Sidebar Discussion #4

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Harmony 2

Retired WS Staff
Oct 12, 2008
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Fresh clean paper...


[ame=]sidebar three[/ame]
Ooooh! A nice, new thread! Thanks so much, Harmony!

Oh no! I got caught in the door. Had the most awesomeness post! :great: Well, I will have a beer and a donut instead, probably for the best.
I wish I knew where she is getting money. In the first vlog she has a pair of oblong-ish glasses. In the second brief vlog she has wide u shaped glasses. Not to mention the Ohio vid where she has on the smaller oblong-ish glasses like the ones she had on while she was in custody (IIRC).
Where has the money come from for all that dental work, nose and ear pircing, wigs(?) hair dye, new computer, camera, internet service and phone service?
I wish I knew where she is getting money. In the first vlog she has a pair of oblong-ish glasses. In the second brief vlog she has wide u shaped glasses. Not to mention the Ohio vid where she has on the smaller oblong-ish glasses like the ones she had on while she was in custody (IIRC).
Where has the money come from for all that dental work, nose and ear pircing, wigs(?) hair dye, new computer, camera, internet service and phone service?

Not "earned" by FCA. Certainly, not claimed as income. Maybe from the "rents" and the selling of their Granddaughter's memory/story to Dr. Phil and anyone and everyone who would pay a dime off the murder of Caylee. :furious::furious::furious:
I wish I knew where she is getting money. In the first vlog she has a pair of oblong-ish glasses. In the second brief vlog she has wide u shaped glasses. Not to mention the Ohio vid where she has on the smaller oblong-ish glasses like the ones she had on while she was in custody (IIRC).
Where has the money come from for all that dental work, nose and ear pircing, wigs(?) hair dye, new computer, camera, internet service and phone service?

I don't know if this has been asked, probably has, but I was wondering... if FCA isn't recording what donations she has received and from who then how can it be determined that she is or is not working somewhere and being payed under the table?

And then I was wondering about the incurable nature of FCA's mental illness. Dr. Drew says otherwise, but I think that the general concensus is she's warped for life with no hope for recovery or improvement. That wouldn't qualify her to be deemed "disabled" and therefor eligible to receive social security benefits would it? But then she would have had to have actually had a job for a significant period of time, right?
I wish I knew where she is getting money. In the first vlog she has a pair of oblong-ish glasses. In the second brief vlog she has wide u shaped glasses. Not to mention the Ohio vid where she has on the smaller oblong-ish glasses like the ones she had on while she was in custody (IIRC).
Where has the money come from for all that dental work, nose and ear pircing, wigs(?) hair dye, new computer, camera, internet service and phone service?

I'm not so sure anything was pierced (she said ear "cuff" not "earring") and the nose thing is possibly fake. she was awful excited to show whoever she was video'ing with, so it was probably a new thing, and it didnt look swollen or discoloured to me.

but yeah the rest of it, the DT and CA is my guess.
I don't know if this has been asked, probably has, but I was wondering... if FCA isn't recording what donations she has received and from who then how can it be determined that she is or is not working somewhere and being payed under the table?

And then I was wondering about the incurable nature of FCA's mental illness. Dr. Drew says otherwise, but I think that the general concensus is she's warped for life with no hope for recovery or improvement. That wouldn't qualify her to be deemed "disabled" and therefor eligible to receive social security benefits would it? But then she would have had to have actually had a job for a significant period of time, right?

Dear God. I would hope being a narcissist and sociopath is NOT a disability. Don't even put that idea in her head. I highly doubt it is or more narcissists and sociopaths would be claiming disability these days. I can't stand the thought of Casey being able to claim as a disability. That would be the ultimate slap to the face, her living off the government for the rest of her life. No way. My father, who was an Oral Surgeon for over twenty five years couldn't get disability for his messed up shoulders, so surely Casey can't get it for being a narcissist and sociopath!!!!
I'm not so sure anything was pierced (she said ear "cuff" not "earring") and the nose thing is possibly fake. she was awful excited to show whoever she was video'ing with, so it was probably a new thing, and it didnt look swollen or discoloured to me.

but yeah the rest of it, the DT and CA is my guess.

Good point. There's no way should could have pierced her own nose and not have any swelling. I think you're right it was a fake.
Usually parents who loose a child from an accidential death are zombies for a long period of time afterwards. KC was one of the happiest people I have ever seen to have lost a child, accidentially or on purpose. One picture is worth a thousand words. jmo
Dear God. I would hope being a narcissist and sociopath is NOT a disability. Don't even put that idea in her head. I highly doubt it is or more narcissists and sociopaths would be claiming disability these days. I can't stand the thought of Casey being able to claim as a disability. That would be the ultimate slap to the face, her living off the government for the rest of her life. No way. My father, who was an Oral Surgeon for over twenty five years couldn't get disability for his messed up shoulders, so surely Casey can't get it for being a narcissist and sociopath!!!!


Don't tell me she's gonna be entitled to a blue 'N' permit for narcissists and priority parking right at the door of Target?
a quick note from the previous thread. Because my Father passed away in Florida in late August, I know in Florida they give you two death certs. One lists cause of death, the other doesn't. So if a person wanted they could only produce the one with no cause but there will be a second cert. with cause.
I wish I knew where she is getting money. In the first vlog she has a pair of oblong-ish glasses. In the second brief vlog she has wide u shaped glasses. Not to mention the Ohio vid where she has on the smaller oblong-ish glasses like the ones she had on while she was in custody (IIRC).
Where has the money come from for all that dental work, nose and ear pircing, wigs(?) hair dye, new computer, camera, internet service and phone service?

And you thought that was it and we'd all be sitting around bored! Well so did I but couldn't leave all my friends so was still hanging around.... :woot:
a quick note from the previous thread. Because my Father passed away in Florida in late August, I know in Florida they give you two death certs. One lists cause of death, the other doesn't. So if a person wanted they could only produce the one with no cause but there will be a second cert. with cause.

When I think about it - that makes a lot of sense doesn't it? When someone dies, there are a number of things a DC is needed for - to close accounts, etc. But unless we are talking about insurance, the reason a person died is nobody's business in the normal course of life.
Just drove by the Anthony's. Saw their old green suv wrapped in caylees fund graphics. Just thought I'd share. There was also a white work van in the drive way fwiw.
Just drove by the Anthony's. Saw their old green suv wrapped in caylees fund graphics. Just thought I'd share. There was also a white work van in the drive way fwiw.

THanks for that and wow - 500K isn't enough for them - they want more? Geez :banghead:

On the other hand I wonder how that is going down with OCA - hey look OCA - still not Number One!
I don't know if this has been asked, probably has, but I was wondering... if FCA isn't recording what donations she has received and from who then how can it be determined that she is or is not working somewhere and being payed under the table?

And then I was wondering about the incurable nature of FCA's mental illness. Dr. Drew says otherwise, but I think that the general concensus is she's warped for life with no hope for recovery or improvement. That wouldn't qualify her to be deemed "disabled" and therefor eligible to receive social security benefits would it? But then she would have had to have actually had a job for a significant period of time, right?

Oh, wow...I was just gonna say something like that!!
Also wondered about welfare, foodstamps, section 8 housing, etc.
As far as SSI/Disability, I'm pretty positive she didn't put enough into the system, although, there's a certain # of years you have had to work, so may be qualified.
Also, I believe it works partly on if the person can find a job which is "equal" or something they can "retrain" for that would be comparable to their initial job and pay.
She probably needed to be seeing a psych and be on meds for a while for them to seriously consider her claim. I think the vids, even though, WE think she seems nuttier than a fruitcake, show she's in a "good place", and happy with her progress...and IMO, appears her analyst, whatever, seems to agree.
I don't know if being a horse faced, self centered, spoiled, pathological liar, having narcisstic tendencies is grounds for disability.

Sorry, needed to add convicted thief, morally bankrupt...I'm sure I'll think of more....LOL
from the other thread - is rossva a forensic expert or something? or did I totally miss that?
Just drove by the Anthony's. Saw their old green suv wrapped in caylees fund graphics. Just thought I'd share. There was also a white work van in the drive way fwiw.
I thought Caylee was a shell. Or is it different when there's money to be made?
Was the white van being crewed by guys in white suits with straightjackets at the ready?
Oh, wow...I was just gonna say something like that!!
Also wondered about welfare, foodstamps, section 8 housing, etc.
As far as SSI/Disability, I'm pretty positive she didn't put enough into the system, although, there's a certain # of years you have had to work, so may be qualified.
Also, I believe it works partly on if the person can find a job which is "equal" or something they can "retrain" for that would be comparable to their initial job and pay.
She probably needed to be seeing a psych and be on meds for a while for them to seriously consider her claim. I think the vids, even though, WE think she seems nuttier than a fruitcake, show she's in a "good place", and happy with her progress...and IMO, appears her analyst, whatever, seems to agree.
I don't know if being a horse faced, self centered, spoiled, pathological liar, having narcisstic tendencies is grounds for disability.

Sorry, needed to add convicted thief, morally bankrupt...I'm sure I'll think of more....LOL

Thankfully we don't live in Greece. Maybe this is where Casey needs to be:
Furor in Greece over pedophilia as a disability

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