SIDEBAR #58 - Travis Alexander forum

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Good Morning! A SMILE is happiness you'll find right under your nose.


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The blizzard is to start Friday night and end Sunday morning. The newest forecast is 12-18" which is not that bad. All of our cars are 4WD so if I have to go to the Four Seasons or Ritz Carleton due to no power, we should be good. Do they take large German Shepherds? Hope so cuz they comin' too.

I don't know how close those hotels are to me, but hopefully out of the snow, with a generator backup. If not, Motel 6 is just fine.

Zuri the only problem with that plan is everyone will have the same idea! When we had our ice storm back in 2009, there was NOT a room to be found. Hopefully you will not lose your electricity. That is my prayer for you and Gigi, and anyone else that that's in the blizzards path. We are supposed to have "blizzard like" conditions here, but thankfully not along with 2 feet of snow. :thinking: It just occurred to me that with winds from 35-40 mph I could lose my electricity. :eek:

Link: https://public.dm2301.livefilestore...52520Morning252520Friends.gif?rdrts=122654966

Prosecutor: April Millsap beaten and stomped to death

"The trial for VanCallis, of St. Clair County, is expected to last several weeks in Macomb County Circuit Court...

Jennifer Millsap was calm and composed as the first witness today in the murder trial of James VanCallis, 34, of St. Clair County, who is charged with first-degree premeditated murder, felony murder, kidnapping and assault with intent to commit sexual penetration in April's death.

April died of blunt head trauma and asphyxia because of neck compression.

"She was literally beat and stomped to death," Assistant Prosecutor William Dailey told a jury of seven women and seven men and a packed courtroom during opening statements in the high-profile murder trial..."


WS thread:

All Ytubes on the trial from Court chatter are here, if anyone is interested (under James VanCallis trial):

Twitter: Millsap &src=typd

And here- live streaming:
Condemned serial killer dies in hospital, not death chamber

"NEW ORLEANS - Serial killer Derrick Todd Lee was sentenced to be executed years ago, but instead he died Thursday in a Louisiana hospital.

Lee, 47, was taken from prison to the hospital early Saturday and died shortly before 9 a.m. Thursday, Department of Public Safety and Corrections spokeswoman Pam Laborde said in an emailed statement.

He had been sentenced to life for one murder and to death for killing 22-year-old Charlotte Murray Pace, who was stabbed 81 times and bludgeoned with an iron in May 2002.

DNA evidence linked him to at least five other killings, officials said.

"It's good that he is not there to take up space that will now be filled up by remembering Murray and loving Murray," Pace's mother, Ann Pace, said through tears in a telephone interview Thursday from her home in Jackson, Mississippi.

She said Lee's death has brought "a tidal wave of memory" and, in a way, has taken her daughter again. Pace, who has attended every court hearing since Lee's 2004 conviction, written to legislators and spoken to prisoners, said Lee's death made her realize that "all of that was just my way of wanting to keep being Murray's mom. ... I no longer have that way to fight for Murray — to keep being her mother.".."

Zachary police chief recalls bloody scene at house of Derrick Todd Lee victim whose body never found


(Victims of serial killer Derrick Todd Lee)

Man who raped and bludgeoned woman, 23, to death with a dumbbell set for execution in Alabama tonight after last meal of peanut butter cups and Dr. Pepper

"Christopher Eugene Brooks to be executed by lethal injection Thursday
He raped and murdered Jo Deann Campbell, 23, in her apartment in 1992
Brooks sexually assaulted her and bludgeoned her with 8-pound dumbbell
Killer, 43, will be the first put to death in Alabama for more than two years
A new cocktail of drugs including the sedative midazolam will be used
The execution will take place at 6pm CST unless the Supreme Court or Alabama Governor Robert Bentley intervene
He skipped breakfast Thursday and requested two peanut butter cups and a Dr Pepper as his last meal ..."


Thursday, January 21st 2016, 7:00 pm

Kimberly RobinsonVerified account ‏@KimberlyRobinsn 8m8 minutes ago
#SCOTUS won't halt Alabama execution of Christopher Eugene Brooks. Ginsburg, Sotomayor concur. Breyer dissent.


Alabama executes Christopher Eugene Brooks for 1992 murder of Jo Deann Campbell

"...6:36 p.m. The execution has been carried out.
Brooks final words were:
"I hope this brings closure to everybody." To friends who witnessed the execution he said: "I will take you with me in my heart"... "I'll see you soon. Bye. I love you."
The exact time of death was 6:38 p.m..."

The Next To Die ‏@thenexttodie 9m9 minutes ago
Christopher Eugene Brooks was the 1,425th person executed in the U.S. since 1976
Church-going Missouri mom, 53, pleads guilty to using anti-freeze to kill the husband she 'hated' and her son who was 'worse than a pest' before poisoning daughter who 'would not get a job'

"Diane Staudte, 53, avoided a possible death penalty by pleading guilty for killing her husband and son in 2012
She also admitted to injuring one of her daughters in 2013, by spiking her drink with antifreeze
Her other daughter, Sarah Staudte testified on Thursday morning
Sarah now has permanent brain damage but says she forgives her mother.."

WS thread:

U.S. Supreme Court rules against 'Wichita Massacre' brothers

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled against two brothers challenging their death sentences for a 2000 Kansas crime spree known as the "Wichita Massacre" that included execution-style murders of one woman and three men on a snowy soccer field.

The 8-1 decision threw out a 2014 Kansas Supreme Court ruling that had invalidated Jonathan and Reginald Carr’s death sentences.

The Kansas Supreme Court had faulted the trial judge's jury instructions, saying in part that the brothers should have been sentenced in separate proceedings rather than together. The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday threw out that ruling.

The Carr brothers were sentenced to death after being convicted of the crimes committed in December 2000 in Wichita..."

Oregon Governor Kate Brown calls on feds to act against armed group

"SALEM, Ore. – Oregon's governor expressed anger Wednesday over federal authorities' handling of the occupation of a national wildlife refuge by an armed group and said she intends to bill the U.S. government for what the occupation is costing state taxpayers...

Bundy initially took over the refuge to protest prison terms for two local ranchers convicted of setting fires on federal lands. After the ranchers voluntarily reported to prison, Bundy has justified the occupation by saying he wants federal lands in Harney County turned over to local residents, among other demands. He has also said he is obeying a divine command."


(Photo: Andy Nelson)
The snow has just arrived. We will be getting it all day today and tonight. It should be over for us by 8 am Saturday morning.
This will be on top of our 3 1/2 inches we already have.
I am so sad to post this :anguish:

Desperate search for missing two-year-old Noah Chamberlin ends in tragedy as boy's body is found a week after vanishing while on a hike with his grandmother

"Boy's body was discovered in Chester County,Tennessee, by rescuers
It was found 1.5miles away from his grandmother's house
Police said his death is a 'tragic accident' and have ruled out foul play
Hours earlier investigators were adamant the child was still alive..

Sheriff Weaver and Madison County Sheriff John Mehr believe Noah's death is a tragic accident.

'Just like grandma said, she turned her head for a minute and he was gone. There were trails everywhere,' Weaver said.

'Everybody we talked to talked about how he ran all the time, jumped over tables, ran, just nonstop,' Mehr added. 'He loved to hide. We had people tell us that even adults would run after him, and they couldn't catch him.'

An autopsy will now be carried out to determine how he died...

His grandmother had taken him and his four-year-old sister on a nature hike when she said she lost sight of him.

Authorities said the trio had sat down to talk while in the woods and when the grandmother turned around, he was gone.

'They sat down to talk and she was paying attention to the granddaughter, and when she turned around he was gone,' Madison County Sheriff's Office spokesman Tom Mapes said. 'She immediately went to look for him.' ."

I feel so sorry for his family and especially for the grandma. She will have to carry this tragedy and her guilt to her grave, IMO. May God help her. :(

Details surface about family of Noah Chamberlin


Florida boys raped in ‘dungeon,’ beaten to death at Arthur G. Dozier School: report

"Researchers investigating 51 bodies exhumed from old graves at the Arthur G. Dozier School in Marianna, Fla., released a new report this week. The reform school had a ‘rape dungeon’ where boys were abused and at least one of the boys was shot to death, investigators said. The report also identifies two more people buried in the graves — an employee and an 18-year-old boy — in addition to three who were identified previously. The rest of the bodies remain nameless..

"Maybe I've been doing this too long, but I'm not surprised at what horrible things people do to one another," said USF anthropologist Erin Kimmerle, the team leader who has researched other mass graves. "It's just really sad the way people treat one another, which may be in part what's captured the public's attention on this — just the sense that it's not right."...

While many of the cases are nearly a century old, some of the dead have surviving brothers, sisters and other relatives still seeking answers.

"To some of this is history, but for many of the people who are involved it's actually their reality every day," Kimmerle said. "They're really committed and moved by this because it's their direct family.".."


May they all RIP :candle:
Justice Department Investigating Toxic Tap Water In Flint
High lead levels in Flint's water could have harmed thousands of city kids.

"Days after Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) apologized for toxic tap water in the city of Flint and accepted the resignations of multiple state officials, the U.S. Justice Department said it has opened an investigation into what went wrong.

"In an effort to address the concerns of Flint residents, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District is working closely with the EPA on the investigation into the contamination of the city of Flint's water supply," Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan, told HuffPost on Tuesday.

The Michigan chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which helped expose the poisoning of Flint's water, was the first to report the Justice Department investigation, highlighting it as an "unusual step."

Last week, a task force appointed by Snyder squarely blamed the high lead levels in Flint's water on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The agency failed to address the water's corrosiveness after switching the city's water source to the Flint River as a cost-saving measure in 2014. At the time, Flint was under the authority of an emergency manager appointed by the state of Michigan..."

See What Flint’s Poisoned Water Looks Like

"The water's getting darker

A shocking image from a new study in Flint, Mich., where significant levels of lead have been found in the water supply, depicts the severity of the crisis, as the water color ranges, chronologically, from yellow to orange to red.

The bottles contain water drawn from a home in Flint. The water in the two bottles on the far left were drawn on Jan. 15, the next was drawn Jan. 16 and the water on the far right was drawn on Thursday. The study was conducted by Virginia Tech scientists at"


Flint, Michigan, Is Charging Its People Over $100 a Month for Poisoned Water

"FLINT, Mich. — The city of Flint still charges its constituents for water. Water that a team from Virginia Tech revealed to be toxic, in many cases. Water that runs yellow and brown and smells like sewage even when it doesn't. And according to Flint residents who spoke to Mic this weekend, that water costs between $100 and $200 a month.

"I noticed the middle of July 2014 we were getting $150 water bills," longtime Flint resident Tyrone Wooten told Mic while he picked up a case of water for his wife and two kids at Flint Fire Station 3. That was a year before the Virginia Tech team arrived to check the water and discovered high lead content and, in extreme cases, enough contaminants for the EPA to dub it "toxic waste."..."

The Poisoned Kids of Flint, Michigan: A Social Media Timeline of an Unraveling Man-Made Disaster :(

"Over the past two weeks, national news outlets have finally zeroed in on the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, questioning how a major American city could have poisoned its residents with lead-laden water for months on end.

With the toxic water, and the dysfunctional state response, now leading the evening newscasts, even President Barack Obama has weighed in with questions of why residents’ pleas for help were dismissed, or ignored.

Indeed, a quick scan of recent social media posts captures not only the human cost and public anger surrounding the water crisis, but also reveals that people have been begging for help since early 2015..."







DISGUSTING!!! :stormingmad:
World War II veteran, 93, to reunite with his wartime girlfriend, 88, in Australia for Valentine's Day

"Norwood Thomas, 93, met Joyce Morris, 88, outside of London in the spring of 1944 when he was 21 and Morris was just 17
Thomas' son and Morris' son set up a Skype call for their parents after Morris found Thomas on the internet a few months ago
Thomas now plans to fly to Australia for Valentine's Day to see his long lost love
The grand gesture is thanks to hundreds of people who donated to a fund for the trip, and Air New Zealand which is paying for his flights ..."


I am so sad to post this :anguish:

Desperate search for missing two-year-old Noah Chamberlin ends in tragedy as boy's body is found a week after vanishing while on a hike with his grandmother

"Boy's body was discovered in Chester County,Tennessee, by rescuers
It was found 1.5miles away from his grandmother's house
Police said his death is a 'tragic accident' and have ruled out foul play
Hours earlier investigators were adamant the child was still alive..

Sheriff Weaver and Madison County Sheriff John Mehr believe Noah's death is a tragic accident.

'Just like grandma said, she turned her head for a minute and he was gone. There were trails everywhere,' Weaver said.

'Everybody we talked to talked about how he ran all the time, jumped over tables, ran, just nonstop,' Mehr added. 'He loved to hide. We had people tell us that even adults would run after him, and they couldn't catch him.'

An autopsy will now be carried out to determine how he died...

His grandmother had taken him and his four-year-old sister on a nature hike when she said she lost sight of him.

Authorities said the trio had sat down to talk while in the woods and when the grandmother turned around, he was gone.

'They sat down to talk and she was paying attention to the granddaughter, and when she turned around he was gone,' Madison County Sheriff's Office spokesman Tom Mapes said. 'She immediately went to look for him.' ."

I feel so sorry for his family and especially for the grandma. She will have to carry this tragedy and her guilt to her grave, IMO. May God help her. :(

Details surface about family of Noah Chamberlin



YoN ~ I had tears in my eyes last night while watching NG. My heart just aches for this precious boy's family. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I too, feel so sorry for his grandmother, as I can't imagine how she will ever get over that this horrible tragedy happened on her watch. The guilt must be overwhelming. Very very sad :cry:
It's snowing here and like Dmacky, we already have 3 1/2 inches on the ground from Tuesday's storm. We'll see what we get out of this one...
YoN ~ I had tears in my eyes last night while watching NG. My heart just aches for this precious boy's family. It's absolutely heartbreaking. I too, feel so sorry for his grandmother, as I can't imagine how she will ever get over that this horrible tragedy happened on her watch. The guilt must be overwhelming. Very very sad :cry:

Having witnessed a hiking buddy get semi lost I know what it is like when trying to search for someone lost in the woods. It is scary. Luckily for us we had radios and were in radio contact for much of the persons lost time but it was a scary time with dark approaching.

We were honking car horns and even that did not carry sound well in the woods.

We were lucky because person came to the sound and we used radio reception to know he was getting close and to go in right direction.
Nowadays whenever I venture in the woods I always carry my hand held GPS that I had picked up on ebay years ago. It is an amazing tool and I just mark my truck before I step 1 foot into the woods.

I think I had explained them a long time ago how I use mine. I always carry a compass too with the GPS because it makes it very easy for me. I use the GPS to give me the direction and distance to my truck. Then I use the compass to head in that direction.

It is a neat feeling as I head toward my truck and see the distance getting smaller and smaller. I then know I am heading the right way. Those GPS devices are critical if anyone ever ventures into woods.

The beauty of them is you can wander wherever you want and you really don't have to worry too much about finding your way back. It makes the woods hiking a lot more fun when you don't have to worry too much about finding way back.
Just need to make sure you bring spare batteries and hope you don't drop the thing on a rock. LOL

Sometimes it is a little hard to get enough satellites to lock in but what you can do is hike to a clearing to get a good signal. I have never had the GPS fail me yet and used it many times.

There is a post about the Microbiome research also being conducted at the University of Delaware. New Bolton and U of D are going to converge their research. What will be amazing is the benefit for both humans and animals.

I had no idea any of this research was going on until last Monday, 1/11/16, when I went up to New Bolton and waited for Knox's necropsy to be completed. The kindness that was shown to me was overwhelming, from the women at the front desk to the vets that came out to offer their condolences as I sat there.

Knox was well known to the clinicians and he was discussed in Grand Rounds that day. I had no idea how he had impacted so many of those treating him to the extent that he did. He taught so many vet students, residents and attendings about managing colic and both the medical and surgical aspects of treatment.

Since I pulled out all the stops trying to keep him alive and happy, they were able to try some experimental and uncommon treatments that actually worked. I think my years of critical care nursing played a huge part, amongst other things obviously, in trying to do whatever was necessary.

In human emergency medicine, we don't just stop a code after giving the first two tiers of drugs if there is any chance of saving the person so that they could continue to enjoy a quality of life. We try everything in our "power" to save the person and sometimes we were successful, sometimes not. We never just gave up until it was evident that there was nothing more we could do.
Thank you both. Tears. I pick up Knox's ashes tomorrow as I had him individually cremated. A lovely Amish couple in Paradise, PA does horses and Knox was too special not to have done that. NBC helped facilitate all of that with the hauler and the crematorium.

I will have him with me forever. Louise went back in and took his shoes off for me so I have them too along with a large part of his beautiful black tail.

((((((Zuri)))))))). I'm so sorry! Hope having those momentoes of him will give you some solace down the road.
Justice Department Investigating Toxic Tap Water In Flint
High lead levels in Flint's water could have harmed thousands of city kids.

"Days after Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) apologized for toxic tap water in the city of Flint and accepted the resignations of multiple state officials, the U.S. Justice Department said it has opened an investigation into what went wrong.

"In an effort to address the concerns of Flint residents, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District is working closely with the EPA on the investigation into the contamination of the city of Flint's water supply," Gina Balaya, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Michigan, told HuffPost on Tuesday.

The Michigan chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union, which helped expose the poisoning of Flint's water, was the first to report the Justice Department investigation, highlighting it as an "unusual step."

Last week, a task force appointed by Snyder squarely blamed the high lead levels in Flint's water on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The agency failed to address the water's corrosiveness after switching the city's water source to the Flint River as a cost-saving measure in 2014. At the time, Flint was under the authority of an emergency manager appointed by the state of Michigan..."

See What Flint’s Poisoned Water Looks Like

"The water's getting darker

A shocking image from a new study in Flint, Mich., where significant levels of lead have been found in the water supply, depicts the severity of the crisis, as the water color ranges, chronologically, from yellow to orange to red.

The bottles contain water drawn from a home in Flint. The water in the two bottles on the far left were drawn on Jan. 15, the next was drawn Jan. 16 and the water on the far right was drawn on Thursday. The study was conducted by Virginia Tech scientists at"


Flint, Michigan, Is Charging Its People Over $100 a Month for Poisoned Water

"FLINT, Mich. — The city of Flint still charges its constituents for water. Water that a team from Virginia Tech revealed to be toxic, in many cases. Water that runs yellow and brown and smells like sewage even when it doesn't. And according to Flint residents who spoke to Mic this weekend, that water costs between $100 and $200 a month.

"I noticed the middle of July 2014 we were getting $150 water bills," longtime Flint resident Tyrone Wooten told Mic while he picked up a case of water for his wife and two kids at Flint Fire Station 3. That was a year before the Virginia Tech team arrived to check the water and discovered high lead content and, in extreme cases, enough contaminants for the EPA to dub it "toxic waste."..."

The Poisoned Kids of Flint, Michigan: A Social Media Timeline of an Unraveling Man-Made Disaster :(

"Over the past two weeks, national news outlets have finally zeroed in on the ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, questioning how a major American city could have poisoned its residents with lead-laden water for months on end.

With the toxic water, and the dysfunctional state response, now leading the evening newscasts, even President Barack Obama has weighed in with questions of why residents’ pleas for help were dismissed, or ignored.

Indeed, a quick scan of recent social media posts captures not only the human cost and public anger surrounding the water crisis, but also reveals that people have been begging for help since early 2015..."







DISGUSTING!!! :stormingmad:

And criminal. Or should be, anyway.
The number 11 is a very significant number in the metaphysical and spiritual world from what I have been told. The following was another "miracle".

For those of you who don't remember, I was working as an RN in the Recovery Room and blew out my previous lumbar fusion pushing a 300 lb patient out to the front door in a wheelchair. I continued to work in agony until September 22, when my manager told me it was obvious I couldn't do my job in that much pain, although I never complained. I was given a Leave of Absence so I could get my back taken care of.

Fast forward to October 18th, I was admitted to the hospital in acute respiratory distress/Swine Flu pneumonia. I was the only person who survived in the US that had Swine Flu pneumonia in October of 2009. And yes I met God in my hospital room and by His grace I am still here.

I had to file a Workman's Comp claim as the hospital did not stand by me like I thought they would. I got the best WC lawyer and they began the fight against the hospital's WC carrier ESIS. In Delaware, you have to go in front of the Industrial Accident Board and the 3 member panel decides your fate, wages, etc in view of what is presented by the attorneys and their experts. My first hearing was January 10, 2010 and I have been hauled back in 4 more times since. The ESIS lawyer was trying to get me to go back to work as they didn't like paying me $2K/month.

I was slated to go back in front of the Board on November 11th, 2015. Having that hang over my head was incredibly depressing as I knew my integrity and work ethic would be questioned yet again. The Board had ruled in my favor every time in the past, however you never know how it is going to go. The hearing was postponed to January 13, 2016.

In the late afternoon of January 11th, after I had gotten back from New Bolton, I received a phone call from my attorney. The attorney representing ESIS wanted to settle my claim. After discussing the numbers with the attorney and also my DH, we reached an agreement that was very favorable to me. They are paying me a fair chunk of change and also funding my Medicare Set Aside, which will pay for any future treatments or operations I have on my back. We manage the money and anything left over at the time of my death can be left to my heirs. Along with the staplers, scotch tape and hole punchers btw.

This was a miracle as ESIS is known to be very corporate friendly and they wear the claimants down. This is the same insurance company that BP has that was supposed to cover the losses suffered by those affected by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Guess how many are still waiting for their checks...

I am so relieved and feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my back ;) and I don't think it was a coincidence that the timing was what it was. For me it was another miracle that was evolving.

Sorry this post was so long. The most significant miracle I want to share will be the hardest one to write as it involves Knox, KCL and her DH John. Let's just say there are Angels from Heaven amongst us if we take the time to notice.

Many of those Earthly Angels are right here in the Sidebar...
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