SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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What in the heck is "sacred sex?"

:dunno: Who knows..
The defendant herself told Detective Flores in the very first phone on June 10, 2008, that her and Travis were f&^k buddies. She obviously knew exactly what the deal was.

(6:37 mark if you don't care to listen to all the nonsense she spews)

ETA: A few examples from Urban dictionary:
n. A sex partner to whom you have no special attachment. A person you occasionally have sex with who is not your S.O.

A person who is not your boyfriend or girlfriend (or farmyard animal), with whom you have sexual relations, on the mutual understanding that you both want sex and nothing more.

A f&*^ buddy is when two people just want sex, no strings attatched.**** buddy
if you just take his one statement that jurors shouldn't be the ones deciding the DP, i'd say that is an argument AGAINST the DP in general, and not something a death qualified juror should say. PERIOD.

and i'm also with you that the more he says, the more it has to be hurtful to TA's family. so why say it? comparing the pain of the 2 families in the same sentence was very offensive to me, and i'm sure it was to them too. he made it sound like 'yes, i feel badly for the alexanders but the arias family is suffering too.' there is absolutely NO comparison between the pain of those 2 families, IMO.

so if he REALLY feels for the alexanders, i think he needs to make that a lot clearer than he has so far of just STFU. all i've heard him say is primarily about JA, not them, and not the VICTIM in this case, who is NOT jodi arias.

Yep. And isn't it strange that the most he could say about Travis' family is that their pain is indescribable and he's sorry if they are disappointed (in the most casual way possible) but for JA his cup runneth over. 'She was a healthy, vibrant woman, I hope she finds peace.' etc. Not a kind word about Travis. The more I think about him the more I want to throw up.
I think candles are involved, the shades are pulled and their are ropes and cameras involved according to JA. Oh and a " love sac". Must not forget that.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Now I must go get a shower. Yuck

Remove JA and the camera and it is not so bad as to need a shower.:floorlaugh:
I heard Beth K say this penalty phase retrial is expected to take 6 weeks.
Yep. And isn't it strange that the most he could say about Travis' family is that their pain is indescribable and he's sorry if they are disappointed (in the most casual way possible) but for JA his cup runneth over. 'She was a healthy, vibrant woman, I hope she finds peace.' etc. Not a kind word about Travis. The more I think about him the more I want to throw up.

Rose that's because I think it's painfully obvious that the foreman doesn't have any kind thoughts about Travis. Again I've been praying and been so very very grateful that we got the M1 conviction I don't know how on Earth this foreman convicted her. I know I keep saying that but it's because I'm so shocked that he convicted her. The only thing I can think of is that he saw 11 other very strongly convinced jurors and knew there was no way he could sway the other 11 so he caved but felt strong to holdout on the sentence because he had others on his side.
I think candles are involved, the shades are pulled and their are ropes and cameras involved according to JA. Oh and a " love sac". Must not forget that.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Now I must go get a shower. Yuck

I think it must be a generational thing, yes mine being the old one, but isn't a 'love sac' a bean bag chair, usually found in someone like my 15 yr old daughter's room????

I would be very concerned if my 25 yr old daughter wanted to go shopping for a "love sac"! Really.

I think she left Travis' between 6:30-8:00 PM.
IMO, not likely as roommate Enrique Cortez normally arrived home from work between 6-6:30 PM. Arias would have been long gone by then ...
Rose that's because I think it's painfully obvious that the foreman doesn't have any kind thoughts about Travis. Again I've been praying and been so very very grateful that we got the M1 conviction I don't know how on Earth this foreman convicted her. I know I keep saying that but it's because I'm so shocked that he convicted her. The only thing I can think of is that he saw 11 other very strongly convinced jurors and knew there was no way he could sway the other 11 so he caved but felt strong to holdout on the sentence because he had others on his side.

I agree, JSR. I think his need for fame was stronger than anything else. He didn't want a hung jury during the innocence/guilt phase as that would reflect badly on him. I think he would have liked to vote for a lesser charge. And he incorrectly believed that a hung jury during the penalty phase would automatically mean life for JA.

I'm very grateful too. I consider it a big, big miracle that we got a murder one verdict.
Rose that's because I think it's painfully obvious that the foreman doesn't have any kind thoughts about Travis. Again I've been praying and been so very very grateful that we got the M1 conviction I don't know how on Earth this foreman convicted her. I know I keep saying that but it's because I'm so shocked that he convicted her. The only thing I can think of is that he saw 11 other very strongly convinced jurors and knew there was no way he could sway the other 11 so he caved but felt strong to holdout on the sentence because he had others on his side.

I totally agree. In fact I would say this is proof prayers were answered and there was a miricale. Im astounded at what this man has to say.
Rose that's because I think it's painfully obvious that the foreman doesn't have any kind thoughts about Travis. Again I've been praying and been so very very grateful that we got the M1 conviction I don't know how on Earth this foreman convicted her. I know I keep saying that but it's because I'm so shocked that he convicted her. The only thing I can think of is that he saw 11 other very strongly convinced jurors and knew there was no way he could sway the other 11 so he caved but felt strong to holdout on the sentence because he had others on his side.

100 per cent agree. This is why I am not freaked about about no verdict in penalty phase. With the foreman and the information he has relayed I am thrilled the jury was not hung in the guilt phase. Thank God.
Weird Fact: Manson groupie, murderer Susan Atkins, also suffered from 'the fog.'

I'm more inclined to believe Ms. Atkins. She had enough pharmaceuticals in her system at the time to induce coma in half of the population of California. I never found it difficult to imagine that she might not have clear memories of those events. If Ms. Arias had had the good sense to be a bit less obsessed with managing her "image", she would have taken the "I was intoxicated," or "Heat of passion" route. By the time she feebly injected "Manslaughter by sudden quarrel" into the equation at the end of the trial, she already had one foot off the gallows.
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