SIDEBAR #57 - Travis Alexander forum

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Spell ~ Believe me, that thought did occur to me. But I didn't even try using my HO's insurance, as they were in my daughter's car and who knows if they would even take me at my word that they were stolen? We lost everything we ever had in a fire back in 98, so after going through something that devastating, this is nothing. Thank God we were NOT at home. Another employee had asked me to switch shifts with her that Saturday, so I was working 3-midnight. Since I had to be back at work at 8am Sunday morning (time and 1/2), my girls were staying all night at their friends house. We were all safe, and that's all that really mattered. So they'll just get a little less this year. There is nothing they need anyway.
OH, another TIP
Never leave a ceiling fan on if you leave your home. That's what started the electrical fire.

Thank you Hatfield! Removing the carpet never even dawned on me!
Also, great tip on the steering wheel device. See, men think of all these things that women don't . Thank you again kind sir :bow:

OMG, Dmacky, you and your family have certainly had more than your share of devastating events! Here's hoping that the karma pendulum swings back in the other direction in 2016.
This is for Zuri I lost my long post!!! Here are more or less the cliff notes though.


Zuri OMG I bout peed my spiderman panties I laughed so hard at this! Especially when he'd be jamming and then see a another car or whatever, and he'd stop and nod....but as soon as they were out of sight he'd start singing again :lol:

Also I enjoyed watching those beautiful horses and their graceful jumping. I know that you were fortunate enough to have horses all you life, so are you unable to ride them now, because of your back problems? :frown: That would be really hard to have come to that reality. My neck is fused from C 4-7 and I have a weight limit of 10lbs. A darn gallon of milk weighs over 8lbs... It's depressing when we are not able to do all the things that we used to take for granted. I had my carpet cleaned last year and it still has those foam block things they stuck under the couch legs...(until it dried) LOL It's been dry for a very long time. Oh well, whatcha gonna do :dunno:

It was very sad to read what those F-bomb thieving scam artists did to your poor 84 yr. old mother. Bless her heart, I can imagine her being panic stricken while trying to get ready and go down to the grocery store for money orders :frown: I'm SO thankful that the employee caught on that it had to be a scam! People that prey on the elderly have a special place in HELL waiting for them :dervish:

I also hate to cook Zuri....hate it hate it hate it. Now if somebody else cooks it, I'd be johnny on the spot at the table :goggle:

The cop in the video is the brother of a drug rep that calls on my DH. The video was originally made for the cop's daughters, but when the department saw the video, it was too good not to share. There are several more that I will find and post!

I haven't ridden since 2005, when I fell off and sustained compression fractures of T11-12, L1. I rode with my fused lower lumbar spine (L4-5, S1) for years prior. I was told that if I fell off again, I could be paralyzed so I stopped. I cheated though in April 2009, when I was on a cruise with DD#2, and she wanted to ride on the beach. Shhhh. Don't tell my doctors! :D. Since I blew my fusion out pushing that patient in July of 2009, and had a 360 degree fusion, and then got sick, I haven't ridden at all. I don't get to go out much so I ride vicariously thru DD2.

I have loved horses all my life. It is in my DNA for sure. I didn't own a horse until I was 41, so it was my mid life crisis purchase. I sold him to buy a pony for my daughters to show and ride. As they improved, I bought and sold horses to keep up with their talent, all within reason. When my dad died and left me some money, I bought Knox. I would never have been able to buy him otherwise as he is pretty incredible.

I am sorry you have neck problems. I can't imagine how painful that must be. I am pretty lucky as I have no other joint problems at all except for my back. I feel so badly for people with arthritic joints. I certainly understand what hits the floor, stays on the floor lol.

My mom purchased a gas gift card for the Food Lion lady as a thank you along with a handwritten note. The lady was so pleased, but said she just felt so badly for my mother. Thankfully there are gracious, kind people like her.

So glad someone else doesn't like to cook and I am not alone. My son and his lovely girlfriend are here visiting and we have gone out for dinner the past 2 nights. Yum! When we go on our SB bus tour, I hope we can stop by our Cuisinarts' houses and chow down. There are some good cooks on this thread lol!
GigiG, are you talking about a prime rib or standing rib roast? They are both basically the same cut, and slow roasted with the "fat cap" melting and making the meat juicer and tender. A nice fat cap is what smokers look for in briskets and pork butts.

Do you serve fresh horseradish with it?


I think they're pretty much the same thing? I just ask for a "rib roast" and the butcher seems to know what I mean. I also ask them to cut between the meat and bone (not quite all the way through) and to remove the chine, then tie it up to hold it together. They never seem to mind doing these extra things. Maybe it's the holiday spirit? I prefer to think of it that way. I am always grateful for their extra time and attention to those details. :)

Last year, I think I went with the first-cut, which is less fatty and more tender, but apparently has less flavor. So I think I'm going to go with the second-cut this time, which like you said is what smokers prefer to use. It seems to me that I enjoyed that better...

I make a paste of fresh horseradish, minced garlic, kosher salt, rosemary, thyme and pepper and rub it all over the fat cap, which creates a really nice crust.

Hasselback potatoes make a great side dish, and a sour cream/horseradish/chive sauce is a great accompaniment to both the meat and the potatoes. Then there's Yorkshire pudding which just seems like a "must"...

Okay, so now I'm officially both hungry AND inspired to do the shopping in preparation of creating this feast!

ISIS is a revolution

"World-altering revolutions are born in danger and death, brotherhood and joy. This one must be stopped..."

Very interesting article, thanks for sharing it. I wish some of our political leaders would read it...

Jumping off your post

Years ago, in 2009 IIRC, VP Biden had weighed in on Iraq along with Richard Holden. They had a plan that most likely would have worked and the brilliant foreign policy advisors suggested a different way, which Obama listened to and it has been a cluster **** since. Holden and Biden were able to broker the peace deal for Bosnia years ago and one would think that their opinions would be valued. What a shame. IMO
Deanna Reid talks about Napoleon: :heartbeat:

"When talking about Travis I feel like I should say a few words about his dog, Napoleon, too. Travis loved Napoleon. Napoleon loved Travis. Travis worried about him and treated him as if he were his child. As a puppy, Naps (as Travis often called him) ran out into the street right in front of a car. Travis screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran after him. Luckily nothing happened to Napoleon but Travis was pretty shaken up by the incident. Travis taught him tricks, gave him treats, took him on road trips, and spoiled him like crazy. They used to race each other up the stairs and play wrestle. Napoleon followed Travis everywhere like his little shadow. Naps lives with me now. Ever since Travis was taken from Napoleon, I have been caring for him, when in reality, he is the one who takes care of me. He is now my little shadow. He is such a blessing. He brings so much peace, love, and comfort into my life. He is best buddies with my nieces and nephews. He is my little cuddle pug and I love him so much! He’s getting older now. He has a lot of gray and sleeps a bit more these days. It makes me realize that he will pass on someday. That will be very hard for me and I pray that I will have much more time with him. But it is good to know that when that time comes, he will be going straight back to Travis. What a happy moment that will be for the both of them...."

Our pets are living longer – and developing aging issues common to humans

"...Our pets are living longer, the result of new preventive vaccines, improved nutritional guidelines and state-of-the-art treatment for chronic diseases. Though life expectancy varies by breed and size, it’s not uncommon nowadays for dogs and cats to live 16 to 20 years. But with that longevity comes a new host of challenges. It turns out, elderly dogs and cats are prone to many of the same ailments associated with old age in humans, including heart disease, arthritis, dementia and cancer..."

Can Your Pet Commit Suicide? The Answer May Surprise You



All very interesting reads. My thanks again for your diligence in finding and posting such thought-provoking links. Much appreciated!
Jumping off your post

Years ago, in 2009 IIRC, VP Biden had weighed in on Iraq along with Richard Holden. They had a plan that most likely would have worked and the brilliant foreign policy advisors suggested a different way, which Obama listened to and it has been a cluster **** since. Holden and Biden were able to broker the peace deal for Bosnia years ago and one would think that their opinions would be valued. What a shame. IMO

Zuri, do you mean the late great Richard Holbrooke maybe?

Reminds me of some moms I know who always get Zorba the Greek and The Fiddler on the Roof mixed up which seems somehow so natural to do.

Pages, in Post #930, you asked if it was the woman's first time fox hunting. The answer is no, but it was the horse's first time out fox hunting. The horse is young and off the track IIRC and has been in training with her. A lot of horses get spooky when they are in a new situation and this horse went like a champ!

Off-the-track horses can be such a crapshoot, but they're so smart and so athletic, they can come around to learning new things pretty quickly. Very impressive! And God bless those who give them a "second career" and a new lease on life. :)
Zuri said:
Wow Niner, I thought your DH was taking an oral chemo agent and Lupron to treat the symptoms. IIRC, Doctors typically don't like to tell patients how long they may have to live as hope and the will to live is a powerful emotion/drive.

When my MIL asked that question of her oncologist after she was diagnosed with bladder CA, the MD told her that she could live another 5-10 years if the chemo worked. She died from pneumonia, secondary to the side effects of chemo as her white blood cell count was low and couldn't fight infection. She was also 85.

Is the Lupron helping his pain any? I hope his doctors are helping him with pain relief and he is able to at least get around the house or go for a walk. You both are in my prayers.

Sometimes knowing how long you have yet to live can be very depressing and the will to live each and every day like it is your last day goes away. Hugs to both of you.

Well the doctor said it was a "cancer pill", so I was thinking it was like an "oral chemo" - I guess I'll have to ask next appointment!
I don't recall if the doctor told my Father when he got diagnosised with inoperable lung cancer? My Huz is starting to look like my Father did... skinny, he's lost like 50 pounds in 6 months. But he was retaining water - I believe he started at 230 when he got out of the hospital; now down to 185 - normal for him is 190-195; he's 6' 2".
Yes, the Lupron is helping his pain!! And he gets up from his man cave computer once in awhile and walks around the house with his cane.
Thank you for the prayers! :hug:

Dmacky said:
OMG I bout peed my spiderman panties I laughed so hard at this!


Dmacky said:
I also hate to cook Zuri....hate it hate it hate it. Now if somebody else cooks it, I'd be johnny on the spot at the table :giggle:

I too hate it hate it hate it... that's why ALL these years I've let the Huz cook; but now that he can't... :gaah: LOL! Especially when the Huz in the background grumbling that I'm not doing the way he said! :lol: Old Town Pizza tonight!! Delivered! :D

All leaves have been blown! Yea!! Made orange juice this morning; need to keep the peels for the tobacco (bags) we bought. Cheaper to roll our own!

One week til Christmas Eve! :christmastree: .. :santahat:

Oh - Thanks for the link to the Beverly Carter case!

I'm started to :read: the series of books by Lisa Scottoline that someone suggested a bunch of authors to read! Hope she writes well!
I think they're pretty much the same thing? I just ask for a "rib roast" and the butcher seems to know what I mean. I also ask them to cut between the meat and bone (not quite all the way through) and to remove the chine, then tie it up to hold it together. They never seem to mind doing these extra things. Maybe it's the holiday spirit? I prefer to think of it that way. I am always grateful for their extra time and attention to those details. :)

Last year, I think I went with the first-cut, which is less fatty and more tender, but apparently has less flavor. So I think I'm going to go with the second-cut this time, which like you said is what smokers prefer to use. It seems to me that I enjoyed that better...

I make a paste of fresh horseradish, minced garlic, kosher salt, rosemary, thyme and pepper and rub it all over the fat cap, which creates a really nice crust.

Hasselback potatoes make a great side dish, and a sour cream/horseradish/chive sauce is a great accompaniment to both the meat and the potatoes. Then there's Yorkshire pudding which just seems like a "must"...

Okay, so now I'm officially both hungry AND inspired to do the shopping in preparation of creating this feast!

WOW. Now thats some real "cooking". My mouth is watering. :)

You could probably make an old cowboy boot taste great with all that prep. LOL :)
Alondra Santos at 13 years old singing "Mariachi style" on Americas Got Talent. Just amazing.

There is a little intro stuff before the singing starts but it is well worth it to get to the singing.
Singing starts around 1:25

WOW. Now thats some real "cooking". My mouth is watering. :)

You could probably make an old cowboy boot taste great with all that prep. LOL :)

Aint no big. It can be kind of time-consuming, but each step is sooo easy; I get into a "zen" mode when I'm doing it. It DOES help to plan ahead, and I give myself plenty of time so that each part of the preparation is relatively effortless.

The clean up is another story. But who cares about that when everyone is satiated and happy? That can wait until "tomorrow"... :)
I think they're pretty much the same thing? I just ask for a "rib roast" and the butcher seems to know what I mean. I also ask them to cut between the meat and bone (not quite all the way through) and to remove the chine, then tie it up to hold it together. They never seem to mind doing these extra things. Maybe it's the holiday spirit? I prefer to think of it that way. I am always grateful for their extra time and attention to those details. :)

Last year, I think I went with the first-cut, which is less fatty and more tender, but apparently has less flavor. So I think I'm going to go with the second-cut this time, which like you said is what smokers prefer to use. It seems to me that I enjoyed that better...

I make a paste of fresh horseradish, minced garlic, kosher salt, rosemary, thyme and pepper and rub it all over the fat cap, which creates a really nice crust.

Hasselback potatoes make a great side dish, and a sour cream/horseradish/chive sauce is a great accompaniment to both the meat and the potatoes. Then there's Yorkshire pudding which just seems like a "must"...

Okay, so now I'm officially both hungry AND inspired to do the shopping in preparation of creating this feast!

WOW. Now thats some real "cooking". My mouth is watering. :)

You could probably make an old cowboy boot taste great with all that prep. LOL :)

Gigi, Hatfield and Pages I was about to say the same thing Hatfield! I'm literally drooling right about now...Hatfield your beef stew dinner first got me started...and Pages when you tell us your menu for what your cooking at your sisters house YUM YUM...But Gigi OMG...what time shall I be there? :smile: BTW ~ I've never heard of
Hasselback potatoes? Do tell
Well the doctor said it was a "cancer pill", so I was thinking it was like an "oral chemo" - I guess I'll have to ask next appointment!
I don't recall if the doctor told my Father when he got diagnosised with inoperable lung cancer? My Huz is starting to look like my Father did... skinny, he's lost like 50 pounds in 6 months. But he was retaining water - I believe he started at 230 when he got out of the hospital; now down to 185 - normal for him is 190-195; he's 6' 2".
Yes, the Lupron is helping his pain!! And he gets up from his man cave computer once in awhile and walks around the house with his cane.
Thank you for the prayers! :hug:


I too hate it hate it hate it... that's why ALL these years I've let the Huz cook; but now that he can't... :gaah: LOL! Especially when the Huz in the background grumbling that I'm not doing the way he said! :lol: Old Town Pizza tonight!! Delivered! :D

All leaves have been blown! Yea!! Made orange juice this morning; need to keep the peels for the tobacco (bags) we bought. Cheaper to roll our own!

One week til Christmas Eve! :christmastree: .. :santahat:


Niner, I was curious so I looked up Lupron. Here is what says:

"Lupron treats only the symptoms of prostate cancer and does not treat the cancer itself."

That makes me very worried about your husband's prognosis. But I believe that you and he are already braced for the worst...

I don't want you to lose him. I don't want the world to lose him. We need more people like him...

I know he thinks of us here on SB as your "imaginary" friends (I appreciate his sense of humor!), but I hope you can find a way to let him know that we are very REAL friends and we care as much about him as we do about you... :heartbeat:
1944 - World War II Day 2 Battle of the Bulge. The Germans mount a series of counter attacks and are attacking with paratroops, tanks and aircraft along the 70-mile front guarded by American forces in the Ardennes region with some success allowing them to re cross the borders of Luxembourg and Belgium. IIRC Nore lost her father over there.

I got my hair cut Tuesday morning, and a couple of the hairdresser's were raving about the Monday night "Dolly Parton's Coat of Many Colors"
It's based on the true story of Dolly Parton's remarkable upbringing, and it's all about her younger years. I was so upset that I missed it, but I just saw that NBC is re-airing it on Christmas because it drew so many ratings!!!

Set your DVR's my friends, 9pm on NBC. I've seen snippets of it and the little girl who plays Dolly is remarkable. Looks like Dolly was a force to be reckoned with at a very young age :giggle:
Gigi, Hatfield and Pages I was about to say the same thing Hatfield! I'm literally drooling right about now...Hatfield your beef stew dinner first got me started...and Pages when you tell us your menu for what your cooking at your sisters house YUM YUM...But Gigi OMG...what time shall I be there? :smile: BTW ~ I've never heard of
Hasselback potatoes? Do tell

Well, here's a link that pretty well describes them:

I don't follow any specific recipe: I slit the potatoes, about 1/4" apart; almost to the bottom, but making sure to leave them intact. Then, I insert very thinly sliced pieces of garlic into the slits. I drizzle them with a melted butter/olive oil blend, and top them with bread crumbs, then drizzle more melted butter on top. During the baking process, the slices open up like a flower. The end result is kind of a combo of baked potatoes, scalloped potatoes and french fried potatoes (the outside is crispy). Plus, they're really pretty! I highly recommend them for a festive meal, they're well worth the effort... :)
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