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If you click on the link it goes directly to juror #17's first statement to the public -

Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can't even begin to imagine what Travis's family is feeling! Although today's outcome wasn't what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis's family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!! ~ Alternate Juror #17

I clicked on her link and got an internal server error. From the other responses to her tweet, it looks like the link might be broken. I know the text you quoted was posted on the FB Justice for Travis page early this morning (or late last night). I just thought I might have missed something.

BTW, one of the responses to her last tweet does have a link to the alternate juror's twitter account, so the Jodi sycophants will be hounding her soon, unfortunately. JMO
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :lol:

I'm a nosy-body of the highest order... I want to hear everything from EVERYONE involved in the case. Hell... I want to ask stapler lady how she didn't staple some mouths shut.
He conceded there was sexual activity.

I know I'm stubborn but after that blistering text from TA and e-mail that he showed his friend that he sent, I will never be convinced that he willingly participated in any kind of sexual activity with her.

I'm pretty jaded at times but there was something about the words he chose that day in May that tells me that he'd strengthened his resolve and whatever he discovered about her broke her sexual spell.


I really don't understand this point of view. He had sex with her after thinking she slit his tires, why not this?

So what exactly do you think happened? He wouldn't have sex with her but would let her take naked pic of him in the shower?

Sorry this just doesn't make sense. At all. Do you want to believe Travis has officially kicked her out of his life after the texts and choose to alter the events in order to believe this?
BBM - he didn't believe she was capable of it, yet she confessed to doing it and he is saying accused ? Wow, wonder who he thought did it ? IMO, he may be living in an alternative reality.

I wonder if he was the one who asked the question about where Travis' roommates were? That question bugged me because it seemed as if someone was not capable of following the trial or were playing amateur detective in there!
Sydni, You are right. The DP or LWOP will both result
in jodi living in a cell until she dies. She will not have contact with other inmates, teach Spanish or do much of anything. She will live like a death row inmate wheather she gets the DP or not. I dont think she is aware of it. I hope the Alexander family is aware of this. JM should let them know she wont be participating in any prison programs.

Maybe we could send the jury the list we made of all the things we knew that they didn't? It would be interesting to hear their take on all that had been withheld from them!

If I was a juror, the first thing I'd do after the mistrial was announced was head home for a bottle of something and a Bing search for Jodi Arias. I'd have to know that as many times as they were removed from court or had to wait, there's tons they weren't told. It would take days for them to find everything out that they missed. Then I'd be really angry! :floorlaugh:
I also was at work once (on a commercial jet), it was about 5 AM and I was the person that checked to make sure all equipment is on board and functioning prior to our day.

One of my checks is to make sure that the slides on the doors are gauged properly. That way, if we evacuate, I know that the slide inflates at warp speed so that we can push people out.

There are four slides for 4 doors. I checked the slide that was located in the door that opened into the jetway, all good. I then walked directly towards the other door opposite side that catering had left open with no safety strap across and pulled the catering truck away. I went to step off as if there were a floor to step onto. Had one foot out the door and the Captain grabbed the back of my shirt and said "Whoa!"

I realized I was stepping straight off the aircraft with nothing to step onto but air. Like stepping of a cliff.

Taught me to never go to work without having my coffee first.

So I gather you're a flight attendant and now I'm wondering whether you worked a certain flight I had from Puerto Rico without having had your coffee. lol The rear door of the plane was left ajar and flew open as we took off. We had to turn right around and land so that the door to the freaking airplane could be closed. Oopsie :floorlaugh:
That juror didn't hear anything the rest of us didn't hear and shouldn't know what any of deliberation jurors thought.

Prefacing this to say I am not including violence in the following statement.

When things fall apart, it's rarely because of one cataclysmic event. Things break down over time and it's a series of small things that culminate in a big thing.

This juror was not there for the actual breakdown, granted. But she was there every step of the way every day that led to the breakdown and in my view, her viewpoint has loads of value in understanding the dynamics of that group and the personality of the foreman.

You, of course, don't have to listen to her but most of us want to hear what she has to offer. We're all perplexed. lol
He conceded there was sexual activity.

I know I'm stubborn but after that blistering text from TA and e-mail that he showed his friend that he sent, I will never be convinced that he willingly participated in any kind of sexual activity with her.

I'm pretty jaded at times but there was something about the words he chose that day in May that tells me that he'd strengthened his resolve and whatever he discovered about her broke her sexual spell.



Amen to that.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Ok now I know we all like to hate on Jean C, and I do feel bad for that now...because she was right when she said that one day that a couple of ladies came out with arms crossed and "defiant" and generally perterbed. Jean C thought these were the "holdout" or the "minority" (since some have taken offense to use of the term "holdout)....however I am now thinking that they could have just been SO FRUSTRATED with Mr. Foreman.

Also she said one guy was kind of a loner and would stay to himself....I think this was Juror 9, the guy with the white hair, long ponytail walking to the light rail.

Juror 9 ... The poor guy ... They jumped on the light rail with him!

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If I was a juror, the first thing I'd do after the mistrial was announced was head home for a bottle of something and a Bing search for Jodi Arias. I'd have to know that as many times as they were removed from court or had to wait, there's tons they weren't told. It would take days for them to find everything out that they missed. Then I'd be really angry! :floorlaugh:

I just said this exact thing to my BF .. I said my *advertiser censored* would be grafted to my desk chair by the time I caught up on all I had missed.
Hasn't aired yet, Smelly.

One aired on Lifetime on 5/22 called "Beyond The Headlines." I recorded it, but not watched yet. Not sure if it was 1 hour long or 2. Anyone know? I saw it was on again the next hour, but assumed it was a repeat.
Re Travis's family and plans for trial/July:

From Tara

I have talked to family and friends...they will be here in July!
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