Sidebar Discussion #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Spitz had assumed that Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the
medical examiner, would follow standard protocol and
open the skull, so he did not bring a saw.
“Do you have a saw?” Spitz asked the funeral
director. “I need a saw. Any saw.”
The director returned with a rusty old saw.
Spitz sawed and sawed, and after about a half an
hour, he gave up.
“This saw doesn’t cut,” he said.
“We’re going to have to buy a saw,” I said. The
only store open at three in the morning was Walmart.
“Come on, Pat,” I said to our investigator, Pat
When we entered the Walmart, the place was
virtually empty. There were only a handful of
employees. This was perfect. I figured we’d be able to
get in and out quickly without anyone noticing us.
(Media interest in the case grew exponentially after
Caylee’s body was found.)
McKenna and I split up in our search for a saw,
and just as I began my search, a bus from a home for
the mentally challenged dropped off its passengers so
they could shop with the least amount of hassle. I’m
looking for the saw, and one of the ladies from the bus
(she had Down’s syndrome) saw me and began
shouting, “Baez, Baez, Baez.” She followed me
throughout the store, pointing at me and yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
McKenna found a saw, and I yelled to him, “Let’s
get out of here.” We trotted to the checkout counter
and noticed the tabloid magazines, each featuring a
horrible story about Casey. One story trumpeted,
“Casey Anthony’s Drunken Party.” Another
proclaimed, “Secrets and Lies,” and yet a third featured
a story headlined, “Caylee’s Mom Did It: She Fed
Tragic Tot to Alligators.” I was looking at all these
headlines, while waiting to pay $4.99 for a saw to cut
open Caylee’s skull, when the woman with Down’s
syndrome found me and again began yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
It was surreal. I couldn’t believe why I was there
and what was happening. We paid and hurried out the

Omg...what a . First of all, a two years old child's skull would be like an eggshell. ”sawed and sawed for half an hour” my azz
The part about the walmart trip and the saw etc annoyed the heck out of me..
and I still wanna know .. who would take a bus load of mentally handicapped people to walmart at 3 am on christmas eve and drops them off ???

Its like he adds descriptions of people... like how much they weigh, how short they are, they have downs syndrome etc for his amusement .. it just grates me..
Here is what he says about the announcement of when the remains were found..

I turned on my TV set to WKMG Channel 6, the local CBS affiliate in Orlando, in an attempt to closely watch what was on the news. And I watched as Sheriff Kevin Beary, a huge man, somewhere around six foot two and tipping the scales at around 350 pounds, was talking about the case while wearing full riot gear. I said to myself, Just in case they need him to swing into action. It was bizarre. Here was this huge guy with a bulletproof vest, a flashlight, and black hat. I kept thinking, This guy has probably never been in tactical action in his life, but here he is, dressed up like it’s Halloween. I could also see that Beary was crying. He was the police equivalent of Rams’ football coach Dick Vermeil. Either he was hamming it up for the cameras, or I thought, Maybe he’s auditioning to be the weeping bailiff for the “Judge Larry Seidlin Show.” (Seidlin was the crying judge in the Anna Nicole Smith case.)
I get sooo angry at this book.. and even tho I am angry still over the verdict and no justice for poor little caylee, my anger at the book has really very little to do with that..
It has to do with the lies in this book and the attitude of Jose towards people.. how he puts them down and how he tries to toot his horn.. for stuff that he says happened..
Wow - JB is just a horrible, horrible man to describe people this way! What he HELLO is wrong with him!!!

yes it really really got to me..
here was the sheriff who you could see put his heart and soul into this search and trying to find little caylee. who had been living this day and nite for so long that he was emotionally drained and upset at finding the remains.. and JB has the nerve to be so nasty about it..
Spitz had assumed that Dr. Jan Garavaglia, the
medical examiner, would follow standard protocol and
open the skull, so he did not bring a saw.
“Do you have a saw?” Spitz asked the funeral
director. “I need a saw. Any saw.”
The director returned with a rusty old saw.
Spitz sawed and sawed, and after about a half an
hour, he gave up.
“This saw doesn’t cut,” he said.
“We’re going to have to buy a saw,” I said. The
only store open at three in the morning was Walmart.
“Come on, Pat,” I said to our investigator, Pat
When we entered the Walmart, the place was
virtually empty. There were only a handful of
employees. This was perfect. I figured we’d be able to
get in and out quickly without anyone noticing us.
(Media interest in the case grew exponentially after
Caylee’s body was found.)
McKenna and I split up in our search for a saw,
and just as I began my search, a bus from a home for
the mentally challenged dropped off its passengers so
they could shop with the least amount of hassle. I’m
looking for the saw, and one of the ladies from the bus
(she had Down’s syndrome) saw me and began
shouting, “Baez, Baez, Baez.” She followed me
throughout the store, pointing at me and yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
McKenna found a saw, and I yelled to him, “Let’s
get out of here.” We trotted to the checkout counter
and noticed the tabloid magazines, each featuring a
horrible story about Casey. One story trumpeted,
“Casey Anthony’s Drunken Party.” Another
proclaimed, “Secrets and Lies,” and yet a third featured
a story headlined, “Caylee’s Mom Did It: She Fed
Tragic Tot to Alligators.” I was looking at all these
headlines, while waiting to pay $4.99 for a saw to cut
open Caylee’s skull, when the woman with Down’s
syndrome found me and again began yelling, “Baez,
Baez, Baez.”
It was surreal. I couldn’t believe why I was there
and what was happening. We paid and hurried out the

And this just confirms how incredibly incompetent Spitz actually was, as demonstrated in full-screen glory when he testified at the trial. Anything for a buck - what professional would saw and saw and saw at a toddler's skull with a rusty saw only to crack it??!

And for Baez to include this in his book?? Again, what the HELLO is wrong with him!!?
The unnecessary cutting open of Caylee's skull was probably the most heart-breaking part of the trial for me. Spitz insisted it was the only way to do a prober autopsy. He claimed it was in his or some book or other, but he couldn't remember which one! Let's also remember the "brain dust" he found. It was sediment from the soil (which we all knew anyway).

In rebuttal, Dr. Garavaglia said it wasn't, that it was a simple procedure to thoroughly inspect the inside of the skull without damaging it.

It made me cry to thing of the unnecessary desecration of poor Caylee's bones after having been tossed like garbage.

BTW, this was not really an autopsy, merely an examination of those littlel bones.

I still cry to think of it.
The unnecessary cutting open of Caylee's skull was probably the most heart-breaking part of the trial for me. Spitz insisted it was the only way to do a prober autopsy. He claimed it was in his or some book or other, but he couldn't remember which one! Let's also remember the "brain dust" he found. It was sediment from the soil (which we all knew anyway).

In rebuttal, Dr. Garavaglia said it wasn't, that it was a simple procedure to thoroughly inspect the inside of the skull without damaging it.

It made me cry to thing of the unnecessary desecration of poor Caylee's bones after having been tossed like garbage.

BTW, this was not really an autopsy, merely an examination of those littlel bones.

I still cry to think of it.

I know this book has reopened wounds for alot of us.. its like Baez reopened them and rubs salt in them
Does Jose actually let us know in his book what they expected to find in Caylee's skull when they sawed it open?? I haven't read the book but I can practically guarantee there is no mention of what exactly they thought they would find that had them so gung-ho to run to WalMart for a saw that wasn't rusty! And why couldn't it wait another day in order to procure the correct autopsy tools? This really, truly, makes me sick.

This was just Jose running around listening to a little, old, once well-respected coroner who has obviously lost his touch with reality.

Poor little Caylee.
I had another thought. (As you can see, this whole saw thing is really disturbing to me.)

Why would they need to saw open Caylee's skull IF SHE DROWNED IN THE POOL? Huh, Jose? Can ya answer me that one? Did you think you would find pool water in there?
Here is what he says about the announcement of when the remains were found..

LEFT-COASTER :gthanks:
for your "reviews" and quotes from the book!! I just could not read this, as I too am an avid reader, and I can 'see' that it would REALLY be a challange! So again...

your welcome..
It is really a hard read...
I dont think ive ever taken over a week to read any book..

Heck i read "gone with the wind" in 3 days.. while doing
a chapter by chapter ... page by page outline type book report
that I got an A+ on....
I had another thought. (As you can see, this whole saw thing is really disturbing to me.)

Why would they need to saw open Caylee's skull IF SHE DROWNED IN THE POOL? Huh, Jose? Can ya answer me that one? Did you think you would find pool water in there?

they were trying to prove the skull was moved i believe
I have to think that if KC had a fight with her mother on the 15th that Caylee was very upset. Maybe so upset and KC tried to quiet her down while she was on the phone with TL. Could this be why there was duct tape on Caylee's mouth and nose? I don't think it would be a stretch to think KC lost track of the time while in her car and Caylee was gone by the time she finished her conversation so KC put Caylee into the trunk. I don't think she was home but may have been at the dump site because I believe that is where she hid everyday when she was suppose to be going to work and she waited there for her father to leave. It would still hit the tower as being close to home, I might imagine. That would explain the phone call from GA to the house. Once GA left she would go back to the house. GA may have left her a voicemail that he was not coming back and to let the dogs out or something of that nature so she was sure he would not return. We've all seen KC in a rage. It's not hard to believe Caylee died on the 15th if there was a fight the night before. jmo

Here's the problem with the above theory, and this is going to be hard to read so some may want to pass over this.

If Casey had wanted to quiet down Caylee while she was on the phone it would not have required three pieces of duct tape covering her mouth and nose. Duct tape that was so tightly placed on Caylee that it was still in place after her poor little body had decomposed completely. A child, heck any person, would not sit there without struggling to try and get the tape off of their nose and mouth so that they could breath. This means, if Caylee was alive and awake when Casey placed those three pieces of duct tape on her mouth and nose, that Caylee's hands had to have been restrained in some way. As Dr. G said, there is no reason whatsoever for any duct tape to be placed on a childs mouth and nose unless it is placed there to kill the child. This was not an accident. This was not an attempt to keep Caylee quiet while Casey was on the phone. This was premeditated murder. Casey fully intended for Caylee to die and she did.

It wasn't the saw that Spitz tried to use that was rusty. It was his own heart.

And if Baez does have a heart it must be one he bought at Walmart for $4.99.

Both filled with nothing but greed.
I think it was done after GA left for work.. after casey had googled foolproof suffocation.
Ok here is the timeline of phone computer use that day..
(thanks to AZ for most of it she typed up, I just added a few more things.)

12:54 am Casey finishes up an 80-minute phone call with Tony
1:05-1:54 am Casey texting back and forth with Tony
3:08-3:22 am Casey on the phone with Tony
7:54 am Someone calls Casey's phone from the house landline-goes to voicemail (i believe i read this was casey getting her voicemail messages)
7:56-8:06 am Casey happily IM'ing/flirting with Alexso I assume the "incident" was after this.
8:45 am Casey texts Tony
9:00 am - 10:59 Casey on the computer on facebook and myspace looking up outfits etc for the shot girls
11:47 am-12:06 pm Casey on the phone with Tony
12:55 pm Casey exchanges texts with Tony
1:00-1:14 pm Casey on the phone with Tony
1:26 pm Casey exchanges texts with Jesse
1:44-2:20 pm Casey on the phone with Amy
(1:50 someone on computer looks for foolproof suffocation)
2:52-3:04 pm Casey on the phone with Jesse

(snipped)1:44-2:20 pm Casey on the phone with Amy
(1:50 someone on computer looks for foolproof suffocation)(snipped)
It would be interesting to see the results of her search. I'm pretty sure that it would mention cutting off the air-flow to the nose & mouth. ...and that's when she decides to use duct tape. Can we say premeditated?
(snipped)1:44-2:20 pm Casey on the phone with Amy
(1:50 someone on computer looks for foolproof suffocation)(snipped)
It would be interesting to see the results of her search. I'm pretty sure that it would mention cutting off the air-flow to the nose & mouth. ...and that's when she decides to use duct tape. Can we say premeditated?

The thing about that web search and the way jose portrays it is one of the illogical things to me.. He claims it was GA doing it looking for sucide because he felt guily..

Logically one does not look up foolproof suffocation to look up ways to kill yourself.... that is just stupid..

the logic of the searchs to me point more to casey then anyone.. which to me points to premeditated murder.

Jose himself infers that casey was home when the search was done..
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