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Not open for further replies. rapture so I guess there's some splainin' to do by some doomsday preppers.

Medical examiner in Madonna case.........yes, Madonna pulled no punches, with the knife: hit the lung, heart, broke his jaw and dentures, and the vein in his neck, besides the bullet graze to the back of his neck and numerous stab/slice wounds to both sides of the face, chest, back, arm, hands.
Compare that to her physical state: 2 red line shallow marks on her chest, 2 on upper arm, one on forearm and no recent bruising (one old bruise upper thigh) This was 24 hours after Jose's body was found in the jail and pictures were taken.

Jose was taken 11 meds (pills, inhalers, injections) of one sort or another every day, some 3 times a day, the laundry list of his ailments is staggering. 5'9 and 195 lbs, the same as Madonna. He had a liver transplnt, part of his lung removed, type 2 diabetes, neuropathy(sp), carpel tunnel, heart disease, 4 heart stents, muscle atrophy of the right hand, Wilson's disease............and a lot more.
Narcotics were given to him only after surgeries, and in limited amounts (VA and all that).
VA primary care Dr. said it would be next to impossible for him to aim and pull the trigger on a gun, or hold a knife.


oh......broken clavicle..... the Judge is ruling on what pics he's going to allow after defense objected to some.

It's a corker, for sure! Surprised it hasn't gotten more publicity, especially since WRAL does such a good job of posting videos and daily updates.

Lots of similarities to JA, right?

I don't think for a minute that Jose did anything more than (possibly) claiming to be having a heart attack. At that point, he may well have been having heart problems!

But do you think she planned to murder him? That's what I'm having a hard time accepting...


Murder is definitely not recommended as a beauty regimen: (Below: Joanna Madonna pictured at time of arrest in 2013, and last week at trial.) BTW, she's only 48...

Hi y'all!!! :wave:

Nore, :blowkiss:


Hey Pages, not sure if I'm reading that BBM right. Are you saying we, as a country, are no longer friends to Israel (or Jews), or was that part of a quote from someone else? Not clear there...

I work for an organization whose sole raison d'être is about supporting Jews around the world, and the sovereignty of the state of Israel. There are a lot of political differences here and there which change and evolve over time, but we don't feel that America has left us behind by any means... :)

Celebrating Sukkot*, beginning today...

*The holiday is held in memory of the Book of Exodus tale describing how the Israelites traveled for 40 years through the Sinai Desert in Egypt before entering the Holy Land. To celebrate the occasion, Jews built a structure known as a sukkah, a replica of the huts that Israelites lived in during their voyage.

I think America has put Israel in a terrible spot, and we'll pay for it. We've handed over money to Hamas in Jordan, to help them buy arms to fight Israel in Gaza.

Iran is backing Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Golan Heights, Hamas in Jordan and in Gaza ,and has been backing regime in Syria. Iran's goal is the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, and our leaders are leading us down a terrible path in making any deals that help or hurry Iran's goal of wiping God's people off the map.

Hmmm, this popped up from the Wall Street Journal just now;

Iraq joined Russia, Iran and Syria in a new agreement to strengthen cooperation against extremist group Islamic State, extending the Kremlin’s reach in the Middle East as it rivals Washington for influence.

The Book of Ezekiel chapter 38 describes a war against Israel in the "latter days" (not Mormon) and names the countries that will come against Israel. Persia is the main one and that Russia would be their "guard". Russia has been offloading arms and supplies along with military jets in Syria these past few weeks. rapture so I guess there's some splainin' to do by some doomsday preppers.

Medical examiner in Madonna case.........yes, Madonna pulled no punches, with the knife: hit the lung, heart, broke his jaw and dentures, and the vein in his neck, besides the bullet graze to the back of his neck and numerous stab/slice wounds to both sides of the face, chest, back, arm, hands.
Compare that to her physical state: 2 red line shallow marks on her chest, 2 on upper arm, one on forearm and no recent bruising (one old bruise upper thigh) This was 24 hours after Jose's body was found in the jail and pictures were taken.

Jose was taken 11 meds (pills, inhalers, injections) of one sort or another every day, some 3 times a day, the laundry list of his ailments is staggering. 5'9 and 195 lbs, the same as Madonna. He had a liver transplnt, part of his lung removed, type 2 diabetes, neuropathy(sp), carpel tunnel, heart disease, 4 heart stents, muscle atrophy of the right hand, Wilson's disease............and a lot more.
Narcotics were given to him only after surgeries, and in limited amounts (VA and all that).
VA primary care Dr. said it would be next to impossible for him to aim and pull the trigger on a gun, or hold a knife.


oh......broken clavicle..... the Judge is ruling on what pics he's going to allow after defense objected to some.

See this is something I don't understand. If you're waiting for that to trumpet blowing and you're out of here, why are you storing up arms and food? I don't think many have a few things on hand for a just in case. It doesn't have to be the end of the world for you to have some things set back. I always bought extra cans of green beans and corn and can goods when we first got married and built a small pantry, and we've always's had enough in case extra people show up for dinner or a bad storm and we're stuck and can't get to the store.
See this is something I don't understand. If you're waiting for that to trumpet blowing and you're out of here, why are you storing up arms and food? I don't think many have a few things on hand for a just in case. It doesn't have to be the end of the world for you to have some things set back. I always bought extra cans of green beans and corn and can goods when we first got married and built a small pantry, and we've always's had enough in case extra people show up for dinner or a bad storm and we're stuck and can't get to the store.

Pages, I know a few friends of mine (preppers) in the states are investing in precious metals.
I just went out and looked at the moon and it's too cloudy...all I could see was the clouds lit up by the moon. :(

Same here CJ, cloudy all evening, still is. No Super blood moon for me tonight. :(
Pages, I know a few friends of mine (preppers) in the states are investing in precious metals.

I was a serious Y2K prepper, as was a friend of mine who was the wife of a Baptist minister. So, it didn't happen the way many predicted, thank the Lord, but I got some good practice in. :) My philosophy, kind of the girl scout motto, which is it's always good to be prepared, to be ready. That just means to be self-sufficient, to be able to take care of ourselves, our families, and help out our neighbors if / when things go in a bad way, for whatever reason.
I was a serious Y2K prepper, as was a friend of mine who was the wife of a Baptist minister. So, it didn't happen the way many predicted, thank the Lord, but I got some good practice in. :) My philosophy, kind of the girl scout motto, which is it's always good to be prepared, to be ready. That just means to be self-sufficient, to be able to take care of ourselves, our families, and help out our neighbors if / when things go in a bad way, for whatever reason.

I'll add to that. After living through 9/11 in DC where your ATM card wasn't going to do you any good, I've learned to keep cash on hand. It's great to have food stored up, but should our digital infrastructure go down, you're going to need to buy things you hadn't anticipated on; cards won't be of any use...
I'll add to that. After living through 9/11 in DC where your ATM card wasn't going to do you any good, I've learned to keep cash on hand. It's great to have food stored up, but should our digital infrastructure go down, you're going to need to buy things you hadn't anticipated on; cards won't be of any use...

^^^Exactly! That's the reason for investing in precious metals - gives you barter/trading power if need be. I'm referring to worst-case scenarios.
It's a corker, for sure! Surprised it hasn't gotten more publicity, especially since WRAL does such a good job of posting videos and daily updates.

Lots of similarities to JA, right?

I don't think for a minute that Jose did anything more than (possibly) claiming to be having a heart attack. At that point, he may well have been having heart problems!

But do you think she planned to murder him? That's what I'm having a hard time accepting...


Murder is definitely not recommended as a beauty regimen: (Below: Joanna Madonna pictured at time of arrest in 2013, and last week at trial.) BTW, she's only 48...


The kicker is:
She visited her nephew the day before, asked her ex brother in law about purchasing a gun for "neighborhood break-ins" that didn't exist, he took her to a pawn shop where she said she didn't have the money til she got her check in 2 weeks, her young nephew, who was dying of bone cancer (now deceased) heard her and her folks discussing it and offered to let her borrow one of his guns and gave her a knife......the nephew collected guns, knives, and swords............lent her the Taurus .380 in it's original box, complete with receipt, loaded the weapon for her, 5 bullets, and gave her the rest of the box of 45/50, and the Rampage knife, again in it's original box.
All but the actual gun was recovered either in the trash at Madonna's home, or at the crime scene where the body was found. A bullet projectory was found in the Jeep behind the passenger seat.
From what I gather from the testimony of the brother and sister in law, Madonna did not visit them but very rarely, it was her daughter who was very close with the nephew, aunt, and uncle.
Madonna did this all in a mere 4 hours, got the weapons and headed back home, driving Jose's Jeep.
Sill trying to figure out if her glasses are real.

Day 3 is the medical examiner...........the injuries are very, VERY overkill. The one stab to Jose's mandible dissected it, and that's one of the strongest bones in the body.

I wonder who paid for the home, and was it through the VA? He had apprx. $5,500 a month coming in for VA disability and SSDI, and he had signed for Madonna to receive his benefits upon his death.
LE found all his ID's, VA paperwork, AA coins, and medications in the trash, and this was after she said he had left her. And he left his Jeep.
Going to continue watching..........
See this is something I don't understand. If you're waiting for that to trumpet blowing and you're out of here, why are you storing up arms and food? I don't think many have a few things on hand for a just in case. It doesn't have to be the end of the world for you to have some things set back. I always bought extra cans of green beans and corn and can goods when we first got married and built a small pantry, and we've always's had enough in case extra people show up for dinner or a bad storm and we're stuck and can't get to the store.

I was raised in a constant state of "Doomsday", every Mormon is required to have a 2 year supply of food, water, meds, etc.
I don't store up food, the BF is the gun nut and fear of the government taking over.:facepalm: And if he was all by himself, he wouldn't survive, no survival skills.
Joseph Smith was a carnie, a charlatan, a crook, and polygamist. He was murdered because he and his buddies destroyed the printing presses and torched the building of the anti-Mormon newspaper. His brother was shooting at the lynch mob who came to string up Smith when he fell out of the Carthage jail window. You had 27 families and/or husbands who were pretty angry about Smiths "divine"
Brigham Young got the idea of stockpiling food because of his fear the the US was going to take over Utah. Heck, the Mormon church even "encourages" it's members on who to vote for. The FLDS is pretty much exactly how the LDS church was originally. And that's pretty messed up.
My kids and I were off the grid for 9 months, we survived just fine. It'll be even easier without them if it ever comes to that again.
You have to have skills.
I have skills.
I'm not worried.
^^^Exactly! That's the reason for investing in precious metals - gives you barter/trading power if need be. I'm referring to worst-case scenarios.

If I have a dozen eggs, I'm not going to barter for precious can't eat it or use it.
I think a better investment would be toilet paper, lol! Now that I would trade for! :floorlaugh:
Think about what you would loose with no electricity or gasoline.
It's all about living like pioneers.
Just my opinion.
The kicker is:
She visited her nephew the day before, asked her ex brother in law about purchasing a gun for "neighborhood break-ins" that didn't exist, he took her to a pawn shop where she said she didn't have the money til she got her check in 2 weeks, her young nephew, who was dying of bone cancer (now deceased) heard her and her folks discussing it and offered to let her borrow one of his guns and gave her a knife......the nephew collected guns, knives, and swords............lent her the Taurus .380 in it's original box, complete with receipt, loaded the weapon for her, 5 bullets, and gave her the rest of the box of 45/50, and the Rampage knife, again in it's original box.
All but the actual gun was recovered either in the trash at Madonna's home, or at the crime scene where the body was found. A bullet projectory was found in the Jeep behind the passenger seat.
From what I gather from the testimony of the brother and sister in law, Madonna did not visit them but very rarely, it was her daughter who was very close with the nephew, aunt, and uncle.
Madonna did this all in a mere 4 hours, got the weapons and headed back home, driving Jose's Jeep.
Sill trying to figure out if her glasses are real.

Day 3 is the medical examiner...........the injuries are very, VERY overkill. The one stab to Jose's mandible dissected it, and that's one of the strongest bones in the body.

I wonder who paid for the home, and was it through the VA? He had apprx. $5,500 a month coming in for VA disability and SSDI, and he had signed for Madonna to receive his benefits upon his death.
LE found all his ID's, VA paperwork, AA coins, and medications in the trash, and this was after she said he had left her. And he left his Jeep.
Going to continue watching..........

Yeah, obviously I should have watched from the beginning. Closing arguments going on now. Shandles wrapped it up pretty neatly, pointing out that she hadn't been married to Perez long enough to get his benefits if they divorced...

Thanks for filling in the blanks. That's a lot of incriminating evidence. And the oldest motive around. Now I can understand why her testimony made everyone so mad...

I'm changing my vote!
WOW! This new thread is making things a LOT easier - fast.... no longer :waiting: for it to get right! :happydance:

I'm hoping someone takes some pics!!

Didn't take this picture, as I too had cloud cover - but it was all RED!! Like the sunsets the other 2 nights!


  • SuperMoon.jpg
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Hey all! :wave:

Dropped off the Huz at ER and he will be getting his blood transfusion! I hope ALL goes well!

I think you did, Nore! I do believe in that. I dreamed of my Mom after she died and she told me she was okay, too. My grandma dreamed of grandpa and he told her he was fine and they actually had a nice time talking together. The dreams are so real like...

I too have "seen" my father and mother, waiting for little bro to show up in my dreams! The dreams were REAL!!!! :loveyou:

There are a couple of threads here on WS, and I believe I've posted links to, but will again:

Uplifting Signs and Downright Unexplainable. I've bumped this one up a few times! :D

and this one - Life After Death

If I have a dozen eggs, I'm not going to barter for precious can't eat it or use it.
I think a better investment would be toilet paper, lol! Now that I would trade for! :floorlaugh:
Think about what you would loose with no electricity or gasoline.
It's all about living like pioneers.
Just my opinion.

re bold - reminds me of my second trip to Latvia during Soviet times - I brought a bunch of toilet paper!! :lol: Our relatives either had an outhouse - with newspaper as toilet paper, or this VERY rough brown paper!! Yikes! :laughing:

Okay - going to the pharmacy to pick up my Huz' meds, and than to my massage and than back to the ER!

Wish my HUZ good luck on this procedure!!!!!

Later! :seeya:
Something really, really weird is going on with my phone services. My landline keeps going dead, and now my cell phone is dead too, it had a full charge!!! This is very strange, is anyone else experiencing anything like this? :scared:
Niner, hope the transfusion goes well for your hubby, and the rest of your day goes gently. You earned that massage!
Neesaki, no phone problems here, just a few over zealous salespeople. Maybe it was from that Super Moon? :giggle:

Stockpiling TP ..... I can relate to that!! Outhouses .... I don't miss them! I don't remember the one we had when I was just a baby, but one neighbor still had and used hers in the 1960's, and a few country cousins had them. The double-seaters were where we shared a lot of nose-holding giggles. But the ones that used to be at rest areas or campgrounds ..... wrap your nose in TP before entering!
I just have this to say......I HATE HATE Windows 10----I could use better words but I would be against rules....Can't find any of my music ---- I'm furious! DH not home but better make it right or .........

Not in a pleasant frame of mind these days anyways---But this really pizzes me off !!!

sorry for the rant...:blushing: (again--not pleasant state of mind)
I'll add to that. After living through 9/11 in DC where your ATM card wasn't going to do you any good, I've learned to keep cash on hand. It's great to have food stored up, but should our digital infrastructure go down, you're going to need to buy things you hadn't anticipated on; cards won't be of any use...

Yes, I can't believe the young people today, they can't even buy a coke without using their ATM card, they don't even know what cash is, probably can't even count it. :sheesh:

^^^Exactly! That's the reason for investing in precious metals - gives you barter/trading power if need be. I'm referring to worst-case scenarios.

ITA on the precious metals, Jasper.

If I have a dozen eggs, I'm not going to barter for precious can't eat it or use it.
I think a better investment would be toilet paper, lol! Now that I would trade for! :floorlaugh:
Think about what you would loose with no electricity or gasoline.
It's all about living like pioneers.
Just my opinion.

Niner, hope the transfusion goes well for your hubby, and the rest of your day goes gently. You earned that massage!
Neesaki, no phone problems here, just a few over zealous salespeople. Maybe it was from that Super Moon? :giggle:

Stockpiling TP ..... I can relate to that!! Outhouses .... I don't miss them! I don't remember the one we had when I was just a baby, but one neighbor still had and used hers in the 1960's, and a few country cousins had them. The double-seaters were where we shared a lot of nose-holding giggles. But the ones that used to be at rest areas or campgrounds ..... wrap your nose in TP before entering!

Toilet paper , YES !!! Lots and lots of TP ! :skip: And water, and canned goods and freeze dried or dehydrated foods...and of course, wine or whatever is your drink of choice. :) :toastred:

I know, Spellbound, I was wondering about the Super Moon having something to do with it. My cell phone flat out died all of a sudden, I fully charged it last night and it was still charged this morning and I had just used it. Then I got on the land line, made a call, it went through, then it went totally dead. It's creepy :alien3: Now I've gotta get outta here and over to Verizon. :gaah:
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