Sievers Sidebar #3

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That's what I thought. My only theory is that maybe they had a high deductible on their homeowners insurance policy and he didn't want to pay it. Many companies will just bill the insurance companies and they cover everything but the deductible.

And he had all that money stashed in the safes and house...yeah.
And he had all that money stashed in the safes and house...yeah.

And close to $16k in the account by that time too.

I seriously doubt any of the donors would have objected to him utilizing some of those funds for cleaners and carpenters in an effort to shield the girls from the pain of seeing the aftermath of the crime scene investigation. Images of fingerprint dust and missing doors are probably forever etched in their young fragile minds.

One thing everyone who was interviewed seemed to be consistent about is that MS's love for his girls is immeasurable. But I fail to see a shred of love in having them endure the pain and trauma of learning their mother was murdered, and then taking them to the scene of the crime that very same day. I fail to see the love in bringing them into their home when there were still visible traces that the crime had occurred. I fail to see the love in moving them back into the murder house so quickly, when their deep wounds were still so fresh. And above all, I obviously fail to see the love in hiring someone to bludgeon their mother to death. He is cruel, and he is selfish. He doesn't love anyone but himself and his bank account. Moo
AGREE---can you imagine LE having to listen to LS 'channel' TS thoughts & observations---he probably strained a muscle too, Boobywoo! Holy crappola, visions of LS in a Tin Hat. A friend of mine, a TS patient, had 1 appt with LS.... 'weirded me out' was the term used & they never went back to her. JMO but LS now has a bad rep established, at least for most here on WS who've read/heard her interview and/or saw her actions right after TS was found. Potential 'patients' out there are at risk with people like LS, as those truly desperate health-wise will do anything sometimes---this can happen to anyone. Depending on word-of-mouth at least in the Ft Myers down to Naples area---and I'd personally never publicly slander anyone's rep---people on this forum would honestly warn any friends/family about consulting the likes LS. All said, LS has damaged herself all by herself. While her input would be valuable, LE can easily determine what to consider.

Concerning the fact that TS & LS were entering into a new partnership of sorts, that in itself could have been detrimental in the long term to TS individual good works. JMO

If she ever truly was grieving, she blew through all the phases pretty quickly. She was already at acceptance three short days after TS's body was found. TS hadn't even been laid to rest yet, but she was telling the media that life goes on. :sheesh:

"Life goes on. That’s what she would want us to do. Carry her passion and her work," said Spiska. "She would be very angry with me if she knew I was just sitting down and crying and giving up."

Except that LS had not put all her eggs in one basket. In one interview she gave she talked about how they were going to be doing the speaking engagements together and bring the message forward East meets West but they would both still keep their patients/clients etc.

I'm sorry but if my dear friend, colleague and business partner is brutally murdered I'm angry and heartbroken and wanting JUSTICE for such a brutal, heinous injustice. This woman was the mother of children I would assume LS cared about. Teresa Sievers didn't die of natural causes or a long slow illness or cancer. I am not just moving on in a few days or focussing on a business. I would be a mess and most likely temporarily medicated for it. This was a brutal, vicious murder in the safety of her friends own home.

I will never understand her mind set or actions.

Here are the things that LS has said publicly and within the FIRST few of days after the horrific murder of her dear BBF that have bothered me the most. I can't un-ring a bell.
Lenka Spiska worked side by side with Sievers for the past four years.

She’s hoping, for now, that the public will stop focusing on what happened, and focus instead on the person Sievers was.
While family, friends, and the community wait for answers about what exactly happened, Spiska hopes they change their focus to the message Sievers always preached.
I think Teresa would love if someone could turn the page and see this publicity could be something good.

HUH??? Something good? I don't think there is anything GOOD that can be found about this horrible murder to "focus on."

And she said in early July that she feel's that the media needs to shift the negativity to goodness, that's what she would have wanted...
^^^ Really... those are some of the more damning statements- they defy logic IMO.

I would be feeling so much rage for the person who did this to someone I liked, loved, looked up to or admired and they had yet to be caught. Someone I called my friend- GMAB!
I look at it totally differently . Those statements. Not the rest with LS.

To me it would be an honor if someone would say they wanted the world to look at rhe message I had instead of the negativity. I know the last thing I would want people to do for me is revenge.

I think LS is saying what an amazing person TS is and she would want the positive to go on.
^^^ Really... those are some of the more damning statements- they defy logic IMO.

I would be feeling so much rage for the person who did this to someone I liked, loved, looked up to or admired and they had yet to be caught. Someone I called my friend- GMAB!

My Frigga. Lol. Agree.

Ls sounds like mark when he told CK that it's time to move on from the investigation only 15 days after it happened. Lol.

So imo. LS and Mark was definitely being intuitive together when they mentioned the move on aspect to others that early on. Joo. Just Our Opinion.
LS has a website that has a number of misspellings, grammatical errors and punctuation errors.
So what does that tell you?
LS has a website that has a number of misspellings, grammatical errors and punctuation errors.
So what does that tell you?
A while ago, we noticed the same thing with their contract to patients. Almost as though a 2nd grader wrote it.
I was embarrassed for TS' practice, honestly.

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Sadly, I think this is why the murder was done in the kitchen area. Tile and appliances are easily cleaned especially when your big plan includes bringing your daughters back to home to re-bond with the house in brand new condition. As to why he left CSI fingerprint dust on things, he was too cheap to pay for an adequate cleaning, or he wanted others, KC and his daughters included to endure the added pain and/ or fear, or he was just too busy making after funeral plans including dumpster dropping but not limited to pool parties and good times. Ugh
That's sick, but may be true.

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I think Teresa would love if someone could turn the page and see this publicity could be something good.

I never heard that quote before. I probably didn't pay attention. Thank you for re-posting it. I think Lenka always wanted to be, but couldn't be a media "spectacle"
Seeing what's going on with all this media attention on TS, who is deceased, probably had her chomping at the bit for some notoriety.

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How odd and curious that someone/anyone would consider these as negatives (presuming one doesn't know who the murderer is or doesn't have a problem with someone bashing in the head of an innocent woman):

1) being concerned that there is a madman (or three punks according to her visions) running around randomly and gleefully murdering women in their own homes

2) hoping that the murderer of their "dear friend" is apprehended and imprisoned to keep society safe and that includes herself and her children

Believe it or not, people can still hope for justice without it being a "negative" emotion.

No mention about asking the public to do anything they can to help LE catch the murder? No pleas for her dear friend or her children?

I think she used the publicity (her words) to her advantage, so she needn't worry about it. Not only did she coattail on the publicity, but the obituary.

It's not only is Teresa Sievers' death all about MS (in his mind), Teresa Sievers' death is all about LS (in her mind). Boy, did she start capitalizing on that without missing a beat.
I really don't understand this. Insurance companies have specialist companies that clean up scenes like this. They pay for it. Many local LEOs have the local one(s) on speed dial in metro areas.


Me, either. Those cleanup crews know what they're doing. I also thought that TS' family went in and did some cleaning or straightening up after that?

I wonder if MS did something to replicate it or tried to make it look like it wasn't cleaned up in order to manipulate sympathy from CK? He has guns and ammunition. Could gunpowder appear similar to fingerprint dust? Maybe I'm just thinking too much about this, but it just seems like something he'd do.
I look at it totally differently . Those statements. Not the rest with LS.

To me it would be an honor if someone would say they wanted the world to look at rhe message I had instead of the negativity. I know the last thing I would want people to do for me is revenge.

I think LS is saying what an amazing person TS is and she would want the positive to go on.

To me LS has done everything to backstab Teresa in her death. She's an attention seeker. When questioned she answers the questions vaguely then puts in a lot of her opinions(intuition). I don't believe a word she says about the negative things she said about TS and I think all those things should have been redacted as they have NOTHING to do with the murder and they're mostly all lies. MHO
I look at it totally differently . Those statements. Not the rest with LS.

To me it would be an honor if someone would say they wanted the world to look at rhe message I had instead of the negativity. I know the last thing I would want people to do for me is revenge.

I think LS is saying what an amazing person TS is and she would want the positive to go on.

LS’s only other job, as far as I know (and I defer here to some of the master sleuths), before 2014 when got her massage license, was organizing trips to Yugoslavia for big game hunters to slaughter animals.

This is a woman that supported killing animals for sport.

Why are we even discussing a person capable of such depravity?

Watch what people do, not what they say.
She was also allegedly in culinary arts school in Colorado too. Curious and curiouser.

She does state on her website that she has been (basically) a psychic for many years.
From everything I have read and heard of and from LS, she was not a friend to the Dr. It was a terrible con job on her part and I don't think many on WS have been fooled and I do not think LE was fooled, nor were others who worked in that office. Her crystal ball (intuitive mind) whatever is broke. She actually lost a lot throughout this farce, as her reputation is certainly down the drain. I also have not seen or heard of any friends of LS, where are they, was TS her only friend. Or was it just MS. What about her patients, is there anyone out there that thinks better of her than most of us. I guess not, or they are stepping up with a defense for her. JMO
As I mentioned in an earlier post, JMO... LS would have had negative effect in the long term on TS individual good works. LS can't help herself, evident in her LE interviews. I'm sure she thought they were impressed with her 'intuitive' utterances VS the fact they likely needed a stiff drink post interview. LS naturally exposes her 'intuitive' self... observing, it's like "and there she is!" Sorta like sifting kitty litter & it ain't cream that rises to the top.
She was also allegedly in culinary arts school in Colorado too. Curious and curiouser.

She does state on her website that she has been (basically) a psychic for many years.
"Basic" is the operative word to describe her actions. Nothing special at all.
I'm not defending LS nor am I going after her. I mentioned this in a few previous threads but I went to TS for severe back pains while I was waiting for an appointment with a neurosurgeon that wouldn't take place for another month or so. TS tried prescribing something but it wasn't enough. I had already tried a chiropractor and that went nowhere but TS suggested that I see LS. I gave her a try and she did nothing but similar things the chiropractor did however not nearly as intense. I didn't get any of the intuitive or Reiki stuff but like the chiropractor, her treatments also went nowhere. FWIW, my opinion of LS as a professional is indifferent at best but she tried what she could.
Something that I have have learned from following this case since last July is that MS is cheap. While he may have had gold/ silver and military coins and thousands in his safes- this man was CHEAP and gave no comments (quite obnoxiously, I might add), CHEAP on emotion and absolutely CHEAP on having a human soul. Yes, MS- you have nothing.

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Even though he has no soul, he does have at least something....Ice in his veins and plenty of it.
Chilling isn't it.
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