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I would have either excused myself from this jury after I discovered I was unable to sentence her to death for personal reasons or hopefully before I was seated.

But they ALL said they could, swore they could. They each had an obligation to quit if they discovered they couldn't because of personal reasons and let an alternate take their place.

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Just because they feel like they could sentence someone to death doesn't mean they are required to. Someone may think the death penalty is appropriate in some cases and not others.
What I don't understand is how they could unanimously agree that the murder was done with extreme cruelty and not give her the death penalty. If extreme cruelty doesn't warrant the death penalty then what does?
J No 17, an alternate is speaking out:

You don't need Twitter to read:

Tara Kelley ‏@tarakelley320 1h

there will be other jurors coming out and speaking, including myself! We had all agreed to wait until next week to interview!

In response to being asked why the foreman spoke out soooner:
@jdemboyz he did agree to it! We all thought it was best to just take the wknd to relax! We've been at this so long we wanted a break!

As an alt on this trial, I am very disgusted with what our "foreman" has said! Please know that we didn't all feel this way!!! #jodiarias

I was an alt in this trial and I am devastated by the outcome! I have been in touch with his sister and friends! Keep praying!

I loved Juan!! He was sooo passionate for Travis and his family! He was Travis's voice! I understood!

To Chris: @cshughes was nice meeting you today!! This picture is too funny!

Thank God! I don't care if they voted life or death as long as they can be respectful to the victims!
Originally Posted by Steely Dan
I'm still mystified by this comment;

:30 in she says "Matt wasn't there yet."

I think there are a few more people who know a lot more about this than they're questioning deeply. JMO

Matt hadn't answered his phone until he was there????????????????
If her phone is dead, how the hello did she know Matt wasn't answering his phone. And yes.......until he was where? She F'd up, and she knew it. Too bad you are the only one that caught that!
...and shortly after she says it, another swipe of her hand across her neck!
Jodi Ann Arias arrested July 15, 2008
Jodi Ann Arias sentenced July 18, 2013

I bet the Prosecutor just wanted this to be nice and neat and tidy....

Well, this is May 25, 2013, the day before whatever Travis found out pissed him off and broke his heart.
"It was a brutal no-win situation. ... I think that's kind of unfair," the 69-year-old added. "We're not lawyers. We can't interpret the law. We're mere mortals. And I will tell you I've never felt more mere as a mortal than I felt for the last five months."

So according to Mr. Z Lawyers are not human?

"You heard (prosecutor Juan) Martinez say she was only 27. ... She's old enough that she should have known better," Zervakos said. "I didn't look at it that way. I'm looking at 27 years of an absolutely normal everyday young woman that was living a life that was perfectly normal.

bbm, he so fell for her,he thinks jodi is NORMAL.
Respectfully snipped and BBM'd by me.

I glommed onto this during her allocution. At that time I allowed that reality had no place in Jodiland.

But something else had also occurred to me and in light of recent events I'm inclined to give it more weight now. Considering the prison conditions in Arizona, of which I have only become recently aware, I can't imagine Jodi has been oblivious to this all along.

I'm wondering if outlining her plans for projects wasn't a tactical maneuver? The jury, being from Arizona, must be somewhat aware of the conditions at Perryville. Putting forth those plans could gain sympathy. Her defence confirmed a psychiatric disorder; the jury were ill-advised of what that entailed. They see a 'girl' standing before them, so disconnected from the reality of what a prison term in Arizona means, outlining her plans to 'do good' within this system.

Is it far-fetched to think that this may just have been another manipulation?

I don't think we can at all underestimate that word 'manipulation' when it comes to CKJA. I am pretty sure as much as we have already seen, we haven't a clue just how incredibly devious her mind works.
It's simplistic and reductive thinking, fallacious reasoning. It's like the convict calling those who challenge her, "haters".

Yes, it is an attempt to silence, IMO, especially when unable to find a reasoned argument. Reminds me of high school. Can also be an attempt to shame.

And let's not forget, even though Bill Z claims he's no lawyer and wants to ABDICATE his responsibilities on DP, he now claims a retrial of the penalty phase would not be "fair".

Is he for real??? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
J No 17, an alternate is speaking out:

Edited to add more tweets

You don't need Twitter to read:

I asked her,"after all the lies you told,why should we believe u now?"I wanted her to know she wasn't fooling me!!

definitely not happy with what is being said! Keep an eye out, there will be other jurors talking soon!!

there will be other jurors coming out and speaking, including myself! We had all agreed to wait until next week to interview!

him and I were together from day 1 of jury selections! I'm definitely disgusted and upset in the awful things he is saying!

In response to being asked why the foreman spoke out soooner:
@jdemboyz he did agree to it! We all thought it was best to just take the wknd to relax! We've been at this so long we wanted a break!

As an alt on this trial, I am very disgusted with what our "foreman" has said! Please know that we didn't all feel this way!!! #jodiarias

I was an alt in this trial and I am devastated by the outcome! I have been in touch with his sister and friends! Keep praying!

I loved Juan!! He was sooo passionate for Travis and his family! He was Travis's voice! I understood!

To Chris: @cshughes was nice meeting you today!! This picture is too funny!

I hate to say this but I think wilmott did just enough to put doubt in jurors minds!Not mine but I do think that possibly happened

It's so crazy how many people watched! I've been able to talk to his friends and sister and I love them all!!!

Being asked about interviews: @angel7878 I have....not surprised by them honestly! Just confirms she is a disgusting person! She will continue to bash Travis's name:/

@jdemboyz awe thank u! I asked her ALOT of questions! Idk why he broke it...maybe so he could be the first?! It's a shame really!

in opening statements when we heard all the stories!Then it was confirmed when she took the stand! Everything she said was a lie!

This brings tears to me my eyes. God bless Travis, his family and all the jurors who know to stand up for the poor, poor victim.
Ok, after time off the boards I am here to issue my mea culpa.
(Mea culpa: Latin phrase that translates into English as "my mistake" or "my fault". )

After the hung jury verdict there was a lot of bashing of the jury.
I defended them. They had given nothing but signs that they were attentive,
intelligent, and engaged.

Then the foreman was on GMA and he was really bashed and some posts stated things he never said. I transcribed the interview and posted my views that I thought his statements might be being blown out of proportion. We needed to stand by the jury who had invested so much.

Now, I see there are other interviews. I haven't seen any other than GMA but reading on here has given me the picture (and given me LESS incentive to watch them UGH). So I must apologize. As far as this juror goes, it appears you were all right.
I could understand him saying that at first sight it was difficult to relate a relatively small (compared to Travis) woman defendant as the perp.
I could understand the jurors (having only seen an iota of the texts, etc) maybe feeling Travis had verbally abused JA. That May text was really harsh. However, we had more "background" info to take into account and could see that it was a strong reaction to something terrible JA had done. (in addition to all the stalker BS he had been putting up with).
I don't agree with those conclusions, but could understand why he may feel that way.

Now, hearing he says she was "crucified in the press". and all the other carp.. DISGUSTED!
You know who was crucified, Mr Foreman? TRAVIS WAS!
Four times! Stabbing, throat, bullet and reputation attacked!
I only pray he is naïve of all we know and will feel differently in the future.
The lies from JA, the manipulation, the pre-meditation, the interviews... so much HE doesn't know. I doubt he will ever publicly admit to feeling differently in the future, but I don't really care about that. For his sake I hope he cares enough to digest all that was held back from the jury and then decide whether the lying murderess has earned that has been in the press about her.

So I apologize. I gave this man WAY too much credit! I believe him being foreman was a pivotal point in this hung jury.

I am still reserving judgment on the rest of the jury - we haven't heard from any of them yet. (have any of them done interviews? I haven't seen any) They may feel very differently, and apparently some do or we wouldn't have had a hung jury. We heard some really great juror questions so SOMEONE(s) on the jury is thinking far more clearly than the foreman. I hope some of them speak out. I am very interested to hear what they have to say. Like "how did this guy become foreman?" "did the majority agree she was verbally/mentally abused?" "with proving and charging her with pre-med did you let any possible mental issues sway you?" so many questions! If I had been on the jury, feeling like I do,having to give a hung jury would have been so frustrating and painful. I believe she deserved DP and if I wasn't able to get that verdict to the courtroom, it would gut me to look in the Alexander's eyes. I am guessing that is what the one woman who mouthed "I'm sorry" to them was feeling.

I know the friends and family of Travis were beyond hurt by this hung jury. I pray they try to get some "regular life" back for a while. Play with their kids, sip tea watching the sunset, get restorative sleep, laugh with friends. I will stand behind whatever decision they make going forward (not that they should care about my opinion LOL). Whatever they choose, I know they will dig down and find the strength in themselves, their family, their friends, their faith and the memory of Travis to do what they need to do. God bless them all.

PS Is there a way to "set" how long it is before the page times out and logs you off? Every time I write a long post I get timed out... Maybe that is telling me to shut up or make a quick point :)
J No 17, an alternate is speaking out:

More tweets

You don't need Twitter to read:

To hWild:
I saw my nickname as the manicurist but i hate to say i have no nails lol! I was just bored and staying awake! Alt juror 17

I asked her,"after all the lies you told,why should we believe u now?"I wanted her to know she wasn't fooling me!!

I was an alternate in this trial and I am disgusted and outraged with the interviews our "foreman" has done! He needs to stop!

definitely not happy with what is being said! Keep an eye out, there will be other jurors talking soon!!

there will be other jurors coming out and speaking, including myself! We had all agreed to wait until next week to interview!

him and I were together from day 1 of jury selections! I'm definitely disgusted and upset in the awful things he is saying!

In response to being asked why the foreman spoke out soooner:
@jdemboyz he did agree to it! We all thought it was best to just take the wknd to relax! We've been at this so long we wanted a break!

As an alt on this trial, I am very disgusted with what our "foreman" has said! Please know that we didn't all feel this way!!! #jodiarias

I was an alt in this trial and I am devastated by the outcome! I have been in touch with his sister and friends! Keep praying!

I loved Juan!! He was sooo passionate for Travis and his family! He was Travis's voice! I understood!

To Chris: @cshughes was nice meeting you today!! This picture is too funny!

yes I will be interviewing Tuesday and will let u know with who once I get the okay!!!

I hate to say this but I think wilmott did just enough to put doubt in jurors minds!Not mine but I do think that possibly happened

It's so crazy how many people watched! I've been able to talk to his friends and sister and I love them all!!!

Being asked about interviews: @angel7878 I have....not surprised by them honestly! Just confirms she is a disgusting person! She will continue to bash Travis's name:/

@jdemboyz awe thank u! I asked her ALOT of questions! Idk why he broke it...maybe so he could be the first?! It's a shame really!

When asked at what point did you know she was not being truthful?
in opening statements when we heard all the stories!Then it was confirmed when she took the stand! Everything she said was a lie!
And let's not forget, even though Bill Z claims he's no lawyer and wants to ABDICATE his responsibilities on DP, he now claims a retrial of the penalty phase would not be "fair".

Is he for real??? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This is why I said I don't have to have respect for jurors decisions, the jurors here don't even respect the jurors decisions that were on the same trial for pete sakes. This is so crazy. I swear I wish they would kick him to the curb and bring in the next juror in the box waiting. I tell you there needs to be a secure vetting of death penalty jurors, this should never have happened.
Selfish, I know, but I'd like a statement from JM.

Although it would be interesting to hear what Juan says, I don't think there is any chance he will speak right now.

Not only is the case still going on and he wouldn't want to "show his cards" but also, you know Nurmi would say he was grand-standing and courting the media.

I would love to know but would rather wait than have to listen to Nurmi blabbering on again!
Well ... All you WSers called this one!

Thank you, gauntlet!

yep i was about to post - a few jurors are on twintter now and very upset cuz they all agreed not to have any interviews until next week, and are saying that this foreman is not representing what they think at all! - they sound really upset
Thank you gauntlet for sharing that twitter link with us. I feel a bit better knowing there are jurors who can see that Travis was the victim. Thanks!
I really hope you are right. At this point I'm not questioning their verdict - I imagine it would be hard to decided on death or LWOP...I go back and forth on how I feel and I wasn't even on this jury.

The problem I have is the bias I am hearing from the jury foreman's remarks and the contradiction in what he is saying.They voted her guilty of an especially cruel Murder 1. Why is he talking about her being in his opinion abused, wanting her to have peace and that a judge should decided death? What!?

Just based on his interviews I imagine he would be difficult to negotiate with. I wonder why we were told nobody on the jury would talk to the media and then at 4:30 in the morning this guy starts his media blitz? I wonder how the other jurors feel about him talking and if they even knew he was going to do these interviews? If I had an opposing view, I wouldn't want someone else doing the talking for me.

I just can't get the pain and sorrow of Sam as she heard the non-verdict out of my mind. It is really haunting me this weekend. When is the peace for this family going to come? I would rather he wish peace for them first before wishing it for the murderer who killed an innocent man 3x over.


In all fairness, this foreman's words have been chopped up into sound bytes. So when you watch it, think of the totality of the interview, because there might be parts that we haven't seen or other words he said before or after. I don't know the context in which he said these things because a reporter is voicing over the questions in some of the interview segments I've seen.

Maybe you have to use the ALV "going behind the words" on this one--seriously--until you hear a long, uninterrupted interview. Otherwise, the media might be twisting sound bytes to make his meaning different.

If I'm wrong and there's an unterrupted and uncut up interview that shows him to be this way, please link me, so I can see it.
A belated thank you to Vivian for this. I love Seal and never knew he sang this song. And yes, agree about Heidi. Maybe her fame has really gone to her head (thought I still like her on Project Runway. :)

Guess what I'm listening to right now? His full album is on YouTube:


(and of course, I love PR - make it work!)
Of all the components of this trial including the coverage by reporters, the absolute most puzzling person is Kiefer. He is suppose to be a professional. Yet Kiefer has not even come close to being a professional "seasoned" reporter and journalist covering this trial. Apparently, he is long time resident of Maricopa County so he is most likely knows the prosecuting style of Martinez so what makes the trial any different than all the other trials Martinez has done in the past 30 years.

This is just my opinion, there is something in the bowels of this case, either Arias herself or the crime, that has messed with Kiefer's head and/or something very sensitive in his own life. Everyone with working ears are paying the price for his inability to handle it.

Just typing out loud attempting to figure him out. Arias is acting like a typical psychopath with lots of rage, Martinez continues his great bulldog style he has been doing in all his trials, etc. Soooo what is different in the eyes of Kiefer that has taken over the edge? mmmmmmmmmm

That's what he said.

I want to know why it was a surprise. If they didn't know, they should have asked. I thought they did ask, didn't they? What exactly happened?

This gentleman reminds me of people who like to tell you their opinion before they even understand the topic. Roseann Roseanna Danna. He's saying some really strange things in these interviews.

And I must say, I LOVED Gilda Radner! She used to make me laugh so hard!
Those were the golden days of SLN, imo, Gilda, John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Chevy Chase, so many great ones that I can't think of right now!
When logging in you should see, Remember Me- click the box to put a check mark. That should do it, works for me. :)
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