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Trapped With Ms. Arias

Chapter 35

This is Your Brain on Jodi

L talks about "this is your brain on drugs" because he called the murderer "Jodi"

"take the egg but do not crack it, smash the egg into the pan, shell and all....find some fecal matter, throw it into the pan, add a chopped up dead rat and scramble the whole mess up. Once completely cooked this concoction would approximate the effect Ms. Arias would have on my brain"

L states- every time he left jail after meetings, he was "exhausted...brain was mush"- phone conversations too

L talks about a theory he heard a "pundit offer this theory about" the murderer on TV program (doesn't remember who)- L thinks theory is "highly insightful"

-the theory: murderer "had abilities like those of a cult leader...she possessed a unique ability to convince people that she was telling the truth, without actual proof, simply because she was the person saying it" (pg. 204)

L talks about Donovan being one of the cult members and others: a reporter tried to see the murderer while in jail to interview her, but couldn't- he did speak to several women who were her "pod mates" who "almost universally" supported the murderer- holding up signs "Free Jodi"....a few asserted her innocence"

"That power can still be seen today by looking at a web page that asserts the innocence of Ms. Arias. Yes, even several months after the trial Ms. Arias' followers are still drinking the Kool-aid. She is that good"
(pg. 205)

Chapter 36

9 Out of 10 Days

L talks about the "sentiment behind"...... "I did not like Ms. Arias 9 out of 10 days" comment in his closing of guilt phase of trial

" talking about this comment was not really optional talking about the sentiment behind this comment would provide you with enough understanding of what I learned about Ms. Arias as I prepared for trial...I am not going to deal with why I made this comment during my closing argument in this book." at this time (pg. 206)

Is it true? "Yes"

L states that many people believe that because he was the murderer's atty, that he " believes her story" and "support her actions and that I like her as a person...none of these things are true"- he did not ask to be her atty and was appointed and forced to remain as her atty when he wanted to leave

"...I did not believe her claims of self-defense, I did not support what she did on June 4, 2008....I did not like Ms. Arias"

L states, that as an atty, he doesn't try to be friends, have feelings- they are just clients- in capt'l cases, they have murdered someone- "I tend to exclude killers from my peer group", so he doesn't "like" his clients "in the sense that the word is most commonly used", but he does "like" some of their "likable qualities"- or "I feel highly sympathetic for their situation and/or personal histories, so in that regard it can be said that I do 'like' some clients"

"I did not and do not like Ms. Arias" (pg. 207)

L claims, because of confidentiality, he can explain some things, but not all "tip of the iceberg"

Some reasons:

-she was happy to ruin his career "by forcing me into a position where I would have to help her make these assertations against" TA- (not how he wanted to defend case)- they would never had come to trial- what he wanted/ damage done to him, didn't matter to her

"..she was smart enough to know that I would have to go with her defense if I could not prove her wrong" (she PP Legal lawyers to answer her questions)when he was trying to leave "she wanted me to wanted to be nice...act like we were friends...She wanted me to drink the join the 'Cult of Jodi' "

L started to "dislike" the murderer after he was forced to stay on as her atty Spring, 2011- after that "she knew that I could not get away and decided that she could treat me any way she wanted because of this reality"

-she threatened his business, wanted him at her beck and call.."I was the attorney and she was the boss"

" is more accurate to say that I disliked and /or despised her 9 out of 10 days"

"what about the tenth day?....the tenth day simply accounted for the days I did not have to deal with her or think about her case...if I did not have days like those where I didn't think of Ms. Arias, trust me, it would have been 10 out of 10" (pg. 209)

L states that he was "dealing with a very disturbed woman"

End of Section 6 (pg. 210)


Section 7
Rooster shake-Up

Chapter 37
Others Want Out, Some Make It, Some Do Not and Alyce Comes to Wonderland

Chapter 38
I Lose My Team

Chapter 39
Building a new Team

End of Section 7 (pg. 225)
Did you follow only what I quoted? Be sure to continue down that article and follow the rest of the suggestions, too. I suspect what I labeled as #4 is the reason is keeps coming back. (#1is what I had quoted above)

1: Stop the Automatic Upgrade to Windows 10
Stop the Windows 10 Installation File Download
Reclaim System Drive Space
Stop Microsoft from Messing with You Like This

I had the article open and was trying to print from it so I could do the steps as described and reboot as it said to. The problem was having to close the article to accomplish what it advised and rebooting just made the KB patch (that it said to uninstall) reinstall. Every time. So I guess I need to go in and disable automatic install of updates and make it ask me if it can install. But I don't like that option too much because I will have to manually install every update, even the ones I need, over the next few months until this thing stops nagging me.

Anyway, I appreciate all the help. I now have my printer in READY mode so won't have to reboot just to print and can print then close the article.

The sad part about Microsoft nagging in this way is I might have been willing to give their new OS a try had they approached in a more cordial manner. I don't like having things forced on me like this.

I may just have to let this download and install and then recover Windows 7 as described by Hope4More. It sounds like users have 30 days to decide if they want to revert back; after that all old OS files are not accessible anymore.

Thank you very much for your input. I'll say that now just in case I cannot get back here once this *thing* downloads. My laptop is not a touch screen and if it is not easy to turn that feature off in Windows 10 I may not have a functioning computer by this time tomorrow.

I have to accompany a friend who is taking her cat on a road trip tomorrow to have a tumor removed from his foot, or have his foot amputated. Not sure yet which it will be but he is such a gentle soul we want to try to save his life. His vet here charges around $1,000 to do that and we don't have it so out of town we will go but I will try to stop in tomorrow evening and let you know if stopping the installation was successful or not. Your input is very much appreciated.
It sounds reasonable to want to make it easier for users to upgrade, but the key phrase is they want "a billion users within 2 or 3 years." That's because date mining is integral to the Win 10 business model, and that requires a large enough database of user information to be available within that time frame, and that's why they are pushing it.

Exactly. I have been reading up on this and I just hate it when things are "forced" on consumers. Especially my own personal computer.

They are taking the "personal" out of "personal computers". They should start calling PC's MCs. Microsoft Computers because they are forcing us to use their stuff.

Im tempted to pursue Linux OS next year.

My first taste of this crap was when I finally got my New Windows 8 machine and I had to choose whether or not to buy it with MSOFFICE or Not. When I read how the new Office requires me to have an annual subscription to OFFICE in order for it to work, I was pizzed off. I chose the WITHOUT OFFICE option and am glad I did.

I found my old Office 2003 CD and I just last week installed it and it works great on this machine. I can now use Word, XCEL, etc. And I don't have to nor want to use the CLOUD storage. The more I can keep off databases for security reasons the better I am since I dont need the cloud anyway for my simple use of my PC.

I think Microsoft is missing the boat that millions of us just still use basic features and we want to be in control of our own PC.

I found out why I have not been bothered by the Windows 10 update stuff. Its because I have had auto-downloads off. And this is a perfect example of why I am glad I turned off the feature right out of the box of my 8 machine.
She may have been stealing johns' ID's... Perhaps the reason she needed the attorney was for identity theft? And Travis was one of her other victims? She could also have got ID's from work. If all she stole from these people was there identity cards, they're lucky.

If Jodi had been stealing ID's or hoofing it, wouldn't she have more money? And that to give to Travis?

No, I feel Gus is in this somewhere. There was said to be no love between Travis and Gus, and he tells Jodi? that he looks right through him in the bathroom.

Also, Jodi say the several times we did it, meaning the sex tape, and then us talking about it being in sections , comes back to dear ole Gus since he gave it to her the month before on her way back to Yreka. I can't remember if it was in an YouTube or article where he said he could make a voice sound anyway he wanted it to. At first I thought maybe the differences in the sex tape, but now I think it was her clumsy way ( like always, she does screw herself doesn't she?), of cobbling three sessions together that would ruin him, but I do think Gus told her how to make it seem like one call.

Gus was to on the trip to Cancun, and IIRC a conference call with Travis the night Jodi killed him or the night he was found. Chris Hughes told Travis to dump her on Gus and come to there room.

What conference was it that Jodi had her head planted on Travis's lap? I thought it was the March OKC one, so, anyone?

I have to say I did laugh at Travis and Chris in the texts where Chris says they have a big baby that doesn't want to come out, and Travis texts back get an episiotomy and tell Skye to stop eating. Now that sounds like something my family would say, and it's in a joking manner
This is new :(

Microsoft sets stage for massive Windows 10 upgrade strategy :scared:

"Microsoft has been preparing Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs for a more aggressive Windows 10 upgrade strategy that the company will kick off shortly, according to the developer of a tool that blocks such upgrades.

"Over Thanksgiving weekend I started getting reports that the Windows Update 'AllowOSUpgrade' setting was getting flipped back on on a number of peoples' PCs, and it keeps re-setting itself at least once a day if they switch it back off," said Josh Mayfield, the software engineer who created GWX Control Panel. The tool was originally designed to make the "Get Windows 10" (hence GWX) applet go away after Microsoft installed it on consumer and small business Windows 7 and 8.1 PCs starting in March, then activated in June.

"This is new behavior, and it does leave your PC vulnerable to unwanted Windows 10 upgrade behavior," he said.....

By monitoring his own test PCs -- eight all told -- and from the reports he's received from GWX Control Panel users, Mayfield has concluded that Microsoft is manipulating Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 PCs with behind-the-scenes changes, part of its effort to ensure Windows 10 ends up on as many devices as possible.... :scared:

I have the Windows 10 update in "solitary confinement" after I uninstalled it, so it can't be loaded to my computer anymore (and use up all my BW too) and changed my settings on how updates are installed (I have to approve all updates- but because I don't trust Microsoft anymore, I have not allowed any updates- just like Hatfield).

I know eventually, when I need a new laptop, there will only be computers with Windows 10 installed but, for now, I am in Windows 7 heaven. :)
When you quote a message, at the very top there is a string of characters like this (except with square brackets):

"{QUOTE=Zuri;12231933}" which marks the beginning of the quoted text. The quoted text follows and this is put at the end:


Together, they are quote delimiters, they surround the quoted part of your message and cause it to appear in an off-color box in your message. The bug is that when you quote a message with previous quotes in it, the software is putting multiple quote delimiters at the beginning of your message, whereas you only want the first one, which belongs to the person you're actually quoting, so just delete all the ones after the first. The {/QUOTE} at the end can remain the same.

The above message should be attributed to Zuri. She's a genius, but very modest.


Yes. Yes I am. I am printing this out and framing your post.

(the little angels) :angel:


YESorNO, how do I place it in solitary confinement?

I now have settings requiring me to approve each and every installation but I don't trust this particular one to not bypass that. 10 is downloaded and ready to install and there was a date and time clock where I had to choose one. I chose the latest date listed but the thing might be installing overnight and there is no way to reschedule it or turn it off as far as I can find.

I apologize to everyone for taking over this thread with this Microsoft nonsense but I fear I might not have a working OS by tomorrow if anything goes awry with the installation in the event that turning off auto install does not apply to the beast in question. I do not trust this thing to not somehow corrupt what I use now so that I am forced to do things Microsoft's way.

My next computer may be a Mac. Pricey, I know. But it looks like PCs running Windows may over time carry a heavy price of their own by way of frequent repairs needed.

I will look it up on my word pad (where I save the info- just in case) and get back to you shortly.

ETA: This is the article I used to kill the update: (I used method 3 to uninstalled windows 10 and "hide" it by using
method 3, #8)

I never wanted Windows 10 and didn't agree to it. :(

I think your problem is different than mine was as Windows update was "failing" to update on my
laptop because it was trying to install and was using all my bandwidth up (2X a day :( )
But maybe if you "hide" the update, it won't install again.


Here's hoping it will fix your problem :)
This was me when I had company coming for the holidays (I hate entertaining) :facepalm:
Thank goodness I don't entertain anymore.

So funny :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

COMPANY IS COMING :scared::scared:

krkrjx, I was so sad to read about your friend's cat and the possibility of needing a foot amputation. Please let us know how the visit tomorrow to check the tumor goes. He is a lucky cat to have people willing and able to do their best for him. Good luck!

Good luck with the Windows update glitch, too. We are all vying for your brownies!
Oh, YoN, "Company is coming" LMAO!!!!!!

I think I'll pass it to my english teaching collegue!

To all of you wonderful SB friends: I am sad.
I wonder wether I should stop coming here. I'm contributing so little but reading regularly. I'm afraid you might consider me a parasite and I would understand this consideration.
When my work is done - well, I'm teaching and even after doing this since 30 years I still have a hard time to to decide WHEN work is done - I need to move, doing sports, hiking, biking, etc. to get my batteries reloaded. I also need reading my books and I love to check wether YOU ALL are doing fine. The later takes time for language reasons - and I can't tell you how often I would like to just drop a reaction, an idea, a question, a pic ... But finally I don't do it often as it bothers me not being able to express myself as spontaneously, rapidly and clearly as I could in my language...
Oh well, may be I'm just badly organized and I don't succeed in fixing my priorities and act accordingly.

Please know that YOU ALL are part of my first priorities and your well being and your concerns are very important to me even if my behaving doesn't show this.
Oh, YoN, "Company is coming" LMAO!!!!!!

I think I'll pass it to my english teaching collegue!

To all of you wonderful SB friends: I am sad.
I wonder wether I should stop coming here. I'm contributing so little but reading regularly. I'm afraid you might consider me a parasite and I would understand this consideration.
When my work is done - well, I'm teaching and even after doing this since 30 years I still have a hard time to to decide WHEN work is done - I need to move, doing sports, hiking, biking, etc. to get my batteries reloaded. I also need reading my books and I love to check wether YOU ALL are doing fine. The later takes time for language reasons - and I can't tell you how often I would like to just drop a reaction, an idea, a question, a pic ... But finally I don't do it often as it bothers me not being able to express myself as spontaneously, rapidly and clearly as I could in my language...
Oh well, may be I'm just badly organized and I don't succeed in fixing my priorities and act accordingly.

Please know that YOU ALL are part of my first priorities and your well being and your concerns are very important to me even if my behaving doesn't show this.

Don't ever stop coming here :princes: You are part of the Sidebar- we are all important here. :heartbeat:


One more funny:

Wonder how Zuri is doing at the dentist :thinking:
Oh, YoN, "Company is coming" LMAO!!!!!!

I think I'll pass it to my english teaching collegue!

To all of you wonderful SB friends: I am sad.
I wonder wether I should stop coming here. I'm contributing so little but reading regularly. I'm afraid you might consider me a parasite and I would understand this consideration.
When my work is done - well, I'm teaching and even after doing this since 30 years I still have a hard time to to decide WHEN work is done - I need to move, doing sports, hiking, biking, etc. to get my batteries reloaded. I also need reading my books and I love to check wether YOU ALL are doing fine. The later takes time for language reasons - and I can't tell you how often I would like to just drop a reaction, an idea, a question, a pic ... But finally I don't do it often as it bothers me not being able to express myself as spontaneously, rapidly and clearly as I could in my language...
Oh well, may be I'm just badly organized and I don't succeed in fixing my priorities and act accordingly.

Please know that YOU ALL are part of my first priorities and your well being and your concerns are very important to me even if my behaving doesn't show this.

That was a nice heartfelt post Suza.

You are always welcome here. Don't ever feel bad about only being able to post whenever you can. And don't ever worry about not being able to convey things. We don't care about being grammer police or anything like that. The nice people here always welcome me back even when I get lost on other crime threads.

We all know everyone's time is limited and there are periods of our lives where we sometimes get sidetracked and cannot drop a line here.

I consider this Sidebar thread as my "home" WS thread. I know when I come here I will always be safe and I always get a smile from the other wonderful people here. No other WS thread is like it.

Come anytime and lurking is ok too. :)
This was me when I had company coming for the holidays (I hate entertaining) :facepalm:
Thank goodness I don't entertain anymore.

So funny :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

COMPANY IS COMING :scared::scared:


That's hysterical. We don't entertain hardly at all because we both get so stressed out just like in the video. Our problem is even when the guests arrive we are still stressed and we make the guests feel uncomfortable.

No matter how hard we tried to calm down it never worked and we were always too edgy during the evening. And something always went wrong no matter how hard we tried.

I may have shared this disaster before.

One time I spent about 2 hours preparing a really nice spread of different types of lunchmeat and cheeses. It looked Perfect as I folded each slice of lunchmeat into a perfect triangle and arranged them perfectly on a large metal silver looking platter. Then I put a piece of tinfoil on top and put the large platter into the fridge.

Well. Once the guests arrived everything seemed to be going fine until it came time to bring out the plate of refreshments. I grabbed the platter from the fridge and put it right in middle of the table and as I took the foil off for my big reveal and expecting to hear great compliments.......nobody was more shocked than me to see that my contraption had turned into a battery experiment. Little shiny particles of foil had somehow chemically transferred from the foil and embedded itself into the meat. After the initial shock and humiliation one of the guests tried to dig to find some pieces that were unaffected but every single piece of meat had shiny foil particles in it. The cheese was unaffected but there was no way I wanted to risk giving any of it to the guests so into the trash it went. We later figured out that the cheap silver looking platter I used was made of a 2-part tin and the moisture of the meat in the middle was a great conductor which turned the thing into a battery with the cold temperature of the fridge. LOL

We ended up calling for a pizza delivery and everyone got a good laugh about it the rest of the night.
OMG I loved that Cats and Christmas trees video!!!

My tree is against a window on a high table and I put a room divider screen in front of it to block kitty's access at night or while I am not home. When I am here he knows better than to try to jump up there LOL. Seriously though, he just wants to get to the window to look out. He doesn't bother the tree at all, just jumps up on the table and lays under the tree gazing out on the world.

Never mind that he has custom-made cat furniture in two other windows where the blinds are never drawn and the windows are only closed when it is cold outside. I'm in Wisconsin but I still have those windows open a bit these days as weather has been quite mild here.

Any cat that owns me tends to become a bit spoiled. But that's because my cats have always been rescue kitties who have been through some hard times so I like to allow them some leeway.
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