Sidebar Discussion #9

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EXACTLY. And later in the book he says he and Cheney confronted George again and George was silent for A WHOLE 40 SECONDS? Which Jose insuates is proof of guilt.

We have seen George angry - he has a very short fuse - IMO he was probably trying to compose himself and not throttle JB or Foghorn.
EXACTLY. And later in the book he says he and Cheney confronted George again and George was silent for A WHOLE 40 SECONDS? Which Jose insuates is proof of guilt.

Just consider the source of this information. There is no way to know if that even happened. These attorneys are self-serving. JB's book was written with sales profits in mind...not as a reference manual for justice. Sex sells, and forbidden sex sells faster. In this country we embrace free speech, but dragging a person's name through the mud over and over and over is not what free speech is for. But I suppose we cannot expect much from attorneys who partied to celebrate that a child killer was set free. Caylee who?
Unless you have owned or had a jack russell in the family.. One can not understand the uniqueness (sp) of these dogs..

there are like a 150 lb dog in a 18 lb body and too smart for their owners good..

My jack is now 3 (its his picture in my profile pic) .. i feel for your loss..

when zenoah (my dog) was about 10 weeks old.. He learned what the word New meant.. I have no idea how he learned this..
but we would tell him ... go get your new toy.. ..
or go get the new ball.. or blankey or what ever.. and he would get the newest.. then if you bought another one the next day.. He knew that it was now the new one.. it was funny

Thanks for the kind words. He was something and I miss talking to him. We have MonaLou, his niece and Sport his nephew to keep us smiling.

With three jack russells we never worried about break ins or sleeping through the night.

Sometimes people are so shocked they are speechless. The first time someone came out to me with that, even as a suggestion, I am sure I would need a while to process it, too.

I think JB left out a good part of what the rest of the conversation was that day with GA because JB did ask GA at the Frye Hearings if he would do anything to save his daughter's life and GA said yes. I'm guessing GA expected JB to make it up to him after the trial by telling the truth. Instead JB decided to make money off of GA, too. Is anyone keeping score of the victims in this case?????? Seems to me the list keeps getting longer and longer. jmo
GA probably spent those 40 seconds thinking about all the scurrilous lies she had ever told about him and how every effort he had ever made to defend himself had only backfired and made things worse. For him.
JB uses GA's silence as a presumption of his guilt.

His client was silent for 3 years concerning her child.....Presumption of guilt anyone? lol
JB uses GA's silence as a presumption of his guilt.

His client was silent for 3 years concerning her child.....Presumption of guilt anyone? lol

Well said.

I am deeply disturbed by the fact that D-Team has decided and embraced the philosophy that a lie, repeated often enough, becomes the "truth.". I am further disheartened by the media's full support and encouragement of this position. But I would advise everyone to remember this when viewing any media representation of anything.... Anything at all.
So what exactly is the timeline for the George-as-abuser defense theory? Where/when does the *first* confrontation about sexual abuse happen, if the second one was in March 2009, at CM's office?

Summer 2008
- Out on bond, FCA is angry with GA, yelling at him to get out of the house, and accusing him of acting like a cop instead of a father. GA's LE friend from Ohio says that FCA knows where Caylee is but isn't telling.

August 2008 - In jail, FCA asks to speak with her father privately, which JB later puts the kibosh on. In jail visits, FCA gushes that GA was the best father, and the best grandfather to Caylee. Meanwhile, GA encourages FCA to feel "in charge" as "the CEO," and urges her to speak to LE and/or the FBI.

September 2008 - FCA is out on bond again. OCSO, acting on a tip, confiscates a gun from GA's vehicle in the garage of the A home. GA says he was planning to use it to pressure those who know where Caylee is to spill the beans.

October 14 2008 - George testifies before the grand jury; FCA is indicted and arrested.

October 21 2008 - Robyn mails an FCA letter from jail to someone for safekeeping; in the letter FCA says Lee abused her, and from dreams she's thinking GA may have too.

December 11 2008 - Caylee's remains are found.

January 2009 - George's suicide attempt.

January 2009 - FCA writes to Robyn about GA's suicide attempt and hospitalization, says she hopes he gets help, hopes he gets better.

January 2009 - JB says he first heard of sexual abuse from FCA (but claims he had already suspected it, and also had broached it to CA/GA at some earlier point? When?)

May 2009 - Andrea Lyon officially joins defense team. Heavy mitigation work begins with FCA at the jail.

January 2010 - A year after his suicide attempt, and shortly after getting a tattoo of Caylee and going on a cruise with the family, GA reads his composition, "Living Under a Microscope" to the media.

Part 1: [ame=""]George Reads His Letter Pt.1 - YouTube[/ame]

Part 2: (Note: In this segment, GA says he writes to FCA at least twice a week. Why have we never seen all these letters?)[ame=""]George Reads His Letter Pt. 2 - YouTube[/ame]

Part 3: [ame=""]George Reads His Letter Pt. 3 - YouTube[/ame]

March 2010 - Cheney Mason joins defense team.

Date unknown; March 24? - Per JB, he and CM confront GA regarding sexual abuse; GA is silent for 40 seconds (or 23 seconds, depending).

March 24 2010 - Per GA, JB gave him disturbing news and asked him two disturbing questions in CM's office on this date.

March 25 2010 - George writes "How could you?" letter to FCA.
(Letter from GA to FCA)
One thing that has always bothered me is that this woman "River Cruz" a minor bit player, had such a prominent role in the trial. Unlike, the other players she has faded into obscurity. But, imo, she is as dastardly as the jurors, Spitz, the Grief Lady, etc. Why has she been given a pass? Was she a planted Madam Hari?
im not so sure when the abuse letter was mailed to robyns for save keeping..
there are letters from all differant tmes in there. including easter time..
AZ You need to read the book for us. Your great lawyer like brain would be able to pick it apart seam to seam. I will send you my daughter's copy because I am not going to read it and I want that evil talisman out of my house ASAP??:floorlaugh:

I really would love to tear it apart. :) But I will need a lot of wine to get through that writing style. :banghead:
One thing that has always bothered me is that this woman "River Cruz" a minor bit player, had such a prominent role in the trial. Unlike, the other players she has faded into obscurity. But, imo, she is as dastardly as the jurors, Spitz, the Grief Lady, etc. Why has she been given a pass? Was she a planted Madam Hari?

WOW! I thought that back before the trial. When it all surfaced in discovery. Too damn hinky that her sister was in jail the same time FCA was. Was she in the sane facility? Or what was the connection?
IMO the way that George addressed Casey with the beautiful and what not was simply his way of buttering her up so that she would talk without blowing a gasket. This is a chick who still thinks that all men want her, that her looks are most important. Tell her what she wants to hear and she may just tell you something you need to know.


Yes, I completely agree - I thought he was saying what he thought she wanted to hear to get her to talk to him, not being creepy.
I truly believe she will at some point in the future. Born round, you ain't gonna die square.

Also, after DD warched some of the inyerview tapes with George in the beginning...she now sees JB's BS FOR EXACTLY WHAT IT IS. BLATANT LIES. I asked if she thought FCA perhaps wrote part of the book or if she thought JB was as devious as Casey. Her answer...he is evil and I think thst is exactly what the Florida bar saw in him and one reason he could not gain admission for 8 years.

I say..too bad the Bar wobt hold him to those standards today.

BBM - I have never heard this saying before and I LOVE IT!!!!
He and Cindy had to walk on eggshells all the time with Casey - that first call of Casey's from jail to Cindy you can hear the same type of thing- Cindy tells her to stop lying but ends the sentence with "sweetheart".... they have to kowtow to Casey to get her to do anything. You do NOT want to get on the wrong side of Casey.. Poor Caylee!

Tha way GA and CA talked to FCA reminded me of that Twilght Zone episode where all those people had to be very nice to that little boy (he was very evil) or he would send them to the corn field. I think that's where he sent them LOL
Oh my heart goes out to you - it is so sad to lose a beloved dog! I can barely think about my old dears without tears, and it's been years. I have a couple of others now, but nothing ever replaces the ones you lose.

I know this is OT. But, I know exactly what you mean. We lost our 14 1/2 year old Schnauzer a few years ago. He was old and in bad health, but ended up dying in an unexpected and tragic accident. It was a very emotional experience for me because when he died I literally sensed and felt his spirit leave his body, there was something very spiritual about it I cannot explain. It has been four years now, and I still to this day grieve and cry when I think about him and what happened.

Unfortunately, I was taught as a child that dogs don't go to heaven. However, after the death of our Schnauzer and over the years I had challenged this belief, that dogs must go to heaven. My rationale, God created us in His image, and dogs are man's best friend, so God loves dogs as much as we do. Therefore, God would want dogs in heaven as much as we would. Finally, I read a book in which a little boy dies and goes to heaven and he verified my belief. This gives me much peace that my beloved pets are where they deserve to be.
Anyway, this is just something I found that is in honor of man's best friend:

Dog spelled backwards is God.
In general there is nothing more selfless, loving or patient than a dog. Mistreat it and it comes back to you anyway. Ignore it and it never gives up hope that you will be its friend. Make it wait days to go play and it will be ready. It offers you friendship and companionship and in return asks only for food, water and an occasional scratch behind the ears.

Why would God bother to make such a creature? I suppose that if dogs were like people they would eventually give up on us… but they never do. A dog’s love is almost impossible to destroy, because it’s not a love you earn — it’s simply a love you are given. In other words, dogs love unconditionally, with unending patience and with faithfulness to the very end.

Maybe God made dogs to show us something about Himself? So maybe “man’s best friend” is really pointing us to the One who is truly our best friend.
Tha way GA and CA talked to FCA reminded me of that Twilght Zone episode where all those people had to be very nice to that little boy (he was very evil) or he would send them to the corn field. I think that's where he sent them LOL

Billy Mumy played the little boy, Anthony. Anthony got mad at one man that got drunk and he put him in the corn field singing " You are my Sunshine".
Tha way GA and CA talked to FCA reminded me of that Twilght Zone episode where all those people had to be very nice to that little boy (he was very evil) or he would send them to the corn field. I think that's where he sent them LOL

LOL...I was thinking of the same episode when I remembered the way in which everyone tip-toed around CA..."ANTHONY" could not be made angry or their was hell to pay..

The family's demeanor and behavior is way too similar to that show...LOL
have any of you guys noticed a review over on amazon. even mabe commented on. it.. then a couple hours later its gone? Its odd... why are the 5 stars doing that?

earlier today there were two that commented on how baez is a class act... i commented on both ...

one is still there but the other is gone..
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