it's his ball and he wants to go home. I'm surprised she didn't have a whistle, or just pull a big ol' damn gun from under her robe and shoot one off in the air.
Did that post disappear? I went back to re-read and I can't find it.

I can't find it either so am lost as to the references to Aunt Sue and Donovan . What's going on ... Anyone ? :help:
Until after millions and millions of tax payer dollars win her a new trial, or commutation LWP. As just as her living conditions may be with a DP conviction, it also gives her a far greater chance of parole or a new trial with a conviction of a lesser charge, and therefore parole. Like it or not, those chances actually exist with a DP conviction and they practically don't with LWOP. So, I respect your opinion, but those are the things I can't ignore.

ITA~~that is the reason I could never 100% support DP. To many opportunity's at retrials/lessor charges etc
BBM: No, it wasn't me, I'm still holding out and giving JSS the benefit of a doubt. I'm just hoping there was a "method to her madness", whether it was future appellate issues, not enough solid info on J17, I'm still waffling.
It really got to the point where JSS was more like the playground monitor, Juan's playing dodge ball, Wilmont's always getting smacked and starts whining, while Nurmi's under a tree eating his moonpie and picking his nose, occasionally saying it's his ball and he wants to go home. I'm surprised she didn't have a whistle, or just pull a big ol' damn gun from under her robe and shoot one off in the air.

That is how I feel about JSS. I try and find the good in everyone. What I really want is...watching her in another DP trial and seeing how she conducts herself in another trial. If she conducts another trial the same as JA's, then it is what it is...but, if a new DP trial is conducted totally different...then I will say she was so wrong doing what she did in JA's trial. Hope I am making sense here. LOL I do not have a way with words like many of you have :)
We're just helping your State's economy by "persuading" potential residents of Az and NM to head East, LOL!:happydance:

I didn't read back far enough, am always behind :behind: No, no, no, we don't need anymore residents here, :please: ... well, unless you're a Websleuther an exception can be made. :)
I can remember years ago there were actually places one could go to get away from people in the area I live in. But not today. The roads and highways are always busy , and the stores, even in the middle of a work day. I never realized so many people don't work during the day, or maybe not at all, lol. I mean where do they all come from, people, people everywhere . The population has just exploded. Is it that way there ?
I didn't read back far enough, am always behind :behind: No, no, no, we don't need anymore residents here, :please: ... well, unless you're a Websleuther an exception can be made. :)
I can remember years ago there were actually places one could go to get away from people in the area I live in. But not today. The roads and highways are always busy , and the stores, even in the middle of a work day. I never realized so many people don't work during the day, or maybe not at all, lol. I mean where do they all come from, people, people everywhere . The population has just exploded. Is it that way there ?

When the real estate market exploded in Cali, those resident sold and many moved here to escape taxes on Capital Gain, got more bang for their buck, ie, more land and house for cheap.
Now, 10-15 years later, 30% of the home in the "developed" part of this county are vacant. They artificially drove up our property taxes, bare land that should have gone for $1,500-$3,000 per acre (utilities at property line versus no utilities) went for $15,000-$24,000 per acre. MAJOR revolt by long time residents, took about 3 years to get taxes back in line.
Then we had a few mildly hot summers, a few cold, cold winters, some major flooding, a few mini earthquakes (plates shifting), a couple of fairly large fires, and the County doesn't maintain anything "dirt" as far as roads...............and many Californians picked up and vamoosed.

That hasn't stopped the Fed subsidized highway improvements. Nice "round-abouts", overpasses, 4 lanes, whatever.

The nearest "city" to me is Chino Valley, their sales tax is 10.35%. All basically going to "things" I don't use. Schools, roads, library, Chino Valley LE, water district, blah.
Christine Beswick ‏@bychristinebswk 3m3 minutes ago
#JodiArias trial: Someone just sent me this and I will confirm that it matches my information. Here's your...

Christine Beswick ‏@bychristinebswk 3m3 minutes ago
The official list of 10 that made the first cut in being banned from #JodiArias visitation.
Morning all! :wave:

Thanks for the links Bernina! I "sort of" know what the deal is between Aunt Sue, Donovan, etc. So, she has a boyfriend, eh? Ben? I didn't click on the link to YouTube - about his arrest - what's that about? TIA!

Very cloudy morning here... watching tennis!

Off to read the retrial thread!

See you all later! :seeya:
Until after millions and millions of tax payer dollars win her a new trial, or commutation LWP. As just as her living conditions may be with a DP conviction, it also gives her a far greater chance of parole or a new trial with a conviction of a lesser charge, and therefore parole. Like it or not, those chances actually exist with a DP conviction and they practically don't with LWOP. So, I respect your opinion, but those are the things I can't ignore.

So what is your alternative? Just lock every crazy psychopathic murderer in prison for life, let them enjoy the friends they make, their family visits, their little perks and tell the victims to go to he!!?
My computer says it won't open YouTube. Arghhh...
can someone tell me a little bit about Ben Ernst? Where did he come from? I haven't been hiding under a rock I promise. But I don't remember him!

There's claims out there that he's CMJA's "boyfriend". :floorlaugh:.......ok, the whole boyfriend/convicted felon has me snorting coffee, guess he doesn't have to worry about her checking his cell phone, email, or stalking him on dates! LOL!
Did that post disappear? I went back to re-read and I can't find it.

Yes it was deleted. :censored:
I wasn't suppose to post those items, I guess. :sorry:

Guess I'm getting coo- coo. :crazy: sometimes I forget the TOS :naughty: (with me being sick :crosseyed: )

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