Sidebar Discussion #11

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Another excellent post

thanks hal! no she will never be forgotten for many reasons. we have never seen a family so completely evil and money hungry, and so completely happy about it. instead of helping le they did everything in their power to twart justice. well, IT is free now. IT has done nothing in her entire life worth mentioning. she took pic for kodak of visitors at universal. for this her mother calls her a photo expert . really????? seems they always wanted to portray themselves as something they werent. a cubicle became spindys office. a memorial for caylee became a slobbering mess about IT. they were never grandparents in the true sense of the word. taking pics and buying clothes, mostly halloween costumes does not a grandparent make. spindy kept her paternity a secret so their would be no messy dad and another set of grandparents to contend with. they knew what IT was but were too busy “pretending” to ba a normal family and left an innocent with IT. now they are richer, have caylee tatoos, and wear her as jewelry. no caylee will NEVER be forgotten. as for the rest, they can all go to hell

They will surely answer to God for what they did or didn't do for precious Caylee. I have my opinions on that. In their quiet moments I know the truth seeps in- the whole truth... the one that they have never spoken out loud, in total, to anyone! God knows... Jesus knows... the holy Spirit knows. Cindy is so hell bent on defending her family (which really is about defending herself, as they are ALL an extension of her- even George believe it or not) that she is able to justify to herself the things she has said and done before, during, and after the tragic series of events that led to the death/murder of Caylee. She only contemplates this- in its entirety- for brief moments only. At some point down the road as she ages and the hulabaloo dies down the memories and thoughts of the actual truth- whatever that is exactly- will become more frequent... less easy to escape by doing things, fighting people, or keeping busy. Her body will slow with age, people around her will die of natural causes, children will be born, will grow up and she will be left with the truth always trying to surface... always trying to get her to do what is necessary to acknowledge the truth, repent and be forgiven. Given what I know of her now I am rather certain she will be incapable. She will meet her maker, as everyone will IMO, and I wouldn't wish her fate on my worst enemy. She is a lesson to all of us on the downfall that false pride combined with selfishness can lead to deceit, denial, and possibly much, much worse. In her old age she will be left with the memory of her choices- HER CHOICES- not what choices her daughter made, her husband made, her son made etc. HER CHOICES and HER ACTIONS are what she will answer for and they won't be mixed up with alot of other craziness that would allow her to make excuses for what she did. When she finally meets her maker she will reep exactly what she deserves for what she has sewn!

Happy Birthday to baby Caylee... RIP sweet angel~ Frigga (all MOO)
and then...the end.

From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11:30 AM
Subject: RE: Any news?
Dominic - I see absolutely nothing in your statement that should be of concern to Baez - It was a simple statement of fact. If you have a signed confidentiality agreement with the firm, then you are obliged to adhere to the terms of the agreement. Usually, letting them review any information statement relating to the case prior to release will avoid any possible repercussions on disclosure. At this time, I would advise you to let Baez bless any statement that you are asked to make from the media. I personally would stay as far away from Nancy Grace and her producers as I could - anything you say will be twisted to suite their agenda.
If your efforts are being paid for by Baez it probably is best to stick with him and bear the abuse for a little while longer - when you do find Caylee - don't let that *advertiser censored* steal the moment from you. Ginette asked me if you would be willing to come up to the DC area for a one-on-one with her - she thinks that with you being so close to the case, she can get a much better tracking on Caylee's physical location - that is up to you of course, but if interested I can coordinate the meeting. She also asked me to pass along to you - buy a small teddy bear for Caylee and keep it with you - an opportunity to seize her will come soon and she will recognize YOU and one of the good guys if you have the bear - look - don't ask, don't shoot the messenger - can't hurt - right?
take care, chin up!
ps. I'm working an abduction case from 1994 - the little boy went missing from WV but information we have is that he could be alive and living in GB - Liverpool area. Possibly involved in *advertiser censored* industry. Any thoughts?
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:25 PM
RE: Any news?
Luke, Thank you for your input, I will answer two (2) of the issues in your email and respond to the others a little later. 1) Baez has not paid us any money, we have received no money from anyone at all and have expended more than 600 hours on the case thus far, plus expenses, 2) The little Boy In Liverpool, I was born and raised in Blackpool just ten (10) north of Liverpool and am very familiar with the city . . . Dominic
1. ~~~
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 12:35 PM To:
Subject: RE: Any news?
Dominic - if Baez is not paying you - then you've got no obligation to abide by a confidentiality agreement - you can give notice of intent to withdraw from the agreement. Cripes, if you're doing this on your own dime then by all means get out from under him - I just assumed that your expenses were being paid at least! Unless money passes hands, you've got no obligation to continue supporting Baez. Just my 2-pence.
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: RE: Any news?
Thank you for the advice. I am considering sending the Notice of Intent to withdraw in the morning, Baez will sh%t a golden brick when he finds out that Casey signed a letter of agreement directly with me, I will let him find out the appropriate way on that one. I have to think about coming to DC and meeting Ginette, and when that may be achievable. The Teddy Bear, I will get one today and carry with me at all times ... chin is up! ... take care
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 7:00 AM
Subject: That was a big mistake
Dominic - what the hell were they thinking? Telling the world they are going to bring the search for Caylee to PR was a big mistake and probably endanger the child. They have put the people holding Caylee on high alert now and will probably move her again.
1. ~~~
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic [dominic@dgator,com]
Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 8:20 AM
To: dearmont@netzero,net
Subject: RE: That was a big mistake
No **** Sherlock . . . Baez in action….looking for international recognition and does not give a damn about anything else…big mistake is an understatement.
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:55 PM
Subject: RE: Arrested Media Info
So that makes two (2) dipshits . . . Cabot and Baez, I cannot believe the **** Baez is pulling. Maybe you heard about the "Zenaida Gonzalez" who was interviewed by a local TV station who is not the original one has got a high profile ambulance chasing Orlando attorney John Morgan, they filed a lawsuit today against George, Cindy, Casey and Lee Anthony for using her name. Attorney Morgan is asking for a settlement from the Anthony's Home Owners Insurance. Baez told Cindy that she needed to contact her Insurance company, I believe Cindy and George's attorney will have a field day with Baez on this one . . . Dominic1.
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 5:34 PM
RE: Another brain fart
I will work on that and have photo's to you by tomorrow. On another note, below is my notice to Baez (FYI):
Please consider this email as Notice of D&A Investigations, Inc. intent to withdraw from providing services to The Baez Law Firm. Your email of 9.24.08 (below) clearly states that you have no intentions of honoring our Letter of Engagement/Contract of 7.29.08, and provisions contained therein. Therefore consider this email as Notice from D&A Investigations, Inc. that all services in connection with our Letter of Engagement/Contract of 7.29.08 will cease in seventy two (72) hours following receipt of this notice. D&A will however continue its Investigations into this case and honor its commitment to Casey Anthony and Her family.
Baez Email of 9.24.08:
What are you talking about? You agreed to do this pro bono? I think we should meet to clear up a few matters, call Ed and set it up.

We wish you all the best with this case.
Kindest regards,
Take care Luke ... Dominic!
From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Friday, September 26, 2008 4:20 PM
Subject: RE: Another brain fart
Luke, had no contact with Baez, he did tell Cindy yesterday that if I continued on the case with them that he would take Casey to an undisclosed location, of course that went down like a rock in the lake and Cindy told him to %($& Not sure if Amy has a child or other blonde femiles but will look into ... Thank You! ... Dominic
All of that ^^^^ just to solidify that JB was a money grubbing *&$^ from the get go. To the very end, "doorstop" included.
All of that ^^^^ just to solidify that JB was a money grubbing *&$^ from the get go. To the very end, "doorstop" included.

I get what you are saying with all the emails about Dominic hating Baez before the money issue but if I remember correctly, Dominic's home was going in to foreclosure and I suspect Dom started asking him for money the instant the ABC money came through. By the beginning of September when he had a huge bill for Jose, he quit. But I believe he would have been asking him for money all along - plus of course he wanted to be a big shot and not disregarded as he was by Baez.

IMO the man is a flake and was from day one...and while it is interesting to revisit all those emails and reread his opinions- he still hasn't risen one iota in my estimation. For me his silliness made a mockery of the search for Caylee.
I listened to the police interview with D Casey the other day and it was very easy to understand why they were getting so frustrated with him. He skimmed around the truth as easily as Cindy, Casey, Jose and George do. I also had a difficult time understanding why D Casey put more faith in the "tip" from Ginny than he did the "tips" from other psychics. Unless he already knew that was an area that definately needed to be searched thanks to someone else first.

I get what you are saying with all the emails about Dominic hating Baez before the money issue but if I remember correctly, Dominic's home was going in to foreclosure and I suspect Dom started asking him for money the instant the ABC money came through. By the beginning of September when he had a huge bill for Jose, he quit. But I believe he would have been asking him for money all along - plus of course he wanted to be a big shot and not disregarded as he was by Baez.

IMO the man is a flake and was from day one...and while it is interesting to revisit all those emails and reread his opinions- he still hasn't risen one iota in my estimation. For me his silliness made a mockery of the search for Caylee.

I have a different perspective on him after the fact. I read each email from the beginning, and yes, while a flake (after all - he was blaming everybody from KioMarie to Roy Kronk ALL while talking extensively to psychics WHO BY THE WAY GOT IT WRONG as evidenced by these emails - Ginny thought Caylee was alive up until SOMEHOW voila - she figured out she was dead and sent DC into the woods).
Dominic seemed to be somewhat of a simpleton. He evidently was snowed by FCA from the beginning. So much so that he thought George guilty. He drank the koolaid.
My point of the emails was to show how Baez worked the media, isolated his client in order to keep the farce going so deals could be made, all the while stiffing anybody and everybody along the way.
I have a different perspective on him after the fact. I read each email from the beginning, and yes, while a flake (after all - he was blaming everybody from KioMarie to Roy Kronk ALL while talking extensively to psychics WHO BY THE WAY GOT IT WRONG as evidenced by these emails - Ginny thought Caylee was alive up until SOMEHOW voila - she figured out she was dead and sent DC into the woods).
Dominic seemed to be somewhat of a simpleton. He evidently was snowed by FCA from the beginning. So much so that he thought George guilty. He drank the koolaid.
My point of the emails was to show how Baez worked the media, isolated his client in order to keep the farce going so deals could be made, all the while stiffing anybody and everybody along the way.

Yes, another one who wanted his 15 minutes - can't believe him talking about "them" moving her again if there are press statements - and not the original Zenaida....duh...

And it is always good to remember - re his thoughts about George - that he was developing a very close "friendship" with Cindy at this time too.....:what:
This defense and jury, unfortunately for Caylee, was the perfect storm of buffoonery.
Had a few minutes away from my work to make a fresh pot and glanced at the stats on

Hmmm - I wonder if sales come in as hardcover sales and are discovered to be kindles or something?

This is quite the drop even for Baez, and remember he's had his usual 9am sale already today (my time that is) What's up - oh hi Jose!:seeya:

Current sales rank: 7532
Crim/Law: #29
Murder/Mayhem: #47

Jane The Dood! Come back - we Need you here!!! :sigh:
I listened to the police interview with D Casey the other day and it was very easy to understand why they were getting so frustrated with him. He skimmed around the truth as easily as Cindy, Casey, Jose and George do. I also had a difficult time understanding why D Casey put more faith in the "tip" from Ginny than he did the "tips" from other psychics. Unless he already knew that was an area that definately needed to be searched thanks to someone else first.


BBM: Okay, don't laugh. I've always felt there's something there ...

I know it sounds conspiracy-theory-wacky, but to this day I cannot help but wonder if Ginette could have been the "daisy chain" connection:

Knowledge of
location of remains site


Baez (?)




Dominic secretly searching remains site.

Cindy admitting she had the site searched.

We'll never know.
But I've always wondered about that "psychic."
And how Dominic knew where to search.
And why the teddy bear kept coming up.
BBM: Okay, don't laugh. I've always felt there's something there ...

I know it sounds conspiracy-theory-wacky, but to this day I cannot help but wonder if Ginette could have been the "daisy chain" connection:

Knowledge of
location of remains site


Baez (?)




Dominic secretly searching remains site.

Cindy admitting she had the site searched.

We'll never know.
But I've always wondered about that "psychic."
And how Dominic knew where to search.
And why the teddy bear kept coming up.

If I am remember this correctly, I believe there was a theory that a note could of been tucked inside that Teddy.
R.I.P Caylee You Will Never Be forgotten :rose:
BBM: Okay, don't laugh. I've always felt there's something there ...

I know it sounds conspiracy-theory-wacky, but to this day I cannot help but wonder if Ginette could have been the "daisy chain" connection:

Knowledge of
location of remains site


Baez (?)




Dominic secretly searching remains site.

Cindy admitting she had the site searched.

We'll never know.
But I've always wondered about that "psychic."
And how Dominic knew where to search.
And why the teddy bear kept coming up.

If you go back and read these emails....
there is an entire section of all emails from DC to LP. Here is one that shows how the bear got to GP

From: D&A Investigations, Dominic []
Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 12:06 PM
To: 'Luke Phillips'
RE: Ley line map of Orlando
Luke, Good work with your SAR and hoping it results in a favorable conclusion. I am happy to hear that Ginette received the Bear, the shirt on the Bear is one of Caylee Marie's which Casey recently dressed the Bear in. Caylee Marie sleeps with this Bear every night and since the day she was born. I so hope that we may find Caylee Marie soon, the vigil last night was so profound and my heart breaks for Cindy, George, Lee and Casey. The pain they experience is unimaginable.
The tip on Rivera, well we found him in PR and a "Zenaida" lives with him, they just moved into a rental house and a "Morales" is in the process of moving out. We are tracking them both to see if Caylee Marie is there, I will keep you updated as information comes in ... have a great day Luke and Thank You! ...

LP was an intermediary contact between DC and GP. Her theories are hilarious after the fact...such as

From: Luke Phillips []
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 6:39 PM
To: Dominic D&A Investigations
Subject: Teddy Bear on it's way to you
Dominic - I sent the bear via UPS to your office address. Tracking # 1Z0212VA0342904605. I wanted to enclose a little note to Cindy and Casey but did'nt get the chance. Please let them know how much we appreciate the trust they placed in us with this precious item. It DID help - even to make us more sure that Caylee is alive. There was no indication that something sinister had befallen Caylee. We are working on this continually and just cannot pinpoint her right now. She is in the area - I know it. Personally think Altamonte Springs/Maitland area. Caylee is being moved around still - Ginette feels trailer at some times and other times house with a basement. Near railroad tracks which narrows it down quite a bit. Woman she is with is pregnant - man wears tinted glasses (I know - this could be anything. I've sent Ginette some overheads of three addresses that I need her to look at - will let you know if anything comes of it.Cheers!Luke

and her theory continuously changes.....
up until she decides Caylee is dead. :notgood:
IMHO - there is no way in heaven, earth, or hell that that psychic had all these crazy "insights" for months, and months and months...and then knew where Caylee was buried. I call BS.
>7500 - I pronounce this book dead.
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,532 in Books
Edit from MouseScott: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,779 in Books

If I am remember this correctly, I believe there was a theory that a note could of been tucked inside that Teddy.
Yes, because Cindy said she noticed the bear missing July 3, when she returned from the wild goose chase to Universal. And that's the night she wrote her "My Caylee is Missing" myspace post.

Casey had written her "Everybody Lies, Everybody Dies" post 7/2, and she posted it 7/5 on myspace...

Don't recall atm how the bear came back to the A home...

August 2008 (IIRC around the time Dominic visited FCA in jail), Cindy had posed for People magazine with the bear, next to the Winnie-the-Pooh crib set.



Almost like some kind of message for FCA? I dunno.

And also, Cindy did a very showy "home tour" type exclusive interview, which featured the teddy bear prominently displayed on Casey's bed, clad in a t-shirt with a tattoo design heart, with a gray ribbon that read "Mommy" -- it was kind of eerie, after we heard about the duct tape and the alleged heart sticker.


Luke told Dominic that Ginny wanted Caylee's teddy bear, to get "psychic impressions" from it.

Cindy agreed to send the teddy bear to Ginny via Dominic via Luke.

Ginny was in possession of the teddy bear before the time Dominic was searching the woods at/near the actual remains site, a month before Caylee was found there.

Here is an old WS thread about the teddy bear:
[ame=""]Caylee's Teddy Bear - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
From Desi's post below:

Why is it that I see:
1. that strip looks like duct tape that "mommy" is written on
2. there is that red heart again
3. flames

So, I guess my interpretation would be burn in h3ll mommy dearest, with duct tape on top!
I adore this man and his devotion to having our voice heard!!!!!!!!

Bumping for Caylee and all who love her. Yes, thank you Hal.

Excerpts from his post:

Caylee Anthony: Why she won’t be forgotten
Caylee and Casey Anthony — posted by halboedeker on August, 9 2012 9:37 AM

Today would have been Caylee Anthony’s 7th birthday.

She was just 2 years old, a child who wasn’t reported missing for 31 days and whose body wasn’t found for six months.
I hear from many readers who want justice for Caylee. As long as she’s not forgotten, that will be a form of justice.
Oh, well, what happened to her should never happen to another child. For that reason, she won’t be forgotten.
There is a small little human(I think)posting on Amazon. It is a new thread about the election. This small human has some big problems. Loco
Slip sliding away.... :)

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,779 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
#35 in Books > Law > Criminal Law
#41 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > True Accounts > Murder & Mayhem
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