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Town of Swett Costs Less Than a House, Sits ‘Where the Highway Ends and the Wild West Begins’
"Why buy a house when you can buy a whole town?

The teeny tiny town of Swett, South Dakota, is now asking just $250,000 – less than the average asking price of a single home in most states, according to Trulia.

In Swett, that price tag gets you more than 6 acres of prairie, a garage/tire shop, a home, and the local bar, Swett Tavern..."

I tried the $99 robot cat, Hasbro's solution for lonely grandparents, and it was strangely comforting :cat:

"Earlier this month, a robotic cat began to go viral on Twitter.

The robot cat was Hasbro's latest toy. With the slogan "Why should kids have all the fun?" Hasbro is positioning the stuffed animal as a "companion pet" for the lonely and the elderly. Its website features the $99.99 feline purring and meowing in the hands of the retired, who take comfort in stroking it...."


Trapped with Ms. Arias

Chapter 43

Dealing With the Media Before Trial

L was "not always thrilled with how the media conducted themselves during the trial. Many seem to attribute this...that I have.... disdain for all media outlets. That is not true"

L feels that "anyone accused of a crime deserves a fair trial. Not a trial tainted by media"

L states that "certain media outlets can infringe upon those rights...they demonize the accused and all of those around them before that person's guilt is established"

L states it was his job as murderer's atty to stop this- "either eliminate or limit"

-before trial- contesting media to cover trial that might affect outcome of trial

- didn't really care about social media (unless jurors were viewing it)- didn't care about the murderer's image "only that she got a fair trial"

-didn't care about webcasts, local news coverage of trial (they were outside courtroom)

-was concerned about "bombastic coverage....on cable " TV "where trials are treated as blood sports...battles between good and evil, where the accused and those who might speak on his or her behalf are vilified as being evil wherein the prosecutor can do no wrong because he or she is on the side of the good and the righteous." (pg. 244)

L calls the networks/commentators " 'anti-constitutional terrorists' ...[who]show no respect for our constitution and preach fear and intimidation against those who wish to exercise their constitutional rights"

"However,...on those who say I had no business contesting such things because Ms. Arias chose to take part in interviews before trial...argument was made before trial.....[it is] not legally valid. No defendant can waive his or her constitutional rights by being stupid...[this] did not give the media the right to exploit her trial to the point that it became unfair" (pg. 244)

pre-trial publicity:

-when L received case 2009- most coverage by media was CBS "48 Hours" in 2008 interviews- one when the murderer was in Calif. and one in AZ- also interview by murderer in AZ with Inside Edition ("no jury will convict me")

closer to trial- L began getting calls from news stations "who wanted to establish some sort of relationship with me"- take him to dinner/drinks "just to chat..[in hopes it] would lead to a slip of the tongue or some morsel they could use on their next broadcast"

but L thought that "real goal" was to have him "obligated to interview with them when the trial was over"

he said "No" to them

he was intrigued by BBC who wanted to follow him around filming him "throughout the trial process"- BBC wanted to create documentary- tell tale of DP process or how defense attys are "expressed to the viewer"

-L thought this documentary "might actually change a few minds on the subject of the" DP

-but L didn't want cameras following him "I lived a low-key life....I had no desire to be a reality television personality"

L states that he had no control about cameras in courtroom- up to courts- media would have to get court's permission- media, "primarily CNN" had "potential for huge profit" - more than willing to pay an atty (very expensive) to win right to film trial/live stream on internet

L worried that this would "cause a frenzy that would lead to witnesses being being harassed and jurors being exposed to harmful pre-trial coverage"

became battle between murderer's right fair trial/media's right report the news

media's argument before trial- " 'we can do what we want' "

L's argument- " 'not if it interferes with my client's right to a fair trial' "- witnesses could be threatened, jurors could be exposed to pretrial publicity

state and media's response to L's argument "were speculative, that I was guessing. While technically true, that is one of the most illogical arguments of all of them because we always speculate based on known facts that is what we do in the law" (pg. 247)

L looking back- states he was right

media won right to film trial

"I would be stunned if the media's actions during this case do not make their way into Ms. Arias' appeal"

Chapter 44

WE Gotta Get Out of Town or Shut the Jury Down

every motion L filed, it seemed to him, "would be analyzed for hours either by news organizations and/or social media"

L states that 2 of his "most important" motions received little attention

-"perhaps ....were not discussed because they portrayed the media in a bad light...not 'sexy' enough to drive ratings"

-motions to "change venue and to sequester the jury"

-L explains "venue", "sequester"

-would be negligent if he hadn't file those motions

L states that, as to "venue", jurors of Maricopa County might be "biased against" the murderer because of pretrial publicity

L states that he "knew that there was almost no chance my motion would be granted...rarely granted....are rarely filed"

"personally" L wasn't disappointed because if motion was accepted- venue changed- he would have to live in whatever town the trial was moved to "for the duration of the trial"- inconvenient for all involved-lots of money- hotel rooms, etc., but he was willing to have "venue" changed "the Constitution means that much to me"

L states, as to "sequester", jurors could be "exposed to extraneous information...not learned in the courtroom"

"..a juror cannot render their verdict even to the slightest degree on information that they learned outside of the courtroom" (pg. 250)

L thought that "sequester" motion would be denied

- jurors would have to give up "several months" both professional and personal, of their lives

L states that because of "gravity of the case and the amount of publicity... potential for the jury to be exposed to extraneous information and opinions was too high...could be grounds for a mistrial and/or...conviction to be overthrown on appeal" (pg, 250)

L states, if he were judge, he would have granted motion, but understands why Judge Stephens denied it

Chapter 45

The So-Called Delays

too many delays according to social media

"...those who assert this theory seem to believe that I caused these delays intentionally because I wanted to drag things out so I could make more money or for some other absurd reason"

L discuss why delays before 1st trial were necessary

late summer 2009- few months before case was scheduled to go trial:

-L and Ms. Washington (former Co-counsel) received case only 2 months at that time- not enough time to prepare for upcoming trial- judge gave them a year to prepare
next delay- scheduling issues for all involved- for L and Ms. Washington, JM, judge

August, 2011- trial date set- then DV expert became ill (see chap. 37)- Judge Stephens gave them new trial date- November, 2011, but OPD asked to withdraw (see Chap. 38)- Willmott was involved with lengthy manslaughter trial

2012 holiday season- picking jury- trial started 1/2/2013

End of Section 8 (pg. 253)


Section 9
What Did I Have on My Hands

Chapter 46
So What Now?

Chapter 47
What Did I Believe Happened on June 4, 2008

Chapter 48
What I Believed the State Would Argue

End of Section 9 (pg. 281)
Hi Everyone, just peeking to say hi! Thanks for all the well wishes..I feel a bit better today. This is what my Doctor said, bronchial asthma.
Its been hard breathing.My oxygen level 93, took blood , gave allergy shot. I have now, prednisone , Cipro , Cough med. so strong only take it at night..along with7 everyday meds. and 3 non scripts....who needs food.
now the bad news. My arm is torn up where Molly has scratched me. it is bad ni spots Plus he is sure I am allergic as this has
gone on long time. His wife, God hold HER in HEAVEN was also very allergic to some dogs. I must find a home for her , Amy said near impossible as she is not completely housebroken. Shelters only take strays from Dog warden. She is a gooddog not

mean bone in her body I cry, see I love her and fear a bad home...Between dog and health issues I'm ready for a ------done on web. hope to see you tomorrow. I dont want a penny
for My Molly ,, just a loving home. Please say a prayer..xox.:seeya:

our poor gramma - you're just not having a good time this holiday season :sigh:

:therethere: Can't you just not play with Molly until she gets a little older? I know when we first got our Buddy, who was only 5 weeks old, he was a monster! He would get into anything on the floor and destroy it, scratch and bite legs, arms, anything, but I guess he thought he was playing? My son (and his friends) could not sit on the floor to play their video games because Buddy would "attack" or leave any of his toys on the floor.

I remember going to work, with scratches, wounds all over my arms and legs- crying. I wanted to get rid of him, but my son begged me to give him another chance. I called a dog trainer and she taught me how to control my "alpha-dog" and he learned what not to do- really I learned how to be the "boss" :facepalm:

I feel so bad for you and Molly- to have to contemplate losing someone that is loved (and loves) :(

I hope you feel better with all those pills you have to take and that they work fast.

Praying for you, our Nore :blowkiss:
Looks like I'm just a little behind again :blushing: Anyway, trying to get ready for Christmas, I don't know why but I've been so busy. I've been listening to my satellite music on TV while decorating and making cookies for the local library charity drive. The channel is Sounds of the Seasons. I do have to say that I absolutely can not figure out how Justin Beiber ever got where he is, I can't stand his voice or his style. What's with that uhhuuhuhuhu.... :gaah: He sounds like he's either very ill or having a seizure or something, LOL. So am I old fashioned? Or am I just old? LOL :floorlaugh:


BBM You're just OLD (right along with me :facepalm: ) I've never heard Justin Beiber sing, so I don't know what he sounds like.

Cookies! What kind?

I use to bake a whole lot of different cookies during the Christmas season. But now, I bought some of those refrigerated cookie dough thingys last time I went shopping- never tried them. I bought choco chip and oatmeal scotchies. We're going to bake them this weekend (and probably gobble them up before Christmas Eve.:facepalm: )

Coffee ....Great Disney theme ornaments. They came out great and glad your relative is enjoyeing them.

The tree pics were really nice too and I like slender trees to save space too.

If anyone ever cuts their own you can trim them to become thinner to help your space. You just have to trim slowly and keep checking it as you go but don't be afraid to hack off some of the outer branches to help it fit nicer and give you more room to get around the tree. :)

This is my favorite time of year. It took me awhile to get in the mood this year but I am full swing now and spending too much like usual. LOL

I typically don't shop too much during the year so when Christmas roles around I get carried away. 1 present for you. 2 for me. LOL

BBM :hilarious:
I think Monica Lindstrom is kinda upset. I've been waiting for her to post the next part of Laurence's interview :waiting:

Monica Lindstrom ‏@monicalindstrom Dec 9
Interesting that people comment on my #LegallySpeaking interview series that no one cares, then y r they commenting?

ETA: well, well here it is:

Legally Speaking: Kirk Nurmi Interview - Part 4

1971 - Kiss an Angel Good Mornin’ - Charley Pride tops the charts. Good morning all xoxoxo

Nore, I am so sorry you are sick with Asthmatic Bronchitis. Is your wheezing better? I was wondering if your doctor could give you an inhaled steroid to keep you from allergically reacting to Molly. That way you could keep her and keep the wheezing down hopefully. I am allergic to my German Shepherds, cats and horses and I find the inhaled steroids help a lot.
Daisy, glad you got your insurance figured out. I hope your feet get better soon too. Red streaks are never good.
Good afternoon all! :wave:

On the catnip - it's actually "in" the toy - which is called Kong Kickerboo! I wrapped them in double plastic bags and put them under the tree - BUT!! this morning I found that Louie (the orange kitty) had taken the pakcage and had started to rip it open - I guess the smell is pretty powerful! LOL! Anyway - I decided to give them the toys, and Louie went crazy!! :lol: Kimi not so much - played with it for a while, but didn't go as crazy as Louie! Now they are both sleeping! I think the play lasted about 15 to 20 minutes for Kimi, but Louie played with his at least for 1/2 an hour. On Christmas Day, I usually put open cans of tuna - sort of wrapped - and let the cats loose! :laughing: It's fun to watch! :D

Oh Nore - so sorry to hear that you have to give up Molly! :( But as Spellbound said - ask your Vet, as when I brought Louie in when he broke his leg, they said if I couldn't pay them, they would keep Louie and find a good home for him! Thank goodness they didn't charge me "too" much!!

Good to hear you're getting in the Christmas mood, Hatfield! :santahat:

coffeejunkie said:
Sorry about all the different post, I do not know how post everyone's quotes in one post Oh well, would mess it up anyway lol If I forgot anyone THANKS!

It's not that hard! on the right of your screen below each post you will see:
an arrow & Reply than a " box & Reply With Quote than there is a " box & a + (plus sign). So what you do - hit that last one " + on a post you want to respond to and keep hitting that until you get to the last post you want to quote, on the last post hit the " Reply With Quote. Easy peesy!! :)

YESorNO said:
South Carolina dad killed 5 kids 'by violent means,' police claim; Lawyer says he had mental issues

"Police say the South Carolina dad who killed his five young children did so "by violent means."

Timothy Ray Jones Jr. — accused of murdering his five children, ages 1 to 8 — waived his first court appearance Friday because he is being "portrayed as a monster," his attorney said.

Hello?? he IS a monster!!!

YESorNO said:
he was intrigued by BBC who wanted to follow him around filming him "throughout the trial process"- BBC wanted to create documentary- tell tale of DP process or how defense attys are "expressed to the viewer"

-L thought this documentary "might actually change a few minds on the subject of the" DP

-but L didn't want cameras following him "I lived a low-key life....I had no desire to be a reality television personality"

I bet he didn't tell Inmate #whatever :jail: I am SURE she wanted to be a reality TV personality! UGH! :(

YESorNO said:
"I would be stunned if the media's actions during this case do not make their way into Ms. Arias' appeal"

hmmmm :thinking: I don't think so...

:tyou: again YESorNO for all the links to different stories and your recap of Nurmi's Book! I started reading last night, but didn't get too far - just through the Foreward. :laughcry: I'll get more into tonight and also thanks for the link to where you posted your Nurmi book stuff!

We had a nice rain go thru overnight and this morning! Still a bit cloudy, should have more sprinkles throughout the night. Next storm Sunday thru Monday!! It's good we are getting ALL this rain!!! :happydance:

Okay - Later folks! :seeya:
Oh - I wanted to say - I have this box of cat toys for the kitties. Collected from past cats... anyway we've had some pretty good winds and the acorns from the trees have fallen - some of them on the back balcony. So they kitties have been playing with them. So I picked up a bunch and when they got tired of playing with the kitty toys, I would throw one at them - and now that's ALL they play with! LOL!

Hope you're feeling good Zuri!! And how's Knox?

Hello SB friends,
Just a quick note about Windows 10. DON'T download.
* I spoke with the man who has built my last 2 computers today, and he said not to do it. He said it's geared/made for the newer touch screens computers. He also said that with the latest updates, Microsoft has been pushing everyone to install widows 10. Be sure and close it out with every notice you receive. He said he's never seen anything like it, and there will be lots of problems with it.

* He also builds computers for the bigger auto companies around here, such as Byerly Ford, Sam Swope and Neill Huffman. He is a very kind man and only charges $40.00 to get rid of virus's etc...
I trust him.

I love you guys :hug:
OMG ~ I just saw Pages post about the horses and it broke my heart. I am crying like a baby right now. God love those beautiful horses, they have no voice. I am absolutely horrified at what I have just witnessed. :cry: :frown: :crying: :mad:
Animal Cruelty should be a felony with a mandatory jail sentence of 10+ years.
Here is my tree for this year.

Your tree is beautiful CJ. I have a rather slim tree too. I really like yours though, you have a lot of ornaments like I used to do. Now I just do a few because I got tired of putting them all on myself. :rolleyes:



"MADERA, Calif. (WPVI) -- There are disturbing new details about the Madera County, California, woman charged with torturing and murdering her young daughter.

Court documents reveal 42-year-old Amy Chavoya is also accused of abusing four other children.

Sheriff's deputies arrested her last month after a yearlong investigation. The documents describe horrific acts against the little girl who died and other children who were in the suspect's care. Prosecutors claim that abuse went on for several years.

The allegations in the complaint against Chavoya are chilling. Prosecutors say she began abusing Mariah Flores back in 2011 by beating the little girl, depriving her of food, forcing her to take scalding hot showers and using a stun gun. Then on Oct. 10, 2014, Chavoya is accused of murdering her daughter in a way that involved torture..."


Teen rips wife-killer dad at his sentencing

"A traumatized Brooklyn teen ripped her father as a “cruel monster” for fatally butchering her mother during a fight over infidelity at his sentencing Wednesday in Brooklyn court.

“This event was the most horrific thing that happened to me in my lifetime – and it was caused by my father,” Miranda Rugova wrote in a statement read by a prosecutor before Hasan Rugova was hit with 18 years in prison. “You have made it clear that you are a monster.”

The building super maniacally slashed Gyltene Rugova to death in May 2014 at their Bay Ridge apartment before he tried to kill himself with self-inflicted stab wounds..."

15-year-old arrested in 2014 murder of Brooklyn Rabbi Joseph Raksin

"MIAMI — Police say a teenager has been arrested in Miami in connection with the slaying of a Brooklyn rabbi last year.

Miami-Dade Police spokeswoman Jennifer Capote said Wednesday that homicide detectives had arrested Deandre Charles, 15, after a 16-month investigation of the death of Rabbi Yosef Raksin..."


‘It was a hate crime because he was a Jew’: Daughter of New York rabbi shot dead on way to Miami temple refuses to believe it was a ‘botched robbery’

"Joseph Raksin, 60, shot dead in Miami, Florida on Saturday

The father-of-six was on his way to pray, as it was the Sabbath

Police believe the incident was a robbery gone wrong

But others argue Mr Raksin is the victim of hate crime

Miami synagogue sprayed with swastikas just weeks earlier ..."

One woman dead; one missing; few answers in Va. county

"The recent fatal shooting of one young woman and disappearance of another have authorities in a rural but fast-growing Virginia county confronting tragedy and scrambling for answers.

Officials in Spotsylvania County, about 60 miles outside Washington, D.C., have neither linked nor solved the cases of Heather Ciccone, 21, and Katelin Michelle Akens, 19...."


WS thread: Katelin Akens:

WS thread: Heather Ciccone:

Oh dear Lord, this woman, Amy Chavoya, (is she human ?:scared:) ... who did this to her child, and tortured these other children.... :scared: How devastating, how horrifying, and how beyond tragic. I can't even imagine such horror, oh those poor sweet, helpless children. :tears:

Regarding the Katelin Akens case, I just started following that recently. Strange and unsettling to say the least. These dear people who by some chance of fate fall victim to some monster, I can't even imagine the horror of their last moments on earth. How cruel and totally inhumane. :cry: What is going on anyway, our society seems to be falling apart. :(
1963 - Dominique - The Singing Nun hits the charts

OMG ~ I just saw Pages post about the horses and it broke my heart. I am crying like a baby right now. God love those beautiful horses, they have no voice. I am absolutely horrified at what I have just witnessed. :cry: :frown: :crying: :mad:
Animal Cruelty should be a felony with a mandatory jail sentence of 10+ years.

It is awful Dmacky. I have no words. Fortunately, there are a lot of Animal Rights groups that have made some inroads with the TWH owners and trainers.
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