SIDEBAR #48 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Hi Kensie, Had she been telling the truth that would have been her perfect chance to escape him , instead she chose to slit his throat! I really think ja. thought she had a chance at lwp because JSS. had been leinient..(sp).well she must have been surprised. Now she can sit alone!! I hope she flips out. I wish her no peace.

BBM She was told to expect LWOP, according to her Twitter:

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Apr 10
Legal team has advised #JodiArias that biased JSS WILL give natural life. Jodi has no delusions re:sentencing and is fully prepared.

But, you know, when the murderer actually heard it, LWOP, from the horses mouth, JSS, it was unbelievable to the murderer, IMO.
I've always said that the murderer "lives with the fairies" in her head and she just can't understand that people don't believe everything that comes out of her mouth and she wants to "run the world". Pfttt
I'm glad Lawrence bailed as soon as he could- she must have been a nightmare for a client, IMO. I would've "killed" her myself. :facepalm:
Bernina, when she was checked into PV, they listed her race as caucasion. You said she is biracial? She looks like any of us old white girls to me. I hope you are right about everything!

Her father is Hispanic, mother is not. Arias is a Hispanic surname. Her high cheek bones make her look Hispanic even though she tries to hide her heritage when it suits her with sunscreen and dying her hair blonde.
BBM - While Jodi is exactly like the other unrepentant killers in prison, I'm don't think she feels that way about herself. Remember, in her mind she's a victim, not some common criminal like 'those' other women in prison. Her holier than thou attitude will be her ultimate downfall, or will at least lead to a good old fashioned prison beat-down or two. :moo:

BBM Exactly what I think- in her mind, too good for the "other" prisoners.
I expect problems in her dealings with the "others". :)
I released a blue balloon at 2:30 yesterday. We had a south wind. The balloon went straight up! I know planes could have seen it, headed toward north, I think it no doubt went over Lake Erie which I live miles from. I could follow as it is mylar and the sun shone on it. Brought tears..Fly Travis fly.

That's so wonderful Nore. :blowkiss:
BBM She was told to expect LWOP, according to her Twitter:

Jodi Arias Updates @JodiAnnArias · Apr 10
Legal team has advised #JodiArias that biased JSS WILL give natural life. Jodi has no delusions re:sentencing and is fully prepared.

But, you know, when the murderer actually heard it, LWOP, from the horses mouth, JSS, it was unbelievable to the murderer, IMO.
I've always said that the murderer "lives with the fairies" in her head and she just can't understand that people don't believe everything that comes out of her mouth and she wants to "run the world". Pfttt
I'm glad Lawrence bailed as soon as he could- she must have been a nightmare for a client, IMO. I would've "killed" her myself. :facepalm:

There's an expression for that kind of magical thinking: She's a legend in her own mind.
Jodi's only remorse is that she didn't do a better job of cleanup and she got caught. Duh, Jodi. Should've thought of that.:doh:
Nurmi had even stated earlier in writing that Jodi was refusing his visits, so kinda hard to defend her that way anyway. I'm glad Nurmi's gone, but he's still a slime bucket and neither he nor Wilmott will be her appeal attorneys anyway. I think all that's left for Wilmott is the restituition hearing, then she's done with Jodi. I can't believe Wilmott let her say that last final statement. She can't have condoned it. Jodi shot herself in the foot! Any "remorse" Jodi feigned to express was quickly demolished with that self-serving piece of BS!!! I kept yelling BS at my TV screen at the things Jodi & her mother were saying. Do they really think anyone (besides Juror 17 and her minions) believes them??? Sure was a failing strategy to win parole for her to keep bashing the victim and claiming self-defense.
Wonder why it says Caucasian, isn't she Hispanic?

Well, we now know which "group" she's going to try to "exploit". Usually the intake person asks what race a person identifies with.
Well, we now know which "group" she's going to try to "exploit". Usually the intake person asks what race a person identifies with.

Yet she's trying to have her cake & eat it too by teaching Spanish to Hispanics!:laughing::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:
If she hadn't already-which I think she had-after that statement "I remember putting the knife in his throat", she's just ensured that Project Innocence will NEVER get involved with her case.

They never would have gotten involved anyway. Project Innocence only takes on cases where the convicted person is innocent. That is their mission. They help wrongfully convicted citizens get exonerated and would have no interest whatsoever in helping a guilty person go free.

What Arias did with her "last word" statement in court was make it so that any entity that fights for domestic abuse survivors will not touch her. No one in their right mind will believe TA posed a threat to her after all the injuries she had inflicted upon him, and her admitting that she continued her brutal attack pretty much turned the tide on any DV organization possibly coming to her rescue. I just can't see any worth their salt believing her anymore, even those that may have initially.
I felt so bad for the Alexanders when they gave their statements. They did a really good job of showing everyone how much damage JA has caused this family. I just felt so bad for them as they are obviously still in a lot of pain from this.

I kinda would have liked to seen 1 last person get up there. Maybe a male cousin who could have really reamed JA without breaking down. The Alexanders are too classy to do anything like that but JA surely would have deserved someone to get up there and rip into her with stern evil words back at her.

Its probably best they didnt do that and it may have defeated the purpose because the way they handled it was plenty good enough to show the entire world how evil JA is. It was just hard to watch them in so much pain. They had tremendous courage to get up there to give statements. It is not an easy thing to do.
A true class act they are.

BBM I wanted Steven up there, but I think he wouldn't be able to hold all the anger (and grief) in and would, since the family had more leeway to speak of how they felt, not be able to control himself. Just look at all these pic of him at the trials: (heartbreaking and I see true anger and disgust from him more than his other siblings)



link: TFZAK2cJYBW-FyC6G_o2w


Link: LlNyXoQeTHdtqwxcyeW


Link: astcf6vereJINMuDlxV


Link: PlA3WjZ6zRuo1CBn9L_

I don't think he was at the sentencing because he wouldn't have be able to stop himself from going after the murderer after all these years and all the lies she fabricated, IMO.

I now think I was disappointed ("Is that all there is" feeling :( ) at the sentencing because I wanted someone to do/say something like these Ytubes show: (:sheesh: )


A father confronts his son's killer

A Fathers Wrath

BBM I wanted Steven up there, but I think he wouldn't be able to hold all the anger (and grief) in and would, since the family had more leeway to speak of how they felt, not be able to control himself. Just look at all these pic of him at the trials: (heartbreaking and I see true anger and disgust from him more than his other siblings)



link: TFZAK2cJYBW-FyC6G_o2w


Link: LlNyXoQeTHdtqwxcyeW


Link: astcf6vereJINMuDlxV


Link: PlA3WjZ6zRuo1CBn9L_

I don't think he was at the sentencing because he wouldn't have be able to stop himself from going after the murderer after all these years and all the lies she fabricated, IMO.

I now think I was disappointed ("Is that all there is" feeling :( ) at the sentencing because I wanted someone to do/say something like these Ytubes show: (:sheesh: )


A father confronts his son's killer

A Fathers Wrath


YesOr No ...ya know Iluvu ..

But I will strongly agree to disagree

I saw a twitter thing going around asking and wanting also to making tanisha smile. FTLOG people doing a campaign to smile.... you've got to be kidding me

That started my walking away as was so pi%%%ed at that.

SMH. SMH .. there is nothing worse in this life when you have grief and people are telling you how to do and act.

I was so upset seeing that twitter .

I am too emotional and should not post for a bit...

Luv ya yesorno ...but disagree ...

Know that many of us have emotions ... But where to share them as not here right now

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
YesOr No ...ya know Iluvu ..

But I will strongly agree to disagree

I saw a twitter thing going around asking and wanting also to making tanisha smile.

That started my walking away as was so pi%%%ed at that.

SMH. SMH .. there is nothing worse in this life when you have grief and people are telling you how to do and act.

I was so upset seeing that twitter .

I am too emotional and should not post for a bit...

Luv ya yesorno ...but disagree ...

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

What Twitter are you speaking about and about what exactly?

(I gotta go because my son is bothering me to cook dinner- imagine the nerve of him :sheesh: :floorlaugh:- I'll see you all later)
Good morning, my friends!

Glad the demon seed is locked up with her own kind. Hope she had a miserable night, with many to follow.

Does anyone else think she might purposely get pregnant by one of the guards (assuming there are male guards)? And claim she was raped? How rich would that be; Mama Arias ends up having to raise demon daughter's demon spawn?

Then's probably just my overactive imagination. :)

Need a new trial to follow! Where is everyone going next?

Well.. if she's going to do it she better get crackin at it pretty soon. She's not getting any cuter... or younger for that matter. ; )

*Im really just kidding* What a horrible thing for this evil monster to reproduce. The thought actually makes me want to barf!
Poor Steven...he is taking this so hard and having such a hard time dealing with it. Prayers for him.

His beautiful soul hurts so much. :rose:

It's only natural for decent citizens to want those who maim, kill, rape, kidnap, or what-have-you to pay for their crimes. By pay, we mean suffer. An eye for an eye--they caused untold suffering so now it is their turn. With this logic we hope that each and every violent criminal is either sentenced to death or to a fate worse than death. We want them in a constant never-ending state of misery. We want them scared. If they are able to settle in and for the most part abide by the facility's rules that means the rules are not tough enough; they are obviously not suffering, and that is just not acceptable.

Reality is, most incarcerated perps would rather be somewhere else--anywhere else. And most of the facilities they are incarcerated in have methods of operation specifically designed to help ensure that inmates are able to settle in, to acclimate and abide by the rules. Without that, there would be total chaos which would put prison personnel in harm's way to a far greater extent than they are now. Inmates would easily take over. Prison riots would be the norm.

Nothing about such a system would work. Nothing.

There is no way to have a system with the sole purpose of ensuring that every violent criminal is subjected to untold suffering for the rest of their rotten lives. Those who cannot settle in enough to keep everyone safe and secure are not allowed to stay--in many states they go to a Supermax facility. If you have one of those in your area, you should go visit sometime. It is an eye-opener of epic proportions.

So what if Arias "settles in" and resigns herself to live out her days locked up following all kinds of rules. Who cares if she becomes content eating what she is given and when it is given, dressed in orange jumpsuit, decked out in makeup purchased at the prison commissary, becomes socially skilled enough to watch a TV movie or play canasta with her homies. I don't for a minute think she will be able to pull this off for long, but so what if she pretends for awhile!

Let Arias walk the walk and talk the talk. Like nearly everyone else, she is nothing if she is not free.


I released a blue balloon at 2:30 yesterday. We had a south wind. The balloon went straight up! I know planes could have seen it, headed toward north, I think it no doubt went over Lake Erie which I live miles from. I could follow as it is mylar and the sun shone on it. Brought tears..Fly Travis fly.

Me too! See picture attached!

Unfortunately, there are rules in prison, and "codes" each group of inmates follow.

CMJA has been making her own rules since she was real young, don't like your little brother, clobber him with a baseball bat, Doggie Boy tears up the dirty diapers, make him disappear, don't like the rules your parents have, go live somewhere else.........She can't do that anymore.

Is she going to go all chicano? Or is she going to keep slathering herself with SPF 80 when she gets to see the light of day and try to pass as a white girl? Either way, she's going to have some haters from both sides. Marisa DeValt may have thought they'd be BFF in Perryville, but I don't believe Marisa's going to greet her with open arms once CMJA gets the opportunity to rub shoulders with other inmates. That'll just put a target on MD with her homies.

Racism is alive and well in prison. That's how you survive. CMJA is bi-racial. How do you put a square peg in a round hole?

She committed a horrific murder, but her crime doesn't even come up on the radar as far as the max sec inmates are concerned. She killed her ex boyfriend, who broke up with her a year prior, drove 100's of miles to do it, did a sloppy clean up job, started shooting off her mouth the minute she was arrested, went all "Media *advertiser censored*", put heat on the inmates at Estrella when she abused the video chat, snitched on at least one inmate, probably took down the fellow inmates she was allegedly sharing her commissary with........everything she has done makes her a "loser" as far as hard core inmates are concerned.

Her fellow inmates aren't lacking in "criminal common sense". They're going to say, "You did this, and for what? A lifetime in this hole. He was over you a year prior and you couldn't just walk away...........what an idiot." Her crime isn't going to get her any snaps from the residents.

I wouldn't be surprised if she went to sleep last night with the sounds of catcalls, threats, and deadly promises coming from the other cells in the pod.

She's the new fish.

BTW: Wind and fire advisory for Az, Perryville should be seeing winds up to 40 mph, high of 93 in Phoenix, Perryville usually is a few degrees warmer...........lots of dust going to be covering CMJA's new digs. Wonder when she's going to get a shower to wash it all off? 2, 3 days? It gets BAD. Hope she doesn't have allergies.....NOT.

Thanks Bernina Great post!
Do I feel bad thinking Inmate 281129 :jail: is going to be 93 degree weather...

So what all cases are you all going to go to?? I'm following Aaron Hernandez, except haven't been there since Friday - haven't seen an VERDICT yet though! Also, the Bali case - daughter and boyfriend kill her mother and stuff her in a suitcase... another
nut case!

Travis Got Justice!


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BBM Exactly what I think- in her mind, too good for the "other" prisoners.
I expect problems in her dealings with the "others". :)

I think a lot of the inmates are manipulators themselves as well. As they say... Its hard to bullsh** a bullsh***er! I think she's going to have to find a new way to get people to do what she wants.
Hear from prosecutor Juan Martinez about the ‪#‎JodiArias‬ trial when Troy Hayden goes one on one.

Snippets from @troyhaydenfox10:

"I wanted to make sure she could hear me"... Juan Martinez on why he yelled at Arias on the stand.

"I don't hate her. I hate her crime."

"What price do you put on justice?" Juan Martinez on financial concerns expressed during sentencing re-trial.

* * UPDATE: Interview will air at 5p., MST.
New mug shot is out. See the sentencing thread, gotta go...
I never said I like him. He is scum. Just wishing he would help to bring Maria down since I think she likely worsened his relationship with the convict. He will never NEVER be a household name. I already forgot Casey Anthony attorney. Lol.

I was reading back over nurmi's ad, and I noticed that he says that you can be accused of committing a sexalted crime with litte or no evidence. Sounds like what he did to Travis doesn't?
I was reading back over nurmi's ad, and I noticed that he says that you can be accused of committing a sexalted crime with litte or no evidence. Sounds like what he did to Travis doesn't?

Absolutely, that is my exact thought when I read that too!!
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