Sidebar Discussion #12

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In an interview, Mason said she was working as a clerk, then evidently realized what he said and amended that as that was working for whoever she was staying with. At first it sounded like she was earning money. Then it sounded like she was not paid, just doing it in exchange for housing.

He just talks out of both sides of his mouth, trying hard to keep his stories straight. FCA can teach him how to do it since she has had so much experience.

He also said that FCA was unemployable, that no one would hire her if they heard her name. Sounds like the person keeping her has a job for her. What Cheney Mason doesn't understand is that FCA doesn't want a job, never did. All she wants to do is mooch off of someone else. He may never get rid of her.

He also said they didn't know where FCA would live. She hasn't had any trouble so far and there are people out there who would love to take her in for whatever their own reason is - Steve Camp, the investigator, any guy she takes up with, the place in Ohio. I don't see her getting her own place unless someone gives it to her and pays her bills for her. She hasn't shown any responsibility for any bills except her cell phone and she stole money to pay for that. She used her mother's credit cards but didn't pay on them either.
I doubt we'll really see much of her. Isn't she still fat? Weight loss is a slow process, I'm told. :floorlaugh:

Have a great weekend, guys! Don't stress too much about her. She's her own worst enemy.
OK, let's try this again peeps.

If a post here violates TOS (including visual bashing, name-calling/name-variations, bashing other posters, or personal attacks upon or baiting of those who do not hold a certain viewpoint), the appropriate course of action is to Alert on the post, and MOVE ON.

If you repeatedly find yourself unable to engage in a civil, rational dialogue with another poster, PUT THEM ON IGNORE. (The link here explains this feature and how to use it.)

The Sidebar thread has been on Time Off for 23 hours and 45 minutes, and from all appearances this has caused many of our posters great distress and angst.

Before you post in this thread, consider that distress and angst and imagine if it were multiplied by several days, or worse--if the Sidebar just went away for good.

Think before you hit that "Post Reply" button.

(And please note that there are no noms or drinks or swim-up bars in this Sidebar. :notgood: )

Now thank this post to show that you understand what is expected of you, and carry on.


:beats: My heart, my heart! This scared me so much.:yow:
I thought we closed shop again.:tears:
My heart was beating a mile a minute :beats: but then I noticed I could reply.:sponge: I'm so happy this was just a warning.:tyou: cause I couldn't handle being closed up when she is roaming around free out there.:noooo:
We need this side bar more then ever now as we wait for her to mess up cause she will. :waiting:
I remember coming here to read & there would be pages & pages I had to read to catch up to you all.:skip: It use to take me all day long just to catch up.:treadmill: I loved it. Those days will be back.:eek:ddsmiley:
We have to be good so we can keep this open.:tos: We must follow the rules cause my heart can't take it.:beersign:
:beats: My hear, my heart! This scared me so much.:yow:
I thought we closed shop again.:tears:
My heart was beating a mile a minute :beats: but then I notcied I could reply.:sponge: I'm so happy this was just a warning.:tyou: cause I couldn't handle being closed up when she is roaming around free out there.:noooo:
We need this side bar more then ever now as we wait for mess up cause she will. :waiting:
I remember coming here to read & there would be pages & pages I had to read to catch up to you all.:skip: It use to take me all day long just to catch up.:treadmill: I loved it. Those days will be back.:eek:ddsmiley:
We have to be good so we can keep this open.:tos: We must follow the rules cause my heart can't take it.:beersign:

BBM - Oh she most certainly will, and I wouldn't doubt one bit but what she'll have some "lil' helpers" along the way to assure that happens. ;)
Ok, this is really petty but I got a giggle. The book of lies is priced at 17.79 but now Jeff Ashton's book (hardcover) is up to 17.81. And still selling 8 months after the fact, with the paperback out next week!
Ok, this is really petty but I got a giggle. The book of lies is priced at 17.79 but now Jeff Ashton's book (hardcover) is up to 17.81. And still selling 8 months after the fact, with the paperback out next week!

I have not been over to that site to look at the ratings or read the discussions. How is that going?
Maybe, just maybe,she will slink away somewhere and we will never hear from her again.
I really don't get the point of her probation. Florida taxpayers, you just paid for a full year of protection for this felon. I would be outraged and disgusted. Lets just pretend she was simply a thief and not a murderer who got off, are all thieves monitored this loosely?

I bet her probation officer is penning a "tell-all" this very minute and is going to give part of proceeds to her in exchange for a very lenient year of coddling.

Everyone single person engaged with her has been bought with a price. Everyone darn one of them. And not one of them has turned to the truth. Not one.

I have held on following this case far too long, waiting for truth and justice to appear. Now, I am getting a little bit cynical. Its all just boiled down to money.
Oops sorry, I guess my comment was over the top :( I've been off the internet so much lately I feel I missed a lot. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself as I don't want to jeopardize the sidebar. Apologies.
So-----a flare in the SouthWest asking me to defend the Pacific Coastline of the true north strong and free? Ready and able!

Wowzers - lots going on - or lots went on...and a new thread. Must go back and see what's up....:waitasec:
Oops sorry, I guess my comment was over the top :( I've been off the internet so much lately I feel I missed a lot. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself as I don't want to jeopardize the sidebar. Apologies.

Awe. don"t stop posting. :( Just make sure you filter what you say. I know it can be hard with the things that can anger us and we post exactly what we are feeling and thinking at the time.:banghead: I think most of us have done it at one time or another. :doh:We all just have to keep our emotions in check :)
So I went on a hunt to find the post that engraved on my brain what would and what would not earn me a TO.....

It's an internal post from Tricia, our esteemed Leader, so you can't get more serious than that.

Some of it is for members only so I'm just going to provide a link - newbies especially might find it you won't be constantly concerned about the hammer...

[ame=""]UPDATED PLEASE READ:No Name Calling or Using Negative variations on Player Names - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Umm- here's a hint...the word It - uh uh.....:what:

We just don't need poor com n sense getting those kinds of shocks too often!!! LOL
So if FCA was to leave the country - if she really does have a passport that is - do we think she's going alone? I mean - who would go with her?

I know she's been here and there living and hiding, but basically she's kind of a small town girl - who has never lived on her own.

Unless she earns a bunch of $$$ in a hurry, she won't be able to hire protection, and I'm pretty sure no one on her legal team in going..

Cindy? I dunno....does FCA really want to spend full time with Cindy again?:waitasec: I just don't think she has to courage to go overseas anywhere and live there alone....
Good to see you back lg. Thanks for the link. I had not read that before and it really is a help.

Now get back to protecting the border that is your responsibility.
Welcome back LG! Missed ya!. Yep, some folks are at a seminar now and some on a vacation! But appears they will all be back! I have found in times of distress to go to another trials thread. Actually wnet to the Andrea Sneiderman bond hearing this week (co-conspirator and RICO charges with Hemy Neuman who got LWOP for the murder of Andreas hubby) and EGADS. The Drew Peterson thread is also here at Websleuths too. Matter of fact, Tricia is having Jack Ruby on her show this Sunday!

Back to regularly scheduled programming! :seeya:

Hmmm - well ...lots of troubles I see.....and a number of off-site seminars ....
Well, I've been fortunate to only attend one off-site seminar so far...:blushing: and I remember it very well. :what:

But I also clearly remember what I did to "earn" it. Name calling is always a bad thing, even if what I said was true about a DT member..:floorlaugh:

But then I saw other members from time to time get them and I never quite "got" why - except when there was real :bigfight: going on. "Back in the Days" before the trial - you will remember that things got pretty heated between members. But the others I never really knew for sure why, even though the mods would explain "no bashing, no name calling" I'd think...we weren't doing that..:innocent: ....were we?

So I re-read the TOS, and kept on going and finally found out...I'll go and find it and hope I'm not earning myself another "off-site" by butting in like this. Will do a following post...give me a minute.:waiting:
Yes, Nore but she would still owe on the whole $200,000.00 cuz it was hers and she gave JB whatever she gave him and JB would owe taxes on whatever amount that was.

Hi I wasnt clear as usual.LOL. the 69 thou. was the tax figure on the 200.000. That might not even be the final figure. Would being declared indigent have any bearing on the final total? Maybe they wont go aftter her until she is working. :floorlaugh:
A visit from your friend is when your "friend" came to visit each month and you took it easy. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Now I am laughing again as I took it that way and it had me screaming with laughter, then I saw other posts and I thought hmmm, am I taking it wrong so I edited my post only to submit and see yes, you imtended it that way I took it. Jeez, the late night parties here without liquor make it hard sometimes, lol. BTW, is that nun still hiding our booze she found behind the couch?
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