Sidebar Discussion #10

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Why did people get so obsessed with this case?

Because Casey was young pretty and white.


Baez has got it WRONG that people were obsessed with this case because of looks...He is the one that is focused more on Looks and physical attributes. IMO

People became obsessed with the case because of OCA's actions, lack of action and lies regarding the death of her own child, or as OCA herself said...the greatest accomplishment in her life.

IMO he's talking about their handful of followers thinking she's pretty.
I have read quite a few posts that said KC couldn't kill her daughter cause she is pretty.. GAG. That's it folks, that is all they've got. The girl is pretty in their opinion so she is innocent.
The other 90% plus that know the truth can see & smell her ugliness.
Beauty comes from within first. Can't hide a sack of p**p in a beautiful bag no matter how hard ya try.
FASCINATING interview with the Miami Herald. It's worth a read here's a sniplet about the current topic here:

Read more here:

. . . and here's another interesting snippet (BBM):

"What do you want people to know about you?

I don’t want people to think I only take big cases. I always say, ‘No case is too big, and no case is too small.’ It’s no longer about a national story or getting recognition: it’s about working hard and seeking justice for our clients."

It's no longer about stories and recognition? Is that an admission then, that Jose is making? Sure sounds like it to me! :floorlaugh:
This is laughing in court by Mr. Ashton I was refering to :

Although thank you for pointing out another time he made light of Caylee's death.
ah really, I think he just did what everyone else wanted to do - yeal he shouldn't have laughed but probably just couldn't hold it in any more - it happens. He wasn't laughing at fca nor disrespecting Caylee - he was laughing at JB and at his absurd tactics and obvious lies moo
This is laughing in court by Mr. Ashton I was refering to :

Although thank you for pointing out another time he made light of Caylee's death.

OFGS, he was laughing at Jose's ridiculous defense, not Caylee's death.

I believe that anyone who watched this trial and followed the case know which side respected Caylee and which side did not. The prosecution was the ONLY group there for Caylee, and that includes her own family.

I believe it was Jose guffawing that his expert had such a hard time cutting open Caylee's skull with the rusty old saw he had that they had to go shopping at Walmart in the middle of the night to buy a new one. What a hoot.
Please, 53 posts calling out misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work?

Doing a little research - I could only make it through 26 posts.

Post #1 Describes purpose of thread.
post #2 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #4 states "this may or may not be true" - how can a may or may not be a discrepancy?
post #6 states "I don't think" and "assuming" - where is the evidence there is a discrepancy?
post #7 discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #8 where is the discrepancy?
post #11 where is the discrepancy?
post #13 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #16 based on OP's opinion - where is the fact that contradicts it?
post #17 states "It makes no sense,” -discrepancy is based on OP' opinion, not fact.
post #19 discussion
post #20 list's an edit, not a discrepancy
post #22 list's an edit, not a discrepancy, and "It was an easy trip to think he was talking about drowning at least to me.. what do you all think" - OP's opinion
post #24 PO asks "tell me if the timeline's even possible" – where’s the fact that contradicts the timeline?
post #25 where's it from? Is it the factual discrepancy, or the fact?
post #26 pure discussion, no facts, contradictory or otherwise

On another note, on the JB misinformation thread there are presently 53 posts calling out all the misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work by whoever did the work for JB's book and the thread has only been recently opened. To those who worked so hard to highlight those quotes and further post the correct information according to the media interviews and information from the Sunshine Law I want to thank you all. Good job. jmo
Please, 53 posts calling out misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work?

Doing a little research - I could only make it through 26 posts.

snipped for space.
Thanks for pointing that out. We will all have to jump over there and just fix that, where needed, with the facts and references
You have your opinion, I have mine. Either way it was highly inappropriate to laugh.

Make sure you tell Casey Anthony how sickeningly inappropriate it was for her to laugh at the murder of her very own baby girl.

Or, how sickeningly inappropriate it was for Casey Anthony to intentionally leave Caylee UNREPORTED to authorities, right where she had discarded her for over a month so that forensic evidence would wane before discovery.

Or, how sickeningly inappropriate it was for Casey Anthony to party like it's 1999 while her baby daughter's body lay like trash in a swamp as the critters feasted on her remains....

Or, how sickeningly inappropriate it was for Casey Anthony to get herself a tattoo in hopes of "living the beautiful life" while her baby daughter's body lay like trash in a swamp as the critters feasted on her remains....

Or, how sickeningly inappropriate it was for Casey to bed-hop with her flavors of the month while her baby daughter's body lay like trash in a swamp as the critters feasted on her remains....

You won't get past telling her even one of these things before Casey spins her vile head and spews her infamous "F" words at you, just as she inappropriately did to her parents.
(Bolding is not by me but was in the original post, just saying in case it seems not quite relevant to the following)

This quote (which I lifted from the fact-checking thread) reminds me of a much earlier WS discussion about how drowning victims will sink almost immediately, due to the weight of water in their lungs, and not float up again for several days. If Caylee had drowned in that above-ground pool and 'been in the water a long time' and GA had pulled her out why was he also not dripping wet? He could not have reached in and got her if she was lying on the bottom of the pool, he would have had to get into the pool as well.
If one of our intrepid Amazon reviewers wishes to raise this point over there, please do. The holes in this story are ridiculous.

YES!!! In the book he says the autopsy showed that there were no signs of suffocation yet if you drowned, you are suffocating. Apparently it has something to do with the ears that will show if a person died of lack of oxygen, wouldnt it be the same thing if you drowned???

Also, it was mentionned that FCA first said she was molested between the ages of 8-12 in the first few chapters, all of sudden it became 8-12 and than all the way up to when Caylee was she forgot to account for all the years since she was 12 so she could add in how it was possible that GA was the father for additional "wow" factor and to excuse the 31 days as to why she didn't want to go home for fear of her father....what a joke! What I want to know is why hasn't the defense requested or state prosecuted GA if they believe this to be true???? It is a criminal offense and why is Cindy still with him?
I wonder how the jury interpreted it?

OFGS, he was laughing at Jose's ridiculous defense, not Caylee's death.

ah really, I think he just did what everyone else wanted to do - yeal he shouldn't have laughed but probably just couldn't hold it in any more - it happens. He wasn't laughing at fca nor disrespecting Caylee - he was laughing at JB and at his absurd tactics and obvious lies moo

The connection you have imagined in your mind between Ashton's comment to Lamar having anything to do with disrespecting Caylee is so wrongly skewed that it's off the charts. :rolleyes:
I wonder how the jury interpreted it?

We already know that the Jury didn't do their jobs nor follow the guidelines set forth by Judge Perry, so if you're insinuating that their verdict is a reflection of Ashton's laughter, then all the more reason this Jury was inadequate and shirked their Judicial duties.

Wait, did you mean Casey Anthony's laughter at her own baby girl's murder?

The Jury has already said that they felt Casey was guilty, so I'm sure her "highly inappropriate" laughter wasn't something that any of those Jurors embraced as that coming from an endearing mother.
Please, 53 posts calling out misquotes, misinformation and just sloppy research work?

Doing a little research - I could only make it through 26 posts.

snipped for space.
Thanks for pointing that out. We will all have to go over there and just fix that, where needed, with the facts and references

Please, imo, as fast as that book was in stores, a lot of had to have been written during the trial. All he had to do was change the ending.

As much was public domain and released through the Sunshine act, easier for the primary author to gather up and help with facts!

And meanwhile FCA has loads of time to post perhaps on Amazon and discussion forums to "test" out theories and reactions with her very own internet focus groups and has had lots of time to redo the spin readying for the day by "testing" her potential answer for everything after her resriction of speaking in public is lifted after the ZG legal action.

I am sure she "SAVORS" (hopefully I did not jumble that word) that day in the future.
YES!!! In the book he says the autopsy showed that there were no signs of suffocation yet if you drowned, you are suffocating. Apparently it has something to do with the ears that will show if a person died of lack of oxygen, wouldnt it be the same thing if you drowned???

Also, it was mentionned that FCA first said she was molested between the ages of 8-12 in the first few chapters, all of sudden it became 8-12 and than all the way up to when Caylee was she forgot to account for all the years since she was 12 so she could add in how it was possible that GA was the father for additional "wow" factor and to excuse the 31 days as to why she didn't want to go home for fear of her father....what a joke! What I want to know is why hasn't the defense requested or state prosecuted GA if they believe this to be true???? It is a criminal offense and why is Cindy still with him?

Have you put this on the fact-checking thread? Excellent observations.
Just an update. I asked Diane Fanning on her FB about the NYTBS list but she has not responded.

Thank you so much for staying on this, BC, I appreciate it. It's an answer that I'd really like to have from an accomplished author. :seeya:
Speaking of reading, this was so interesting the first time I read it, just had to, had to read it again.
A forensic psychologist on anger, madness and destructive behavior.
by Stephen A. Diamond, Ph.D.
What do Casey Anthony and Joran van der Sloot have in common?
Published on January 13, 2012
Four (4) Page Article

Stephen A. Diamond, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical and forensic psychologist (PSY11404) practicing in Los Angeles, and a former pupil and protege of existential analyst Dr. Rollo May. In addition to specializing in providing existential and depth psychologically oriented psychotherapy to adult patients for the past 35 years, Dr. Diamond is a former member of the Forensic Panel for the Santa Clara County Superior Court and Approved Panel of Psychiatrists and Psychologists for the Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Criminal Divisions), conducting forensic evaluations and serving as an expert witness in various criminal cases.....
Complete Bio

Very very interesting - thank you okiedokietoo - I got lost in some of those discussed here and here pages... and will go back when I have more time to digest more of what he has to say about this case and this defendant.
Two things were interesting - one made me laugh - he says regarding JB's opening statement going from the missing to drowning, and for good measure - adds the sexual abuse. He also adds how useful it was for the defense because while George denied it, all offenders deny their offenses.

He also talks about the family denial and how George was the least in denial, and how/why Cindy in particular was in this state of seeing only what she wanted to be true - and apparently we all do that to some extent.

Well worth the read.....oh and ps, my comments weren't on the actual article highlighted, but found on the here and here pages.....:seeya:
I wonder how the jury interpreted it?

I provide links - here ya go, copy and paste
DAILY NEWS STAFF WRITERS - Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Casey Anthony juror Jennifer Ford speaks: 'I did not say she was innocent'
"I did not say she was innocent," Ford said, otherwise known as Juror Number 3. "I just said there was not enough evidence. If you cannot prove what the crime was, you cannot determine what the punishment should be."
Marcia Clark|July 08, 2011
BRAINWASHED: Marcia Clark Explains Why Casey Anthony Jurors Came Up With The Not Guilty Verdict
Then what did the jury think happened to Caylee? Now this is where the reasoning finally falls through the hole in the floor.
According to Ms. Ford, “Something happened, at some point she probably needed medical care or at least there could be some attempt…to save the child’s life that was never made. That bothered me.” But if it was just an accident, then why would the body wind up in a plastic bag in a swamp? “You’re covering up something…it’s either an accident or…nobody knows what it is.”
Juror Ford said she didn't believe it was their duty to "connect all the dots," and that the prosecution was required to answer every question about Caylee's death, including why and how it was committed.
First of all, there is no such thing as a case in which the prosecution answers every question. It isn't possible. Second of all, the prosecution doesn't have to. The prosecution is only required to prove the elements of the crime - and that does not include motive nor does it include cause of death.
Moreover, it is most certainly the jury's duty to "connect the dots." The jury is required to consider all of the evidence and to draw the reasonable inferences that evidence suggests. Note I said reasonable - that doesn't mean concocting scenarios out of thin air based on nothing but a lawyer's opening statement.
And by the way, what about that duct tape? How did the jury get around that one? Here’s what Ms. Ford said:
“In our country unfortunately we have to prove it…it smells bad, looks bad, yeah I get that. But it’s someone else’s life and if I’m wrong, I can’t live with that.”

***there were lesser charges - if she didn't think she was innocent - didn't have to go for Murder One - it wasn't the only option - she totally talks as if they found her guilty of anything she would have gotten death - no clue, none of them. And they totally did not comprehend the jury instructions whiff right over their heads and possibly too Narcissistic to ask for clarification, no scratch that, I'm back to "no clue"
The jury didn't care about Caylee! It was all about KC & how she was the victim.

...and the evening entertainment, and food, food, glorious food they could shove down at the State's expense!
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