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Hey all! :wave:

ILikeToBendPages said:
1964 - We’ll Sing in the Sunshine - Gale Garnett tops the charts

Another Yep! Have this on my CD! :D

YESorNO said:
These photos were taken by Augustus Sherman, an amateur photographer who worked as the chief registry clerk on Ellis Island from 1892 until 1925..."

Oh - I missed him - I passed through 1952! :happydance:

Yes RIP Maureen O'Hara - great actress!

Hey! I don't like bugs either.... stay outside IF you want to live!!

daisymae said:
Welcome back, Gigi's been extremely quiet in here lately. Where have all our friends gone?

I'm here!
A bit late in the day - but we had to watch a Formula One race - in Russia, that we missed while the Huz was in the home care center. My guy (Kimi) came in 5th, and the Huz's (Lewis) came in first!

Hey GigiG - do you watch "Bones"? I ask as I'd liked to know if there is such a place as the "Jeffersonian Institute" in Washington D.C. - ?? :waitasec: Do you know?

Okay - watching football now - and I should eat something!

Later! :seeya:

and a "sharing" picture!


  • HeyYou.jpg
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I was having trouble with this thread yesterday and this morning. I think things are okay now?

I don't know how I missed this case, but have been reading up on it. Very weird!

The Strange Case of Anna Stubblefield

Here is the basic info:

Jury finds female professor GUILTY of raping mute, cerebral palsy-stricken, diaper-wearing man after she claimed the two were 'in love'

• Dr Anna Stubblefield, 45, found guilty on two counts of felony first-degree aggravated sexual assault for raping a mentally disabled man

• The Rutgers philosophy professor faces up to 40 years in prison when she is sentenced

• Stubblefield claimed the 34-year-old victim known as D.J. could express himself through 'facilitated communication'

• Her defense lawyer asked that Stubblefield be released on bail because she was not a flight risk but the request was denied

• After hearing the verdict, Stubblefield was led out in handcuffs to be held until sentencing

• In closing arguments Thursday, her attorney insisted no sexual assault had taken place because the pair were in a consensual sexual relationship

• Attorney James Patton argued the diaper-wearing man had the capacity to consent to sex with Stubblefield

• Prosecution claimed Stubblefield preyed on D.J. for her own 'sexual gratification' and to further her own career

• 'She put a person with cerebral palsy on an exercise mat on a dirty carpet. That's love?' prosecutor Eric Plant asked

Read more:
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Wow- what an interesting case. Thanks for posting. I spent a few hours reading and researching this afternoon in between my chores.

Shame on her!! :stormingmad: (and an ethics professor to boot!) I agree with the prosecutor: she is truly a disgusting individual who took advantage of both DJ and his family to facilitate and further her own career, IMO. Screwed up lady, for sure.

‘‘facilitated communication.’’ Pftttt! very controversial, IMO.

From the article you posted:

"In late 1993, ‘‘Frontline’’ aired a special that told Betsy Wheaton’s story, among others, and suggested that facilitated communication was an elaborate display of what psychologists call the ideomotor effect, in which an external suggestion or a person’s beliefs or expectations trigger unconscious movement: The facilitator was guiding the typing, even if she didn’t know it. In early 1994, ‘‘60 Minutes’’ ran a similar exposé called ‘‘Less Than a Miracle.’’.."

I remember watching those TV specials :

FRONTLINE: Prisoners of Silence [Full]


(I couldn't find a YTube for the 60 Minutes one):

"...With cogent scientific evidence, “Less Than a Miracle” (1994) debunked the claim that so-called facilitated communication (FC) lets autists and other persons with severe communication-related disabilities express themselves through a typewriter or computer keyboard. The segment showed that the “facilitators” select, probably unknowingly, which keys the subject will push..."

From the article you posted:

"One problem was that no matter how much progress D.J. made with Anna, his typing never worked with his mother or brother. They spent many hours training in F.C., but neither had success. Anna typed with D.J.; Anna’s mother typed with D.J.; Sheronda Jones typed with D.J. But somehow, P. and Wesley always failed..."

Hmmmm... Wonder why??? 'cause it doesn't work!

Facilitated Communication: A Price Too High To Pay

"What are the prices we pay for following unsubstantiated treatments and bogus therapies? Sometimes, the costs are tragically high. Facilitated communication is unequivocally one of those bogus remedies that promises far more than it can deliver and can destroy lives in the process, lives like those of Julian and Thal Wendrow, whose 14-year-old daughter accused her father of molesting her for years and her mother of standing by while it happened. Except it turns out that this young woman, severely autistic and nonverbal did no such thing; the aide at her school who facilitated her was the one to apparently type out the accusation...

Facilitated communication, to quote Robert T. Carroll of the Skeptic’s Dictionary, is a “dangerous delusion.” It is a delusion we can ill afford and school districts who use it and its weaker cousin rapid prompting method must be held to higher standards, empirical standards. Our most vulnerable must not have their voices, their communication, co-opted by well-meaning but misguided facilitators and even worse, those charlatans who know what they do and do it intentionally in order to line their pockets and cast themselves to desperate parents as the heroic persons who set free the hidden person that autism had locked away...

After more than a quarter century, there remains not a single methodologically sound study showing that FC has worked for a single individual. Dozens of studies have shown it reliably fails to produce genuine communication. The output is the facilitator's. That is what the science has shown--over and over. That's the reality of FC ..."

Mixed Messages: Validity and Ethics of Facilitated Communication


I identify several factors that influence how significant mediation is for an instance of communication: dependability, accuracy, neutrality, control of output, and access to feedback. Then, I use this conceptual framework to discuss Facilitated Communication, a controversial method for communicating with people with autism or other developmental disabilities. After reviewing the history of this method, I try to assess whether it is valid and whether it is ethical by setting up and evaluating arguments offered on either side of the debate. My conclusion is that Facilitated Communication has not been shown to be valid, but that it may, under some conditions, be ethically acceptable...

Thus, I conclude that uncritical, long term use of FC is unethical, as it can violate the individual's right not to be manipulated or misrepresented. However, if all decision makers involved are aware of the empirical challenges and want to implement FC on a trial basis, in the hope that it will serve as a stepping-stone to more independent communication, this may be ethically OK. There is nothing morally problematic about teaching people to communicate by typing, and hand-over-hand assistance, followed by the fading of such assistance, is a well-established teaching tool. Taken that way, FC is just another method of learning to use an AAC device, a keyboard. Where it becomes concerning is when facilitated output is presumed to be authentic even under physical support conditions that risk facilitator influence, and when facilitated output is privileged over other communicative attempts..."

"ethically acceptable" - but not in DJ's case, IMO, because DJ would never be able to take control of the keyboard himself, so FC would not be a "stepping stone" for him.

Put her away and let her stay there, IMO.... :jail:
I have Lady Bugs also, I can send anyone a box full ASAP!! LOL Any takers? I swear they can come in under the windows and window seals!

I know!!!! I'll send you my ladybugs and you send me yours.


Hey all! :wave:

Another Yep! Have this on my CD! :D

Oh - I missed him - I passed through 1952! :happydance:

Yes RIP Maureen O'Hara - great actress!

Hey! I don't like bugs either.... stay outside IF you want to live!!

I'm here!
A bit late in the day - but we had to watch a Formula One race - in Russia, that we missed while the Huz was in the home care center. My guy (Kimi) came in 5th, and the Huz's (Lewis) came in first!

Hey GigiG - do you watch "Bones"? I ask as I'd liked to know if there is such a place as the "Jeffersonian Institute" in Washington D.C. - ?? :waitasec: Do you know?

Okay - watching football now - and I should eat something!

Later! :seeya:

and a "sharing" picture!



Wow- what an interesting case. Thanks for posting. I spent a few hours reading and researching this afternoon in between my chores.

Shame on her!! :stormingmad: (and an ethics professor to boot!) I agree with the prosecutor: she is truly a disgusting individual who took advantage of both DJ and his family to facilitate and further her own career, IMO. Screwed up lady, for sure.

‘‘facilitated communication.’’ Pftttt! very controversial, IMO.

From the article you posted:

"In late 1993, ‘‘Frontline’’ aired a special that told Betsy Wheaton’s story, among others, and suggested that facilitated communication was an elaborate display of what psychologists call the ideomotor effect, in which an external suggestion or a person’s beliefs or expectations trigger unconscious movement: The facilitator was guiding the typing, even if she didn’t know it. In early 1994, ‘‘60 Minutes’’ ran a similar exposé called ‘‘Less Than a Miracle.’’.."

I remember watching those TV specials :

FRONTLINE: Prisoners of Silence [Full]


(I couldn't find a YTube for the 60 Minutes one):

"...With cogent scientific evidence, “Less Than a Miracle” (1994) debunked the claim that so-called facilitated communication (FC) lets autists and other persons with severe communication-related disabilities express themselves through a typewriter or computer keyboard. The segment showed that the “facilitators” select, probably unknowingly, which keys the subject will push..."

From the article you posted:

"One problem was that no matter how much progress D.J. made with Anna, his typing never worked with his mother or brother. They spent many hours training in F.C., but neither had success. Anna typed with D.J.; Anna’s mother typed with D.J.; Sheronda Jones typed with D.J. But somehow, P. and Wesley always failed..."

Hmmmm... Wonder why??? 'cause it doesn't work!

Facilitated Communication: A Price Too High To Pay

"What are the prices we pay for following unsubstantiated treatments and bogus therapies? Sometimes, the costs are tragically high. Facilitated communication is unequivocally one of those bogus remedies that promises far more than it can deliver and can destroy lives in the process, lives like those of Julian and Thal Wendrow, whose 14-year-old daughter accused her father of molesting her for years and her mother of standing by while it happened. Except it turns out that this young woman, severely autistic and nonverbal did no such thing; the aide at her school who facilitated her was the one to apparently type out the accusation...

Facilitated communication, to quote Robert T. Carroll of the Skeptic’s Dictionary, is a “dangerous delusion.” It is a delusion we can ill afford and school districts who use it and its weaker cousin rapid prompting method must be held to higher standards, empirical standards. Our most vulnerable must not have their voices, their communication, co-opted by well-meaning but misguided facilitators and even worse, those charlatans who know what they do and do it intentionally in order to line their pockets and cast themselves to desperate parents as the heroic persons who set free the hidden person that autism had locked away...

After more than a quarter century, there remains not a single methodologically sound study showing that FC has worked for a single individual. Dozens of studies have shown it reliably fails to produce genuine communication. The output is the facilitator's. That is what the science has shown--over and over. That's the reality of FC ..."

Mixed Messages: Validity and Ethics of Facilitated Communication


I identify several factors that influence how significant mediation is for an instance of communication: dependability, accuracy, neutrality, control of output, and access to feedback. Then, I use this conceptual framework to discuss Facilitated Communication, a controversial method for communicating with people with autism or other developmental disabilities. After reviewing the history of this method, I try to assess whether it is valid and whether it is ethical by setting up and evaluating arguments offered on either side of the debate. My conclusion is that Facilitated Communication has not been shown to be valid, but that it may, under some conditions, be ethically acceptable...

Thus, I conclude that uncritical, long term use of FC is unethical, as it can violate the individual's right not to be manipulated or misrepresented. However, if all decision makers involved are aware of the empirical challenges and want to implement FC on a trial basis, in the hope that it will serve as a stepping-stone to more independent communication, this may be ethically OK. There is nothing morally problematic about teaching people to communicate by typing, and hand-over-hand assistance, followed by the fading of such assistance, is a well-established teaching tool. Taken that way, FC is just another method of learning to use an AAC device, a keyboard. Where it becomes concerning is when facilitated output is presumed to be authentic even under physical support conditions that risk facilitator influence, and when facilitated output is privileged over other communicative attempts..."

"ethically acceptable" - but not in DJ's case, IMO, because DJ would never be able to take control of the keyboard himself, so FC would not be a "stepping stone" for him.

Put her away and let her stay there, IMO.... :jail:

Great article, I remember the '60 Minutes" when this ran...shocking!
2015 - Jupiter and Venus will be close in the morning sky with Mars not far behind Monday, and the three planets will appear to move nearer to on another as the week goes on. The three bright worlds will form a very close triangle in the sky on Wednesday morning.

Niner ... Sharapova is playing right now should you pop in here. :)
I don't know if it was websleuths or my computer. Had the hardest time viewing posts, THEN got signed out and couldn't remember my password!

Websleuths crashed for me last night for about an hour. Today is much better. Are they ones having trouble with pages loading and hanging up because they have ads? I use Pro and it helps. It's a free download for Firefox, Pale Moon, and Chrome.
Just finished watching Grumpy & Grumpier Old Men on the POP channel

Burgess Meredith was a riot "I got'em all" :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:


Wow- what an interesting case. Thanks for posting. I spent a few hours reading and researching this afternoon in between my chores.

Shame on her!! :stormingmad: (and an ethics professor to boot!) I agree with the prosecutor: she is truly a disgusting individual who took advantage of both DJ and his family to facilitate and further her own career, IMO. Screwed up lady, for sure.

‘‘facilitated communication.’’ Pftttt! very controversial, IMO.

From the article you posted:

"In late 1993, ‘‘Frontline’’ aired a special that told Betsy Wheaton’s story, among others, and suggested that facilitated communication was an elaborate display of what psychologists call the ideomotor effect, in which an external suggestion or a person’s beliefs or expectations trigger unconscious movement: The facilitator was guiding the typing, even if she didn’t know it. In early 1994, ‘‘60 Minutes’’ ran a similar exposé called ‘‘Less Than a Miracle.’’.."

I remember watching those TV specials :

FRONTLINE: Prisoners of Silence [Full]


(I couldn't find a YTube for the 60 Minutes one):

"...With cogent scientific evidence, “Less Than a Miracle” (1994) debunked the claim that so-called facilitated communication (FC) lets autists and other persons with severe communication-related disabilities express themselves through a typewriter or computer keyboard. The segment showed that the “facilitators” select, probably unknowingly, which keys the subject will push..."

From the article you posted:

"One problem was that no matter how much progress D.J. made with Anna, his typing never worked with his mother or brother. They spent many hours training in F.C., but neither had success. Anna typed with D.J.; Anna’s mother typed with D.J.; Sheronda Jones typed with D.J. But somehow, P. and Wesley always failed..."

Hmmmm... Wonder why??? 'cause it doesn't work!

Facilitated Communication: A Price Too High To Pay

"What are the prices we pay for following unsubstantiated treatments and bogus therapies? Sometimes, the costs are tragically high. Facilitated communication is unequivocally one of those bogus remedies that promises far more than it can deliver and can destroy lives in the process, lives like those of Julian and Thal Wendrow, whose 14-year-old daughter accused her father of molesting her for years and her mother of standing by while it happened. Except it turns out that this young woman, severely autistic and nonverbal did no such thing; the aide at her school who facilitated her was the one to apparently type out the accusation...

Facilitated communication, to quote Robert T. Carroll of the Skeptic’s Dictionary, is a “dangerous delusion.” It is a delusion we can ill afford and school districts who use it and its weaker cousin rapid prompting method must be held to higher standards, empirical standards. Our most vulnerable must not have their voices, their communication, co-opted by well-meaning but misguided facilitators and even worse, those charlatans who know what they do and do it intentionally in order to line their pockets and cast themselves to desperate parents as the heroic persons who set free the hidden person that autism had locked away...

After more than a quarter century, there remains not a single methodologically sound study showing that FC has worked for a single individual. Dozens of studies have shown it reliably fails to produce genuine communication. The output is the facilitator's. That is what the science has shown--over and over. That's the reality of FC ..."

Mixed Messages: Validity and Ethics of Facilitated Communication


I identify several factors that influence how significant mediation is for an instance of communication: dependability, accuracy, neutrality, control of output, and access to feedback. Then, I use this conceptual framework to discuss Facilitated Communication, a controversial method for communicating with people with autism or other developmental disabilities. After reviewing the history of this method, I try to assess whether it is valid and whether it is ethical by setting up and evaluating arguments offered on either side of the debate. My conclusion is that Facilitated Communication has not been shown to be valid, but that it may, under some conditions, be ethically acceptable...

Thus, I conclude that uncritical, long term use of FC is unethical, as it can violate the individual's right not to be manipulated or misrepresented. However, if all decision makers involved are aware of the empirical challenges and want to implement FC on a trial basis, in the hope that it will serve as a stepping-stone to more independent communication, this may be ethically OK. There is nothing morally problematic about teaching people to communicate by typing, and hand-over-hand assistance, followed by the fading of such assistance, is a well-established teaching tool. Taken that way, FC is just another method of learning to use an AAC device, a keyboard. Where it becomes concerning is when facilitated output is presumed to be authentic even under physical support conditions that risk facilitator influence, and when facilitated output is privileged over other communicative attempts..."

"ethically acceptable" - but not in DJ's case, IMO, because DJ would never be able to take control of the keyboard himself, so FC would not be a "stepping stone" for him.

Put her away and let her stay there, IMO.... :jail:

WS is being very wonky for me, so I guess this is a way to respond? No thanks button...

She comes off so normal, but everything she did was so crazy!

I find it hard to believe that this case didn't get more coverage in advance, but, as per usual, love that NYT picked up the story. So fascinating...
Some interesting reading at Super Duper this afternoon. The Shawna Forde 'spokeswoman' says she is going to write the men and women getting out of prison the names and addresses of a few 'haters'. Perryville is not going to take kindly to this and the spokesperson has probably "screwed the pooch" (as JA would say) her prison outreach program. Anyway, interesting reading.
1937 - Radio’s Stella Dallas made her debut on the NBC Red network. Stella hung out on NBC until 1955 with Anne Elstner in the title role for the entire run. Stella Dallas was “A continuation on the air of the true-life story of mother love and sacrifice, in which Stella saw her own beloved daughter, Laurel, marry into wealth and society, and realizing the difference in their tastes and worlds, went out of Laurel’s life.”

1998 - Thousands were on hand in Oklahoma City for the ground-breaking ceremony of a memorial to the victims of the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building. “The people who died here were victims of one of the cruelest visitations of evil this nation has ever seen,” said Vice President Al Gore. “But we offer them today not pity but honor, for as much as any soldier who ever fought in any war, they paid the price for our freedom.”

I've been there three times. The sadness is still the same. The last time our grandchildren left their happy meal toy on the fence.

Lily in her back up dress for the wedding. She was a bridesmaid too. She danced with all of the best men and the bride. She was such a good baby. We were glad she didn't start singing during the vows. She gets loud and vocal.

A minor inconvenience: :(

October is Ladybug season, just as September is fly/spider season. The insects are looking for shelter from the coming Winter and are/have driving/driven me crazy this Fall. The ladybugs are everywhere! The Queen and I bring them in the house as they cling to us, they are on the siding, porch rails.....everywhere! They fly into my face and body when I'm out,

and try to sneak inside whenever they have an opportunity. When I find one inside, I grab a tissue - I can hear the crunch; I flush them down the toilet.

There are some little flying something-or-other bugs that are hanging around also. The indoor zapper is working overtime. I hear the ZAP- there goes another one. Only thing good about Winter is that there are no bugs around.

I hate bugs

- stay outside (where you belong) and live another day.

I feel bad for them- for any insect that I kill. I don't want them in my house tho'.

I am a killer. For shame. :shame:

Rant over


Not nothing
The death of a fly is utterly insignificant – or it’s a catastrophe. How much should we worry about what we squash?

"...We too are built on a bedrock of old men’s bones. Our evolution to *advertiser censored* sapiens is a product of the endless winnowing out of the unfit and the unfortunate. If some australopithecine apeman or woman had stumbled across the elixir of life, it is very unlikely that you or I would exist. It is worth bowing our heads for a moment to all our ancestors whose passing away made our lives possible.

But here we are – and many people would like it to stay that way. That tadpoles are fodder for pond-life is as natural as the leaves falling on the water in autumn; that flies get squidged is as ordinary as apples rotting in the orchard. One’s own death, on the other hand, seems most unnatural. It seems rather an error and an outrage; a cosmic crime; a reason to raise one’s fist and rebel against the regime that ordered this slaughter of innocents....

As the poet William Blake realised when he, too, carelessly squashed an insect:

Am not I
A fly like thee?
Or art not thou
A man like me?..."


Why Ladybugs Swarm On Your House

"...It happens every fall in the eastern U.S. and Canada. In southern New England where I’m from, it occurs on warm, sunny days in October and even into early November.
It’s a phenomenon that causes a great deal of exasperation. And they don't even have a name for it!

All of a sudden, on a warm, sunny day, out of nowhere, swarms of lady beetles converge to hibernate. And they converge right onto the sunny exterior of your house, garage or shed.

Not content to just sit there soakin' up the rays and workin' on their tan, they enter the house in droves. The kids don't have to stand there holding the door open, either.

They simply find loose-fitting screens, cracks and vents, and soon enough, they're house guests.

They do this because they like to find a sheltered place in which to hibernate for the winter. While they are pests, they're not harmful to humans or pets, and they don't reproduce during hibernation..."







I loved Gilda Radner! Roseanna, Roseanna, Danna !!! :floorlaugh: I tease my husband and call him that sometimes because he goes off on silly tangents that remind me of her. :floorlaugh:

And I love ladybugs too! Once in a while I'll find a few in the house and I'll try to catch and carry them outside, I try to rescue them because they're some of the few that I consider to be "good bugs" and are beneficial insects. I suppose if they're swarming in your house that's certainly not a good thing though either. Poor, lost ladybugs. :(
If You Don't Know Me By Now - Harold Melvin

Love that baby ... contact me if you need a babysitter ... what's her address? :great:
I guess we're a Simply Red fan, LOL. He's got so much soul.

But we love the original too, by the Stylistics. God, this is beautiful, not just the music but the lyrics. And watching them dancing around in their sexy blue suits is cool too. :giggle:

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