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Darling DD! See post #158. He made it through. And thank you again for your years of service keeping the general public safe. I am watching the San Bernardino shooting coverage and thought about you. Xo

Glad you have good news for your buddy. Is the vet having you do any dietary or med changes? I bet he knows how worried you were/are, they can feel it...and your ongoing love.

Thanks for your thanks, LOL. Somber day yesterday and today. Ugh. It does make me, and my coworkers, watch the situations play out...and realize that things in our arena ARE changing...certainly more thought into explosive devices, ambushes, etc. than we thought about just 10 years ago. Also, one thought...changes in the law re cellphone searches on scene changed in 2014, and are more limited. On days like yesterday, I bet FBI was wanting more instant access!

I can pick on the FBI, because, well, I can (LOL, the ongoing us vs them in our agencies)...but right now, I'm very proud of watching their actions there yesterday. And local LE? Looking good!
Trapped with Ms. Arias

Chapter 27

My Mitigation Investigation

L thought only 1 Mit witness could speak on her behalf "who could truly offer help...her ex-boyfriend Darryl" because she "truly had so little support in her life before this crime was committed"

L chose no mit witnesses during sentencing phase at 1st trial "I did not have enough good cards left to play by the end of the guilt phase of the trial"- claims media partially to blame

"pretrial events, I certainly cannot blame the media for the fact that I did not even have one family member whom I could count on to help Ms. Arias make her case for life"

L"s 1st meeting with the murderer's mother Sandy. father Bill, brother Joey, sister Angela

- "took in aura of house...I like to get a sense of what the [client's] experience was like for attempt to walk a mile in my client's shoes , their mental 'shoes' .. "

-L thought it was small for 5 people, had "old-looking furniture", messy- just observation, not "condemnation"

- L "sensed a feeling of coldness...sense of despair"; coldness like a newly built home that no one lived in; despair- like being in an abandoned home "...whose life blood had left"; didn't feel like a "true home" to L

-L claims "no took the time to clean any portion of the house": seemed like a bother to murder's family that L and team were there- "messed up their daily routine", L sensed their actions/attitudes

- L wanted to talk to Angela (16 yrs old) 1st alone- he thought she might be closest to murderer- spoke to her in the yard; she spoke in voice "almost childlike"

- expected her to be heartbroken over sister's situation, to ask several questions about what was happening, her to cry, "begging me to do everything I could to help her sister"

- "Instead, what I got was a girl who seemed emotionally disconnected to the entire situation...perhaps this was another sign ...victimization but it seemed like more..."

-Angela just came out on Twitter to "proudly pronounce her sobriety, perhaps she was sign she was concerned for her sister"- L found that "strange" (her attitude and convo)

L spoke to father Bill- no concern for daughter- father talked about "blame others for" TA's death- "none of his [Bill's] theories made sense"

Sandy acted like this was all "a bother by the whole visit...irritated because...she had to take a few hours off work to come home to speak with us" (pg. 153)

"How sad was it for Ms. Arias that she had a family, her parents in particular, that seemingly did not care about her enough to help her legal team do her job"

L and team went out to storage shed, with family dog "Jewel"- lab mix (only member of family interested) - Bill stayed inside- L talks about Jewel, a neglected dog after he grew from puppy? "...perhaps Biil and Sandy took the same approach to parenting their children, meaning they got bored of their kids after they got older"

L was looking in shed "for nothing in particular"- family put the murderer's stuff in shed- family "seemed done with if they 'erased' their eldest daughter from their house"

eldest brother didn't make it to meeting- youngest brother, "Joey ...was of no importance to the case"

L visited murderer's grandparents (Caroline, Sunny)

-Caroline "genuinely kind woman. Her house was a old it was well-kept"

-Sunny- "a bit odd, but he was elderly (as was Caroline)"- Talked about theft gun, day murderer was arrested, about their grand-daughter (a lot about her)

"To their credit...seemed more concerned about Ms. Arias than her parents were"

L spent time talking to them and answering their questions/concerns

"They were clearly warm and caring people however it was just as clear to me that their testimony would be clouded by their age and by their clear desire to help Ms. Arias...they wanted to help in a way that Ms. Arias wanted to help...clearly following her wishes." (pg. 155)

the muderer called when L was speaking to grandparents- wanted to talk to them and then L- "coincidence? coincidence...she wanted to control the conversation" L was having with grandparents- also to make sure L spent time with cat Luna-"pet her cat"

important to L - see the murderer's room in person- last place she lived in before leaving for trip to Mesa, slept in before arrest

-had a twin bed, painted pink, had a "dream board" on wall- to L, seems grandparents were "not quick to erase my client from their lives as her parents were"

-room seemed to L "too juvenile to be the room of a 30 year old" maybe color of room? "dream board"?- filled with things/experiences "that one has to actually work to earn...delusional dreams" from someone "who could not even afford to rent her own place"

-L felt murderer was still holding on her pipe-dreams (even tho' she murdered TA)

_ L talks more about room where the murderer might have done this/ that (phone sex, chats, etc) "this might have been the exact spot that Ms. Arias planned to kill" TA- " planning a murder, truly chilling"

L felt that jury would see that no one, parents, sister, "supposed friends", grandparents would say only what murderer wanted them to say- no one cared for murderer, that she was facing execution

L felt that putting family on stand- big risk ( parents had given interviews with Det F) would probably "do more harm than good"

L worried what he was going to say to the murderer about "seeing very little chance that her family would be of much help"- she didn't seem surprise family would be no help

L claims murderer was "seriously upset that I had not pet her cat, Luna" - thought that was "strange"- he "suppressed my inclination to tell her it was not my job to pet her cat"

"Finally, Ms. Arias, if you are reading this please be advised that I do not care about your cat" (pg. 158)

Chapter 28

The State's Sentencing Phase Witness

L felt State had little to offer in this phase (no criminal record, fairly well- behaved in jail)

"State's case for death the crime itself"

2 experts listed on State's witness list: Dr. Jill Hayes, Dr. Janeen DeMarte

State's choice of expert- DR. Demarte- to examine murderer didn't make sense to L- thought DR. Hayes better choice- more experience, university prof who had experience testifying in court

L talks about Dr. DeMarte:

-had very little experience, not impressed with web page, not very accomplished- unpublished in academic journals, no true experience in DV

-only experience she had- doing evaluations for county- whether or not person is competent to stand trial and acting as counselor for clients

-L thought her experience/ background, she would not have "ability to competently assess" the murderer , Dr. "over her head"

-L talks about Dr D's report: thought JM's goal "did not seem to be to conduct an intellectually objective assessment" of the murderer

-L thought that goal of Dr. D- create diagnosis that fit "with the State's theory of the case and could be sold to the jury"; when she found diagnosis, "her plan was to work backwards and search for and/or bend facts that would support the desired diagnosis" (pg. 160)

-L claims Dr. D "focused on traits that showed certain traits and then exaggerated their diagnostic value so as to create her so called diagnosis"- way to attack the murderer, convince jury "even thought the science behind her indicated that she was wrong"

-L thought she had this plan before she wrote her report/before meeting the murderer (only his opinion)

-L claims Dr. D was willing to "misuse" a test "designed to assess domestic violence to draw her conclusions that no domestic violence existed" in TA's/the murderer's relationship (this test not brought into trial)

-L claims that Dr. D "mold a test that was suppose to be given to supposed domestic violence offenders (in this case that would mean Mr. Alexander)"- gave it to TA's brother

"Yes the same brother that thought that Mr. Alexander died a 30 year old virgin was her source"

-L claims that Dr. D wouldn't acknowledge that the murderer had "symptoms of trauma", that TA's words " '*advertiser censored*,*advertiser censored*,three-whole wonder, corrupted carcass' " were "abusive"

-L contemplates if defendant's words were reversed- would she say those words were "evidence of abusive tendencies" ?

-L talks again about Dr. D had a "preconceived plan"

-L will now "translate Dr. DeMarte's report in layman's terms"

-L's views are "as follows":

"One key point of her 'diagnosis' seemed to be that Ms. Arias was a liar and therefore everything she said was a lie. The exception to this rule were those things that helped Dr. DeMarte support her 'diagnosis,' statements of this nature were true. Dr. DeMarte's 'diagnosis' went on to assert that Ms. Arias was a *advertiser censored* who jumped from man to man. Dr. DeMarte also asserted that Ms. Arias always had to have a boyfriend and that once she had a boyfriend she would alter her identity to conform to the wants of that boyfriend. In Dr. DeMarte's mind all of this proved that Ms. Arias had borderline Personality Disorder." (pg. 162)

-according to L. the testing did not support diagnosis

-L claims that the murderer's behaviors were dismissed by Dr. D- the murderer may have low self-esteem, victim of childhood trauma

"It seemed to me that Dr. DeMarte was of the mindset that Ms. Arias was simply a *advertiser censored* who happened to have" BPD- "not very scientific....not supported by any evidence....seemed downright sexist"

-L claims he did not like the murderer at the time/could care less about her image; didn't like that Dr.D "*advertiser censored*-shamed " her- thought Dr Hayes was not used "because she was not willing to use such tactics"

-L didn't meet DR. D in person "shortly before trial"- Wilmott and L met her at her office for interview- L "listening to her her body language...observe her demeanor" while Wilmott spoke to her- conclude that she had "a very cold deposition...cold for a therapist..arrogant disposition...of the mindset that nothing she did should ever be questioned, by anyone, let alone Jennifer Wilmott" (pg. 163)

-L claims DR. D "seemed to despise jennifer both on a personal level and because Jennifer was questioning her conclusions... what was Dr. DeMarte trying to prove?" - his theory: she was not an arrogant person- acting arrogant because she was insecure about her opinions and justifying them "It was as if DR. DeMarte knew that the facts were not on her side....her 'diagnosis' was , at best, on shaky ground....perhaps" ...she "was getting the sense, for the first time, that we knew this as well"

- L "guesses" Dr D.'s " 'diagnosis' nor the supposed support behind her conclusions, have ever been challenged"- claims DR. D was "surprised"

-biggest problem: no indication that the murderer had personality disorder in childhood (required for diagnosis of BPD, he claims); her facts "not accurate"- the mudererer did not "jump from boyfriend to boyfriend...several months of time passed between her breakup with Matt and the beginning of her relationship with Darryl"

- L gives some eg to explain the murderer altered her personality for boyfriends

-L claims some of DR. D's conclusions were correct: the murderer idealized people and them demean them when they pulled away- she was extremely moody (L had experiences with her moods)- murderer acted like teenager (L says "really smart 5 year old...had very little true empathy")

-L claims that DR. D's did great job describing "the Ms. Arias I knew" but description was "not a true psychological description"

- L wonders if State concerned about what Dr's diagnosis would say about TA

- L wants us to "think about it"- "If "..the murderer.."adapts herself to the men in her life, what did that say about Mr. Alexander? If she acted like a '*advertiser censored*' ... '*advertiser censored*' ..'3 whole wonder' the logic of Dr. DeMarte's diagnosis would be that she became those things for" TA.."Her diagnosis would have to account for the fact that Mr. Alexander wanted her to be these things....biggest flaw in Dr. D's report/conclusions...raised question "would jury kill the woman who killed her former boyfriend, the former boyfriend that was stll using her for sex?" (pg. 168)

End of Section 4 (pg. 168)


Section 5

Chapter 29
Want Out

Chapter 30
Spoiler Alert I Did Not Get Out

end of Section 5 (pg. 178)

Comment: It seems to me that Lawrence thinks he has the PHD in Psychology instead of Dr. Demarte :stormingmad:
So eerie. The wind is blowing hard here and my windchimes are making quite the racket, but ten times louder are the whoooooooops - that's exactly what they sound like- over and over of a city wide emergency broadcast system outside ....a voice booming after the whooooops that " this is a test of the emergency warning system...."

My cats don't like it either..:(
Trapped with Ms. Arias

Chapter 27

My Mitigation Investigation

L thought only 1 Mit witness could speak on her behalf "who could truly offer help...her ex-boyfriend Darryl" because she "truly had so little support in her life before this crime was committed"

L chose no mit witnesses during sentencing phase at 1st trial "I did not have enough good cards left to play by the end of the guilt phase of the trial"- claims media partially to blame

"pretrial events, I certainly cannot blame the media for the fact that I did not even have one family member whom I could count on to help Ms. Arias make her case for life"

L"s 1st meeting with the murderer's mother Sandy. father Bill, brother Joey, sister Angela

- "took in aura of house...I like to get a sense of what the [client's] experience was like for attempt to walk a mile in my client's shoes , their mental 'shoes' .. "

-L thought it was small for 5 people, had "old-looking furniture", messy- just observation, not "comdemnation"

- L "sensed a feeling of coldness...sense of despair"; coldness like a newly built home that no one lived in; despair- like being in an abandoned home "...whose life blood had left"; didn't feel like a "true home" to L

-L claims "no took the time to clean any portion of the house": seemed like a bother to murder's family that L and team were there- "messed up their daily routine", L sensed their actions/attitudes

- L wanted to talk to Angela (16 yrs old) 1st alone- he thought she might be closest to murderer- spoke to her in the yard; she spoke in voice "almost childlike"

- expected her to be heartbroken over sister's situation, to ask several questions about what was happening, her to cry, "begging me to do everything I could to help her sister"

- "Instead, what I got was a girl who seemed emotionally disconnected to the entire situation...perhaps this was another sign ...victimization but it seemed like more..."

-Angela just came out on Twitter to "proudly pronounce her sobriety, perhaps she was sign she was concerned for her sister"- L found that "strange" (her attitude and convo)

L spoke to father Bill- no concern for daughter- father talked about "blame others for" TA's death- "none of his [Bill's] theories made sense"

Sandy acted like this was all "a bother by the whole visit...irritated because...she had to take a few hours off work to come home to speak with us" (pg. 153)

"How sad was it for Ms. Arias that she had a family, her parents in particular, that seemingly did not care about her enough to help her legal team do her job"

L and team went out to storage shed, with family dog "Jewel"- lab mix (only member of family interested) - Bill stayed inside- L talks about Jewel, a neglected dog after he grew from puppy? "...perhaps Biil and Sandy took the same approach to parenting their children, meaning they got bored of their kids after they got older"

L was looking in shed "for nothing in particular"- family put the murderer's stuff in shed- family "seemed done with if they 'erased' their eldest daughter from their house"

eldest brother didn't make it to meeting- youngest brother, "Joey ...was of no importance to the case"

L visited murderer's grandparents (Caroline, Sunny)

-Caroline "genuinely kind woman. Her house was a old it was well-kept"

-Sunny- "a bit odd, but he was elderly (as was Caroline)"- Talked about theft gun, day murderer was arrested, about their grand-daughter (a lot about her)

"To their credit...seemed more concerned about Ms. Arias than her parents were"

L spent time talking to them and answering their questions/concerns

"They were clearly warm and caring people however it was just as clear to me that their testimony would be clouded by their age and by their clear desire to help Ms. Arias...they wanted to help in a way that Ms. Arias wanted to help...clearly following her wishes." (pg. 155)

the muderer called when L was speaking to grandparents- wanted to talk to them and then L- "coincidence? coincidence...she wanted to control the conversation" L was having with grandparents- also to make sure L spent time with cat Luna-"pet her cat"

important to L - see the murderer's room in person- last place she lived in before leaving for trip to Mesa, slept in before arrest

-had a twin bed, painted pink, had a "dream board" on wall- to L, seems grandparents were "not quick to erase my client from their lives as her parents were"

-room seemed to L "too juvenile to be the room of a 30 year old" maybe color of room? "dream board"?- filled with things/experiences "that one has to actually work to earn...delusional dreams" from someone "who could not even afford to rent her own place"

-L felt murderer was still holding on her pipe-dreams (even tho' she murdered TA)

_ L talks more about room where the murderer might have done this/ that (phone sex, chats, etc) "this might have been the exact spot that Ms. Arias planned to kill" TA- " planning a murder, truly chilling"

L felt that jury would see that no one, parents, sister, "supposed friends", grandparents would say only what murderer wanted them to say- no one cared for murderer, that she was facing execution

L felt that putting family on stand- big risk ( parents had given interviews with Det F) would probably "do more harm than good"

L worried what he was going to say to the murderer about "seeing very little chance that her family would be of much help"- she didn't seem surprise family would be no help

L claims murderer was "seriously upset that I had not pet her cat, Luna" - thought that was "strange"- he "suppressed my inclination to tell her it was not my job to pet her cat"

"Finally, Ms. Arias, if you are reading this please be advised that I do not care about your cat" (pg. 158)

Chapter 28

The State's Sentencing Phase Witness

L felt State had little to offer in this phase (no criminal record, fairly well- behaved in jail)

"State's case for death the crime itself"

2 experts listed on State's witness list: Dr. Jill Hayes, Dr. Janeen DeMarte

State's choice of expert- DR. Demarte- to examine murderer didn't make sense to L- thought DR. Hayes better choice- more experience, university prof who had experience testifying in court

L talks about Dr. DeMarte:

-had very little experience, not impressed with web page, not very accomplished- unpublished in academic journals, no true experience in DV

-only experience she had- doing evaluations for county- whether or not person is competent to stand trial and acting as counselor for clients

-L thought her experience/ background, she would not have "ability to competently assess" the murderer , Dr. "over her head"

-L talks about Dr D's report: thought JM's goal "did not seem to be to conduct an intellectually objective assessment" of the murderer

-L thought that goal of Dr. D- create diagnosis that fit "with the State's theory of the case and could be sold to the jury"; when she found diagnosis, "her plan was to work backwards and search for and/or bend facts that would support the desired diagnosis" (pg. 160)

-L claims Dr. D "focused on traits that showed certain traits and then exaggerated their diagnostic value so as to create her so called diagnosis"- way to attack the murderer, convince jury "even thought the science behind her indicated that she was wrong"

-L thought she had this plan before she wrote her report/before meeting the murderer (only his opinion)

-L claims Dr. D was willing to "misuse" a test "designed to assess domestic violence to draw her conclusions that no domestic violence existed" in TA's/the murderer's relationship (this test not brought into trial)

-L claims that Dr. D "mold a test that was suppose to be given to supposed domestic violence offenders (in this case that would mean Mr. Alexander)"- gave it to TA's brother

"Yes the same brother that thought that Mr. Alexander died a 30 year old virgin was her source"

-L claims that Dr. D wouldn't acknowledge that the murderer had "symptoms of trauma", that TA's words " '*advertiser censored*,*advertiser censored*,three-whole wonder, corrupted carcass' " were "abusive"

-L contemplates if defendant's words were reversed- would she say those words were "evidence of abusive tendencies" ?

-L talks again about Dr. D had a "preconceived plan"

-L will now "translate Dr. DeMarte's report in layman's terms"

-L's views are "as follows":

"One key point of her 'diagnosis' seemed to be that Ms. Arias was a liar and therefore everyhting she said was a lie. The exception to this rule were those things that helped Dr. DeMarte support her 'diagnois,' statements of this nature were true. Dr. DeMarte's 'diagnois' went on to assert that Ms. Arias was a *advertiser censored* who jumped from man to man. Dr. DeMarte also asserted that Ms. Arias always had to have a boyfriend and that once she had a boyfriend she would alter her identity to conform to the wants of that boyfriend. In Dr. DeMarte's mind all od this proved that Ms. Arias had borderline Personality Disorder." (pg. 162)

-according to L. the testing did not support diagnosis

-L claims that the murderer's behaviors were dismissed by Dr. D- the murderer may have low self-esteem, victim of childhood trauma

"It seemed to me that Dr. DeMarte was of the mindset that Ms. Arias was simply a *advertiser censored* who happened to have" BPD- "not very scientific....not supported by any evidence....seemed downright sexist"

-L claims he did not like the murderer at the time/could care less about her image; didn't like that Dr.D "*advertiser censored*-shamed " her- thought Dr Hayes was not used "because she was not willing to use such tactics"

-L didn't meet DR. D in person "shortly before trial"- Wilmott and L met her at her office for interview- L "listening to her her body language...observe her demeanor" while Wilmott spoke to her- conclude that she had "a very cold deposition...cold for a therapist..arrogant disposition...of the mindset that nothing she did should ever be questioned, by anyone, let alone Jennifer Wilmott" (pg. 163)

-L claims DR. D "seemed to despise jennifer both on a personal level and because Jennifer was questioning her conclusions... what was Dr. DeMarte trying to prove?" - his theory: she was not an arrogant person- acting arrogant because she was insecure about her opinions and justifying them "It was as if DR. DeMarte knew that the facts were not on her side....her 'diagnosis' was , at best, on shaky ground....perhaps" ...she "was getting the sense, for the first time, that we knew this as well"

- L "guesses" Dr D.'s " 'diagnosis' nor the supposed support behind her conclusions, have ever been challenged"- claims DR. D was "surprised"

-biggest problem: no indication that the murderer had personality disorder in childhood (required for diagnosis of BPD, he claims); her facts "not accurate"- the muderer did not "jump from boyfriend to boyfriend...several months of time passed between her breakup with Matt and the beginning of her relationship with Darryl"

- L gives some eg to explain the murderer altered her personality for boyfriends

-L claims some of DR. D's conclusions were correct: the murderer idealized people and them demean them when they pulled away- she was extremely moody (L had experiences with her moods)- murderer acted like teenager (L says "really smart 5 year old...had very little true empathy")

-L claims that DR. D's did great job describing "the Ms. Arias I knew" but description was "not a true psychological description"

- L wonders if State concerned about what Dr's diagnosis would say about TA

- L wants us to "think about it"- "If "..the murderer.."adapts herself to the men in her life, what did that say about Mr. Alexander? If she acted like a '*advertiser censored*' ... '*advertiser censored*' ..'3 whole wonder' the logic of Dr. DeMarte's diagnosis would be that she brcame those things for" TA.."Her diagnosis would have to account for the fact that Mr. Alexander wanted her to be these things....biggest flaw in Dr. D's report/conclusions...raised question "would jury kill the woman who killed her former boyfriend, the former boyfriend that was stll using her for sex?" (pg. 168)

End of Section 4 (pg. 168)


Section 5

Chapter 29
Want Out

Chapter 30
Spoiler Alert I Did Not Get Out

end of Section 5 (pg. 178)

Comment: It seems to me that Lawrence thinks he has the PHD in Psychology instead of Dr. Demarte :stormingmad:

What a coincidence. I'm actually watching DeMarte on the stand right now, day 30, PP retrial, first time I've seen it.

She's methodically blowing up Nurmi's mitigation case and the killer's lies, one by one, point by point. Arias is being revealed for exactly who and what she is. DeMarte quotes from all prior psych assessments to reveal the killer specifically told ALL of them she was NEVER sexually abused as a child, parents didn't do drugs, etc.

No wonder, no wonder at all Nurmi feels the need to bash DeMarte.
I find Nurmi's bashing and opinions of basically everyone in his book to be tedious. Travis called CMJA names when he was angry basically, not all the time.

Thank you YoNo for taking one for the team. I would not have the patience to go through the book like you have. Xoxo
Dang! Lost my post??!!

OK, gonna try it again...We officially had our first 'snow flurries this morning, does that mean winter is here?:giggle:

On Sat. Dec 5, my husband's great nephew will be graduating... he will officially be a DPT at the age of 25! Sunday we are going over St. Louis for his Open House. Now my question is, should we give him money in his card and how much? When he graduated from HS we gave him money, just not sure about this. Any suggestions?

:congrats: to your DH's great nephew

(what is a DPT?) :thinking:

Money in his card? I'm sure he will appreciate cash in a card- how much can you afford to give? $50-, $75-, more ?
Whatever you decide to give, I'm sure he will think it's great.

ETA: OK- asked and answered ( Doctor of Physical Therapy )
Another drizzly rainy day here. My last tree is finally losing its leaves and I have been raking and gagging wet leaves. Hoping today is the last day for that. Sure doesn't feel like Christmas is almost here... and I am tired!

No gigantic Christmas tree for me this year. I don't have the energy left to do a lot of decorating ..... my favorite time of year. Makes me a touch sad. But we bought this adorable little tree with attached fiber optic lights and I love it. With just a few other decoration times put out, it isn't overwhelming me and will still feel festive ---- at least if I close the curtains on those leaves.

:thinking: should I???? :D

:jester: Yea- I just have to - you know that, our lovely Spelly, because you just tickle me and make me smile all the time :facepalm:



those leaves must have tasted foul so you had a:


Link: Higbee/2014/07/01/gagginggif.gif Maybe they would taste better dry? or with a little salt/pepper maybe? How about some garlic powder?






:blowkiss: you brighten my day and we love you Spelly :D
So eerie. The wind is blowing hard here and my windchimes are making quite the racket, but ten times louder are the whoooooooops - that's exactly what they sound like- over and over of a city wide emergency broadcast system outside ....a voice booming after the whooooops that " this is a test of the emergency warning system...."

My cats don't like it either..:(

It's raining- mixed with snow- here :(

(I hate those emergency alerts- makes me scared )
I find Nurmi's bashing and opinions of basically everyone in his book to be tedious. Travis called CMJA names when he was angry basically, not all the time.

Thank you YoNo for taking one for the team. I would not have the patience to go through the book like you have. Xoxo

I'm getting a little disgusted with him at this point in the book. I know that these are his thoughts, but he certainly sounds so whiny about every little fart- (and, in a way, soooo defensive). :sigh:
:thinking: should I???? :D

:jester: Yea- I just have to - you know that, our lovely Spelly, because you just tickle me and make me smile all the time :facepalm:



those leaves must have tasted foul so you had a:


Link: Higbee/2014/07/01/gagginggif.gif Maybe they would taste better dry? or with a little salt/pepper maybe? How about some garlic powder?






:blowkiss: you brighten my day and we love you Spelly :D

:hilarious: Between auto-correct and my eyes, I don't have a chance at being a good speller these days. Maybe I should change my name from Spelly to WrongSpell? Nothing will make those leaves taste good to me! They were ugh-ly!


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I'm getting a little disgusted with him at this point in the book. I know that these are his thoughts, but he certainly sounds so whiny about every little fart- (and, in a way, soooo defensive). :sigh:
He keeps contradicting himself too. I believe he said he thought this was a 2nd degree case (i.e., she snapped and killed him in a fit of rage), but in Chapter 27 he says "this might have been the exact spot that Ms. Arias planned to kill" TA " planning a murder, truly chilling".

I've snipped most of the following quotes!

ILikeToBendPages said:
1964 - Student Protesters December 2nd, 1964 : Students storm the administration building ( Sproul Hall ) on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley which protesters took over in a massive sit-in as part of the Free Speech Movement (FSM) .

Isn't it interesting that we now have students that benefited by those protest, wanting to restrict others freedom of speech because they don't like what someone said.

I sure remember this! I was living in Davis, not too far away!

Spellbound said:
Another drizzly rainy day here. My last tree is finally losing its leaves and I have been raking and gagging wet leaves.

I know this is typed wrong, but it made me :laughing: How DO you gag wet leaves, Spellbound?? :laughcry:

I always get a small tree and put it on one of my side tables in my front window! :christmastree: I LOVE to decorate it! :santahat: Since it's supposed to rain today, and it looks like the wind is picking up, I'll put out Christmas lights around our balcony maybe Saturday... I'm going to "try" and post a picture of our house with lights on from a couple of years ago! Note the "try"!! :D

YESorNO said:
Oscar Pistorius verdict changed to murder

"Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of murder after a South African appeals court overturned an earlier manslaughter verdict...

He is currently under house arrest after spending one year of his original five-year sentence in jail.

Pistorius will have to return to court to be re-sentenced, for murder....

South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that the lower court did not correctly apply the rule of dolus eventualis - whether Pistorius knew that a death would be a likely result of his actions.

The minimum sentence for murder in South Africa is 15 years, but judges can apply some discretion...."

Good! :cheer: I guess I'll have to go over to the WS thread on this! This was no man-slaughter death...

I did check my celery - NOT from Taylor Farms... Whew!

YESorNO said:
"Finally, Ms. Arias, if you are reading this please be advised that I do not care about your cat" (pg. 158)

:lol: does anyone think she'll get a copy of this book? :thinking:

YESorNO said:
I'm getting a little disgusted with him at this point in the book. I know that these are his thoughts, but he certainly sounds so whiny about every little fart- (and, in a way, soooo defensive).

Reminded me of this emoticon...


Okay - going to post this and than see if I can post a picture of Christmas lit house!



  • ChristmasinAuburn.png
    32.3 KB · Views: 44
Niner, the Christmas lights look so festive!

We put our Christmas tree in the family room normally, which at the moment is filled with "stuff" yet again. The kitchen has been painted and hopefully the backsplash will go in soon. I am really ready for everything to magically find a home somewhere as there are boxes and furniture everywhere. I can't get to the things I have already sorted! Oh well. I will live vicariously through you all!
Niner..... see my response above yours to gagging leaves. :giggle: Believe me, they are not tasty
He keeps contradicting himself too. I believe he said he thought this was a 2nd degree case (i.e., she snapped and killed him in a fit of rage), but in Chapter 27 he says "this might have been the exact spot that Ms. Arias planned to kill" TA " planning a murder, truly chilling".

I'm getting that impression, too. Plus, his criticism of Dr. DeMarte is beyond the pale. It sounds rather personal. He really needs to develop a thicker skin and be more objective in his thinking.

ETA: Regarding Dr. DeMarte, how interesting is it that many jurors (in both trials), found her testimony very convincing (and important)? Nurmi seems to have a skewed world-view to not have seen or understood how well she came off to most people.

Oscar Pistorius verdict changed to murder

"Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of murder after a South African appeals court overturned an earlier manslaughter verdict...

He is currently under house arrest after spending one year of his original five-year sentence in jail.

Pistorius will have to return to court to be re-sentenced, for murder....

South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that the lower court did not correctly apply the rule of dolus eventualis - whether Pistorius knew that a death would be a likely result of his actions.

The minimum sentence for murder in South Africa is 15 years, but judges can apply some discretion...."

WS thread:*Appeal-Verdict*/page19


Sooooo, on appeal, Pistorius' VERDICT was changed? WTH????

Do the criminal justice systems in other countries strike any one else as odd? I remember thinking that about the Amanda Knox trial...

I mean, I guess they work, but they often seem really backwards. Or are WE the ones living in an alternative universe? I dunno...

With the recent spate of shootings, I'm starting to rethink things...
I'm getting that impression, too. Plus, his criticism of Dr. DeMarte is beyond the pale. It sounds rather personal. He really needs to develop a thicker skin and be more objective in his thinking.

ETA: Regarding Dr. DeMarte, how interesting is it that many jurors (in both trials), found her testimony very convincing (and important)? Nurmi seems to have a skewed world-view to not have seen or understood how well she came off to most people.
BBM - He shares that trait with his ex-client.


'Golden Girls' Remake With Senior Dogs Is Beyond Adorable (with video)
Thank you for being man's best friend.

"...Meet the "Golden Dogs." To raise awareness for the ASPCA's Adopt-A-Senior-Pet Month, Mashable put together this adorable video featuring some of the older animals. It stars none other than Bea Fur, Doggy White, Ruff McClanahan and, of course, Spanielle Getty..."

Adorable! :)
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