SIDEBAR #48 - Arias/Alexander forum

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I also thought it was very gracious of Samantha to acknowledge JSS has also gone through hell with this trial and has been subjected to very harsh criticism in her victim impact statement.

A lot of people were wondering why Steven didn't give an impact statement. I don't know whether anyone noticed from the brief shots of him on camera, how he has had a drastic weight loss and doesn't look well at all. My heart aches for him and I wish him and his family well.
I also thought it was very gracious of Samantha to acknowledge JSS has also gone through hell with this trial and has been subjected to very harsh criticism in her victim impact statement.

A lot of people were wondering why Steven didn't give an impact statement. I don't know whether anyone noticed from the brief shots of him on camera, how he has had a drastic weight loss and doesn't look well at all. My heart aches for him and I wish him and his family well.

Poor Steven...he is taking this so hard and having such a hard time dealing with it. Prayers for him.
I strongly disagree. She will never adjust. She will be on a forever quest to get out of there. She will spend her days hating and blaming others for her current situation. Thats not going to change. She demonstrated that in court yesterday. Plus she is housed with the worst of the worst. What goes around comes around.

The DOC system is showing a release date for Killer Arias. Granted, it's not until the last day of the year 9999 but who knows, with good behavior she could earn early release--maybe around 9950 or so.
FYI: Travis' murderer has now been reduced to a number, Inmate #281129. Looks like I will be only referring to it as #281129 from here on out.:cheers:
Good Morning all. Looks like inmate 281129 is all checked in at her new home from now to the end.

I still cannot believe that she said that she shot Travis first and when she slit his throat the he was still attacking her. What was the reason for this?
I guess it was to torment the Alexander Family. Maybe she thought, poor me, after I shot and stabbed him, he was still attacking me - what was I suppose to do? The killer is not human but a monster. Really after being shot and stabbed 29 times, would anyone have enough stamina to attack another person.
Good riddance Killer. May the rest of your natural life be horrible.

I know a lot of you felt that JSS was weak but I was impressed with her yesterday. She could have bashed the killer but after hearing the Alexander family members speak, maybe she thought it was not necessary.
Hi Kensie, Had she been telling the truth that would have been her perfect chance to escape him , instead she chose to slit his throat! I really think ja. thought she had a chance at lwp because JSS. had been leinient..(sp).well she must have been surprised. Now she can sit alone!! I hope she flips out. I wish her no peace.
love you, too! i'll make it through this somehow.

Can't you get some type of temporary day nurse, hospice volunteer, or church volunteer? Lady, you're a LOT tougher than I!
I endured a broken clavicle for weeks when I was way, way, younger, 19, and it was pretty bad, but I thought it was a strep/bronchitis kinda thing. It wasn't unusual for me to break a few ribs when I got that, aurgh. That's what I developed after the first ex busted it. Stayed in bed for weeks. Never knew it broke till I was x-rayed when I got strep, bronchitis and a turn to pneumonia when I was 22.
One of those, "Hey dude, thanks for the memories".
Isn't there some organization you can get assistance from? You're worrying the heck out of me!
okay so she will be hot. She will eat crappy food. Her family might visit on her birthday for awhile. She may get marriage offers from guys on the outside. But here is the real deal. Jodi will be locked up with people exactly like her so she will be in her own element and she will thrive and survive. While it would be hell on earth for say, a thief or drug user; for Jodi it will be fine. She slaughtered a human being. Nothing about her is normal. She won't pay until she dies.
BBM - While Jodi is exactly like the other unrepentant killers in prison, I'm don't think she feels that way about herself. Remember, in her mind she's a victim, not some common criminal like 'those' other women in prison. Her holier than thou attitude will be her ultimate downfall, or will at least lead to a good old fashioned prison beat-down or two. :moo:
I'm concerned about Daisymae too, haven't seen her on today. Anyone else ?

And if not, Daisy, we're thinking about you and miss you here. Sending you (((hugs))) and well wishes. Would love to know how you're doing when you feel up to it.
Love you dear sweet girl. :grouphug:

Hi neesaki, daisymae said she cannot write with her shoulder so sore but she will be reading here. The gang says "Hi Daisymae" :loveyou: :cupcake: :thumb:
Good morning! Hope everyone is feeling good or at least better than yesterday. Baby Rayden sends kisses!

I am glad this phase is over. The convict will always scheme but at least in prison she'll be met with others who are as strong-willed and evil as she is and she'll lose as many games as she wins.

I truely hope the Alexander family had prepared themselves for the convict to say something outrageous and were somewhat prepared. Others have spoken of their surprise but I wasn't surprised at all. I completely expected her to do something despicable.

I also thought it was a nice touch, somewhat hilarious actually, that the court reporter wore Travis blue. What a nice tribute and dig combined!!
It's only natural for decent citizens to want those who maim, kill, rape, kidnap, or what-have-you to pay for their crimes. By pay, we mean suffer. An eye for an eye--they caused untold suffering so now it is their turn. With this logic we hope that each and every violent criminal is either sentenced to death or to a fate worse than death. We want them in a constant never-ending state of misery. We want them scared. If they are able to settle in and for the most part abide by the facility's rules that means the rules are not tough enough; they are obviously not suffering, and that is just not acceptable.

Reality is, most incarcerated perps would rather be somewhere else--anywhere else. And most of the facilities they are incarcerated in have methods of operation specifically designed to help ensure that inmates are able to settle in, to acclimate and abide by the rules. Without that, there would be total chaos which would put prison personnel in harm's way to a far greater extent than they are now. Inmates would easily take over. Prison riots would be the norm.

Nothing about such a system would work. Nothing.

There is no way to have a system with the sole purpose of ensuring that every violent criminal is subjected to untold suffering for the rest of their rotten lives. Those who cannot settle in enough to keep everyone safe and secure are not allowed to stay--in many states they go to a Supermax facility. If you have one of those in your area, you should go visit sometime. It is an eye-opener of epic proportions.

So what if Arias "settles in" and resigns herself to live out her days locked up following all kinds of rules. Who cares if she becomes content eating what she is given and when it is given, dressed in orange jumpsuit, decked out in makeup purchased at the prison commissary, becomes socially skilled enough to watch a TV movie or play canasta with her homies. I don't for a minute think she will be able to pull this off for long, but so what if she pretends for awhile!

Let Arias walk the walk and talk the talk. Like nearly everyone else, she is nothing if she is not free.
Also, I believe the purple ones are for Flores' son. The supporters are so thoughtful.

I released a blue balloon at 2:30 yesterday. We had a south wind. The balloon went straight up! I know planes could have seen it, headed toward north, I think it no doubt went over Lake Erie which I live miles from. I could follow as it is mylar and the sun shone on it. Brought tears..Fly Travis fly.
It's only natural for decent citizens to want those who maim, kill, rape, kidnap, of what-have-you to pay for their crimes. By pay, we mean suffer. An eye for an eye--they caused untold suffering so now it is their turn. With this logic we hope that each and every violent criminal is either sentenced to death or to a fate worse than death. We want them in a constant never-ending state of misery. We want them scared. If they are able to settle in and for the most part abide by the facility's rules that means the rules are not tough enough if they are obviously not suffering, and that is just not acceptable.

Reality is, most incarcerated perps would rather be somewhere else--anywhere else. And most of the facilities they are incarcerated in have methods of operation specifically designed to help ensure that inmates are able to settle in, to acclimate and abide by the rules. Without that, there would be total chaos which would put prison personnel in harm's way to a far greater extent than they are now. Inmates would easily take over. Prison riots would be the norm.

Nothing about such a system would work. Nothing.

There is no way to have a system with the sole purpose of ensuring that every violent criminal is subjected to untold suffering for the rest of their rotten lives. Those who cannot settle in enough to keep everyone safe and secure are not allowed to stay--in many states they go to a Supermax facility. If you have one of those in your area, you should go visit sometime. It is an eye-opener of epic proportions.

So what if Arias "settles in" and resigns herself to live out her days locked up following all kinds of rules. Who cares if she becomes content eating what she is given and when it is given, dressed in orange jumpsuit, decked out in makeup purchased at the prison commissary, becomes socially skilled enough to watch a TV movie or play canasta with her homies. I don't for a minute think she will be able to pull this off for long, but so what if she does it for awhile!

Let Arias walk the walk and talk the talk. Like nearly everyone else, she is nothing if she is not free.

You know what...this is so true! Thank YOU for this post and helping me see the light :) I can thow away my bitterness.
Hopefully her admission that she recalls the murder and wasn't in a fog will come back to bite her in the butt during any and all appeals if granted.
Hopefully her admission that she recalls the murder and wasn't in a fog will come back to bite her in the butt during any and all appeals if granted.

Fog aside, the despicable uttered the words with such relish, such satisfaction, as if she were bragging, for the sole purpose of hurting the living victims of her crime. Not only no remorse but flaunting that she has no remorse. That is what will bite her in the butt.
Hopefully her admission that she recalls the murder and wasn't in a fog will come back to bite her in the butt during any and all appeals if granted.

Exactly. Because of her psychopathic ways and trying to get back at the family, she literally forgot what she was doing by admitting what she did. She also allowed any appeal to be rejected based on her words. She admitted she lied, she admitted guilt and what she said yesterday can and will be held against her. She's toast, all because she tried being that psychopath and had to get the last word. The irony is she might have gotten it, but she also made sure she never sees the light of day again. Even that less than 1% of hope that an appeal would work is now gone because of her own words. Justice has finally been served.
I have always said that Jodi will thrive in prison! She is just that type of person who can adapt to her surroundings. At first it may be rough, but she will be right in the gang soon.

Unfortunately, there are rules in prison, and "codes" each group of inmates follow.

CMJA has been making her own rules since she was real young, don't like your little brother, clobber him with a baseball bat, Doggie Boy tears up the dirty diapers, make him disappear, don't like the rules your parents have, go live somewhere else.........She can't do that anymore.

Is she going to go all chicano? Or is she going to keep slathering herself with SPF 80 when she gets to see the light of day and try to pass as a white girl? Either way, she's going to have some haters from both sides. Marisa DeValt may have thought they'd be BFF in Perryville, but I don't believe Marisa's going to greet her with open arms once CMJA gets the opportunity to rub shoulders with other inmates. That'll just put a target on MD with her homies.

Racism is alive and well in prison. That's how you survive. CMJA is bi-racial. How do you put a square peg in a round hole?

She committed a horrific murder, but her crime doesn't even come up on the radar as far as the max sec inmates are concerned. She killed her ex boyfriend, who broke up with her a year prior, drove 100's of miles to do it, did a sloppy clean up job, started shooting off her mouth the minute she was arrested, went all "Media *advertiser censored*", put heat on the inmates at Estrella when she abused the video chat, snitched on at least one inmate, probably took down the fellow inmates she was allegedly sharing her commissary with........everything she has done makes her a "loser" as far as hard core inmates are concerned.

Her fellow inmates aren't lacking in "criminal common sense". They're going to say, "You did this, and for what? A lifetime in this hole. He was over you a year prior and you couldn't just walk away...........what an idiot." Her crime isn't going to get her any snaps from the residents.

I wouldn't be surprised if she went to sleep last night with the sounds of catcalls, threats, and deadly promises coming from the other cells in the pod.

She's the new fish.

BTW: Wind and fire advisory for Az, Perryville should be seeing winds up to 40 mph, high of 93 in Phoenix, Perryville usually is a few degrees warmer...........lots of dust going to be covering CMJA's new digs. Wonder when she's going to get a shower to wash it all off? 2, 3 days? It gets BAD. Hope she doesn't have allergies.....NOT.
Good morning, my friends!

Glad the demon seed is locked up with her own kind. Hope she had a miserable night, with many to follow.

Does anyone else think she might purposely get pregnant by one of the guards (assuming there are male guards)? And claim she was raped? How rich would that be; Mama Arias ends up having to raise demon daughter's demon spawn?

Then's probably just my overactive imagination. :)

Need a new trial to follow! Where is everyone going next?

I do!! The only question is how long? 1 yr - 5yr is my bet. Although she might flip flop on the rape part. It's about the only card she has to play. She will be searching for ways to get attention and media exposure...a pregnancy would "play well".....barf
Hopefully her admission that she recalls the murder and wasn't in a fog will come back to bite her in the butt during any and all appeals if granted.
I think it will. By getting up there just to torment the Alexanders one last time, she also nullified the appeal issue of being 'unable to testify or allocute unless it is in complete secrecy' during the sentencing re-trial. She just couldn't resist the chance to get the last word in, but ended up shooting her potential appeal in the foot. :laughing:
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