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Mollyandme, I am so very sorry to hear of your struggles. Trust me, the sun will shine again for you, your spouse and your children. Clouds are only temporary. Please don't be embarrassed.

Oh my gosh, I will make these. Do you know if they taste like Archway's Wedding Cake cookies? If so, I will be in a sugar coma after the first batch. :happydance:

I love their soft molasses one. I can't find the soft gingersnaps they used to make.

I love their soft molasses one. I can't find the soft gingersnaps they used to make.


I like those too. (molasses) They made the fruitcake ones also .. they were good, but I can't find those either. GRRR.
Molly, I think all of us can agree on taking care of yourself is the main thing for you and your babies. I remember when you got pregnant with your last little boy, (he was due around the time as my nephews late July early August ) and you had a baby boy less than one year old and a little girl toddler IIRC. You need to be admired for lasting this long on your own, but you need help and it's been offered by the people that love you. Take it accept it, no shame in asking or receiving help.

IIRC that this is your favorite song. I always thought of you when I heard it.

Its so sad to hear but thank you for sharing because it helps reminds us that no matter how dire our circumstances are there is always someone else out there in a worse situation. And if they can do it then so can we.

Hope things have gotten much more joyful for you since those rough times.

Lol thanks, I can tell you we're all still alive, still living in the house we'd put the insurance against and my "baby" got married this past summer and just last month finally moved out, though my dh and I haven't had a vacation since before we got married, but we're doing alright. Things can always get worse, as we found out, so I try to appreciate what we have. :)
One of my Mother's fav cookie recipe that she made every Christmas:

Mexican Wedding Cookies

1 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 1/4 cups sifted flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup chopped walnuts
powdered sugar (for rolling baked cookies in)

Cream together butter and powdered sugar until light and fluffy; stir in vanilla.
Whisk together flour and salt; add gradually to butter mixture; stir in chopped nuts.
Chill dough if it seems too soft.
Form dough into 1 1/4" balls and place onto parchment-lined or ungreased baking sheets.
Bake at 400° for 10-12 minutes or just until the cookies start to turn light golden-brown; remove from oven and allow to cool slightly;
Remove them from baking sheets and roll, a few at a time, in powdered sugar until evenly coated; cool cookies completely on wire racks.

I will also be making some :) Yummy!

Thanks, these sound great, though I may have to opt for chopped cranberries so the walnuts don't kill me. These are two faves in our house if anyone hasn't tried them and is looking for ideas:

Chocolate Crinkles

Stir together:
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt

Beat until fluffy(5 minutes):
3/4 c. butter or margerine
1 +1/2 c. white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. peppermint extract

Beat in eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
At low speed, stir in cocoa then stir in flour mixture just
until blended. Cover and chill 4 hrs or overnight.
4 eggs at room temperature
3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2-1 c. icing sugar(for rolling)

Preheat oven to 350F. Drop dough by level tbs. into bowl of
icing sugar and roll into a ball, then place 2" apart on a
parchment lined or greased cookie sheet. Bake 9-10 minutes
until only a slight imprint remains when touched lightly in
centre. Remove to racks to cool before storing.

Kahlua Cocoa Balls(No baking)

1/2 c. Kahlua liquer
1/4 c. light corn syrup
1/3 c. chopped candied cherries
1/3 c. chipped golden raisins
1 c. powdered(icing) sugar, sifted
1/2 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
2 +1/2 c. fine vanilla wafer crumbs
1 c. finely chopped pecans

Powdered(icing) sugar, cocoa powder, coconut, chopped or
ground nuts for rolling.

Combine Kahlua with syrup and fruits. Blend sugar, cocoa,
crumbs and pecans. Combine mixtures. Shape into small balls
then roll in choice of coating. Freeze or store in airtight
container in refrigerator. Makes 4 dozen.
Thanks, these sound great, though I may have to opt for chopped cranberries so the walnuts don't kill me. These are two faves in our house if anyone hasn't tried them and is looking for ideas:

Chocolate Crinkles

Stir together:
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 tsp. salt

Beat until fluffy(5 minutes):
3/4 c. butter or margerine
1 +1/2 c. white sugar
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 tsp. peppermint extract

Beat in eggs one at a time beating well after each addition.
At low speed, stir in cocoa then stir in flour mixture just
until blended. Cover and chill 4 hrs or overnight.
4 eggs at room temperature
3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2-1 c. icing sugar(for rolling)

Preheat oven to 350F. Drop dough by level tbs. into bowl of
icing sugar and roll into a ball, then place 2" apart on a
parchment lined or greased cookie sheet. Bake 9-10 minutes
until only a slight imprint remains when touched lightly in
centre. Remove to racks to cool before storing.

Kahlua Cocoa Balls(No baking)

1/2 c. Kahlua liquer
1/4 c. light corn syrup
1/3 c. chopped candied cherries
1/3 c. chipped golden raisins
1 c. powdered(icing) sugar, sifted
1/2 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
2 +1/2 c. fine vanilla wafer crumbs
1 c. finely chopped pecans

Powdered(icing) sugar, cocoa powder, coconut, chopped or
ground nuts for rolling.

Combine Kahlua with syrup and fruits. Blend sugar, cocoa,
crumbs and pecans. Combine mixtures. Shape into small balls
then roll in choice of coating. Freeze or store in airtight
container in refrigerator. Makes 4 dozen.

Those sounds wonderful. Have you tired rum balls? Or making a rumpot?

Those sounds wonderful. Have you tired rum balls? Or making a rumpot?


The Kahlua balls(which I make for gifts and the family, though I sometimes get brave and sneak one or two with an antihistamine) are just a variation of rum balls and yes I've tried them too but I've never tried a rumpot, sounds interesting but I'm allergic to so many fruits it might be more rum than fruit by the time I finished making it.:giggle:
Good Morning :peace:

Start out The Day with a Smile and May you have a wonderful day ahead!:rose:

Who wants coffee? :cup:
Hi I gotta tell ya! I always made rum balls but with liquor , didn't have rum. I put out a bowl in the front room at Christmas (wrapped in foil). Well my son (age 7) comes walking out of room "mommy those cookies are soooo good!) I'm sorry but I had to LOL. never put them out ahead again . A Mommys bad!
I thought of using raisins Val, divertic~be in the hospital at least 5 days if I lived..:laughing:
Dang! Lost my post??!!

OK, gonna try it again...We officially had our first 'snow flurries this morning, does that mean winter is here?:giggle:

On Sat. Dec 5, my husband's great nephew will be graduating... he will officially be a DPT at the age of 25! Sunday we are going over St. Louis for his Open House. Now my question is, should we give him money in his card and how much? When he graduated from HS we gave him money, just not sure about this. Any suggestions?
Mollyandme ~ If you have a 211 program in your area, call that number 211! They will send you in the right directions to help you with your problems. 211 is a program that the United Way has for anyone in need of anything. My daughter helped launch this program and went to many sates and help set it up :)
Mollyandme ~ If you have a 211 program in your area, call that number 211! They will send you in the right directions to help you with your problems. 211 is a program that the United Way has for anyone in need of anything. My daughter helped launch this program and went to many sates and help set it up :)

Oh wow that is amazing of your daughter, I know you must be so proud of her! Just went to the website and we definitely have it in our area. I love how there's a "give help" option as well. I used to do a lot of community service and I want to start that again. Some things my daughter is old enough to do now. Thank you!
Wow, I am truly humbled by the kindness and support shown to me. I appreciate that you guys took the time to write heartfelt, kind, helpful responses to me. What a special group of people in this group!

My parents came over last night and told me that they will be paying expenses for now. I'm good at cooking on a frugal budget and meal planning. I told them I would go to the county assistance office for help but My dad is of the belief that you go to family first for help if you can and they are able and willing to help before going to the government. If it came to asking for help from social services, I would. I used to work in social services so I know these are the types of situations that it's to be used for, and I have paid into the system for years. Hopefully I will be working soon and things will get figured out. I would like to be able to explain more about my husband and his lawsuit and the settlement stuff bc it might help understand exactly why he can't work right now and some other stuff but I worry someone will see this. Thank you guys for all of the support. I am truly humbled and appreciate it.
Oh wow that is amazing of your daughter, I know you must be so proud of her! Just went to the website and we definitely have it in our area. I love how there's a "give help" option as well. I used to do a lot of community service and I want to start that again. Some things my daughter is old enough to do now. Thank you!

No problem! Yes, I am very proud of her, she worked for United Way for 13 years and was the Director of 211. She now works at AARP Director of the Senior's Program. She got her Doctrine degree in HR and Non-Profit Org. and loves helping people out :) I am sure that UW would be happy if you decided 'give a helping hand'. Good luck and you did the right thing...excepting your parents help! God Bless :)
Wow, I am truly humbled by the kindness and support shown to me. I appreciate that you guys took the time to write heartfelt, kind, helpful responses to me. What a special group of people in this group!

My parents came over last night and told me that they will be paying expenses for now. I'm good at cooking on a frugal budget and meal planning. I told them I would go to the county assistance office for help but My dad is of the belief that you go to family first for help if you can and they are able and willing to help before going to the government. If it came to asking for help from social services, I would. I used to work in social services so I know these are the types of situations that it's to be used for, and I have paid into the system for years. Hopefully I will be working soon and things will get figured out. I would like to be able to explain more about my husband and his lawsuit and the settlement stuff bc it might help understand exactly why he can't work right now and some other stuff but I worry someone will see this. Thank you guys for all of the support. I am truly humbled and appreciate it.

I am so sorry you are going through this. I wish your DH could be with you, at least to help with the kids. Workers Comp cases can take years, like mine has, with no end in sight. I would hope his lawyer could handle things to free him up to be with you all. You are amazingly strong and I know you will get through this. It is a humbling experience not to be able to even buy milk for your kids. I have been there and I have had to rely on my parents in the past as well. People are always under the assumption that doctors make a lot of money, but fail to realize that it takes time and insurance companies pay cents on the dollar for reimbursement. I worked 3-11 for years so that my children were only with the sitter for a couple of hours before my DH got home.

This will pass and you will look back on this time and be amazed how you were able to cope. You will draw on this experience in years to come and find that it has made you more empathic and compassionate towards others going through a rough time. I know you will pay it forward when the occasion presents itself as you will "know" exactly what it feels like.

I admire your strength and fortitude. You are amazing. Xoxo

I actually started this post last night, but than it got too late... so posting now! :D

YESorNO said:
Mom could go to jail for letting her son play outside alone

"...That's what happened to Sonya Hendren when she let her 4-year-old son, Tomahawk, play on their gated Sacramento, California, apartment complex playground by himself. She felt her son could handle playing unsupervised 120 feet from her apartment's front door, but her neighbor disagreed. According to local news outlet CBS8, the neighbor, Sonja Horrell, reported Hendren to Child Protective Services, and Hendren was arrested for felony child neglect and endangerment.

The charges were later reduced to misdemeanors, and Hendren is hoping to get them dropped completely...."

Oh sheesh... they live in gated complex! I have kids playing in our street all the time - small country road, where hardly two cars can pass each other going in opposite directions. They're out there riding bikes, skateboarding, and just playing ball! Do you think I'm going to call Child Services... nope! Let them play!!

Oh LOVE :luv: the advice from our own "faccia Toasta" old lady!! Great advice!

Hi atm9533! :wave: Nice to see a new person here posting! :welcome6:

And again YESorNO much grass for posting excerpts from Nurmi's book! :tyou:

snipped by me
YESorNO said:
according to L- interviews taken weren't good- didn't "paint a good picture of Ms. Arias, in fact, far from it...interviewees...most..either ..friends or family, presumably people who loved her, did not say nice things about her"

:laughcry: sorry, but this was funny...

daisymae said:
Tonight is the 4th episode of Hunting Hitler on the History Channel, 10PM EST. There are 4 more episodes for this series this year.

I've been researching this subject and found many articles on the Nazi's fleeing to Argentina so this is not new. I now recall Mengele, Eichmann and others that ended up in Argentina. Also Weisenthal captured Eichmann, brought him to Jerusalem where he stood trial. Up to 100,000 Nazi's fled to Argentina.

I'll be watching tonight.

Thanks for the reminder, I'll be watching too! Yes, quite a few Nazi went to South America.

Hatfield said:
One of my "Bucket List" items is to ski in Switzerland.
I would so love to travel there in the winter and fill up my large size Bota Bag with some expensive Sauvignon Blanc and take a Gondola to one of the tallest peaks and then ski down to some nice Swiss Town to shop and then do it all over again hitting different small valley towns.

OMG I get goosebumps just thinking about it. Ive been planning it my whole life and have yet to pull off that trip. I have to go there before I leave this planet.

Oh you'll LOVE Switzerland - the most beautiful country on the whole planet!! I've visiting there, but don't ski! Also Austria is beautiful too! Had a trip with my Mamma and went thru Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Lichenstein! All beautiful actually!

LOVE :luv: your graphics coffeejunkie! Beautiful!
What's a DPT?? I'd give money!! $$$ you can use anywhere!

Oh Mollyandme - so glad to hear your parents will be helping you!! :happydance:

Oh what a group we have here! :grouphug:

okay - long enough post :giggle: - off to read my other threads!

Later! :seeya:
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