Sidebar Discussion #8

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Ok, yes I hoped someone would tell me to lighten up. I don't normally take anything personally and I guess tonight I'm feeling sensitive (stupid life and whatnot). I wanted to be told this, frankly, so thanks.

I shall not only :chillout: ... but I shall do it in another color.

When I get old - I will wear purple! :gasp: WHAAAAA! I already am purple and old! Oh well!

Or............for our male posters.....if you had cold water poured on would be another color???????? Tee hee!

ok........gotta say something relevant in the posting here........ but at a loss for words right now.
Ok, yes I hoped someone would tell me to lighten up. I don't normally take anything personally and I guess tonight I'm feeling sensitive (stupid life and whatnot). I wanted to be told this, frankly, so thanks.

I shall not only :chillout: ... but I shall do it in another color.
If it makes you feel better (or not), I blame her for my big, fat "you know what". lol

BBM - This comment had me tilting my head saying :waitasec: and :banghead: .

I, for one, have not lost sight of the primary reason. SHE MURDERED CAYLEE. Secondary all the other fallout - quite a bit that FCA doesn't even consider IMHO.

My heart ached tonight reading that Shirley Pleasea (Cindy's mom) in an interview with another is said to have felt it was her fault it happened----------I have not read the article, just the caption of the article. That really REALLY ANGERS ME - I can't read as it's so upsetting to me.....and I so wish that FCA (nope, F does NOT equal felon for me - another word) could realize and have empathy for such - but FTLOG, I guess after killing her daughter, and having no feeling, Shirley and the rest of them will have to go to their graves without having an answer and wrongfully feel remorse in their participation of events.

Again, my heart aches for Shirley. I still recall the surreptitious recording...and the help they gave with her cat. I can't fathom........just can't fathom..... and makes me wonder............

I'll end here before I get a TO :banghead: :banghead:

I'm not talking about WS, but more the general public. Casey wasn't named "Most Hated" until she was acquitted. She wasn't "Most Hated" when she took 31 days to report her daughter missing. She wasn't "Most Hated" when Caylee's body was found. After the verdict came in, there was a page created on Facebook to keep your porch light on. It got over 1 million RSVP's. Why wasn't this page created back in 2008? The petition for Caylee's Law was not created until after the verdict. Where were all the celebrities who tweeted their outage about the verdict in December 2008? People murder their children all the time. But how often does one of these murderers get acquitted?
I just realized that our family vacay is planned for mid-july in Palm Springs. From what I remember, the felon may have gone there last year after her release. I tell ya what, I don't want to run into her - ggaaaahhhhh!

Why is it that all these felons (Westerfield, Peterson, Anthony) make their way to the West Coast. Stay out of my way!!!

Mel :)
I'm not talking about WS, but more the general public. Casey wasn't named "Most Hated" until she was acquitted. She wasn't "Most Hated" when she took 31 days to report her daughter missing. She wasn't "Most Hated" when Caylee's body was found. After the verdict came in, there was a page created on Facebook to keep your porch light on. It got over 1 million RSVP's. Why wasn't this page created back in 2008? The petition for Caylee's Law was not created until after the verdict. Where were all the celebrities who tweeted their outage about the verdict in December 2008? People murder their children all the time. But how often does one of these murderers get acquitted?
I think everyone/everything was there (celebrities,polls, etc.)...we were so caught up in it all, it was difficult to see what was happening on the outside. Our anger was rightfully displayed for 3 plus years. I have to say, I have spoken to many Caylee supporters after the verdict, people I never knew had even heard of the case. But, they were there following along for a very long time. IMHO, Casey has been hated for a VERY VERY long time.

PS- early on we talked about the need for a law to be put in place. The fact that a parent could go a month without telling anyone that their daughter was dead was reason enough to suggest that something needed to be done. Obviously, something was seriously flawed with our system.
I'm not talking about WS, but more the general public. Casey wasn't named "Most Hated" until she was acquitted. She wasn't "Most Hated" when she took 31 days to report her daughter missing. She wasn't "Most Hated" when Caylee's body was found. After the verdict came in, there was a page created on Facebook to keep your porch light on. It got over 1 million RSVP's. Why wasn't this page created back in 2008? The petition for Caylee's Law was not created until after the verdict. Where were all the celebrities who tweeted their outage about the verdict in December 2008? People murder their children all the time. But how often does one of these murderers get acquitted?

Understand that was your original intent Eileenhawkeye. :grouphug:

Perhaps just one legacy for Caylee is "Caylee's Law" which is for the future......or similar recognition by legislatures. :websleuther: vs general public..........yep - agreed. I must do a head tilt even on that law - as I'm sure in the future - it MAY be misused in prosecutions... I hope not but can see a potential abuse of that law when implemeneted.

ETA: Off to light a candle in Wolfmom's thread

2nd ETA: Multiple candles!
has anyone watched the Seminar with Mason, Ashton, and Judge Alex? I'm watching it right now (cringing that Ashton and Mason are sitting so close together). You can watch it for free on I-tunes. I recommend it.

The Trials and Error seminar has been made available as a free download via iTunes. I watched it tonight and really enjoyed it.​i...-anthony-trial/​id532601429?i=116281556

The jury foreman was supposed to be in attendance, but he backed out last minute.

Very very interesting --


ETA: Fast forward to 11 minutes. The first 10 minutes or so are just intros. Love me some Judge Alex "Casey killed her child"!
Well, considering that we went to war against two countries, which had massive support from the public in the beginning, due to Osama's crime, I'm going to take a wild guess and say he's more hated. Venting on social media about Casey's acquittal and then voting in a NY Post poll that you hate her doesn't equal how Americans felt after 9/11.

Most people hate Casey more because she got away with it, not because she murdered her daughter.

bbm I am not so sure that is true but the acquittal was like insult to injury.

I think most people "hate" offender anthony because she is an unusually cold, ugly, and selfish person ... duct taping a toddler's face to death is about as callous as it gets let alone the offender's actions and reactions afterwards.

for the record: I do not "hate" anthony....but she absolutely turns my stomach. the worst thing about the verdict for me isnt that she got away with was that for the first time in my life, I truly TRULY understood that most people are really, really stupid. I know that sounds dramatic but it actually shattered my worldview. I'm ok, I'm ok. it's just the way the world is...but I know it now.
I don't mean to be a downer or a meanie or anything, but this talk about casey getting fat as if it's the worst thing in the world, well, I guess I'm just a little put off by it in a way. I'd be the last one in the world to defend anything when it comes to her, but the fat humor is a little much for me, I think. I get it that it's the irony that's the funny part here, that she lived her life as if she were a goddess and this is like payback, but, oh I don't know, I'm being sensitive I guess. ?

I dont like it either dear :hug:

I think it's the schadenfruede of her gaining weight sitting on her ask ...since all of us packed on at least a little while watching the trial last year!! it's the least she could do for us :floorlaugh:
I think everyone/everything was there (celebrities,polls, etc.)...we were so caught up in it all, it was difficult to see what was happening on the outside. Our anger was rightfully displayed for 3 plus years. I have to say, I have spoken to many Caylee supporters after the verdict, people I never knew had even heard of the case. But, they were there following along for a very long time. IMHO, Casey has been hated for a VERY VERY long time.

PS- early on we talked about the need for a law to be put in place. The fact that a parent could go a month without telling anyone that their daughter was dead was reason enough to suggest that something needed to be done. Obviously, something was seriously flawed with our system.

Very difficult indeed-Especially in the beginning, when we were busy looking at doc dumps and generally sleuthing. I really did not care what Warren Sapp thought of the case at the time; Instead, I was wondering if Dominic Casey and Cindy knew Caylee was in a swamp down the street.

There are early, very early polls that inicated that KC was pegged from day one and a vast majority of the polled Florida public believed Casey should receive the DP.

I am not concerned with when KC became most hated, I am concerned about the point that she became a "celebrity." That disgusts me.
Ideally, Caylee would be voted the "Most Beloved"....and the jury would have had a collective IQ greater than 12. But if I'm makin a list of regrets, the delay of passage of Caylee's law falls far below the rushed jury selection.
I don't mean to be a downer or a meanie or anything, but this talk about casey getting fat as if it's the worst thing in the world, well, I guess I'm just a little put off by it in a way. I'd be the last one in the world to defend anything when it comes to her, but the fat humor is a little much for me, I think. I get it that it's the irony that's the funny part here, that she lived her life as if she were a goddess and this is like payback, but, oh I don't know, I'm being sensitive I guess. ?

That is exactly why I was laughing - not so much about the weight gain but karma for FCA who used her appearance so much to get what she wanted...
Very difficult indeed-Especially in the beginning, when we were busy looking at doc dumps and generally sleuthing. I really did not care what Warren Sapp thought of the case at the time; Instead, I was wondering if Dominic Casey and Cindy knew Caylee was in a swamp down the street.

There are early, very early polls that inicated that KC was pegged from day one and a vast majority of the polled Florida public believed Casey should receive the DP.

I am not concerned with when KC became most hated, I am concerned about the point that she became a "celebrity." That disgusts me.
Ideally, Caylee would be voted the "Most Beloved"....and the jury would have had a collective IQ greater than 12. But if I'm makin a list of regrets, the delay of passage of Caylee's law falls far below the rushed jury selection.

Wonderful post JustJayla - I think you've beautifully expressed what so many of us feel - thank you! And to add - I didn't watch the news on this case that much because generally we got the docs or depos at the same time or before the medial for us to read or watch and discuss ourselves...we didn't need to.
Hmmm, here we sit on the 6th day of June - did I miss it, or have we not seen a probation report for this month?
Hmmm, here we sit on the 6th day of June - did I miss it, or have we not seen a probation report for this month?

It dosen't really matter BFMD. All they have to do is copy any of the past months reports because the only thing that ever changes is the date.
It dosen't really matter BFMD. All they have to do is copy any of the past months reports because the only thing that ever changes is the date.

You are so right - like we expect the woman who never tells the truth to tell the truth on these reports???
Wonders, LG - oddly enough, Boedeker just posted virtually the same sentiment half an hour ago now - and yeah - same old stuff on the report
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