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She wants the jury to spare her life so she can recycle trash while she's in prison? Problem with that is, she's part of the trash that we're trying to recycle.

I read many of the comments after the news articles...I found THIS particular one to sum up the "lofty" goals JA set for herself in prison....LOL

Good Morning Lovebugs!

Thanks, Steely! Your captions make the Jodi Show And Tell tolerable.

Went out with some people last night... One of my friends is visiting from the Carmel/Monterrey area. She has known Darrel Brewer professionally for years. She had nothing bad to say about him at all. She told us he has been receiving death threats recently. I asked her why he wanted to testify. She said it was more about his reputation than anything. He wanted to make it clear that he would never have exposed his son to her if she was anything like she is now. Kinda' made sense I guess.
I am highly confident that he jury was just asking for clarification. There is NO WAY IN HECK that they decided they were hopelessly deadlocked in only 2 hours. IMO, they were meticulously combing through the jury instructions and had that question.

Now, I am also highly confident they will give her DEATH. They have already all agreed what she did was especially cruel. Only one more step to go!!

I am trying to get comfortable, I am just scared they will put it in JSS's hands and she VERY WELL could give CMJA LWP! That would not be Justice, AT ALL!

If someone on that Jury is having a problem with giving the Horace said, they SHOULD NOT be on that jury.


BBM: I totally agree ... I do NOT trust her ... and JMO, but this case was way too much for her and her inexperience really showed ! And she should have NEVER lifted the BAN on JA giving interviews -- WTH ?

Oh Yes, Horace brought up a great point -- it's on the previous thread and I don't know how to carry it over -- but anyone who cannot vote the DP should NOT be on that jury.
1. Stole her grandfather’s gun
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
2. Borrowed/purchased the gas cans
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
3. Rented a “nondescript” vehicle for her murderous trip to Mesa
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
4. Set up an alibi, i.e., RB
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
5. Began her 1000 + mile murderous journey to Mesa from Yreka
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
6. Powered down her phone so she wouldn't be traced/tracked in Arizona
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
7. Entered Travis’s home equipped with a gun & knife
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
8. Had 13 + hours to reconsider – again – before going through with her plan to kill Travis
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
9. Stab #1 (to the heart)
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
10. Stab #2
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
11. Stab #3
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
12. Stab #4
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
13. Stab #5
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
14. Stab #6
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
15. Stab #7
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
16. Stab #8
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
17. Stab #9
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
18. Stab #10
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
19. Stab #11
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
20. Stab #12
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
21. Stab #13
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
22. Stab #14
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
23. Stab #15
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
24. Stab #16
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
25. Stab #17
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
26. Stab #18
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
27. Stab #19
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
28. Stab #20
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
29. Stab #21
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
30. Stab #22
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
31. Stab #23
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
32. Stab #24
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
33. Stab #25
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
34. Stab #26
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
35. Stab #27
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
36. Slit Travis’s throat ear-to-ear
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)
37. Shot Travis in the head
(JA could have stopped here but she chose not to…)

Jodi premeditatedly and deliberatively chose death for Travis at least 37 times. She could have stopped, but she chose not to until Travis’s death was assured. Not only did Jodi choose Travis’s death, she has inadvertently chosen her own death over the past 5 + years. She has had ample opportunities to come clean, to take responsibility, and admit to her plan to premeditatedly murder Travis, but instead she chose to continue her lies and to, in essence, murder again the last thing Travis had to leave behind – his reputation and legacy. Again, at any time over the past 5+ years Jodi could have stopped the lies and the annihilation, but Jodi chose not to.

While the jury may come back with a sentence of death, IMO, it is Jodi and only Jodi who chose that. By her own actions she chose Travis’s death AND she chose her own death.

I hope the jury will see it this way too.

There is some consensus even on TV the question was "conditional" "IF" we can't agree.

This would be great news.

(and the Jury is probably laughing at us now LOL)
The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial · 52,158 like this16 hours ago · ..A message from a member of this page. I've copied it out verbatim but have left out the poster's name. If you wish to come forward, please do so in the comments:

"I have unfortunately been in prison where she will go, and TRUST ME!!! She will NOT be the Predator..she WILL be the Prey!!! Prison is WAAAY different than that safe little jail she is in now!!! She's in for a rude awakening!!! And what she said about starting programs and clubs and helping the "illiterate" inmates..NEVER going to happen!!! She's going to be in COMPLETE isolation for AT LEAST five years, and after she manages to "program down" to a lower classification....she still needs to realize that's she's now an INMATE!! The State runs every aspect of your life, so NO she won't be contributing ANYTHING to society!! The closest she'll get is a 50 cent an hour job as a GED tutor..but that will take her YEARS and YEARS to get that "privilege". And her smug, superior attitude she has, all that's going to get her is beaten up and robbed!! So, it would be in her best interest to just SHUT UP FOR ONCE IN HER LIFE and get OK with the fact that as soon as that gate closes behind her at the "Perryville Complex" sign, nobody cares that she's Jodi Arias...for the rest of her disgusting life, all anyone will know about her is her INMATE NUMBER!!!"

If karma is a real thing - and I believe it is - Little Missy has a BIG BEYATCH of it coming her way!
I do not know how they can contain themselves honestly. Only one reason; for Travis, because the little murderer during her allocution sure was sticking the knife in again and twisting it...:stormingmad:

Another reason to let all her TV interviews, online conversations be available to them, just in case one of them felt pity for her. They should be told when they're being manipulated, but there is so much information withheld from them because it's all too 'prejudicial'.

There is no reason at all to believe she will give LWOP. None. She bent over backwards for the DT ad nauseum, greenlighting endless sidebars, giving them surrebuttal, letting them have ALV provide hearsay testiphony, allowing them to play the EDITED phone call just to name a few.

Lifting the ban on interviews for this remorseless murderer was the final straw.

I'm not advocating one way or the other for a sentence (it's the jury's discretion, but I'd vote DP)- but should the jury come back with life, I am firmly convinced JSS will opt for LWP.

I'm too tired to give a thorough answer but in short, I disagree.

Good morning everyone. I'm in dire need of a mimosa
Darren Kavinoky just said the juror's question said 'if.' I can't believe HLN somewhat admitted a mistake.

Nevermind. They're still showing a story about deadlock.
In the last thread, Rosemary Pierce said she was in a foul mood (I meant to comment on that but then came over here and forgot).

Must be something in the air because I'm about ready to stab someone in the face. Hopefully we get a verdict and it uplifts us all.

I am in a bad mood too. Tripped this morning and my whole side is hurting from hitting concrete. I jammed my finger and it is super sore and swollen.
Ripped my favorite jeans and for some reason at work people will not leave me alone. They expect me to work while I am on verdict watch. Go figure.

Pass a mimosa to me please. I need something to get me out of my funk.

Hopeful and Rosemary, I hope the day gets better for you.
lol milquetoast means weak or bland. :D

Good morning everyone! Thanks for all the great food and drinks!!

I am so hopeful that the jury reaches a verdict today. They have completed 2 phases for Travis; they can complete this last part of the journey for him!! Prayers to all family/friends/WSers...:please::please:


I so love you picture with Travis' quote, are we permitted to copy and pass on or use? My daughter wants to post it on her facebook page....what a honor to a wonderful young man!

tia, sKore
Good morning to all of my favorite weirdos!! :seeya:

Is this where we're supposed to be posting if we normally post on the Verdict Watch thread? I feel lost.

PLEASE can we get a verdict today??? I will not be able to take it if this jury is hung. :please:

In the last thread, Rosemary Pierce said she was in a foul mood (I meant to comment on that but then came over here and forgot).

Must be something in the air because I'm about ready to stab someone in the face. Hopefully we get a verdict and it uplifts us all.

I really think that this inmate has taken everyone on a hellish ride and just wants her gone. Even KCL was feeling what is in the air last night as evidenced by her post, she seemed tired.

I hope the jurors had a productive discussion yesterday followed by a good night's sleep so they can wrap up today with a sentence that gives the Alexanders peace.
I am trying to get comfortable, I am just scared they will put it in JSS's hands and she VERY WELL could give CMJA LWP! That would not be Justice, AT ALL!

If someone on that Jury is having a problem with giving the Horace said, they SHOULD NOT be on that jury.

Trying to make you feel could be that one or two jurors are DP qualified because they would give the DP to people like child killers or Timothy McVeys.

So maybe the other jurors are slowly bringing them around to see that cruel death is cruel whether a child or adult like Travis is murdered in a cruel way.

Last night, a juror from the Petit case (Mother and two daughters raped and set on fire, father beaten up) was interviewed on Dr. Drew and she said they has a couple of DP hold outs but they were able to carefully and slowly bring them around to be comfortable with giving Death.

Good luck with Kyle's treatment starting again today. We are all rooting for him!
Good morning, all you fine Websleuthers! :seeya:

Ah, I see we are already eating (and drinking) well.
mr. dood sends this nummy peach tart along, with his compliments.
Perhaps we should share with the jurors?
Maybe they could use a little sugar rush.


C'mon, jurors! You haven't let us down can do it!
Getting a little bit tired of hearing about Jodi's "mental illness" on HLN so I sent them an email.

Wanted to comment on Jodi's "personality disorder." In my opinion personality disorders are not mental illnesses they are character flaws. There has to come an end to trying to classify bad behaviors or evil people by labeling them. Labeling them with a "disorder" implies they have little to no control over their actions and therefore they should not be held to the same standard as someone not labeled. Jodi had a normal childhood. There is no evidence she was abused or neglected. She simply believes she is the only one in the world who matters. Lets stop giving her a pass and call a spade a spade. She planned and carried out this butchering of Travis and nothing should lessen her responsibility for those actions.

This! I wanted to thank you and say "You go girl!"
I really hope you are correct about the judge. I kind of lost some respect for her the other day when she lifted the ban on the murderer giving interviews. I am still pondering what reason could have justified her doing so seeing as a jury is deliberating the fate of the murderer. Given the possibility of a hung jury and the requirement to seat a new one - just what the hello was this judge thinking ? Where is the logic in that ?

I'm not convinced she would give the murderer LWOP, not one bit.

This trial has been degraded into a reality show called Ask Arias.
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