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The RN author told JR to use that good southern common sense of his. JR's not southern, therefore the RN author only had superficial knowledge of JR.

There's just one little thing wrong with that, HOTYH. JR having "good southern common sense" was a common joke among PR's family. Coincidence?
So basically you're saying that BOTH top IDI experts Lou S. and Douglas were wrong in their profiling?One said it was a sadistic pedo the other one was sure someone who hated JR did it.None of them ever mentioned the SFF.

A foreign sadistic pedo who hated JR. I can't find anything wrong with this, but I'm sure, very sure, RDI can.
I've always suspected that Patsy used JAR's suitcase deliberatly. To possibly frame him. If I remember correctly, I believe a jacket or coat of his was found in the kitchen. Laying on the wet bar or something like that, which of COURSE would have been uncharacteristic for Patsy, the neat freak. (she would have removed it, hung it up, whatever.)ring a bell for anyone else?

Actually, Patsy was very untidy as far as housekeeping. If you look at the crime photos of the house, it is very messy all over. This was not because police rummaged through the home. It always looked that way. The Rs did not own a hamper, tossing dirty clothes on the floor or wherever they landed. Patsy's own mother Nedra often criticized Patsy's messiness. She told Patsy that the housekeeper was supposed to be there to clean, not to pick up the mess. If JAR left a jacket out, it would have remained there till the housekeeper put it away. She said the kitchen was always a mess. The kids never put away toys and no one put anything back in the fridge.
Patsy was meticulous in her dress, hair and makeup (and that of her daughter) but not as far as keeping her home tidy.
Where did you here THAT?

I thought everyone knew.

It's in PMPT, page 630. PR and Nedra (PR's mother) were both heard to say that it accounted for his business acumen.

I wouldn't read too much into "fat cat," either. PR's parents, Don and Nedra, called JR that on occasion.

A foreign sadistic pedo who hated JR. I can't find anything wrong with this, but I'm sure, very sure, RDI can.

Where do you want me to start?
I thought everyone knew.

It's in PMPT, page 630. PR and Nedra (PR's mother) were both heard to say that it accounted for his business acumen.

I wouldn't read too much into "fat cat," either. PR's parents, Don and Nedra, called JR that on occasion.

Where do you want me to start?

With anything besides hearsay? Sorry, but I pay no attention to hearsay.

Its a feeble attempt to link PR to the RN, similar to choosing one small lower-case 'e' out of 1500 characters. For PR to be the author, she had to have written the ENTIRE note, not just one letter.

Apparently PR was incapable of writing the note because she doesn't know how to spell 'advise' whereas the RN author does. She always spelled it with a 'z', and the RN author spelled it with an 's'. RDI is forced to then explain this discrepancy in the RDI theory. The RDI explanation that she forgot it had an 's', or she deliberately misspelled it using a 'z' in her exemplars, while theoretically possible, obviously circumvents both prima facie and Occam's Razor. That is, the whole RDI theory circumvents what is obvious, and the simplest explanation that introduces the fewest assumptions.

Its the little things.
With anything besides hearsay? Sorry, but I pay no attention to hearsay. .....

HOTYH, you baffle me. You clearly said a week or so ago in one of your posts that you got most of your information from news reports.

Just for reference, here is some hearsay about what hearsay is:

"Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience. When submitted as evidence, such statements are called hearsay evidence. As a legal term, "hearsay" can also have the narrower meaning of the use of such information as evidence to prove the truth of what is asserted. Such use of "hearsay evidence" in court is generally not allowed. This prohibition is called the hearsay rule."

Now, this could also be considered common knowledge, meaning an English-speaking adult is likely going to have come in contact with the correct usage of this word so there is no question as to what it means. Common knowledge does not always apply to news reports, either printed or verbal. Most "news" comes under the category of "reporting." Investigative journalism is, in most cases, hearsay reporting and not journalism, which should (but usually doesn't) involve first-hand investigation. That's why I say that only Steve Thomas's book falls closest to the tree of investigative reporting. He also has the credentials.

I'll ask again. Why should I believe you over Steve Thomas?
I thought PR didn't like cleaning...And about JAR jacket,I haven't read that as of yet..

Yes, I'm pretty sure the housekeeper (who came 2x per week) characterized her a "slovenly" (sp?)
HOTYH, you baffle me. You clearly said a week or so ago in one of your posts that you got most of your information from news reports.

Just for reference, here is some hearsay about what hearsay is:

"Hearsay is information gathered by one person from another concerning some event, condition, or thing of which the first person had no direct experience. When submitted as evidence, such statements are called hearsay evidence. As a legal term, "hearsay" can also have the narrower meaning of the use of such information as evidence to prove the truth of what is asserted. Such use of "hearsay evidence" in court is generally not allowed. This prohibition is called the hearsay rule."

Now, this could also be considered common knowledge, meaning an English-speaking adult is likely going to have come in contact with the correct usage of this word so there is no question as to what it means. Common knowledge does not always apply to news reports, either printed or verbal. Most "news" comes under the category of "reporting." Investigative journalism is, in most cases, hearsay reporting and not journalism, which should (but usually doesn't) involve first-hand investigation. That's why I say that only Steve Thomas's book falls closest to the tree of investigative reporting. He also has the credentials.

Maybe ask some of the more reputable news outlets, but I think that the reports we read in the news relate to events that can be independently confirmed. Generally, items that can be independently confirmed are not considered to be hearsay.

Can we independently confirm that somebody called JR a 'fat cat'?

I didn't think so.

Whereas every word in the ransom note (like "small foreign faction") can be independently confirmed. See what I mean?

I'll ask again. Why should I believe you over Steve Thomas?

Because my suspects are better than his suspects. He is essentially suspecting Ozzie and Harriet of a brutal child murder with special circumstances. Why not blame it on the housecat?
Questions have also been raised about the note's content. The $118,000 demand was almost the exact amount of John Ramsey's Christmas bonus that year. It also contains references that may not have been known to outsiders. The phrase near the letter's conclusion, "use that good southern common sense of yours," was an inside family joke, according to journalist Lawrence Schiller.,2933,514,00.html
Is death by asphyxiation with associated cerebral trauma hearsay? No.

Is a 'family joke' relating to JR's southern common sense hearsay? Yes.

I'm not wasting MY time with hearsay. YOUR time is your own.
Is death by asphyxiation with associated cerebral trauma hearsay? No.

Is a 'family joke' relating to JR's southern common sense hearsay? Yes.

I'm not wasting MY time with hearsay. YOUR time is your own.

How's the water in De Nile?
According to Boulder County District Attorney's office, it came from JBR's attacker.

What were you saying?

According to the Boulder County District Attorney's office, it very likely came from JBR's attacker.

What were you saying about de Nile? It seems to me that you would know also.

Why do you now need to change the subject?

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