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I really like the avatar balloon. Sadly, I just can't let go of my current one.

I do hope you are feeling better as the day goes on, coffeejunkie.

Add me in there. Times are tough right now. We will get through them together . :grouphug:

Hi, add me too. We had to put my "puppy" to sleep yesterday. He was getting worse as day went on .Try to get a Vet
on a Saturday afternoon. We decided we would not let my Baby lay all weekend.No food since Thursday and cutting back on water.
Finally Amy called her boss. she intended to ask how many Valium we'd have to give him, make sure he wouldn' t seize on us, more suffering.
well she said "come to the hospital in 40 min.. she would do it so he wouldn't have to suffer". We went early and Amy set everything up for her
She assisted the Dr.. I don't have a bill but they charge 40.00 for this. it is a simple shot. One other Vet would do it, for 280.00.. I don't have that.
one more for over 100.00.. They don't care about animals , Amys boss live 40 minutes away. My poor baby was filling with fluid no pills helped. I
cried when I thanked her, and after.I held Buffys little face and had my arm around him, Amy held too so he wouldn't move. He never did, too weak
The heaving breath ended in an instant. He closed his precious eyes..I slept last night with his collar in my hand. God has his little Blessed soul. xox
Oh Nore, I am so so sorry for your loss. ((((HUG)))) I am crying with you, right now. Sweet Buffy had a such a loving and wonderful mama.

When my vet told me my greyhound Lucy had cancer, he held me and we both cried. And when he had to put down my little Candy Dog, he didn't charge me a dime. Again, he cried with me. What a lovely man. There are some wonderfully compassionate vets out there.
Damn skippy I'm going to be here!!!!! And no tweet patrol, YAH!!!!!!
It better be live and no 30 minute delay! :gaah:Cross your fingers for stripes and shackles (JSS, keep it REAL, CMJA does NOT have the right to represent herself as an innocent "civilian"), and please let the murderer act up so we can see that ol' stun belt go off!

Chelly, your lyrical prose is spot on, hope ALV gets wind of it, with all her Snow White gibberish, VERY apropos! :floorlaugh:
I wil be here about 10:30am our time. I did remember to get the balloons today, red for her ( may she roast in hell) and Blue for Travis may he
enjoy Gods Blue skies forever. Think it is Troy who will release balloons when the witch enters Perryville..
Hi Jane. Amys woman boss came in She also hugged me. We all cried. She gave him his physical when we got him.
also his shots. I don't know if she will charge me, but that is what they charge the public. They help people who don't have
Zuli and Nore, hard times. So hard to deal with. Lots of us are thinking about you.
Hopefully we will all find something to makes us feel a little better tomorrow
Nore, my heart aches for you. I am sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers!
(((((Nore))))) How my heart aches for you. It is so hard to let our cherished animal children go even when they are so sick. I was always hoping for a miracle when my Luna was so sick. I just know it hurts either way, seeing them suffer or letting them go. :tears: :heartbeat:
Right now, those anticipatory knots in the stomach are starting for tomorrow. :panic: I can't wait for it to be over and LWOP is the answer and seeing that bus head to PV with one CMJA on board!! :behindbar

I am trying to keep positive that JSS will do the right thing. :please:

Hi, add me too. We had to put my "puppy" to sleep yesterday. He was getting worse as day went on .Try to get a Vet
on a Saturday afternoon. We decided we would not let my Baby lay all weekend.No food since Thursday and cutting back on water.
Finally Amy called her boss. she intended to ask how many Valium we'd have to give him, make sure he wouldn' t seize on us, more suffering.
well she said "come to the hospital in 40 min.. she would do it so he wouldn't have to suffer". We went early and Amy set everything up for her
She assisted the Dr.. I don't have a bill but they charge 40.00 for this. it is a simple shot. One other Vet would do it, for 280.00.. I don't have that.
one more for over 100.00.. They don't care about animals , Amys boss live 40 minutes away. My poor baby was filling with fluid no pills helped. I
cried when I thanked her, and after.I held Buffys little face and had my arm around him, Amy held too so he wouldn't move. He never did, too weak
The heaving breath ended in an instant. He closed his precious eyes..I slept last night with his collar in my hand. God has his little Blessed soul. xox

So Very Sorry Nore~ It sounds like poor baby pup was suffering and you did the right thing. I know that doesn't make it feel any better though. Many many Hugs~
I'm so sorry about Buffy. He knows you did all you could for him and you helped him to not suffer any more. Many prayers of comfort for you from all of us.

I'll send you a PM about the Guinea birds. Thanks.
Nore, I am so sorry. Your Buffy gave and received so much love, This is probably the hardest thing we have to do for our furbabies,; even knowing it is right does not make it easy. I hurt for you, my friend. I am glad you have Amy and a loving vet.

My Huz played bird calls from his window the other day - got ALL kinds of different birds!!

Here's something I "stole" from ColonelMustard on another thread and thought it was a great question!

So, here's a weird Websleuths Webpages Comments" question.

When I hit "thanks," I variously mean:

- I agree.
- I read your post.
- Haven't seen you around in awhile
- UNbelieveable! (an exclamation)
- Thanks for commenting (no matter what you've said.).
- That's funny.
- I don't agree but respect your opinion.
- That's sad.
- Thank you for thanking me.
- That's SO interesting.
- You're an excellent sleuther.
- Thank you for bringing that to my attention.
- That's hysterical.
- Hi
- I care.
- I'm sorry to hear that.
- Where did you ever find that!

What does it mean to the rest of you?

My choices are in bold!


It kind of depends on what thread I'm on.

Here, it means " I read your post, thanks for contributing, 10-4 rubber ducky, OMG, Happy you're here, "HOLLER!", I agree, you owe me a new keyboard for NOT posting the obligatory "spew alert", You made me laugh so hard my stomach hurts, when is dinner, I'm too sad about your post to comment but you have my utmost support, That SUCKS (as in I totally feel where you're coming from), and...........I'm here for my peeps, including YOU!

On other threads, it's kind of like high 5-ing someone's post for contributing something awesome, interesting or profound, but, eh, other threads can get contentious. Erin Corwin's thread I'm thankin' til the cows come home, even when it might get "sketchy", just one of those cases that has drawn me in, and a bunch of you peeps are over there too!

Well, kinda discombobulated here, my son's best friend's mom died today, just got the news.........we shared "custody" of our boys over the summer breaks, along with another mom, for most of my son's time in elementary, middle, and high school. We even kidded about pulling rotating 6 month adoption plans, lol! Out in the boonies, your children just don't spend the night, they spend the weekend if it's during the school year, or 2-3 weeks if it's summer break.

Still haven't assimilated it up stairs yet, just stunned. She's around the same age as me. Don't know what happened, just came in from feeding the critters and had the red light flashing on my phone. Message from my son.
Dang it, kids...........we need a break. If we could just have a few weeks without any sorrow and loss............
Nore, I am so sorry!

Hugs all around cause we sure all need it!
Thinking of you Nore. Just heartbreaking and I am so so sorry for your loss. Xo
Hi Coffee, I'm right up there with you. COPD/ asthma. my Dr. gave me prednisone that's how bad it was! also antibiotic. I do treatments
4 times a day, carry rescue inhaler too.
Hi everyone,
So sorry for your losses. There have been a lot of them! It's so sad. And we love our animals just like our family. And Coffee junkie, hope you feel better real soon. The last few months have been strange. Hoping good things for all of us. (And hoping JSS can rule right tomorrow, just once.)

Thanks to everyone who told me about the pain med for my back causing the itching and the possibility of anaphylactic shock. Never knew that.

Please keep my husbands family in prayer. His cousin had massive stroke yesterday and passed away. She was, we all thought, really healthy. :(. She left behind her husband , two children and several grand kids. I was thinking how precious she was. Years ago when told she couldn't have children, she decided to adopt. Twice! And they were all so happy. We never know what the day will bring.

But I know God is in control.
Praying for you Nore. I am sorry.
I'm so sorry you're in such pain... Sending Many Prayers and Hugs Daisymae.

Loveya daisymae, Take good care. Tomorrow I expect you to lay back and enjoy the sentencing!! No jumping around yelling "YEE HAW"!!!!:happydance: :dance:
Hi Everyone!

Please tell me what time the sentencing starts and is it going to be live-streamed? (if so, where?)

sentencing starts 8:30 am..... I assume that is Arizona time? So 10:30 EST?

I need confirmation, too, please
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