I do not believe that what the A's did was done to keep OCA from death. IMO, they did it to get her off completely, and that's what exactly happened. For anyone who states that you would lie on the stand to "save" your child, I'll ask this -
1. Would you ever allow this situation to get as far as a death penalty trial?
2. Would you not understand the seriousness of the situation early on and compel your daughter to take a plea deal with a few words of truth?
The time to save her was well before she faced a jury. I wonder if when GA went to see OCA at the jail back in August '08 that he was going to try and do this - explain to her how bad the situation was and to get out now with a deal. But we later learned that the GA/OCA mtg was stopped by JB, (JB was in NY this night) and when he found out about it, he sent another DT member to the jail and convinced OCA not to meet with GA.
All of this could have been avoided with a few words of truth from any of the A's. I say they knew (something I could never fathom until the trial), that the SA could not prove how Caylee died, and therefore OCA would walk. It was that simple. It never mattered what everyone thought...they created a situation that gave them time on their side.
IMO, GA played the henpecked husband and SODDI foil perfectly, and lookie here - he walked away with the biggest payoff that we've heard about so far - half of an alleged $600K from Dr. Phil. I believe Tim Miller 100% when he said that the A's are all actors and they belong in Hollywood. 1 + 1 = 2 - yeah right - it took GA 3+ years, and Dr Phil's $$$, to evasively speak some of the truth. Imagine GA popping up on this of all nights - I guess the Anthony circus is back in town folks, and just in time now that someone is about to get off probation.
I doubt that JA would waste a moment even thinking about bringing this mess back up by bringing charges against anyone. That part is over, unless someone starts to finally speak the truth about what really happened back in June 2008, and there is only one person with a get out of jail double jeopardy card - OCA. Why would anyone else, other than her, bury themselves now after all this time with the truth?
ETA: I think that Disney, the family channel, went after the wrong Anthony with their 200K... they should have dangled that carrot in front of GA.