SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

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Yep, there were 8 pics and only six entered into evidence, the first two in the series were not shown and are sealed by court.

1:44:00 was the uh..rear shot of Miss Arias, 1:44:50 and 1:47:50 the last two of Travis. Travis is not "surprised" or asleep or being held at gunpoint. He took the pic of Jodi at 1:44:00 then 50 seconds later he is on the bed and she takes two pics of him.

Exactly. Her whole MO was to get him completely off-guard so she could get the shank in him. It's kind of hard to do that even if you have a gun on someone. As soon as you start trying to stab them, they fight like holy hell. No, I think she was that sweet, harmless Jodi we've all come to know in the courtroom.
I ask this before. Can someone help me. I am not good with the computer. I do have facebook. Simply put in your nick and the channel name. I assume nick is your name, but what is channel name. Thanks!!

Yes, the nick is your user name then type in Websleuths in channel name.

Locks of Love charity sends letter to jury pleading to save the killer's life.
Removed link as it is not MSM.

The letter is fictional and a parody. I found it offensive.
How do you know?
I don't know for sure but I think it is a safe bet. Like someone else said, she has had plenty of time to read about the trial. If I were a juror, especially a disappointed one, I would read everything I could to find out what happened that I didn't know about.
He appears very tired. :( Even the last shower pic, it appears as though he has bags under his eyes and Dr. Horn said he had less than 1 ounce of food in his stomach.

Jodi literally sucked the life out of him.

And he didn't look in any of those photos as if he were having a good time. To me, the photos on the bed look as if she woke him up. In one photo, his hand is up as if to wave her away.

And frankly, there is uhm, nothing about TA in those photos that give me the impression he was uhm, excited. Yes, I know the photos could have been taken afterwards, but his body looked to be in a semi-defensive position. TO ME that's the way it looked.

In that last shower photo, those haunted eyes. Breaks my heart. Those are not the eyes of a man who's just had sex with someone to whom he's been addicted.
I firmly believe Foreman was one who had to be convinced to vote for M!. I believe he was maybe the only one who wanted to give M2, and so he had to come around in order for it not to be hung in that phase. And he didn't want that, so he came around. What leads me to believe that are his comments as a whole, and in particular the part where he said coming into the courtroom after deciding their guilt M1 verdict, he told himself he was not going to look at JA, but then when the verdict was read, he couldn't help himself and he did, and it was something he'll always remember. WTF????? I mean, he's acting like that was a huge, big deal, when in reality it is THE LEAST of what she deserved for what she did. I MEAN, SHEESH, SHE HAD ALREADY ADMITTED TO THE KILLING. What was the big deal?? I don't get that part, makes me think he thought they should have given her M2 or even less.

I believe now that the pro-defense questions were from him.

Juror #18 saying he couldn't help himself and he looked at Jodi and it was something he'll always remember. I would think the photos of Travis' 29 stab wounds, his neck sliced ear to ear and a shot in the face would be something he would always remember. moo
It's a pretty high tribute to the state's case that Bill had to vote for 1st degree premeditated murder. Because JM proved the hell out of it.

Killed with same caliber gun just stolen from house where JA lives.
Cellphone off the whole time she's in the state of AZ
3 5-gallon gas cans full of gas----undeniably THREE

Coincidences like that do not happen. That's premeditation and even Bill had to vote for it.
I think this is a good time to post something that I thought of earlier. At least it is a change in subject, since I seem to agree with the minority opinions posted above, and don't want to get slammed for having a minority opinion myself. Although I would like to applaud those that have the courage to post such opinions openly on WS. (Not me I'm chicken, lol)
Anyway, I tried and tried to figu out why Jodi looked so genuinely upset at the hung jury decision, especially since everyone was calling it a win for the defense. OMG did you see the NG soliloquy on it, it was mind-blowing lay awful. She's such a drama queen!
Anyhow, I think that Jodi really was upset, and the reason I think may be is that she is so convinced that she will win her appeal on the actual M1 verdict, that she is upset this trial is now going to continue over the summer, and perhaps longer... Before she can even have an appeal.
Ps forgive any unsensical words, spellings etc, i'm on my ipad and cannot type on it for the life of me!

I don't think she was upset. Watch the video and she exhales right when it's read. Those were tears of joy or relief.
"He's merciless," Zervakos said of the lead prosceutor on he case. "I don't like being talked to like I'm stupid and I feel like that happened a few times."

Read more:

Talk down to you? What is he even talking about? Ultra-sensitive, isn't he. This juror's got a screw loose imo. :moo:

After the Pinellas 12 fiasco I can see why a prosecutor would dumb things down for the jury. :floorlaugh:
Exactly. Juan never questioned if they had sex or not that day. To me, it is clear as day.

Several photos from that day were not shown to the jury, but the prosecution stated that they engaged in sex that day. I always believed that the photos that were held back showed them "in the act."
Dana is this to live blog with alternate juror? If so would you mind telling where you go to listen? tia

Sorry TX, I think Lilly was trying to get into live chat with other sleuthers here.
It has nothing to do with blogs or jurors.

Gee, I hope that's what Lilly meant?? lol
Locks of Love charity sends letter to jury pleading to save the killer's life. UGHHHH!

I visited the official website and called both the information line and their direct line. Normal business hours and Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm EST.

I'll call again on Monday- this is easy to check.

Cursory sweep of the note that was written- it doesn't sound legit imo.
Juror #18 saying he couldn't help himself and he looked at Jodi and it was something he'll always remember. I would think the photos of Travis' 29 stab wounds, his neck sliced ear to ear and a shot in the face would be something he would always remember. moo

I nearly fell off my chair when I heard that! What an extremely unusual person...
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