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I'll never catch up, BUT It great to see NORE posting!!!! :happydance:

Coffeej Love seeing you back too. BTW, Squeakers is adorable!
Morning! :wave:

Today in February:
29 - Leap Day



Guess What Women Couldn't Do in 1960?

Your Score: 78%
You're a Woman's History Hotshot!
Either you've studied social history, or you lived through it!

Yes, yes I did live through it!

Zuri said:
My dear lovely Niner...
The doctors have to explain the procedure (Thoracentesis) and the reason (pleural effusion) for it to your DH. He has to consent and state he understands and then sign the form. The pleural fluid that is drained is sent to the lab to be tested to see if it is infectious or malignant.

I have a feeling your husband doesn't want to worry you. Maybe you can go in and speak with the doctors together to get your questions answered. Thinking of you both. Xo

It seems none of the doctors know from "where" this fluid comes from... they did test his fluid - no cancer cells in it!! :yay:
And when we go to his cancer doctor next (March 17th) I'll ask him! I have consent from the Huz to see his medical records, etc.

and speaking of your Florida trip - haven't seen Susza on here lately??!! :thinking: Is she on her way to the States?

Hey Nore! :wave: Glad to see you posting! I too am following the Ross Harris trial! :waiting: for it to begin... also, Teresa Sievers murder.

Dmacky - I do have a laptop, but no cell phone... I only have a landline, so if anyone wants to reach me - I'm here at home! And they STILL do have a few pay phones around here in town! LOL!

Okay - off to read a few more threads before we leave for another round of fluid being drawn!


Oh posting this picture - It reminded me of my Louie! :cat:


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Zuri, are you watching the Oscars? Joe Biden is on.

Sent from Wonderland

Yes I did watch the Oscars and managed to see Jill Biden in a beautiful black gown and Ashley, their daughter too. Joe was already inside when Ryan Seacrest stopped to speak with them. I don't think Ryan knew Ashley's name lol.

I was shocked at how much Joe has aged since I saw them at Beau's funeral....I loved that the audience gave him a standing ovation although I don't know if he fully understood in the moment as to why they were applauding. It was not just because he was VPOTUS IMO...
Niner, that is great news that there are no cancer cells in the pleural fluid.

Maybe it is secondary to his heart condition? You both deserve answers and it is incumbent on the medical professionals to provide you with some. And also, they need to determine the cause and treat it if they can and your DH is healthy enough to withstand it.

2.5 liters of fluid is a lot and the fact they are still having to drain it is problematic. i can't even imagine how hard it is for him to breathe, let alone walk! Sending him well wishes and I hope the doctors can help him to feel better.
Yes I did watch the Oscars and managed to see Jill Biden in a beautiful black gown and Ashley, their daughter too. Joe was already inside when Ryan Seacrest stopped to speak with them. I don't think Ryan knew Ashley's name lol.

I was shocked at how much Joe has aged since I saw them at Beau's funeral....I loved that the audience gave him a standing ovation although I don't know if he fully understood in the moment as to why they were applauding. It was not just because he was VPOTUS IMO...
Can't help it, every time I see him, I think of you. I saw Jill and she looked beautiful but I didn't catch Ashley, probably because I couldn't take my eyes off Jill, lol. I know what you mean about Joe having aged. I saw him being interviewed just a week or so ago and noticed it then. I wish I could remember who he was talking with - it was related to the presidential campaign and he even said he was tired. [emoji20]

Sent from Wonderland

I got 89% on the quiz. I didn't know about the Olympic sports questions and celebrate Women's day. I was a child in the 60's and remember the milkman coming and leaving glass bottle milk in the metal container outside. We walked to school and I would like to take that walk again to see just how far it was. My mother used to send me to the grocery store at age 5, which was along a somewhat busy road; the same path we followed to school. There is no way I would have ever done that with my children in the 90's!
Can't help it, every time I see him, I think of you. I saw Jill and she looked beautiful but I didn't catch Ashley, probably because I couldn't take my eyes off Jill, lol. I know what you mean about Joe having aged. I saw him being interviewed just a week or so ago and noticed it then. I wish I could remember who he was talking with - it was related to the presidential campaign and he even said he was tired. [emoji20]

Sent from Wonderland

You are so very sweet! Jill and Ashley walked the red carpet and the camera panned to Jill when Joe was introduced. The camera also panned to the 3 of them sitting together with Joe in the middle. Ashley had on a light colored gown with purple in it maybe?

Above are links to the Oscar red carpet fashions. I must be getting old as I was not that impressed with many of the gowns. Armani, Dior, Versace and Marchesa were well represented. There was a lot of skin showing and IMO not as much glamour as in years past. Hardly anyone wore necklaces, mostly bracelets and earrings. I loved seeing all the different designers though, and I was surprised that there were not more American designer's gowns being worn. There was a lot of black too, which seemed to be a departure.

Hatfield, Jennifer Lawrence tripped up the stairs and actually tore her gown lol when she won her Oscar before. That was a lot of dress! I loved her gown this year!
Something is draining the battery in my car and it is dead every morning. If it what I think it is, it is a $2K repair. Ugh! DH bought an electrical charger that he connects to the battery overnight so I can at least start it if I have to. Car goes in Wednesday to be fixed.

This morning, Chayton was 3 legged hobbling, putting no weight on his back right leg. He injured it 2 days ago and was just licking it and then it swelled up last night. We couldn't find a puncture wound, just a small cut, which we cleaned. DD#2 took him to the vet today as I couldn't pick him up to put in my car. Fortunately, it is nothing serious that antibiotics won't cure. Hopefully.

At the Oscars last night, I thought this song by Lady Gaga and Diane Warren was incredibly moving. I had tears streaming down my face. Very powerful, especially when survivors came out on stage.
Yes I did watch the Oscars and managed to see Jill Biden in a beautiful black gown and Ashley, their daughter too. Joe was already inside when Ryan Seacrest stopped to speak with them. I don't think Ryan knew Ashley's name lol.

I was shocked at how much Joe has aged since I saw them at Beau's funeral....I loved that the audience gave him a standing ovation although I don't know if he fully understood in the moment as to why they were applauding. It was not just because he was VPOTUS IMO...

I too thought that the audience was applauding for something more than him just being VP. I have no idea what that could be though. Can you share what you think it could have been for?

I was happy the audience applauded like they did. I think he would have made a fine president.

At the Oscars last night, I thought this song by Lady Gaga and Diane Warren was incredibly moving. I had tears streaming down my face. Very powerful, especially when survivors came out on stage.

The link won't work for me due to copyright issues? This one should work, but I can't embed it from pay tablet. It is introduced by VP Biden. Very powerful ... Since I don't watch the Oscars, I would not have seen this. Thanks for sharing.
Jingles for Dmacky! I am sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable. Sure hope you can get some relief soon. :hug:


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Niner, that is great news that there are no cancer cells in the pleural fluid.

Maybe it is secondary to his heart condition? You both deserve answers and it is incumbent on the medical professionals to provide you with some. And also, they need to determine the cause and treat it if they can and your DH is healthy enough to withstand it.

2.5 liters of fluid is a lot and the fact they are still having to drain it is problematic. i can't even imagine how hard it is for him to breathe, let alone walk! Sending him well wishes and I hope the doctors can help him to feel better.

Well - they drain another liter and a half today - just got home - but he still needs more drainage. At the moment he's trying to get an appointment for tomorrow! And again I asked the doctors there at UCD Medical center, and they don't know why he keeps getting fluid... :gaah: The cancer doctor did say it was caused by his prostate cancer.

Zuri said:
I got 89% on the quiz. I didn't know about the Olympic sports questions and celebrate Women's day. I was a child in the 60's and remember the milkman coming and leaving glass bottle milk in the metal container outside. We walked to school and I would like to take that walk again to see just how far it was. My mother used to send me to the grocery store at age 5, which was along a somewhat busy road; the same path we followed to school. There is no way I would have ever done that with my children in the 90's!

In 1960 I was 13 - so didn't quite know some of those answers! We too walked to school, and I would like to know how far that was! LOL! I know I'll google it and see! YIKES! It was 6 miles!!!!!!! We did a lot walking back than!

I too remember when Jennifer Lawrence tripped last year! I always watch the Oscars! But don't watch the red carpet walk...

Okay - signing off for the night!

OK here's an update for my horrible feet and useless arm. The doc gave me Mobic for the arm which didn't do anything when I took it this past Sept. so when I go back in a month I'll ask for something else.

And he gave me ammonium lactate topical for the feet. Humana will be sending it so as soon as it gets here we'll see how that goes.

Ammonium lactate is used to treat dry, scaly, itchy skin.

So now you know all about it. :D
Zuri ... as you suggested I bought Eucerin and my feet are slathered with it and covered in plastic bags. Thanks for mentioning it earlier!
Zuri ... as you suggested I bought Eucerin and my feet are slathered with it and covered in plastic bags. Thanks for mentioning it earlier!

Haven't read a lot of posts so if this has been said forgive me---every doctor I've gone to refer to Aquaphor been surprised what it's been preferred to use
Haven't read a lot of posts so if this has been said forgive me---every doctor I've gone to refer to Aquaphor been surprised what it's been preferred to use

Thanks, Zoey .... I'll get some next trip to store.
It's another day so...GOOD MORNING! Look in a mirror & always helps my friend.

Good seeing Dmacky and Nore posting.
Have you tried it?

It’s called the 4-7-8 sleep technique from Dr. Andrew Weil. Some people claim you can fall asleep in under one minute if you use it correctly and practice over a period of weeks.

Here’s how you do 4-7-8.

Exhale completely. Then inhale for a count of 4. Then hold your breath for a count of 7. Then exhale for a count of 8. Repeat for 4 cycles.

Dr. Weil recommends that you do this breathing exercise at least twice per day every day. He claims that you might not notice a difference on the first try. Hence the practice.

Over a period of 4-6 weeks, you will start to notice a huge difference when using this technique to fall asleep faster. The technique effectively slows your heart rate and increases oxygen in your bloodstream. You may even feel slightly lightheaded which contributes relaxed state of consciousness. Overall this technique will relax your heart, mind, and overall central nervous system.

So does it really work?

I’ve been using this for a couple of weeks now, and it’s definitely helping. I don’t fall asleep in less than 1 minute. That seems like a bit of a stretch even for this skeptic turned convert. But I would say falling asleep in under 5 minutes is realistic, and under 10 minutes a surefire thing.

When I use the breathing technique to slow my heart rate down, my mind has absolutely no choice but to slow down too.

You know what else this 4-7-8 technique is great for?

When you’re really angry
When you need to relax at the end of the day
When someone cuts you off in traffic
When you are about to yell at your kids for no reason
When your day is just going all wrong
When you are feeling really anxious

The list is endless really. Any time you need to calm down, you can use this technique right out of your back pocket. It’s totally free. It only takes a minute or so. And yes, it actually does work.
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