SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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I do understand the anger that everyone has with Lawrence- I have it too. Is Lawrence being objective in writing this book? I don't think so. He's trying to have people excuse him his "trespasses" because he was "only doing his job" ("and doing it well"- according to him) in the public's eye only and not because he did anything wrong and at the same time, saying "screw you all". And it's like a confession where he is dumping all this "stuff" on his readers and then saying a Hail Mary and going on his merry way because he has been absolved, in his mind. I feel this book is also like a "so there" book and "go choke yourself" after you have read it, too. Kinda screwy, huh.

I do think that Lawrence was deeply suspicious and did say that the murderer's main objective was to slander TA at all costs- even at the cost of her case. He also had a case to make out of the trash that the murderer was spouting from her mouth and he did make one, whatever it was, to do his job as her atty. He couldn't be concerned that she was a liar, etc, She was his client, for better or worse and, so be it, he made that disgusting case for her.

I do think that his initial thoughts, as he read /saw all the evidence, was just that at the time- his initial thoughts according to his experiences with his other clients. Granted, he didn't normally have texts, emails, etc.- this was something new for him- he put them all together, without any thought of just who his client is- a pycho- and just made his determination off of just TA's words, IMO.

I think, just as I have thought with the juror W. Zervakos (?), that he is of a different mindset as to how he viewed what TA had to say to the murderer- in it's ferocious attack of a woman and the things TA said to her- to him, were not something a "normal" man would say, if you will. There were very harsh/hurtful criticisms- some unforgivable words, IMO. Now, we all know that she deserved them, if you think of the whole picture and she did stalk TA, invade his privacy, etc. but Lawrence's contention is-- he still continued to see her, have sex, with her, so what does that mean? He didn't, according to the evidence he had at hand, dump her- he had sex with her, or so the pics show, up to the very time before she murdered him. Why did he keep seeing her, Lawrence says? if she did all those things, why not dump her? Why keep seeing a crazy lady? He must have liked it. Why does a person moan about how their life is horrible all the time and doesn't change it for the better or get rid of the person who is tormenting them? They must like it that way, can't get away from it, for whatever reason?

And I do know all the reasons TA didn't get rid of the murdering manipulator, even tho' he tried.

I do not think TA abused her, just as you said, but that's our opinion and Lawrence had his assessment/opinion and he did think what he thinks at the time was correct- no matter what we think, IMO. :dunno: Believe me, I'm not making any excuses for Lawrence- this is just my assessment/interpretation off of what he is saying in his book.

So as we go in circles......thanks for your thoughts. :)




One of the things I find most remarkable about Nurmi's thought process is that he seems to see child abuse (and resultant behavior) everywhere he looks EXCEPT for whom it undeniably was inflicted upon- Travis.

Nurmi professes to be something of an expert on child abuse, so I'm less forgiving about his inability or unwillingness to understand why it was that Travis was particularly vulnerable to a sociopathic predator like JA, why he found it extraordinarily difficult to break away from her altogether, and why he stayed in deep denial about her until close to the very end. The answer is right smack in front of Nurmi.

It sounds like we have a difference of opinion about whether or not Travis was justified in saying what he did to her on May 26, the only time he genuinely lost his temper with her that I'm aware of. IMO he didnt say anything to her that was unforgivable.

Harsh, yes, but true, all of it. I'm extremely familiar with that whole exchange because I posted it on a thread here largely word for word. He was actually very civil to her for most of that chat, though exhausted to the core by her lies.

It was only after she kept up with the lies and gas lighting him that he lost it. Given the circumstances, and the fact she was methodically provoking him into just such a rage, his response was entirely understandable, IMO, and even "normal," at least, far more normal than allowing her to continually abuse him with impunity.

As far as physical abuse. Does he really think TA abused her that way? That I find even more incomprehensible. I don't see this point as a matter of opinion. There was NO evidence of physical abuse, and he knew she'd changed her stories repeatedly on if and when and how often and why and where. JM proved conclusively that at least one of the 4 she decided to run with --Jan 22 story of her broken finger -was an impossible lie.

I don't feel any anger towards Nurmi, just disgust (though he surely did rile me up often enough during trial), and I understand you're not defending the man. I heartily dislike intellectual dishonesty and feel good old fashioned contempt for those who lash out at others rather than accepting responsibility for their own insecurities and faults.

At the end of things I've concluded that Nurmi simply isn't a very good criminal defense trial attorney. He was out maneuvered at every turn by JM and out-lawyered in a thousand different ways, all in the glare of a national spot light. IMO he knew it then, as the trial unfolded, took it personally, became bitter, and lost perspective before PP2 even began.

The only sympathy I can muster for the man is that he was forced to be in such close contact for so long with a person I consider genuinely and deeply evil. I don't think its possible for anyone to walk away from that experience unscathed.

Peace. :)
I wonder if I need to clean my house in case I go nuts. I'm watching a news crews that are inside of the terrorists home giving an interview, going room to room, and peeking insides of drawers and closets.

I have had " Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred's of the earth shall wail because of him." in my minds a lot lately.

I always wondered how that could happen. How could everyone see him, but in today's world it's an everyday occurrence. We are able to watch acts of terrorism from around the world instantly. Everyone on Earth will see him when he returns in real time.

WOW, powerful!
Can't believe I am still curious about that wench. I wonder how her summer vacation went...bikinis and margaritas??

I really hate giving Nurmi a dime, but can't wait for Juan's book.
Can't believe I am still curious about that wench. I wonder how her summer vacation went...bikinis and margaritas??

I really hate giving Nurmi a dime, but can't wait for Juan's book.

Well, her supporters are still positive she'll be out by Christmas. :D

(Did you bring the keg with you? )
Happy Weekend everyone.

Ive been on the California Terrorist thread a lot the past couple days. Glad to see others here that also were over there. Its such a sad tragic event. After the Paris one this one hit the US and it is very upsetting. So many families have their holidays and rest of their lives permanently ruined. Prayers for all affected.

Hope everyone is doing ok here. Gotta read back some to try to catch up.
1962 - Gene Chandler, Duke Of Earl tops the charts

Seen lots of discussion about Nurmis latest book. I think what hurt Nurmi's case a LOT is having Wilmcott on his team.

I honestly think she was just awful at being a defense laywer presenting a case. She came across to me as a beginner attorney. I honestly would have guessed it was her very first case she had ever got up in front of a jury on.

She may be good at researching and helping in the background of cases with support material but as far as getting up in front of a jury and putting on the case, no way I would ever want her defending me.
She was weak in every aspect.

The thing I found most striking was the way she literally copied Juan's objections. She copied his exact terminology in her objections for a lot of them. If Juan objected with "no foundation", then when it was Wilmcotts turn, here comes the objection for "no foundation".
It happened so many times that it was obvious she was copying and was not creative or just didn't know enough.

And the "Sidebar Crutch". Once Wilmcott found out that JSS didn't mind if she asked for a Sidebar, then Wilmcott started using those sidebar requests over and over again ad-naseum. I honestly think Wilmcott did this because she was in effect trying her case in front of the judge only where there was no pressure the jury would hear how juvenile she was.
She could whine and cry to the judge and the jury could not hear her.

Of course, JSS was majorly at fault with allowing all the sidebars in the first place but it was Wilmcott that requested the majority of them and I firmly believe it was because she could not handle trying her case in front of the jury. She was failing miserably in front of the jury but in front of the judge, it went fine. JSS has sympathy for Wilmcott and allowed her to go on and on and on with her pleas for some help with her defense.

So back to Nurmi. So having Wilmcott on his team was a terrible mistake and it weakened his case because of how she presented herself. I think Nurmi treated Wilmcott and Jodi as a "pair" and he kind of put them together. And Wilmcott all but snuggled with Jodi during the trial so it was easy for Nurmi to think of them as 2 peas in a pod.

It was almost a mini trial within the trial. Nurmi had to fight off the 2 woman and also fight off Juan at the same time.
So I think Wilmcott lessened his overall case because of her lack of skill and lack of confidence in front of the jury.

I do think Nurmi hit a few doubles by finding ALV and some of his other witnesses. My goodness how did he find someone like ALV that had the views she had. What a score that was. LOL

But Nurmis final demise for me was when he went on and on about the technical PC and Evidence appeals. It was all BS and I do think the jury caught on that Nurmi was appealing things for the heck of it to delay the trial and try to fake everyone out. There was never any real substance but he sure made it sound like he found something.
Especially when Nurmi accused Travis of so many falsehoods like physical harming Jodi. We here that did research knew they were lies but for people that didn't know better he could have fooled some.

Juan didn't need a partner because he single handidly presented his case for the State. He was amazing to watch and listen to. He had a few stumbles himself IMO but nothing nearly as bad as the defense.
Happy Weekend everyone.

Ive been on the California Terrorist thread a lot the past couple days. Glad to see others here that also were over there. Its such a sad tragic event. After the Paris one this one hit the US and it is very upsetting. So many families have their holidays and rest of their lives permanently ruined. Prayers for all affected.

Hope everyone is doing ok here. Gotta read back some to try to catch up.

That thread.....:eek::ohwow::noooo::anguish:

Makes me very grateful to have a gracious kind thoughtful and supportive home base here to retreat to. :)
I am so disgusted in humankind right now, I should be watching my fingers closely.
That thread.....:eek::ohwow::noooo::anguish:

Makes me very grateful to have a gracious kind thoughtful and supportive home base here to retreat to. :)

Agree. The tragedy and subject matter kind of forces things to turn towards religioun and politics and everyone has their own strong belief systems so its a very tough thread to be on.

This thread is my all time favorite thread in all of WS!!!
I love everyone here!!!
Agreed, but what was really going on there? My impression is that Nurmi was so over it that he went all in with JA's idea of what her defense should look like. I think that at that point, he hated her so much that he was like, "Okay, you want me to go after Deanna, you want me to go after the Bishop? Done." Issues for appeal after that: NONE.

I think what he did with the state's witnesses was awful, but I think he did it to spite JA, not to help her.

That said, is someone who takes such actions morally bankrupt, or serving the higher good (e.g.: making certain that there will be no issues for her to use in an appeal)?

I believe he wrote this book to specifically address this dilemma. But he has huge blind-spots in his thinking, which are very telling of his own moral, ethical, emotional and professional shortcomings.


I asked my own attorney (friend of the family) about what N did to the Bishop and could he get away with that. He said everyone is capable of lying even Bishops but he believed the percentage was small, but the big risk N ran was alienating the jury by accusing the Bishop of lying. He said you have to be very careful with certain witnesses and not be seen as attacking them, (little old grandmothers, nuns, priests and yes bishops, lol) He said it can backfire on you very adversely with the jury. He's known lawyers to lose cases over doing that very thing. (He was talking about personal injury lawsuits by his friends) but the results the same in criminal cases as well. Nurmi not only make the trial watchers mad he alienated that jury as well, IMO
Good Morning dear friends!! Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breath. Love as long as you live.

This is the third morning of black ice we have had, along with very dense fog. Makes driving a nightmare and been many accidents on the roads :(

:grouphug: :loveyou:
Chocolate Salami

Yields 1 roll; serves 6-8

•10 oz. good quality dark or semisweet chocolate, finely chopped
•1 cup plain biscotti (or cookies, tea biscuits, etc.), coarsely chopped
•1 large egg, lightly beaten
•2/3 cup slivered almonds
•1/4 cup hazelnuts, roughly chopped
•6 tablespoons (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, cubed, room temperature
•2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
•2 tablespoons brewed coffee
•1/2 tablespoons dark rum
•3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
•1/2 teaspoon orange zest
•powdered sugar, optional

1.Preheat oven to 350º F and make sure oven rack is in the center of oven.
2.Take your chopped almonds, hazelnuts and biscotti and spread them out in an even layer on a baking sheet.
3.Place in oven and toast for 5-7 minutes, or until lightly toasted.
4.Remove from oven and let cool completely.
5.Set a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and add chopped chocolate to the top bowl.
6.Stirring frequently, cook until completely melted and smooth, then stir in orange zest, vanilla and rum.
7.Remove from heat and set aside.
8.In a large bowl, beat together the butter and eggs until smooth, 3-5 minutes. Mix in cocoa powder and coffee to the egg mixture until no lumps remain, then whisk in melted chocolate mixture.
9.Stir until combined and gently fold in toasted nuts and biscotti.
10.Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1-2 hours, or until pliable.
11.Unwrap chocolate and turn it out onto a clean sheet of plastic wrap. Use your hands to roll chocolate into a long, 2-inch thick log. (Or 2 smaller logs.)
12.Tightly wrap log in plastic wrap, twisting (or tying) the ends so that it keeps its shape, and return to refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or overnight.
13.When ready to serve, use a sharp, serrated knife to cut 1/2-inch thick rounds.
(you can dust log with powdered sugar before wrapping in plastic wrap and you can also freeze it for up to 1 month).


Here’s a map of all the mass shootings in 2015 :(

"...Using data from, which is maintained by a Reddit group, we’ve updated our map that documents all the U.S. mass shootings in 2015 alone. The group defines mass shootings as incidents when at least four people are killed or wounded, including the gunman..."

What Happened to Our America?

"Again. . . yesterday. . . the second mass shooting of the week. 14 people dead and 17 wounded as I write.

The alleged executioners in San Bernardino used .223 caliber assault rifles and 2 semiautomatic handguns. All firearms were purchased legally...."

Hatred and Forgiveness in Charleston

"The compassion expressed by relatives of the victims in Charleston offers a stark contrast with Dylann Roof’s hateful manifesto..

The manifesto showcases a character markedly different from those the world saw on Friday, when several relatives of the nine people slain inside Charleston’s historic Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church appeared in court and addressed Roof. The family members of the dead told Roof, a professed white supremacist, of their pain and anguish. But they also said they would forgive him...."

Why Equating Mental Illness With Violence Harms Us All

"We too often forget that those struggling with mental illness are constantly forced to fight a battle on two fronts. Not only do they have to grapple with themselves  --  with their own thoughts and mind  --  but they also have to contend with the negative assumptions made about those with mental illness, which are pervasive in our society....

Violent crimes are committed by violent people. Plain and simple. Study after study has shown that there is no connection between those with mental illness and violence. Violence is not a characteristic of one particular demographic and, while it may be seductive to believe otherwise, these terrible episodes of mass violence cannot be predicted..." Living?ncid=newsltushpmg00000003

Oklahoma prisons boss resigns amid execution investigation

"OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — The head of Oklahoma's prison system, who presided over two botched lethal injections and a third that was called off because the wrong drug was delivered, announced his resignation Friday amid an investigation into what went wrong with the executions...

At Pruitt's request, the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals has issued an indefinite stay of all scheduled executions.

The attorney general has said he won't request any execution dates until at least 150 days after his investigation is complete, the results are made public and his office receives notice that the prisons agency can comply with the state's execution protocol."

Death Sentence Reversed In Snowmobile Murder-For-Hire Case

"...The state Supreme Court on Monday overturned Santiago's death sentence and unanimously ordered a new penalty phase, saying the trial judge, Elliot Solomon, failed to disclose "significant and relevant" mitigating evidence for jury consideration when they decided to send Santiago to death row in 2005.

Santiago, 32, formerly of Torrington, was one of three men convicted in the murder-for-hire fatal shooting of Niwinski, 45, in West Hartford on Dec. 14, 2000. The other men, Mark Pascual and Matthew Tyrell, pleaded guilty and were sentenced to life in prison..."


"Classification: Murderer
Characteristics: Murder-for-hire scheme
Number of victims: 1
Date of murder: December 14, 2000
Date of arrest: 12 days after
Date of birth: September 12, 1979
Victim profile: Joseph Niwinski, 45
Method of murder: Shooting
Location: West Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Status: Sentenced to death on January 31, 2005..."
Killers & the people who fell in love with them?

This one is scary: :scared:

"While Phillip Jablonski was serving a 12-year sentence for the murder of his wife, he married a new woman, Carol Spadoni, who answered a newspaper ad he wrote. After his release, he murdered his new prison pen-pal wife and her mother, as well as two other women. Jablonski was sentenced to death, and he reportedly continues to place ads for a pen-pal from death row."


"Good guys doing good, bad guys doing bad and, in the very serious waning days of World War II in Europe and after some initial moments of clarity, complete and total confusion about who was who. Into this heady confusion steps Nazi Reinhard Gehlen, a Wehrmacht major general and man with a plan so compelling that after the Allies announced victory on June 5, 1945, he found himself employed in the U.S. three months later....

Gehlen barely escaped after being involved in the attempted assassination of Adolf Hitler..."

Father of Arkansas boy missing since 2014 arrested

"LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The father of an Arkansas boy who went missing more than a year ago has been arrested on suspicion of capital murder and abuse of a corpse, authorities said Wednesday.

Searcy police declined to say what led to the arrest of 43-year-old Jeffery Clifton, or whether investigators had found the body of his son, Malik Drummond. The boy was 2 when he disappeared from his father's home in November 2014..."

WS Thread:

The Latest: Kansas man says daughter told him boy was killed

The latest on a case where police discovered human remains at a Kansas barn while investigating a domestic distrubance (all times local):

6:15 p.m.
A Kansas man says his daughter told him that a 7-year-old boy she lived with in Wyandotte County had been killed and his body was fed to pigs.
Jeff Coon, of central Kansas, told The Kansas City Star ( ) Tuesday that his daughter, Heather Jones, called him Thanksgiving Day and said her husband, Michael Jones, had killed the boy before feeding the body to pigs...

Michael Jones was charged Monday with child abuse, aggravated assault and aggravated battery..."

‘A life for a life, with you’: New Orleans judge rejects 65-year plea deal for accused triple murderer

"Accused triple-murderer Shawn Peterson sat ready Tuesday morning to seal his own fate.

The deal was 65 years in prison for the horrific violence in 2013 that left his ex-girlfriend, their 18-year-old son and her 20-year-old daughter dead in their Gentilly garage...

The judge swiftly canned the deal, demanding that Peterson serve three life sentences or take his chances at a trial.

“For you to negotiate a number does not do justice to the three people you killed,” White told the defendant. “A life for a life, with you.”..."


"VINELAND, N.J. (WPVI) -- The bodies of a missing woman and her 3-month-old baby have been recovered, and the woman's ex-boyfriend has been charged with two counts of murder.

Ricardo Santiago, 34, of Millville, was charged after surrendering on Tuesday night, police in Vineland, New Jersey say. He is being held on $1 million cash bail.

Also Tuesday night, the bodies of 34-year-old Neidy Ramirez and her daughter, Genesis, were recovered..."
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