SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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Posted this on the other thread right before it closed, so sharing here.

<respectfully snipped>

If for some reason, this jury decides on life rather than the DP, I fully believe the Judge will sentence her to LWOP. Here's why: JA has been found guilty of premeditated first-degree murder and seven of 12 jurors ALSO found her guilty of felony murder. The same jury also found that Jodi was guilty of murdering Travis in an especially cruel manner, making her death penalty eligible. Whatever some may think of Judge Stephens, she will not give Jodi the opportunity to walk among us as a free woman. She knows Jodi perjured herself on the witness stand, she is privy to all the shenanigans that went on in the sealed proceedings, she knows that Jodi has been "tweeting" through her minions, she knows (and has no doubt watched/read) about the countless post-conviction TV interviews. Most important of all, like the rest of us, Judge Stephens has not seen anything close to remorse from the mouth of Jodi Arias. If it comes down to Judge Stephens deciding on which version of life Jodi gets, it will be "without parole." I know that won't satisfy many people here, but I'd rather see a verdict from THIS JURY than have the Jodi show go on a day longer than it has to. MOO. Justice for Travis!

I really hope you are correct about the judge. I kind of lost some respect for her the other day when she lifted the ban on the murderer giving interviews. I am still pondering what reason could have justified her doing so seeing as a jury is deliberating the fate of the murderer. Given the possibility of a hung jury and the requirement to seat a new one - just what the hello was this judge thinking ? Where is the logic in that ?

I'm not convinced she would give the murderer LWOP, not one bit.
<heading to fridge to see if I have OJ>

No! No! STOP!!

loved that game.....I still make those for my kids...LOL
funny it never had a name....did it?

"Fortune Teller" is what we call it. My daughter and I still play it! :) She brought back the old "MASH" game too! Remember that one?
In the last thread, Rosemary Pierce said she was in a foul mood (I meant to comment on that but then came over here and forgot).

Must be something in the air because I'm about ready to stab someone in the face. Hopefully we get a verdict and it uplifts us all.

I haven't been sleeping well last two days..I wake up feeling exhausted..I don't know if its this trial or not but its amazing how much these trials emotionally takes a toll on you
HLN is still spinning the "cannot agree" note that was sent to the Judge yesterday. Some claim there was an "If" that was left out. Using logic and considering my experience as a juror for a Murder trial, I will not believe this jury meant they could not reach an agreement as early as 2 hours into deliberation. They spent far more time deliberating a decision for the first 2 phases of this trial than 2 hours each. The logic is just not here. I am wanting to rip off the TH's heads!

It is what it is.

There is no other way and no other reason to spin it.

The jury was deadlocked and the judge attempted to objectively remind them that they are to consult with one another with a view toward arriving at unanimous consensus. The jury is encouraged to review the evidence and to ask questions if necessary in order to help toward this end.

We may soon see whether they are heeding the instructions and in so doing arrive at a just verdict.
So I just watched AP interview CMJA and she says she deserves a shot at freedom someday. Wow. This felon isn't even on the same planet I live on.

Sorry, but I happen to agree with her. In fact, I want her to have a shot at the ULTIMATE freedom.

(That would have the added benefit of taking your last sentence from a mere figurative statement to something more literal.)
My thought is, if the Judge mis read the Jury note yesterday, that will be the first item addressed today
I am comfortable in my belief that this jury will deliver a death penalty decision.

I am trying to get comfortable, I am just scared they will put it in JSS's hands and she VERY WELL could give CMJA LWP! That would not be Justice, AT ALL!

If someone on that Jury is having a problem with giving the Horace said, they SHOULD NOT be on that jury.
Surely this has been mentioned and I missed it because I just cannot keep up...

But did anyone else notice the Alexanders' body language yesterday during JA's allocution??? Almost every single one of them had their arms folded across their chest. Pretty telling, imo.

I do not know how they can contain themselves honestly. Only one reason; for Travis, because the little murderer during her allocution sure was sticking the knife in again and twisting it...:stormingmad:
dudes, the interveiw with the hater guy was so great....just watching jodi where he asks her about her glasses...

instead of answering his question she says court isn't a place to go crazy...

uh huh...translation...court is where you wear a disguise

shes gonna miss her clean white cell and pretty pink blankies...those girls up in that prison are gonna take care of miss upity pants.
In the last thread, Rosemary Pierce said she was in a foul mood (I meant to comment on that but then came over here and forgot).

Must be something in the air because I'm about ready to stab someone in the face. Hopefully we get a verdict and it uplifts us all.

Gauntlet over on the other thread also said they're in a bad mood....must be something in the air like you said!
Good morn all!!

At this point I believe the jury should be in the court deliberating during normal business hours 9-5. ALL FLIPPING DAY!

I am still in shock! Someone talk me of the insanity ledge!!!

Have a little drinkie winkie, all will come clean in the wash!
I really hope you are correct about the judge. I kind of lost some respect for her the other day when she lifted the ban on the murderer giving interviews. I am still pondering what reason could have justified her doing so seeing as a jury is deliberating the fate of the murderer. Given the possibility of a hung jury and the requirement to seat a new one - just what the hello was this judge thinking ? Where is the logic in that ?

I'm not convinced she would give the murderer LWOP, not one bit.


There is no reason at all to believe she will give LWOP. None. She bent over backwards for the DT ad nauseum, greenlighting endless sidebars, giving them surrebuttal, letting them have ALV provide hearsay testiphony, allowing them to play the EDITED phone call just to name a few.

Lifting the ban on interviews for this remorseless murderer was the final straw.

I'm not advocating one way or the other for a sentence (it's the jury's discretion, but I'd vote DP)- but should the jury come back with life, I am firmly convinced JSS will opt for LWP.
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