Silly String Birthday Party

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Any reason you are asking all that in BOLD ? is that the same as all Capitals ? ie yelling ?

Im not going to write it all out here again. Everything is on the Should Darlie get a new trial thread and Did Darlie do it thread.

This thread was really about the Silly string Episode.

And in fact as everyone has made such a point of stating that Darlie asked the media there for it, dont you think it very ODD that she would not use that to her advantage and sob and wail to turn it on for the media ?

I agree with many here that I would be anesthetized with any and every drug that the doctor gave me - but different people do things differently.
I am constantly shocked by what people do differently to me and how they react differently to me.

It doesn't therefore cement the case that she is a murderer because she does something so different to me or you...People in
Grief react differently.
I know someone whose boss's parent died and he went and holed himself up in a hotel for 2 days drinking smoking cigars and utilizing the services of shall we say a escort service COMPLETELY out of Character for that person.
And no one could find him !

Let me ask a question to all those adamant she did it - If she is put to death and a year two years whatever later it is turned out 100% absolutely that she did not commit this heinous crime how will you feel ?
When a second Trial could have proven that all along ?

I see Darlie as no different than I see Casey, to me they are 2 peas in a pod. Her going to the cemetery was not about those boys it was all about her.

Don't worry TX won't execute her till all her appeals are done with and unless there is some really good new evidence I doubt she will ever get another trial unless something comes from the appellate courts.

I havent kept up with the case in a long time so has her case come up in the appellate courts yet?
Compare the "they" in the 911 call to direct and cross in the transcripts.

Darlie has told so many different stories, versions, of events the night of the murder, no wonder she cannot remember who she told what to. She cannot keep her stories straight and I for one, find all of the different versions very confusing.

Again, no doubt in my mind that she is guilty as heck.
IMO, there was an incredible amount of hearsay allowed in this trial.

Additionally, prosecutors held a mock trial before the trial. Many witnesses for the prosecution sat in the mock trial and heard what each prosecution witness was going to say on the stand.
Where did you get "THIS" information from. What hearsay...can you be more specific. Hearsay is only allowed under "certain" circumstances.

I wonder..........what does the mock prosecution and the 'hearsay" have to do with the never ending, ever evolving "stories" of Darlie.

She has so many stories, so many different accounts to so many different people, that even I am confused to the events. All I know is that Darlie tells different stories to different people. Only one story is the truth, Darlie killed her kids, thought she could get away with it and did not.

Did the defense have a mock trial with all of the defense witness in place. I rely on evidence. Like the evidence that there is no way an "unknown" person could have committed the crime and left no blood trail. Not one drop of blood outside the home. Why.....because no one left the home.
Respectfully, I got "THIS" information from reading the transcripts!

During a "real" trial, witnesses are not allowed to listen to each others testimony. Why do you think that is?

I don't know if the defense had a mock trial or not. I would guess no. From reading the transcripts, it seems to me all the defense did for Darlie, when they did anything at all, was try to put out fires lit by the prosecution. IMO, Darlie would have done much better sticking with PD rather than switching to Mulder. A first year law student could have done better than he! This is the reason I feel Darlie deserves a new trial.

No blood outside the home....did police really look for any....given that there was a big storm....and the fact that Cron pretty much decided within the first half hour of being inside the home there was no intruder?
You know this is one of the main reasons that they Jury took just four hours to find Darlie Guilty.
They found it abhorrent that she could be literally 'dancing on her sons graves'
throwing this silly string.
The Lead prosecutor did in fact state ""She has just lost two children, and yet she's out literally dancing on their graves.""

However they were not shown the entire video which showed her sobbing prior to THAT incident..

My question to you all is ....... don't you think if you were guilty in your heart, you would not openly do something that would attract attention to you as being cold and callous ? that would lead people to be suspicious of you ?

Don't you think that if you were innocent in your heart, and that your son loved silly string and so you gave it to him for his birthday like you always would do, because you loved him so much and the grief was overwhelming and you weren't thinking that anyone could possibly take it THE WRONG WAY.....
Because you were just doing what you wanted from your heart....

If you were guilty of murdering someone would you draw attention to yourself in a negative way on purpose ?

Honestly, I really don't care what happened before or after the "silly string incident" on the video. Fact is, she did do it. I really don't think I would be able to spray silly string, chomp on gum and look as happy as she did. The totally devastating, heart-breaking loss of a child is unspeakable. To lose two at once? And then stand there and "party" like that? Impossible. I was more upset than she looked when my father passed away. But one of my children? ABSOLUTELY no way would I even be able to do that.
<<And in fact as everyone has made such a point of stating that Darlie asked the media there for it, dont you think it very ODD that she would not use that to her advantage and sob and wail to turn it on for the media ?>>
<respectfully snipped>

Do I think it very odd? Not at all. We've all talked and read about sociopaths on this website. Darlie is another one, I believe. I think she liked all the attention (check out the cut offs she was wearing). She didn't sob and wail because the cameras were on and it was about HER. Can't look hot if you're crying.
:clap: Yes!

Hopefully, if she gets a new trial, she will get a better lawyer too! The job Mulder did for her was a sin & a shame! :mad:

Please forgive this, but are you serious? She had one of the absolute best defense attorneys in the state of Texas.
First-She did not know that the gravesite was being recorded when she was putting on her show

Second-there was much more people around the first unrecorded session of the funeral where she had to put her 'act' on. it is only hearsay that she was upset (remember it was not recorded from the inside) If you notice (from the recording from shots behind) she was sitting crosslegged on the ground during that session.

Third-Did you see Darin acting this way at any time at all? Watch the video and you will see that he is not smiling, snapping gum or dancing etc. he is greiving and appears soliced and quiet. So if this was a 'traditional' act then why is she the only one all happy?

Fourth-that is not the main reason they convicted her-that is what her supporters spun to look like the reason when in all actuality it was the lack of evidence to support that there was an outside intruder. All the way down to the blood droplets found underneath the glass indicating she walked through that spot and dripped blood before she broke the glass on top of it to stage the scene....I could go on and's all in the transcripts

Ask yourself this....if both your children were brutally murdered, could you even bring yourself to smile or drag yourself out of a huddle in bed to even make it to your childrens funeral let alone hop around popping chewing gum? Seriously-you would break into tears between trying to hold it together-not so sure you would dance around in your cut off jean shorts :waitasec:

Great post... says it all pretty much.
Compare the "they" in the 911 call to direct and cross in the transcripts.

Darlie has told so many different stories, versions, of events the night of the murder, no wonder she cannot remember who she told what to. She cannot keep her stories straight and I for one, find all of the different versions very confusing.

Again, no doubt in my mind that she is guilty as heck.

I'm curious, do you know or have you heard any explenation to the bruises up and down her arms? When I read the web site that is pro Darlie did not do it, they had photo's and talked about these defense bruises. Just when I feel sure she did it, I read something that makes me question it.

ETA: I just ordered the book by Barbara Davis, she did a 180 on her opinion so now I want to read what she first thought happened.
I'm curious, do you know or have you heard any explenation to the bruises up and down her arms? When I read the web site that is pro Darlie did not do it, they had photo's and talked about these defense bruises. Just when I feel sure she did it, I read something that makes me question it.

ETA: I just ordered the book by Barbara Davis, she did a 180 on her opinion so now I want to read what she first thought happened.

Yes and suprise surpise they are the photos that were NOT shown to the Jury

I'm not really arguing (at this point) whether she did it or didn't do it
I do not believe she had a fair trial, and agreed from all accounts her lawyer was NOT acting in her best interest at all, I don't care if it he is the best lawyer in the whole world he had a conflict of interest because of Darin

She needs a new trial, and really if everyone thinks she is so guilty what is everyone scared of by her having a new trial ?
If she is that guilty then the new jury will convict Guilty again and that will be the end of it
Jane- I'm pretty much with you about a new trial. I really don't understand why that is not happening. I am so disturbed that I can be swayed one way with a set of facts and then another. Like I said, I have Barbra Davis' book ordered and I am going to take that and compare it to her statements now to refresh my memory on the evidence that was left out at trial. Unlike the Casey Anothy case, this one has me jumping back and forth between innocent and guilty, at the least I say unfair trial.
Yes and suprise surpise they are the photos that were NOT shown to the Jury

I'm not really arguing (at this point) whether she did it or didn't do it
I do not believe she had a fair trial, and agreed from all accounts her lawyer was NOT acting in her best interest at all, I don't care if it he is the best lawyer in the whole world he had a conflict of interest because of Darin

She needs a new trial, and really if everyone thinks she is so guilty what is everyone scared of by her having a new trial ?
If she is that guilty then the new jury will convict Guilty again and that will be the end of it
(my bold) Respectfully, JaneInOz, the photos were submitted to the jury. Just remember, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him look at it!
O.K. those photos were shown to the jury, that is in the transcripts.

Whom ever said that they did not see the photos on the jury, must have been asleep or not paying attention.

On the 911 call, she said that she was asleep when the boys were stabbed and when she was "stabbed".

Never, not in the transcripts did she ever mention that she was "fighting" him, she tried to correct the 911 call and said I was frightening.

Do you want to know where the bruises came from. Blunt force trauma. That means her arm was "hit" and bruised by an object or against an object. Again, smoke and mirrors just like the "hesitation" wounds on her neck.

Another attempt to cover up the crime and manipulate it. BTW, the defense has the same photos. They were entered as evidence.

But lets deal with the facts. You know the blood that was cleaned up at the sink, the two foot prints(which were Darlies)in blood that was cleaned up. How about when she said that she was cut on the neck as she was lying down(no blood from the wound in the area that she was sleeping) and the blood that was cleaned up on the sofa area.

What about the 911 call when Darlie said "I saw" them. Oh, they turn into "someone" who turns into they.

What about the three different "stories" that she gave to LE. That would be in three different police interviews.

What about the letters she wrote to relatives, that she knows who did this, that she just knows.

The many version of her story were told on the witness stand as related by Darlie to many different people.

You tell one story to one person, another to LE, another to a friend another to a relative.

A portion of Darlie's testimony......

2 A. The next thing that I remember is
3 Damon hitting my right shoulder, and he said "Mommy," or
4 he said "Mommy, Mommy," I'm not sure, but he said,
5 "Mommy."
6 I looked up, and you've got to
7 remember that I'm in a -- I am not completely awake, you
8 know, when you first wake up, you are not completely wide
9 awake. And there was a man, that was down, going away
10 from the couches, walking away from me.
11 I started to get up and when I stood
12 up, I heard noise like glass breaking. I started to walk
13 towards the kitchen, Damon was behind me, and when I got
14 to the kitchen, I put my hand back here for Damon to
15 stay.

So her mortally wounded son, who had two stab wound in his back was walking and talking and standing up even though he was "barely" alive a few minutes later.

Please, if I were to believe that Darlie is innocent of this crime, that means that I would have to believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny.

I believe the evidence, blood evidence, blood spatter evidence, forensics, you see that does not lie.

DArlie is not the first person to injure herself to "try" and sell a story and deflect blame on "some unknown" person. No the first person to claim innocence despite being convicted. But the evidence speaks volumes, Darlie speaks lies.

Darlie's family pooled their resources to "hire" the best attorney(2) in the state of Texas. These two lawyers were "high profiled" and well known.

So yes, she had two of the best defense attorney's in Texas, but they could not "get her off" as the evidence proved that she committed the crime.
Mulder, et al. were Darlie's demise. "They" may have been the "best" defense attorneys in Texas in cases past. They were, without a doubt, THE worst she could have hired, been appointed, accepted pro bono, for her particular case - defense of capital murder of Damon Routier. Darlie would have done better to defend herself.

IMO, this case could go down in law books as The Worst Defense Ever.
Is Wrong in its assesment and writings of the case then ?

The attorney that represented Darlie Routier at trial had an apparent conflict of interest, because he reportedly had a pre-arrangement with Darin Routier and other family members not to pursue any defense that could implicate Darin. This attorney allegedly stopped key experts for the defense from completing forensic examinations.

Other areas of concern which were never brought to the attention of the jury include the pictures of Darlie's cut's and bruises on her arms which were taken when she was hospitalized the night of the murders. At least one juror told reporters he would never have voted to convict if he had seen the photographs.

Bloody fingerprints have been found that do not belong to Darlie, Darin, the children or any of the police or other people in the Routier house the night of the murder. This contradicts testimony given during her trial that there were no fingerprints found outside the home.

Questions her defense team want answered:

* A bloody fingerprint was found on the living room table. Who does it belong to?

* There was a bloody fingerprint on the door of the garage. Who does it belong to?

* Darin Routier's jeans had blood on them. Whose blood is it?

* A pubic hair was found in the Routier living room. Who does it belong to?

* How did the blood on Darlie's nightshirt get there and whose is it?

* Did the police get debris on the knife in the kitchen while investigating the murder or did it come from the screen door?

Darin Routier has admitted to trying to arrange an insurance scam, which included someone breaking into their home. He has admitted that he had begun the initial steps to arrange a break-in, but that it was to be done when no one was at home. No jury has heard this admission.

The incriminating Birthday Party film that was viewed by the jury showed Darlie dancing on the graves of her son along with other family members, but did not include the filming of the hours previous to that scene when Darlie sobbed and grieved over the graves with her husband Darin. Why was the additional footage not shown to the jury?

Neighbors reported seeing a black car sitting in front of the Routier home a week before the murders took place. Other neighbors reported seeing the same car leaving the area on the night of the murders. Were these reports investigated by police?

Investigators during her trial invoked their fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination during cross examination, preventing the defense from rebuting their testimony. What did these investigators fear by being cross-examined?

There was discussion of the police not protecting the evidence as they collected it which could have possibly damaged it's origins. Did this really occur?
More Questions that Need Answers

* The screen which investigators reported to the press as being cut from the inside was later proven in court to be cut from the outside.

* When the paramedics arrived at the scene they said that Darin Routier was outside, but Darin was inside trying to save his children. Who was the man outside?

* Was the testimony from the nurses in the hospital coached and rehearsed in mock trials by the prosecution prior to their testimony, as it has been reported?

* The surgeon who operated on Darlie said that the cut in her neck was 2mm of the carotid sheath but was superficial to the carotid artery. The necklace she was wearing was damaged as a result of the wound but it also blocked the knife from going deeper into her neck. Did the jury get a clear understanding as to the seriousness of her wounds?

* Was there an improper read-back of testimony to the jury by the court reporter, due to mistakes she made in the transcript?

* The prosecution has reportedly refused to provide access to any evidence in their custody in the case. Why is it not readily available to all interested parties?

* The advancements in DNA testing could put many of these questions to rest. Why is there such a reluctance to do the testing?

As I said it was a VERY Unfair Trial with many discrepancies

You can read more on this site which gives the prosecution side first and the defense side after

I have gleamed all my information from reading all the information out there.

There is so much that is unaccounted for that makes me believe she was not given a fair deal

It is amazing to me how there was gob smacking evidence at the Ramsay home with JonBenet but yet it is amazing that the old not what you know who you know and how much $$ and influence can buy you is so completely true.

But yet with Darlie it pains me that there is so many grey areas and areas of complete stuff ups and yet people are ready to pull the switch on her :(

Is that really Justice ?
I also ask that you read this

I really don't want to keep yo yo ing back and forth...

My point is that there IS missing pieces of this case and as such it leads to a unfair trial being had.

Can I ask when you read these things that I write and or link to, do you dispute them ?

Do you say no they did not happen ?

And if you do not dispute them, then how do you explain them ?
Is Wrong in its assesment and writings of the case then ? Haven't read it, but from what you've quoted, it's pretty much accurate.
The attorney that represented Darlie Routier at trial had an apparent conflict of interest, because he reportedly had a pre-arrangement with Darin Routier and other family members not to pursue any defense that could implicate Darin. This attorney allegedly stopped key experts for the defense from completing forensic examinations. Mulder did stop this guy (and there were 2, iirc)...and for the life of me, I can't remember his name....Terry something ETA: Laber, iirc...from completing testing. From what I understand, the PDs hired these forensic guys, and the PDs were taking the tactic that "Darin did it." THIS is the reason that Mulder was hired!

Other areas of concern which were never brought to the attention of the jury include the pictures of Darlie's cut's and bruises on her arms which were taken when she was hospitalized the night of the murders. At least one juror told reporters he would never have voted to convict if he had seen the photographs. The photographs were there for the jury to view. IMO, Darlie's defense, (i.e. MULDER) did not direct their attention to these photos. Prosecutors did a textbook job of directing this jury's attention to conviction-favoring evidence (e.g. Silly String video) to the exclusion of any and all exculpatory evidence.

Bloody fingerprints have been found that do not belong to Darlie, Darin, the children or any of the police or other people in the Routier house the night of the murder. This contradicts testimony given during her trial that there were no fingerprints found outside the home. "There were no fingerprints found outside the home." But I know what they meant! According to "Darlie's after-trial experts," these fingerprints were ruled out (i.e. "do not belong to Darlie, Darin, the children or any of the police or other people in the Routier house the night of the murder." According to prosecution experts, the fingerprints were inconclusive (i.e. could have been Darlie's or a child's).

Questions her defense team want answered:

* A bloody fingerprint was found on the living room table. Who does it belong to?

* There was a bloody fingerprint on the door of the garage. Who does it belong to?

* Darin Routier's jeans had blood on them. Whose blood is it?

* A pubic hair was found in the Routier living room. Who does it belong to?

* How did the blood on Darlie's nightshirt get there and whose is it?

* Did the police get debris on the knife in the kitchen while investigating the murder or did it come from the screen door? Probably meant the screen of the window in the garage.

Darin Routier has admitted to trying to arrange an insurance scam, which included someone breaking into their home. He has admitted that he had begun the initial steps to arrange a break-in, but that it was to be done when no one was at home. No jury has heard this admission.

The incriminating Birthday Party film that was viewed by the jury showed Darlie dancing on the graves of her son along with other family members, but did not include the filming of the hours previous to that scene when Darlie sobbed and grieved over the graves with her husband Darin. Why was the additional footage not shown to the jury? Mulder filed proceedings contending that the secret taping by LE was illegal. Therefore, LE took the 5th as not to incriminate themselves before the case was decided in a separate court. IMO, one more example of horrible lawyering by Mulder.

Neighbors reported seeing a black car sitting in front of the Routier home a week before the murders took place. Other neighbors reported seeing the same car leaving the area on the night of the murders. Were these reports investigated by police? Barely, but yes.

Investigators during her trial invoked their fifth amendment rights against self-incrimination during cross examination, preventing the defense from rebuting their testimony. What did these investigators fear by being cross-examined? That they were about to be caught doing something illegal. :bang:

There was discussion of the police not protecting the evidence as they collected it which could have possibly damaged it's origins. Did this really occur? Absolutely! One need only look at the photos to see how badly LE contaminated the scene. :furious:

More Questions that Need Answers

* The screen which investigators reported to the press as being cut from the inside was later proven in court to be cut from the outside. The only brilliant moment for the defense.

* When the paramedics arrived at the scene they said that Darin Routier was outside, but Darin was inside trying to save his children. Who was the man outside? :eek:

* Was the testimony from the nurses in the hospital coached and rehearsed in mock trials by the prosecution prior to their testimony, as it has been reported? It sure was.

* The surgeon who operated on Darlie said that the cut in her neck was 2mm of the carotid sheath but was superficial to the carotid artery. The necklace she was wearing was damaged as a result of the wound but it also blocked the knife from going deeper into her neck. Did the jury get a clear understanding as to the seriousness of her wounds? Did her defense attorneys point that out.....:snooty:

* Was there an improper read-back of testimony to the jury by the court reporter, due to mistakes she made in the transcript? Many!

* The prosecution has reportedly refused to provide access to any evidence in their custody in the case. Why is it not readily available to all interested parties? :waitasec:

* The advancements in DNA testing could put many of these questions to rest. Why is there such a reluctance to do the testing? :confused:

As I said it was a VERY Unfair Trial with many discrepancies

You can read more on this site which gives the prosecution side first and the defense side after

I have gleamed all my information from reading all the information out there.

There is so much that is unaccounted for that makes me believe she was not given a fair deal

It is amazing to me how there was gob smacking evidence at the Ramsay home with JonBenet but yet it is amazing that the old not what you know who you know and how much $$ and influence can buy you is so completely true.

But yet with Darlie it pains me that there is so many grey areas and areas of complete stuff ups and yet people are ready to pull the switch on her :(

Is that really Justice ?
For the record...again, I'm not interested in a Darin did it defense. IMO, if she did it, he did it and vice versa. They both deserve the needle! My problem lies with her sorry a$$ defense attorneys.
Jane, I've given you rebuttal on your posts, but have not received any replies. Try reading this - all the way through - and your questions will be answered by the appeals court rulings. Yes, it is long, but this ruling covers all your questions, from Mulder's handling of the case to Charlie Sanford's affidavit to Lynch's psychiatric state. (You will not get any truth from a site named 'forDarlie' that is run by Darlie's mother.)

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